(2013/04) April 2013

Shirelle is right,I feel better immediately after burping.
But then after a while the feeling comes back again and its so urgh..

Good luck to you mytulips!
Its better for us to burp d gas out else all trap inside, tends to feel nausea. Yday i started to drink some chinese med to prevent nausea, i tint it helps a bit in removing d gas mainly due to ginger added inside. But at times, i still feel weak & nausea. I juz wish our 1st tri faster pass & no more MS!!!
Back from lunch.. Feel extremely tired, wanted to sleep.. How i wish here have a bed for me to lie down.

Do anyone experience cramping just like menses?
I m also burping very often n my stomach so big cos bloated. But I still pass motion very regularly.. Wondering wat is in my stomach hw come so bloated.
What worse is I hv no mood to work.. Keep drifting off . Feel so tired that I don feel like using my brain. When i read Emails.. I just skip those that need my attention cos i just don wan to think. Really worried if these go on.. I might b out of job soon. Haiz
Hi mummies and welcome new mummies.

My MS is on/off. Yesterday can happily eat and today can't.
I noticed when I woke up I felt hungry, so I will eat breakfast. Is usually after my breakfast, I felt the nausea & bloating. And i eat bit by bit. I can still eat but not as previous with good appeitite.

4 more weeks to go for me. Jia yous everyone.
i keep farting le, do u all have this problem?

apple: i read cramp is normal. i experience more on tummy pain often then after that, i will poo.
Back from lunch too and dead sleepy! Trying so so so hard to focus on work now.

Maxlene, so envious, i've been having so terrible constipation =(

I have only 2 days of MC and 6 days leave left. Oh god. Really wish that MC will go away asap! Only afraid that it will persist beyond week 12. It's making me feel so so so depressed

Daphne, I feel increasingly breathless. But not sure whether it's me or the haze or what!
I fart, burp, heart racing & breathless too. But always feel better after letting the air out. Lol. hb complained I farted too much. Lol
<font color="119911">at TMC for 2nd opinion...hope to see miracle during scan!

Ocean blue, i call NUH this morning..prof rauff app is full till 3rd week of sept..he is so famous sia

MS - all mumies jia you ba...i knew how miserable it's as my #1 was really bad MS ..jia you...</font>
apple: i also have tummy discomfort often which worries me too. my friend who is already a mummy told me our body is like going through a renovation now. prepare for the baby, so there is smth going on inside. I try not to worry too much, now waiting for next wk appt.

but did u experience any spotting or bleeding? that what my gynac ask me when i told him about my tummy discomfort.

where do u stay, maybe this way people who stay near u can reccomand u their gynac?
I dont have MS but i LS more. duno why now wana poo will have pain , doesnt have this problem last time.

zenn, my hubby also laugh at me whenever i fart. cos is like firecracker loud kind but no smell.. even my dog will look up and thought what happen.. -__-
Mocca Mama: so you have next week appointment, you must be excited! I do go toilet frequent check, no spotting or bleeding, but have frequent cramps just like menses. Right now, i stay at my MIL house at eunos, waiting for my BTO. I will stay at my mum house 3 times a week at yishun as my gal childcare is at yishun.
Finally can eat a watermelon
scare will puke later bt at least puke will be sweet
argh miscalculated I still Hv 5 more week to end wk 12 arghhhhhhhhh

Kimmy, gd luck to u hope there's miracle
Kimmy, Prof Rauff is very popular as she deals with high risk pregnancies. She is a mentor to a lot of current OBGYN. I hope the doc at TMC will know what to do. U need to see someone who has experience handling a situation like yours. Update later, ok? Take care.
Mocca / apple: Don't worry about the cramping (unless it's very severe and unbearable). Our uterus is expanding, that's why we feel the cramp on our lower abdomen. =)
My apple, my gynac deliver at Mt A or TMC. but too bad u stay yishun, mine at kovan hahaa i like my gynac

actually im both excited and worried about my next checkup. cos only see black dot last scan n dr refuse say more when i keep askin any problem.

angela: yeah thanks !i keep telling myself, our body is doign reno now, i will be fine =)

kimmy: JIAYOU! we will pray hard for u
Angela Lee: Okok, PM me for reference. I will check his reviews.

