(2013/04) April 2013

joyce, what a great company! lol.

angela, I'm surviving on coke and 100+ for the time being cause my body is rejecting everything else.
shirelle, how many wks u are at? if u take coke and 100+ try to drink moderately.. how about ribena or cranberry juice??

mocca mama, my gynae is from TMC.. so most likely i will deliver in TMC..
Shirelle, try not to take too much gassy drinks coz we are quite bloated for now and it will make us more uncomfortable. Also coke contains caffeine which will inhibit absorption of iron for the foetus. If you really cannot drink plain water, diluted ribena is fine. I drank ribena for 9 months for my No. 1 coz I'll throw up whenever I drink water.
i pee like every 10 to 15mins interval. feel like working inside the toilet..

angela, last time u took how many bedder. i read only 1 bedder good service. 4bedder n 2 like not so good service in forum. my gynac got 2 option for me.
mocca: my gynae's clinic is at TMC, but after reading some reviews here, I find that Mt A is a better place. Donno whrther can stick to this gynae but deliver at Mt A or not.
piggy, angela, I'm week 8 5d. Before trying coke, everything else doesn't work (plain water, milo, hollick, cereal, ribena, orange juice, rose syrup, milk, soya milk, ginger tea, lemon tea, chamomile tea)
I will puke upon drinking. After awhile, i became very dehydrated. Hence gynae advised that if Coke is the only drink I can stomach now, just take it for the next few weeks till morning sickness ceases. Else have to go on drips and it's not a long term solution. =(

Mocca, I'm choosing Mt A too. delivered #1 there, thumbs up!
shirelle, u choose how many bedder that time?

doramum, i think gynac only can deliver at certain places. u gota ask, my gynac got tmc n mt A.
Mocca, I took 2 bedder. I was at St Raphael's ward and the nurses there were very patient and nice.

But the downside of 2 bedder is that, your room mate may be noisy. Coz I opted for cesarean so I checked in earlier to prepare for the op. The lady in the ward was there long ago and her baby was in NICU. As i was under GA, I was very nua after that and needed to sleep, but throughout the night her breast pump was extremely noisy. That one I can understand coz she needs to pump breast milk for her gal. On the 2nd night, she was watching Korean DVD on her portable player and the volume was very loud. I just try to get some eye shut but after that my baby wants milk, so the nurse brought her to the room. It's inevitable that my baby cries when the nurse brought her to me. The next day she complain to her husband loudly behind the blinds that my baby cry until very loudly in the room in the middle of the night and disturbed her. I was totally shocked how selfish she is. I never even complain when she demanded the nurses to bring the breast pump parts to her in the middle of the night through the intercom, and the noisy breast pump and DVD player. But she complain that my baby was very noisy. =(
angela: so bad!! i heard many complaints from my friends.. my friend even quarrelled with her neighbour-.-" but is one bedder expensive?
ggchua: Sigh, what to do? I was so naive to think that I could make friends with the mummy in the same room since we just delivered, but ended up she was like that. The funny part is, throughout my 4 days stay, I NEVER got to see her face coz she always pull the blind and is very secretive.

The price of a 1 bedder is double the price of 2 bedder. If your finances allow, I suggest you go for a 1 bedder, but it's very popular so you may not get it when you check into the hospital.
angela, oh dear! ya, always will have such inconsiderate people!

i like MT a too. delivered my #1 there but i took 1 bedder so that hb can stay over with me. it was good choice as we like the privacy esp being 1st time parents plus trying to breastfeed. heard alot of complaints about tmc from friends so quite skeptical about tmc.
angela, that was a freaking nasty mummy. would u be going for 2 bedder or 1 bedder this time?

mocca, i opted for 4 bedder, was 6 years ago so I can't remember how much we paid for it. The service was really good. Would have been a terrible mistake because I was so very exhausted and unwell after the delivery (suffered terrible side effects from epidural) but couldn't really rest properly cause neighbours' visitors make a lot of noises.

This time round considering 1 bedder or 2 bedder. Not too sure how much difference there is between the 2 and whether it's worth it.
ggchua: Can't remember le. That was 2 years ago. =P I remember 2 bedder was $1k+ for casearan so 1 bedder should be $2k++?

Cesarean is 4 days 3 nights chalet stay ma. Natural then 2 days 1 night.
Shirelle: Hopefully 1 bedder. 2 bedder is not that bad lah but really gotta pray hard you get a good neighbour lor. One thing good about my neighbour was that she didn't really have visitors so in the day time I could still get some eye shut. It's just that night time is a nightmare. =(
yup yup.. angela u r right.. coke got caffeine.. actually at times really damn sian.. dunno wat to drink.. but no choice for the sake of our BB, we must endure..

oh ya angela, later u go facial tell the beautican to be gentle on u.. and dun use only lights on ur face.. as in those got machine lights..

