(2013/04) April 2013

Divein: I checked my scan print-out last night. It was on the top right corner, but it wrote xx W x D.

Apple_gal: My mil used to stay with her mil, and they quarreled a lot. My hubby knew that his mum is not easy to live with, and he could foresee the quarreling if we stay together and he didn't want to end up like be a sandwich like my FIL. So we had our customary wedding only after we got our own place to stay.

I am curious if the MILs are different before and after wedding. Coz so far my MIL is still quite nice to me, seldom asked me to do things, prob coz we don't stay together. I am worried that next time when my bb is born, she will change to those MILs stories kind.

Rach: Congrats! Good to hear of the good weight of your baby! =)

So pissed off this morning. As hubby and I were driving out of our carpark, one dumb guy reversed his car into ours and dented our carplate. He wanted to drive off so I quickly got off, smack his boot and asked him to come out. I gave him a tongue lashing and asked him how to drive. He already knows he has no clearance to reverse to turn left on a right turning lane yet he still continue to reverse even when we honked at him. Worse when he showed no regret, no offer of restitution and no apologies. Effing mad. I think the preggie homones must be raging coz hubby later commented that, usually people will get off the car and access damages first, yet I got off and scold him first. =P
Rach: If you don't have much MS, then maybe you can go. End Sept should be the end of the first trimester le, so should be quite safe.

Rachel: I think the most important for first trimester is to take the folic acid. 2nd trimester then need to bu for mummy and bb.
On MILs...I feel that they behave in this way because they are not our mums so we don't really click with them. Also, like for my MIL, she used to be "oppressed" by her own MIL, so probably when she becomes one, she wants to show some "authority". My MIL is cantonese, and there was once her sister commented, she likes to be MIL. Dunno what she meant by that comment, but she likes to boss around me when she is amongst her siblings.
U can just see if ur bb size matches ur 7 wks size. Bt actually nt so impt as some are growing slowly initial stage later will boom. As long it's growing
Good morn mummies!

Hope all's well for everyone! Even though I sleep at 10plus everynight, its still not enough! Feel like I have not slept on days every morn.

My tummy also starting to show le. But still haven told my boss. Dunno how to..haha

Ocean blue - me! Ive been feeling very cold recently..

Apple gal - wow ur mil not easy to live with!
Hv u girls scheduled for Oscar? My clinic already tell me they will prepare me on explanation 2 wks later .. That's fast ...
Rachel - the only measurements i see was in terms of days. I'll go back and check to see if there are exact measurements. But I guess if gynae didn't mention anything fen shd be fine ba.
Rach, I have no idea. Was thinking it's either my constipation or from walking. But it comes and goes, just that MS is very bad
cancelled my batam trip haiz. But on the bright side, i just received my birthday pressie from hb in advance haha :D

divein, my next visit is on 23 sept but clinic hasn't told me anything about OSCAR or detailed scan.

bbburger, i don't think people change overnight? My in laws are quite nice, though we'll have some friction once in awhile cause we're staying together - which I think is unavoidable. I feel that it's hard for me to feel as close to MIL than my own mother, so likewise it's probs hard for her to feel the same.
good morning!

today i feel very shitty and nauseous... think my ms is starting to peak now. super tempted to take leave again but I already took yesterday coz was having cramps.

wow.. all the mil stories is scary. my mil has her pms at least once a week and always like to throw tantrums but i think still not as bad. when she goes overboard, i will retailiate by showing super black face for many days and she will know and stop for a while. whahahah... counting down to this sat coz gg to c gynae to see lil beanie. hope beanie is growing well!

my colls are now speculating about me. coz all said i seem to have lost weight but why my tummy seems to be bigger? i juz di gong and say not well n stomach very bloated which is true in some ways! hehehh..

Divein, so fast schedule for oscar alr??? wow!
Morning Melissa! i start lying on bed at9 plus haha..
Rachel, mine is 6wk4d size although yest i was 6wk6d..so i guess its fine.. my period cycle is slightly longer than 28 days so im guessing it could be due to that.