Mocca Mama: How many weeks are you in now? Your first scan is on how many weeks? Kovan, what is the gynae name? Cos my hb's frd recommend one gynae at kovan too, say it open at night.
Dr Phua Soo Mear. He has night clinic on 2 days but only for appt. day time u can walk in but is always crowded. is it the same gynac?

my first scan is last tue, 5w3d. you?
Mocca Mama: Yes, the same gynae. normally in week 5 is too early to detect.. As long as you having MS, i think baby is growing well.
I have yet to make appointment, i only test positive last friday, i suspect now is 4 weeks plus pregnant and is too early to go scan. I am planning to go scanning in week 7 as what i did when i having no 1.
eh i dont have MS at all, im eating like a pig now.
tea break, supper + 3 meals. I suffer from sensitive breast and tummy discomfort.

oh my sis also told me dun scan too early, waste money. but this is my first time n we r too ganchiong to wait hahaa
Mocca, same! I keep eating. If I don't eat, I will get nauseous. But I will feel a little nauseous everyday around 4.45pm so I will usually eat crackers during that time before the nauseous feeling sets in. I don't purge but just feel awful which can be calmed down by taking sour plums.
I m also going for my 2nd check up nxt Tuesday.. Hope can hear heart beat n Bb growing well. My first scan can only see a sac @ At 5weeks 6days. Gosh can't wait till nxt tues.. Everyday counting dwn. Days like pass so slow ever since I discover I m pregnant..
Divein -Yes.. Alot ppl told me cannot eat watermelon cos very 'liang', not good for us.. Better don't eat too much. Y don u try 'gou zi' ( those red tiny seed) water.. Put some in hot water and drink after soaking them for a while.. Might help.
ocean: funny le,I dont have craving for sour stuff le. in fact, no special craving. I just feel hungry easily, 2-3hrs after meal i can eat one bread liao.I scare i grow too fat. i started drinking enfa mama milk for preggie now.

actually ar, i feel is not the baby le. they so small, haven start eating our food. is it just our pyscology thinking that playing us wana eat more?
maxlene: same here! for the first time, i wan the weekend to pass by faster so that the next week can come faster!
i booked evening appt, that day sure no mood to go work one.
Angela: I dunnoe whether this time round sour plums work for this 2nd baby. My 1st baby rejects all the stuffs.

Mocco mama: Is the baby wanted to eat, they need those nutrients and food to grow.. And the hormones changes is one of the reason too.
Good, drinking the enfa mama milk, i also start drink that when i am in week 6. I going to go down and buy later at watson after work.
Mocca: The craving can come later. Don't gan cheong. Lol! I was craving for scrambled eggs last week. After going Mac and ordered big breakfast, don't feel like eating le.
apple/Mocca: I've also started drinking maternity milk but I'm drinking Anmum. Is Enfa nice? For my No. 1, I couldn't drink 1 drop of milk. Puke everytime I drink milk/water/whatever. This time round already very good, have drank about 1/4 of a box. Hopefully can finish at least one box. =P
<font color="119911">freak me out....i done my scan..i am having fallopian pregnancy not scar etopic pregnancy. Doc saw the sac immediately do the scan and it's at the fallopian...no heart beat can be sen also..

Oh man..juat to hear the procedure freak me out..</font>
My friend introed this app to me :what to expect pregnancy
Quite cute,it says that my baby is as big as a blueberry now! Then there are daily and weekly stuff to read about on what to expect and what to do..U all can DL to take a look~
angela, haha! Go get some!
I've strong cravings for eggs too! Esp scrambled. Not keen on sunny side up. Is Anmum nice? U buy those pre pack type?

Mocca, it's our body is changing so requires more energy therefore we tend to get hungry easily. For now, I dislike anything chicken. My pants are very tight now when I sit down. It's so uncomfortable. I also told my hubby that I'm afraid I'm putting on so much weight before baby even weighs a pound.

is enfa mama milk nice? is it the powder ones or pre pack ones? Is it too sweet? I'm just taking regular (chocolate) milk. Thinking of switching to milk for mums but afraid will put on even more weight.
angela, oh i buy the chocolate flavour one cos i hate original milk taste. i find the ratio they recommended is too thick n sweet. 6 spoon to 200ml water! i adjust the ratio to 4spoon with one cup water. I like the taste, doesnt taste heaty like MILO =)
how Anmum taste like. maybe can try differ brand after i finish this, get all the differ nutrients hahaa good to know ur #2 is not rejecting, ur baby noe wad good for him/her lol

hmm u how many weeks liao btw? craving comes in which week one.
kimmy, I think it's the better of the 2. Any way to use injection first instead of going thru' surgery?

What's the next step doc recommended? How come the 1st doc say it's c-sec scar etopic preg? Which hosp is that?
