(2013/04) April 2013

Maxlene: i think everything is okay as long as you eat moderate. 2 weeks ago, I told myself to be good only can eat healthy food. But this whole week is like a hell week to me and so I decided not to follow! Just eat only.. When I'm happy baby will be happy too. Food is the only thing that can make me happy now!

Angela: ya lo, I never really drink much. Half a cup each day.

Otlyia: my clot is still as big as ever. Lol.. Initially my gynae very worried bout e clot. Give me a week mc and want me to see him once a week. But after seeing my baby growth, he never give me mc anymore and request to see once every 2 weeks le.

During confinement just bathe wif herbs water .. I bathe daily and wash my hair secretly .. Omg I cut my hair short and it's still so hot! I think hospital view is u can bathe ..
Hi mummies, why is it that we cant eat sambal prawns? I've been eating that quite a bit :eek: This is my 1st and I'm totally clueless...
My gyn said these 12 weeks everything also can eat, sushi sashimi whatever. Only no smoke and alcohol. Also no vigorous exercise, sex n travel!
<font color="119911">hi mummies..
Kkh call me this morning...informed that my 2nd hcg was almost double than 1st test. Which is gd news. Require another round of scanning today. According to the hcg level, i am 6wks pregnant. But same problem as 1st scan, cant see sac. Doc send me for detail scan and confirmed that mine is scar ectopic pregnancy. Very rare case. Sac was stick at my scar area. Baby was growing well but unfortunately, baby choose the wrong place. Low chance that it will migrate to uterus, unless miracle.

I am ok and not ok at the same time. Next app is next friday..hopefully featus drop back..otherwise, will do the cleaning next week. When i think that doctor will remove the featus that already have heart beat..my heart just hurt so much...i am sad that a healthy little life will be remove just like that...will they have pain? </font>
My #1 was delivered at MT A &amp; i stayed in 2 bedded, my neighbour was w me 1 nite bt after which she upgraded to 1 bedded. So i have d whole rm to myself!! Kaka

I will return bk to Mt A for my #2 also, coz i prefer their service bt i may consider staying at 1 bedded coz my hb &amp; boy can camp in w me &amp; bb. Keke
Kimmy, I am sorry to hear that. What can we do now is to pray for a miracle that the baby will move to the uterus. Miracles do happen sometime. You will be in my prayers. Meanwhile take good care &amp; rest well. Hugs
Ling: I was also thinking, deliver in April sure suffer loads! I delivered my No. 1 in September and thank god it was quite cooling with some rain. Not so lucky this time. =(
Came back from facial and felt so shiok, but won't be going till after delivery. My nauseous feeling is mainly in the evenings so I don't want to puke all over the place in the middle of the facial session. Crossing my fingers that I won't puke much for No. 2.
<font color="119911">morning mummies..

I would need your help (if convenience). I have a huge question in my mind...for my scar ectopic pregnancy case...what are the chances or is there a chance that featus will drop back to uterus when it grow bigger and getting heavier? Appreciate if you could help to ask ur gynae's POV when u r visiting them? If there is a chance, i dun wan to remove it just like that...i wanna give it a try.
My gynae say a bit hard, but at least not impossible. So i would like to hear more professional opinion. See if your gynae encouter such cases before. Million thanks in advance.</font>
Morning all!

Kimmy, sry to hear about this. my next gynae visit is in 3 weeks' time.
really hope that your fetus will drop back to the uterus.
Kimmy, is urs c section scar? I wld recommend u to see prof Mary rauff as she deals w high risk pregnancies and will have a good idea on how to manage ur case now and future management. U may call NUH appt line. Tell them it's urgent. See f they can squeeze u in. Take care.
morning to all mummies..

@ Kimmy, sorry to hear about it.. but still there's hope for a miracle to happen. My next appt is also another 3 wks time. y not you seek for ocean blue's recommendation? Try your best to rest well also.. and dun worry too much..

@ggchua.. WoW u are at ur 6 wks, and your BB grow so much ar.. mine also 6 wks plus.. but 3mm.. which my gynae tell me is normal for 6 wks plus.. Oh ya.. dun drink too much orange juice, will create phlegm in BB..

@Angela, great that your facial ended well.. In fact Im still thinking shld I book for my next facial appt.. Ooops.. Im also worried later my MS kicks in.. then jialat..
<font color="119911">ocean blue
Yes, the featus stick at my c-season scar...will call NUH on monday. Dun think they have clinic today rite...</font>
Hi kimmy

Yeah u shd seek another opinion, ocean suggestion is gd even my gynae will ask me go Nuh for 2nd opinion if cases are very complicated. If gynae didn't see ur case they r not able to give u an opinion. Do ur best try so u dun regrets k. Bt ur safety comes first rem.
ggchua - i dunno if this helps..when i was in labor (as in, aly started to push), my hb was on conference call with his bosses in the birth ward. haha!

divein - can eat raw stuff during breastfeeding. in fact, raw salmon sashimi can help to increase supply. i ate it almost every week when i bf my #1.

kimmyksc - jia you!! miracles do happen. be positive!

facial - i'm still gg for mine. but i let my beautician know that i'm preggie. there's still massage but it's kneading kind instead of patting kind. also she change the massaging gel cuz it's not pregnancy-friendly.
Hi mummies
I went for scan and heard the heartbeat! I'm 7 weeks now

But my ms is getting worse, I hope when I'm 12 weeks it will be over!
kimmy, keeping u in my prayers. NUH appt line opens on Sat but for half day, I think. So, yah, call on Monday 1st thing in the AM. To make it easier for you, I've extracted the general appt line number for you: (65) 6772 2002. Tell them u wanna make appt at the O&amp;G clinic. They may give u the number to call (can't find it on the website) If Prof Rauff is not able to see u till sometime later, ask the clinic staff over the phone which other gynae deals with high risk pregnancies. They will be able to advise u.