Divein, Oscar is done 11-13 weeks right?
im gona schedule for it on my next visit which is at 10weeks.
At least I know I'm not alone wrt feeling cold
Hubby still thought I was running a temp so I took my temp but it was just 37 deg cel. But, I will be asking my doc this sat abt it coz' I read that there are a few causes for feeling cold such as low iron, kidney infection, thyroid issues which all could happen for the 1st time during preg.
Now that you ladies have mentioned it, I have been feeling very cold too, not only in the office. Good to ask my gynae this Saturday if there's any cause of concern.

Lucky that you all can sleep at 9plus or 10 plus. Usually my earliest is 11.30pm coz I have to go to my mum's place to pick up my gal, have dinner then go home. By the time we settle down and do some housework, it's already 11pm+. Then every morning gotta wake up at 5.30am. Dunno how to go on like this... =(
Morning!!! Mummies! I have been so busy puking!!!! Haaa this pregancy is really taking a toll on my! I am hardly keepin up with all of you!

I wonder when will I stop ;)

I am skipping the oscar scan cos I am not aborting in any case. It's just too difficult to conceive so I won't be letting go unless baby let's me go. My hubby had a shock when I told him I rejected the scan.

I m waiting n looking forward to the baby bump coming up ;) excited !
I everyday also damn tired....my tummy starts to show oredy so today, i just sat on the Priority Seat and heck care...otherwise I might just throw up in thr mrt lor....

My #1 everyday slps at 11pm....thats the earliest I could possibly slp too.... damn tired...but one thing is the boy is super sweet to me..everyday feed me my pre-natal vitamins and also apply the cocoa butter on my tummy to reduce stretch marks (oredy have tonnes when i was preggie with him)...I was telling my hb, our son is doing these things that a hb shd be doing!

What's OSCAR for ar? I went to TPS ytd..they only scheduled me for the Down sym test and the next gynae appointment in Oct wor...
ocean blue, I feel cold in office and even at home. But, after putting on jacket/blanket for awhile, I will start to feel v warm. I take my temperature daily so far, it's like roller coaster from 37.2-37.6 deg

rachel, your son is soooo sweet! realized that sometimes #1 can be so dear to us when we're not feeling well. my girl will ask baby to "not make mummy vomit and be good" lol.
Rachel: How old is your son? He's so sweet to you! I only hope my gal is as sweet. She has been playing rough with me and my hubby keeps reminding her not to kick my tummy. But then she's only coming to 2 years old so she don't really understand.
Shirelle, ur gal too very sweet! Haha she thinks that its her daddy's fault that you vomit? How old is she? Hehe....daddy also quite innocent...
I think Oscar is considered the 1st trimster scan? Think they will do detailed scanning of the baby, eg. the nose bridge, the thickness of thr neck, and not sure if blood test is involved too den base on your age give u an estimated ratio of down symdrome and some other symdromes. Forgot which are those le.

I force my girl to slp at 10 and lie with her in bed. But she will toss and turn till like 10.30-45. Zzzz haha.
And i realised i dream almost everynite, i think tat contributes to my extreme tireness also. Just feel like lazing in bed.

Mine 3.5 years old liao...he used to like to sit on my tummy too, but after our first gynae visit, the gynae told him he has to be gentle with mommy's tummy and cannot sit on the tummy, he promised...but sometimes when he wanna 'young old' he would still ask if he can sit on my lap?

He talks to my tummy too everyday...saying good night and I love you to his sibling.. hb and I have been telling him, when bb is out, he/she will love and protect you just like how gorgor would..bb would also recognise his voice thru the tummy so he is very interested, everyday tell him/she that this is gorgor. Everyday wanna look at the ultrasound scans and asked me how come bb is so small? He is really looking forward to having a sibling..

Ur gal is only coming to 2 years so maybe she dun really understand..maybe u can always protect your tummy with cushion?
Rachel yup! It's down sym scan ;) and wah ur boy so sweet!
Shirelle! So cute ur girl! My girl barely can walk ;)
Angela correct ;) haaaa

I remember my no1 with each detail scan I can't sleep the previous night!

