(2013/01) Jan 2013

Bliss : no ms plus bb developing well is the best la

Pauline : you are with dr Han since #1 ? My gynae is dr thOng but she doesn't do delivery anymore . Now gota find another gynae in raffles . Headache! Hows dr Han?

friends:: i've been wanting to get some essence of chicken..but not sure whr hv a better deal. wah..$13 a box really quite cheap huh. but i tink i prefer brands de now..richer taste?

hehehe.. crab is not under the restricted food list...dun worry. ooooh...but grilled oyster..hmmm... haha.
ahBui: Yah.. Taste of Brands is the best! But Brands nowadays very ex leh.. not much promotion. I bought 6 boxes of EYS last fri.. I think it the cheapest I can find.. In EYS store, sometime got promotion at 20%.
HI mummies like to update my info

Baby #2
EDD 21st jan 2013
Gynae : Dr Geraldine Tan
Hospital : TMC

went for my oscar last wed, bb was uncooperative, me walked in and out 5 times before the sonographer got the data.I am super afraid of the process of withdrawing blood luckily the nurse only took one tube. whew!

i have yet to start any vitamins except for folic cos ms is still pretty bad..
ah bui, am so bz today...
my partner mc and i do many things at a go.. but now hungry gotta relax a while.
eating garrett popcorn now! Yummy!!!

Last weekend went to staycation with my hubby, asking my mil to help me tc my #1.
He's very happy and everything goes so smoothly!
But now he sore throat... later going to collect goodwoodpark hotel durian cake for him leh...

Wonder how he going to eat.
PAULINE.... Hi back and congrats!!!

ah bui, ^5, you are not alone, I also break lotsa of restrictions this time around hhaahahah!!!
Drink coffee, drink liang teh.... hahah... poor beanie! ;-)
ah bui, dunno wat to chat abt. haha.. find an interesting topic la! then im sure everybody will come in and contribute. :p

staycation is nice!! goodwood durain cake is even nicer!! yummyz~ he sorethroat cannot touch durian, we can help to eat.. lol..

re: restrictions
I've been eating luncheon meat every bf. dunno y keep craving for saltiness of luncheon meat. other salty food doesn't appeal much to me. haha.
regarding my son's childcare, i decided to let him continue at his current sch, together with this coming baby, until the small one grad at 18m.
actually now researching on st james, true way and nanyang kinder. my friends were telling me abt them over the weekend. just curious if they are really that good. planning to make a trip down to see see look look. haha.. maybe it's ks syndrome. :p
<font color="119911">Agree that today is especially quiet...

Since starting on this cc topic, any mummies here have experience in sending or gg to send #1 immediately after #2 arrives?
Intending to send my #1 to childcare in Jan when he is 20mths old, but worried that he might think that we are "sending him away" bec #2 is here, then become sad.
You think this is possible?
Or they are still too young to feel so?</font>
Shice - I thot st james at dempsey is closing soon? I think sla taking back the land.

I luv luncheon meat too. Corned beef with egg also yummy!
i agree that #1 might felt like he's being 'sent away' cos of the arrival of #2.

like shice said... sending him earlier would be a better choice. he will prolly need some time to adjust to CC too. also, *touchwood*, but mostly will, kids do fall ill at the initial stage.. so hopefully in 1-3mths.. he's get used to gg to CC.. in terms of physically..n in health.

good luck.
oh.. to add to restricted food list.. hohoho.. i found that this preg i crave for intant noodles alot.. really alot.. n i have had it so many times le.

myojo has this semi-dry prawn ramen.... wah.. hor jia leh!!!
Hi Woolala, yes. I've been with Dr Han since #1. I usually won't recommend her unless u wun mind a very responsible but super strict &amp; stern gynae. She's the motherly type who will nag &amp; scold lo but to me, she's v nice lah. She's the 嘴硬心软 type.
me already hit my target this week.. i drink a cup of coffee liao! :x trying to aim one cup per week only.. omg ,still got so many days ahead!

CC topic. am going to put my boy on Oct. 3mths earlier.. but i might pop on dec... so got 2mths for him to be there.. very heartbroken cos he gotta wake up earlier etc...

I feel at home he is better cos he was being withdrawn cos his condition.. i dont wan it to be happen le... i scare his health cannot take it.. my SIL say later he become more thin..

