(2013/04) April 2013

macam, have u tried taking some crackers when u feel nauseous or suck on sour plums? I find these 2 help a lot for me. I take meiji plain crackers and Ego sour plums. I also take ginger ale. Cold storage sells the natural one without preservatives / colourings. Not sure how much it is as a friend got them for me.

apple, take your time. U have abt 2-3 weeks before the scan can show anything
Ocean_Blue: Ya, now i am finding gynae that is delivered at Mount A. Previously no 1 was delivered at TMC, but heard the standard of TMC dropped.
Macam, I think it'd be alright but it depends on your boss and the culture in your office. I'm so very very tired even with the aid of medication which gynae gave to help with morning sickness. But my boss already reminded me last week that I only have few days of MC and leave left, told me to use sparingly
For gynae visits, she can give me time off from work if I go in evening or early morning. Enduring as much as I can now, hope no need to utilize any unpaid leave =( I got 3 more weeks to week 12!

Welcome apple gal, and grats!
Morning ladies, my first gynae visit is tmr. I cant help but worry. Really anxious to know how it looks like.

Divein, my heartbeat gets very loud suddenly. and i get that everyday.

Do you all feel like burping? =p
Shirelle: Thank you! Look like your boss is quite understanding.

Weird enough, i find this pregnancy, my MS kick in so fast. Feel bloated, headache and not much appetite. I remember my 1st pregnancy, my MS kick in around week 5. My MS have been very serious last time, whatever i eat will be vomitted, even plums also no use, water will also puke. I really hope this pregnancy not that serious.
Does anyone of u know if it's safe to use Vicks vapour rub?

Apple, I'm facing bloatedness issue too coupled with consitpation. I bought Del Monte Prune jouice (fortified with Folic Acid and Calcium) and it helps to ease the bloatedness. But, because it tastes nice I drank 2 cups and ended up with diarrhoea. haha! So, now, I drink 1 cup a day. Helps with bloatedness once constipation is gone
Hi apple
Me too my ms kicks in earlier than previous preg. My last ms also very jialat. Like rach I also heartbeat beat very fast .. I dun Hv dat previously .. I get panic attacks suddenly dunno why ...
Today seem worse Hv been puking stomach juice and some bubbles
as I Hv nt been eating ...nothing helps
Congrats counting dwn to ur end first trimester ...
I still Hv 4 more suffering weeks sob sob

Hv anybody gt bad ms but had a baby boy?
Ocean ...
Last few days .. When I still gt eat something .. Still juice came out .. Nw is totally dun feel hungry t all ..
Ya apple, its my first =)
Seems like alot of non-first timers here. Got alot to learn from u all.

Anyone has feedback on parkway east hospital??
Ocean_blue: Beaware of Del Monte Prune, it can help with consitipation, but can cause diahorrea, i did drink it after birth as i faced consitpation, end up having diahorrea. I would think eating fruits will be better option.

Divein: Yes, i remember last time my MS was so serious that i find my days is like years. Hahaha. But after week 14 i feel i am much better, not that serious. My appepitie only get better when i am in 5th month. I remember i lose 7kg during my first tri.
Mummies, I went for a doctor's appointment this morning and was told that the sac has shrank (size was 6+ weeks last week and now measure 5+ weeks) and there is no fetal pole seen

Doctor said its 99% a missed miscarriage, asked me to wait for another week for another scan to confirm, but he told us dont get our hopes high
applegal, yeah I think my boss' quite understanding cause she has 2 kids (my dept all mummies of diff age except for 1 guy). I prefer to be at work cause time passes faster and I don't feel so useless doing nothing. Just that very very very tired and can't rest. I got phobia to puke in office, so if MS is v bad in office, my body will endure till I reach home. And that feeling is sooo horrible

Divein, it's bad to have nothing in stomach. Did your gynae give you anything? I'm taking omprazole and domperidone twice a day. It really helps me retain food, though will still feel nauseous but stopped being a merlion. Can ask your gynae, it's better than going on drips.

I read that 1% of people who take omprazole may experience side effects like headache, drowsiness etc - and I fall in that 1% *sobs* headache and drowsy but can't sleep. But feel that this is more bearable as compared to not being able to eat and puke non stop.

Prune juice - is it safe for us to consume it? I'm having v v v bad constipation =(

3 weeks is oh-so-long. Didn't have it so bad with my #1 last time =(
Shirelle: It is always good to work with the boss which is understanding. I will only announced my pregnancy when i am in my 3 month pregnancy. Why endure, just go to washroom and puke. This is what i always did during my 1st pregnancy.
Hi Dawn, agree with apple, maybe can seek second opinion?

My boss is quite supportive too, subscribed 12 issues of young parents mag for me the day after i told her.
When u puke is food? How many times u puke a day normally ? Since yday it's whatever intake a while I will puke but output all juice .. Maybe alrdy digested .. Today haven't eat anything I am puking every 10 mins .. Now seem settled dwn a bit
I am quite worried
Divein, u don't feel hungry coz ur stomach is contracting (has contracted) due to too much purging. Juice may still be ourged out because your stomach juice is now in over drive mode. Still try to eat something light like a piece of bread or some plain crackers. Make sure u hydrate urself. If can't take water, then may wanna try 100 plus or similar.

Apple, my mom said to dilute it and limit to 1 cup per day. Good for constipation. Otherwise will become diarrhoea, like what u said, if drink too much or too concentrated. I've no mood for fruits

Dawn, so sorry to hear that. Keeping my fingers cross for you!