last wk i went.. for my experience.. after the facial i feel tired the whole day.. dunno why.. but my beautican is gd.. she told me, preggie mama have to go on light pressure on the shoulder massage.. and she went out to chk other rooms using ultrasound machines or nt..
ggchua: IF I remember correctly, gotta pay $1k deposit in cash first. Part of the stay can use medisave, then the balance is in cash. Not too sure on the proportion coz I made my hubby pay for it. =P
ggchua: This time gotta cesarean coz less than 5 years so it's not advisable to have a vbac. My hubby also don't want me to take risk to try vbac. Also my last pregnancy already very mama drama so I don't want to go through it again.
Shirelle: You will have to let your gynae know which bedder you want beforehand. If for eg. you choose 1 bedder and it is not available, they will let you know what are the other options available then you choose from there.
angela: i hope to get 1 bedder. i scare i might have side effect from the epidural or not feeling well after giving birth. but then, my husband's friends all go for 4 bedder. that time i told my hb that i hope i can get 1 bedder and his friend's KPO wife overheard and VERY KPO go and tell my hb actually 4 bedder can already la anyway 1 night only. Zzzzzz... i think my hb will find me anyhow spend $$ as compare to his friends' wives
ggchua: Tell your hubby that you need quality rest after delivery. Imagine after that you go home for confinement, cannot do this cannot do that, even more xinku right? I was enjoying the aircon and the showers before I go home and sweat like crazy during confinement. Not forgetting gotta wake up every 3 hours to breastfeed the baby.

My hb is the opposite...he asked me the other day if I wanna take the 1-bedder or 2..I told him to save money plus 1 night only then just get the 4-bedder la...then he asked me then he sleeps where? Middle of the night if I'm uncomfortable then how? Cos he still remembered that I was crying in pain middle of the night i gave birth lor...
angela: you mean we can bathe after we give birth?! i thought our confinement starts the moment our baby come out?

actually i dont like that friend's wife. during my first week pregnancy, my gynae advised me not to anyhow eat better eat light. then we ewnt for bbq and when the wife asked me to eat sambal prawns, i told her i cant. after that, she very yaya point at her daughter (few months old) and said she also anyhow eat what see her daughter also like that (WITH 1 KIND OF IRRITATING FEEL LIKE SLAAPING HER FACE). i just ignored her cause no point arguing or explaining to her man
tayfamily: ur husband is SO SWEEET!!!! but i think because this time round is your #2 so he somehow know what gonna happen next. i think for those first timmer daddy wanna save as much as possible. my husband even tell me he dont wanna go in to the labour room with me!
Yes maybe! But u know, i think u shd drag your hubby into the labour room! He told me he felt damn heartpain when my gynae delivered my baby...then he realized that its really SUPER WEI DA for us mommies to go through that labour and the pain after labour! Honestly, he sayang me more after my son's birth lor..When I told him I am pregnant, his immediate reaction was "Ouch"...i was like wth? Haha...
tayfamily: wah.. your husband really very sweet. i think my husband will go in with me though he really wish not to cause he very scare. suddenly i very scare now when think of giving birth. lol
ggchua: Haha...i didn't dare to eat crabs/shellfish throughout my first pregnancy le...but now with #2 i think i can't resist anymore.. I want my sashimi!! Even the gynaes i asked also said only dun eat those blue cheese the rest - why not?

How ar...sambal prawns!

Any MTBs staying in Pasir Ris??
tayfamily: actually i think you can eat leh. nut not too spicy and not too many.. just go ahead and eat! i'm going to eat sushi later.. yummy
Haiz... just went for checkup yesterday...and got brownish discharge yesterday morning... doc found blood clot at waterbag area...becos of the blood clot...waterbag not attaching well...doc worried waterbag will detach.. given 2 weeks to bedrest... cannot move abt unnecessarily.. was given jab to strengthen pregnancy... and also on pills now... yesterday doc says I'm abt 6weeks 2 days judging from the measurement... cannot hear hb yet...sianz... damn worried!! Now lying on bed worrying... feeling damn lousy!!
shirley: Dont be! i'm almost same situation as you. my blood clot still inside me. u just guai guai and bed rest. try to lie on the bed instead of sitting up. remember to take your medicine and also eat healthy. as long as your baby is growing well, then shouldnt be a problem. try to eat more wholemeal bread. last sat my baby was only 4.9mm and wednesday my baby has grew to 10mm..
shirley: try not to worry too much! yes eat more nutritious food to pu yourself and bb meantime..

ggchua: how many weeks are u now? from 4.9mm to 10mm thats alot le....
I oso want to eat bk all he things when I reach 2nd trimester! Roarrrrrr
Bt think raw food still a no no throughout preg .. I think even breast feeding period?
Er.. I tot seafood not good for pregnant women? Especially crabs? I love to eat crabs but don dare to eat for the past few weeks.. Cos I hear is not good wor??
tayfamily: i ate wholemeal bread, yoghurt and orange juice. all the good food. wholemeal bread twice a day. force myself to eat. my hb and my gynae was shocked too when we scanning.. lol
ggchua: Actually cannot lah, but i just sneak in the bath before I go home ma. Anyway I also sneaked in one hot shower with the confinement shower gel in the middle of the night on one occassion coz it was freakingly hot and I couldn't take it anymore. I also on the fan but let it turn lah, then my confinement lady also give up one me. =P

Hi Shirley, did you gynae tell you how big is the clot? From what I read onlne, small clot doesn't harm the pregnancy and should resolve by itself wthin a few weeks.

I have spotting too at 6W1D and u/s shows a blood clot too. Gynae said it's small and told me not to worry. Put me on Duphaston and 1 wk bed rest. I'm going back to work on Mon and my next scan is on fri. Hope the clot will be gone by then. Seems like blood clot is not that uncommon.

Hi ggchua, did your clot get smaller or gone when you went for your scan on wed?