Very heartbroken le
cheese:: do u give yr boy multi-vits? prolly u wana start him on some like 1-2mths before u wana put him back into cc. i wun say it'll totally 'defend' the kid from illnesses... but i guess it does help a lil for them to recover faster.
<font color="119911">shice and ahBui, I can't send him in earlier as the CC opening only in Jan...
And I can't send him in later as the CC will not hold the place vacant for him...
I had originally wanted to send him to CC only in April de...
Unless I pay for the fees without him attending?! But that's a huge waste of money!
Hmm... I din think of the potential health issues though; that's sure gonna be another problem!</font>
hi LDG, ya if possible you may want to start your #1 earlier, its good to start them and get them settle before #2 arrives. my #1 started cc this june and experiencing separation anxiety and me also emo to see her like that so its better to settle #1 before the nb arrives else too many things for us

yes st james is moving it was on the news. and st james is very popular most of my frens put their child on waitlist when they are only a few months old

ah bui i crave for instant noodles too. just had one yesterday then puke big time

I am already experiencing pain in my tail bone. anyone have any remedy to reduce the pain?
ahbui, he ate multivits, colostrum with probotics also but now i stopped cos he is eating cordyceps each week to boost his lungs.

maybe I should start back again cos I scare clash with this chinese med..
CC: I just pulled out my boy from CC last mth and placed him into 2-hr Playgroup instead just two weeks ago. He has been in CC since Feb when he turned 19 mths but he cried badly everyday and kept falling sick. Almost every week he had to take med.. Cough>flu> fever and the cycle kept continuing... So tiring for my inlaws and very painful to see him sick all the times. No plans to place him back to CC and now don't know how to cope when no 2 arrives. Take 1 step at a time....
LDG:: oh my goodness! the cc so rigid? can neg say..prolly pay half or a fraction of the fee for the few mths the cc hold his plc? or..say pay upfront like 1-2mths' fee, but as smting like deposit..which can be offset for future whn he finally joins? the CC know that ur gona expect a new bb in jan? then oni yr hb can send him there.... which as a new kid gg to the cc for the first time, he might feel better if both parents r there for him woh. able to try to nego with the cc agn?
cheese:: oh.. if taking chinese med.. then better dun mix wv those supplements bah.

i am one person myself... very afraid of mixing chinese herbs n western medicine de.. cos i tink in my late teens..or early twenties... it happened to me once.. i took western medicine.. n latr (aft abit of time interval) drank herbal soup... n ended up in A&amp;E.. asthma lor!
<font color="119911">ahBui, I already told the CC that #2 is arriving in Jan so I dun wan #1 to feel "unwanted" and that's the reason why I wanna put him in only in Apr... But she say #1 won't feel negative de, still young... zzz! She say she can't possibly hold the place vacant for 3 months (meaning will lose 3 mths of sch fees I guess) if there are actually kids wanting to enrol in Jan.
I din nego on the half price though... Can try hor? </font>
FRIENDS (friends78) -so how when #2 come out?
I mean i also sher bu de.. but it would be too tedious for my MIL alone to tc 2..
not going to engage a full time maid also leh.. how ah.
LDG:: who say still young.. he wld be like 20mths liao rite... still young? i believe even few mths old bb oso might feel certain lvl of jealousy (ok..let's not use this word..ok.. prolly negative feelings)... kids these days are emotionally more mature than how we were when we were a todd.

but if really no choice.. then i tink start talking to him early.. prep him abt that.. he will understand n enjoy n be a good gorgor de.
Ah yes mine are oct 06 and sept 08 bbs. You made plans for first day of sch next year, since it's around delivery time leh?

Maternity swim wear
I saw it at most maternity wear shops, online shops and even sports specialty shops. It's not diffc to find. Saw it even at certain kiddy palace!

How old is your #1? asking coz festive hotel's children's playclub you have to pay and nothing much. They screened a lot of tv. But rasa sentosa's fantastic. They have very good guided programme for kids 5 and above. They provide lunch and dinner so your kids can be there whole day! It's free for golden circle members (which itself is free lah). They have indoor playground, games times, beach games, water play etc! My older boy loves it!!
Cheese, I really don't know. My inlaws refused to place him back to CC... During the last 4 mths when he was in CC, I received complaints from principal. She commented my mil scolded the teachers and interfering with the lessons. MIL kept peeking into the classes... On the other hand, my hubby and I got to endure inlaws' complaining everyday on how bad the CC was, how my son had suffered, how unclean the place... Blah blah... So practically everyday both of us need to deal with parents, teachers, principal and my boy's separation anxiety plus health issue... Enough is enough... Can only solve one issue at a time... Now at least inlaws didn't complain about the Playgroup... 2-hr niah... I told them I don't know where to send my son to if they are still not happy with the new centre...
Friends, haiZ eventually ur Inlaws are just being concerned
Some old folks think pg etc is not good esp is not one to one n taken care of own family members..

My mil says its a good explosure for my boy but I also tell her my concern as he"s the kind that cough very fast n will attack his lung n eventually got worse even after few hours.. Really really scare... Really have to take a step at a time.. Maybe that two month trial he don't know go how many times of sch only since #2 will only pop by late dec or jan
Fullhouse, really? Didn't think of Rasa Sentosa, keep thinking on RWS hotels. Will go &amp; find out more. My boy is 5years old. I want to spend more time with #1 before I pop, so trying to plan some activities for his Sept school holidays.
Cheese, same same lah.. My son also takes weeks to recover from cough... During the 4 mths, i think my son only attended school for 1.5mth... Go one day, sick 3 days...paying school fees for non attendance more than attendance...