Also does anyone has insomnia problem? I do! I m not sleeping as well ;( sleepin late waking up in the middle n early
Rachel ur son so cute and sweet! My girl told me mummy u cannot vomit at my brush teeth place u shd vomit in the toilet bowl and flush away >__<

I think Oscar will be very ex

Pocket hole getting bigger n bigger ~ bt heard some ppl can tell gender during Oscar! Dunno true not

Yes, during Oscar test can know the bb's gender oredy since they will test the chromozone for Down sym test...Oh, so Oscar scan is not compulsory?

Yeah, having a baby is really expensive...so many tests...
Dievin, my last scan doc said EDD is 8 April. I don't know if there is any changes after the scan on Friday.

Think I need to ask for the Oscar this Friday coz I am nearing week 9 when I see gynae.
mummies feeling cold is v normal..i feel v v cold when i had #1 too..then my palms and feet always v cold..until 3rd trimester then super hot..haha..when im preg, i always got lots of statics de..i cannot touch the basin tap, the door knob and brush against ppl..sometimes gt sparks too..sigh..duno y like tt..
oscar scan is use blood test to determine ratio of ds bb..bt also based on our age etc lo..

i tink me still v early stage cuz my cycle is 37 days and menses is 12 july..i check online, its end apr..me nt much ms le..abit worried bt getting more and more tired..

then just nw my gg 15mth ger accidentally kicked me on my tummy..haiz
Hi all! Went for my gynae checkup....im 8wks too...edd is 5apr....
And today i got terrible headache...juz bk from gp clinic...got 2days mc....
Oscar test 1st den detailed scan at 4 months izzit?

Oh Oscar test can tell gender le? Mu girl ver naughty dun wan to open her legs till 5 month den can tell.
i tink oscar is compulsory..bt if ratio nt gd, the other tests is optional cuz the other tests amino fluid testing will cause miscarriage..my sis did amino for 1 and #2..both ok
rachel, your boy is really soooo sweet! think he's craving for a companion to play with

my girl thinks that it's the baby causing the vomiting and unwell, so she will keep saying "baby don't make mummy vomit or unwell" everyday lol. I don't think she understands what it means to be an elder sister cause she will ask funny qns like, who take care of baby when I go to sch? LOL.

Quality of sleep - I've been having a hard time trying to fall asleep. and when I do, I have the weirdest dreams
feels really exhausting when I wake up. Worse still, suddenly I became a very light sleeper. slightest thing can wake me up
I too have to put cushion on my tummy just in case my boy play rough w me. Keke

Lately i do have lots of weird dreams lo, &amp; I will wake up a few times in d early morning. Then next day will be super tired.
Ladies, on insomnia, I personally find that camomile tea helps in sleep. I bought the one from Marks and Spencer which contains lavender and camomile. Unless I need to get up and pee in the middle of the night, I can sleep through the night.
Rachel: Good idea on putting a cushion on my tummy. I should do that. Coz I always love to play rocking motions with her on the bed, or leg and arm raises with her to teach her body parts, she will get very excited and play rough. Of coz now I cannot do that with her. But sometimes she will keep pushing me to do it. Sigh... =(
ocean: thanks for sharing the article! woah..didn't know that lavender is not advisable. I was still happily dabbing on lavender essential oil to cure my headaches! Anyway I just checked the box, it only contains 10% of lavender in the whole teabag so it should be safe. Probably will pass everything to my hubby to finish.

Anyway M&amp;S also has pure camomile teabags which is really nice too. It's going at 2 for $7.90. Much cheaper than the Twinnings one which is already $6.50 per box.
Ocean, thanks for sharing the articles!

Re: Birthday parties
Could we attend kids birthday parties? Since we have not passed the 1st trimester, I'm abit concerned there might be some pantang..
Better be safe than sorry...what do u mommies think?
Angela, I seriously don't know either. But, for me, I will be safe than sorry. I'm relying on pure ginger ale for my morning sickness. For insomnia, I've not figured out what to do yet. lol
Rachel, are u able to ask the host? That is if u don't mind revealing that u are preg. If u r not comfortable in revealing, then just send your apologies w/o giving a reason.