Shirelle, prune juice is fine. But may wanna try half cup (undiluted) and see how. For me, I was greedy so I drank 2 cups. lol

Rach, your boss is nice!
I haven't told my HOD yet coz' she is quite BIG mouth and I'm afraid she may help me to publicise even if I tell her not to. So, I rather wait till I'm able to detect heartbeat etc then tell her.
Hi dawn
Sorry to hear that . My opinion is if u trust ur gyn , all u can do nw is wait and see if it grows.
If u Hv doubts, go seek another opinion.
wa, i envy u all to have supportive boss.
i still dun dare to break news to her yet cos she very anti maternity =(

this year june n oct already 2 went on ML she not happy liao.
Apple, Shirelle, we decided to wait for another 10 days to see if it will miraculously grow, though we're not having high hopes. Anyway, our Doc will be away for 2 weeks, so we will have to follow up with another Doc, so that will be our 2nd opinion. At least now we know we are fertile (this is our #1), so we will jiayou and try again soon.
Hey girls
Last night gt watch rally? I didn't but read the news seem like its a confirmed no for 6 months maternity
but will Hv paternity ?
Divein, yeah I guess there's no harm waiting for another 1-2 weeks, to give it a final chance.

Good thing that I havent told anyone in office, cos i didnt want to "da cao jing she", I dunno if my boss is anti maternity or not, cos he seems to be anti a lot of things!
Rach: Glad to hear your boss is so understanding and supportive!

Ocean_blue: Noted.

Dawn: Yes, always be positive! For the time being, do have more rest and positive thinking.

Divein: I do not know there is rally. Haha. Watching Hongkong drama series..
LSL only say give piroity to ppl with kids when applying house. no mention on the 6mths ML.

they say explore the possibility if making ML flexible, share with hubby. but not sure when will they implement this.
Ya yest PM said about sharing ML..Think he mentioned they hope to finalise by Jan next year.. hubby super happy~

Ocean blue, ya HOD so big mouth? Hehe.. I told my boss to keep it hush first until pass 3 mths.
Its better for me cuz i dont hav to go for stock take or carry heavy files.
I think my employers will say yeah instead of taking 4 months, u give 2 months to ur hubby ...
For me it's not workable ... My hubby can't even clear his annual leave due to work ...
End up both sides face job insecurity
Rach: Same as you, I keep burping non-stop. And I keep eating like a cow. But I find that the burping gets worse if I am hungry, so now I'm eating every 2 hours. =( Hope I don't gain 20kg again for this pregnancy. =(

On constipation, can try eating guava and dragonfruit. So far it has worked quite well for me. =)
They Hv been talking abt work life balance since how many donkey yrs .. Till now I cannot see any gd examples . .. I only see more work and work and weekend also burnt .. For both of us at least ... Maybe only gov sectors will enjoy this then let the civil servants Hv the responsibility to raise the birth rates bah X_____X
I m imbalance ! So piss
Hi all
I just puked again. Sour plum don't work also. Sometime dry crackers help sometimes I puke it out but it's more frequent now.
Feel so horrible. Let's try to tahan together and pull through this stage.
Yesterday I burst into tears after vomiting today also I feel very miserable. I think mothers are very Wei da..
Divein, I starting having very terrible MS previous weekend. Should be Week 7 then. I couldn't drink anything. The moment I drink I will throw up. Could still eat very bland food but stopped having cravings at all. After eating, I will try v hard not to puke so that at least the some of it can be digested
Was so depressed then and couldn't get off bed cause will feel v dizzy.

After taking these 2 pills, I can eat. Some times I will still throw up but once in a day or 2. (back then was drink = puke, eat = puke).

Angela, burping is good! lol.

Apple, I endure it cause when I face toilet bowl at work, the puke just can't come. Feels very terrible.

Dawn, are you visiting gynae at KKH?
Shirelle/Angela: I would think MS is a good sign that baby is growing well. Just bear with it. I also feel terrible now, even now i dun have any appepitite to have lunch.
Hi all mummies! How is everything? I reallie missed out many posts...reallie feel terrible nowadays...

Later i will be gg for my first visit to gynae...wish me gd luck....hopefully can hear heart beat....
apple, you still have to eat something coz our body is going on overdrive mode now. Even if you are not hungry, you can nibble on some dried fruits just to keep the energy going. =)

I like to munch on oat biscuits and drink some cereal when I feel a bit nauseous. Hot drinks can ease the reflux feeling too. I find that cold drinks tend to make MS worse.
hi all mummies.. let's all JIA YOU together to fight the MS ya.. Try to keep some biscuits or fruits like apples at ur work desk or bag... if our stomach is empty, the nausea kicks in. if our stomach is bloated, the nausea kicks in too..

@mytulips, wish u good luck ya.. Be positive and dun worry too much ya.. ;)
Hi all, havent been here for a while cause was feeling unwell. Feeling so tired and like I have no energy to do anything. Gynae gave me a week of MC last week cause of the spotting. Thankfully no more spotting already. I'm still feeling xing ku and burp a lot. =(

Thanks piggy! :)

My ms also quite bad...same as u all...burp alot....feel so bloated....no appetite....no mood....dun feel like working yet must put on an ok look....
I dep on sweet drinks....i dun drink water....each time i drink i tend to wan vomit....