I don't blame my inlaws cos they are like me.; want the best for my son... Luv my son too much.. That's y little bit also cannot... heartpain...
Rasa is nice coz there's a rustic feel to it. It's not as new as rws but we like it a lot coz there's a calmer ambience. Food is better too! You can stay for two days and let your boy join their Playclub for half a day, while you and hb take some time off for a beach stroll or massage.
Hi ladies,
I m from June thread, any of u want 2 engage cl? My cl is pretty good. Not those calculative type n pro-bf. I engaged her for 2 mths. She dun have job in jan yet. I help her to post here. Any of u interested can pm me
LDG, I think #1 will somehow feel neglected leh.. I planned to start my #1 in cc in jan, then I called the cc telling them I'm giving birth in jan, will it be better if I send my boy to cc in sept or Nov, the teacher was very nice, she told me the earlier the better so my boy can adjust and adapt to school.. So I'm sending him to cc in sept.. He will be 22months then..

LM, can send me the Bishan Yoga instructor contact too? Thanks

Actually if we got enough people who are interested in yoga, we can arrange a class with the freelance instructor..

I'm always feeling ache all over, don't know is it because I carry my #1, my arms and legs always feel very tired..

Welcome all new mummies!!
Celia: not sure where they check the early preeclampsia from blood test or Oscar as it came in 1 report and the doc tell the result as a whole. They prescribe 1600mg obical calcium and 100mg baby aspirin, then need to put me on monitor and tell me to 'eat' the baby as big as possible in case, prepare for early delivery week 28 at worst.

Daisy button: I took obimin with calcium n milk! Lucky u tell us!
Lm: I pm u already.
Hammiebao: who else is interested in the bishan yoga class? What time and days are preferred? I can do the asking for us..
hi all mummies, i'm currently at my 15th week. EDD is ard 1st week of Jan. everyone is telling me that bb will come out before that but i'm hoping that bb will stay in till full term till jan. at least i thk 2013 is not as competitive 2012? :p

i currently have a tiny bump (or i like to think so) but i always feel that it's smaller in the morn and gets abit bigger by end of day. so i'm wondering is it really the bump or bcos i eat too much during the day and it's just fats. haha
anyone experiencing something similar too?
hey hey Lish, Hammbiebao and Angeliqueous, I'm also interested in the Bishan Yoga (if time allows) , do keep me in the loop as well! TIA
xycartx, my little bump is also smallest in the morning especially when i just wake up and gets bigger throughout the day. biggest during evening and at night. haha i don't think it's because of the food we eat
Morning mummies,

Hi Pauline thanks for your feedback, Think I have to do some homework before deciding.. Sian , tot of changing hospital but records all there plus we are very used of raffles Liao so no choice gota choose another gynae there. Hopefully my gynae will recommend a suitable one when I see her the next visit.

Re tummy size:
My bump also 'disappear' in the morning . Then grows bigger as I eat during the day ..
Thanks for the calcium pills price check. Will probably buy from a pharmacy first as my next checkup is only in August.

Forbidden food cravings,
I have lots of those! I take coffee everyday, luncheon meat, ham slices and sausages feature on my menu at least every other day, a few slices of sashimi if we happen to eat at a japanese restaurant.

At this point the only thing I'm afraid of is excessive weight gain. Then my gynae will nag me to control my diet later on, which is what happened for #1.

Bishan yoga instructor,
I've pm'ed angeliqueous and daisybuttons, who asked me yesterday. Maybe either of them can find out first if she is still teaching antenatal yoga? The difficulty in starting that class was finding enough pax to start one. Think she needed 6-8 pax to justify rental etc. But from the sound of things here, seems like a number of pple are keen. You all are making me keen to go for class too! Following a DVD at home just isn't the same...
Re: Tummy Size
Yes!! same sentiment, was smaller in the morning and expand in size as the day goes.

I'm 13 week but I've gained about 6kg!!! I'm worried esp in the 3rd trimester. Heard the weight gain is scary towards the later stage of pregnancy.
good mrng ladies~~~

re: pre-natal yoga
ooh.. i oso wan... but bishan far leh.. n im still a working mum. :)

re: aches
me too..i get aches all over at times.. i hv been avoiding to carry my 16-17kg 3yos. -.-"
@ Jocelyn: Yup....I just into 14 weeks....oh then is bcos of 2nd tris? then i not so worry...i still tot is the multi vits that caused it....will see hw it goes...if still like this...i will ask gynae what can I do about it...is quite scary actually especially if you are alone... =P

Re Craving: i love sausages and luncheon meat nowadays too, cold sweet drinks (orange or apple juice,ribena etc..).....am afraid that i will get diabetes...=P
Sometimes I will have a weird after taste in mouth esp my tongue. To solve the prb, I will brush my tongue. And I also noticed that my taste bud is funny, aft eaten savory, I will need sweet stuffs to neutralize and vice versa.

ahBui, I have wierd dreams too. But not erotic ones. Aways dreaming the whole night, sometimes wake up and cannot remember the dream. It's so tiring as the brain is not resting. I always dream about food cos I am constantly in hunger, not eating well even though I am going into WK15.