Macam, yeah! I'm going for a 2nd scan next sat. Shld be 7weeks+. Hope to see heartbeat too
Hi mummies, anyone knows how long confinement do I need to do after D&amp;C? Feeling so miserable that I cannot eat and drink so many things..
plus cannot shower.. Ultimate gross leh.. TIA!
Dear all, pls beware of this confinement lady from malacca. Her name is aunty Meimei. She is recommended by another confinement lady call aunty guihua from malacca..

To keep it short, her cooking is terrible!! My mum, mum in law n my hubby all say her cooking is super terrible! My hubby even say he can cook better than her.. She even had a cooking recipe book which I found she hide it in my kitchen cabinet.. She dun even cook longan red date water everyday n keep leftover longan red date water for me to drink in fridge.. She complain n gossip abt everything.. Say my house kitchen small, kaya not nice, bath tub not good, massage lady fat, baby clothing not gd, my relative fat, etc etc.. N she keep some half cook meat in the fridge n recook tomoro for mi to eat..when I tell her off she even threaten mi to pay her salary n she will leave.. N she love to go shopping.. Ask my mum in law go shopping with her few times but mum in law reject her.. I bring her go buy groceries at giant end up she go shopping buy clothes herself..

The worst thing mi n my hubby feel abt her is that she I not appreciative! She even tell mi aunty guihua is not gd etc etc.. She should have some ethics n be appreciative since it's aunty guihua who recommend her the job but yet she turn around n gossip abt her..

Aunty Meimei Hp is 0102319077
Aunty guihua Hp is 91305526, 60122878467

I m not gaining anything from this post. I just hope all mummies will beware n especially first time mums like mi will not get such bad experience when we hav to pay so much for confinement lady n we can't get gd confinement at all!
kimmy: Sorry I didn't see your post yesterday. I went for my gynae visit yesterday so couldn't ask my gynae, but if you want, I can still ask him this coming Sat as I'm seeing him again.

I'm in my 6 weeks now. The sac is only 1.7cm. Still cannot hear the heartbeat yet but next week should be able to hear something. =)
Ling: I went to the ELC sale yesterday at Paragon. What kind of toys are you looking for? I don't see much that I want to get there. Only bought some bath crayons and waterproof activity vest for my girl. Last time my friends were talking about the water and sand play set but I didn't see it yesterday. =(
pinky: Confinement is usually 28 days. Trust me, be a good girl during those 28 days and don't drink cold drinks or anyhow eat anything coz it makes a huge difference. I did 40 days confinement and I'm thankful to my confinement lady for nursing me back to health pretty well.
Ling, the haze is pretty bad indeed. normally I have probs with haze, makes it even worse now. I've not gone shopping for almost a month now! urgh
Hi mummies... something I've been thinking abt but still cannot figure it out...my last menses is 13 June..and thur doc said I'm at week 6 judging from the size of sac...is it possible??! And 3 weeks before she said my edd is 6 Apr 2013...from the edd.. how can I only be as at week 6? Just don't make any sense to me...anyone can enlighten me??!

Im also feeling v miserable from MS, wanted to go out during tis wkend also v hard.
if reali go out, must faster come bk &amp; rest.
Hi good morning

I am back. I went to check up last friday, I saw a sac, but temporarily can't see baby, will go back after 3 weeks.
Thanks ocean blue, good luck for your scan!
My ms getting worse over the weekend i vomitted a few times and best part is i did not eat much!
so i took mc today think my boss not happy. i wish goverment can give more mcs for pregnant ladies to get through the 1st trimester. Do you ladies think that its fesible to ask for unpaid leave to rest?
Ocean_blue: My LMP is on 23rd July. I have yet to make a appt to see gynae. I am still deciding which gynae to go with. This is my No 2. Previously i was under Dr Jocelyn Wong, but heard she is no longer under package, so decided to change gynae.

I also took unpaid leave for 6 weeks until the 3rd months then I return to work for my #1.

Now I am still observing if I need to take unpaid leave again.

anyone see a black dot only so far? my gynac didnt mention anything on sac or yolk. it seems like he doesnt wana say all these terms cos he feels i dont understand.
I notice when he took my blood test, he only say wana check smth. I told him u wana see my HCG level to determine how many weeks am i, if low meaning im normal. if is high n yet i only have a small dot, smth is wrong liao right? my gynac was surprised n looked at me, say ya..
