(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hi everyone, I'd also like to join this thread. My details are as follows:

Delivering at Mt Alvernia
Dr Tracey Lim from Tow Yung Clinic
EDD 10 jan

Only join this discussion so late coz I was too sick to do anything or read anything related to pregnancy or baby, or it'll make me feel worse. So weird right. Now still on mc but at least feeling slightly better. Really hope the morning sickness goes away soon. Bleh.

I went for prenatal yoga class when I had #1. Thought it was very good in relieving backaches, leg cramps at night etc. But now I don't think I can commit to a regular class, so I just bought a DVD to follow at home. Yet to try cos it just feels like there's no time! Maybe when the aches n pains come I will have incentive. Haha

Are you planning on joining a class?
Bliss ling : you are so lucky to escape MS. I also didn't experience much ms when I was carrying my # 1 but this time round I was suffering badly from ms.

My ms started as early when I was tested positive. When I entered my 11 th last week , i tot it was gone for good. But now the bitter taste in my mouth came bk and loss of appetite . So weird ! Any mummies have the same experiences?
LM, thinking of joining pilates at Breathepilates at novena. They hv this class called "happy bellies" for preggies.

May I know which week u were at when u started the yoga for yr #1?

Woolala, my ms also disappeared and came back again.
Paiseh, the class is called preggie bellies, not happy bellies.

If called happy bellies, I sure join

I think i was around 6-7 mths by the time i thought of joining and found a class. By that time i had quite a few aches n pains and feeling very unfit. Maybe starting soon might be a good idea.
Bliss: no idea how much more as I didn't want change my detailed scan date; and oso not interested after the nurse told me is much much more! But I can ask for ya when I do my amnio on 25jul, if u r interested.
Batikid/LM, I am also looking to start a prenatal pilates or yoga class. considering either Focus Pilates or Breathe Pilates loh. one important thing is location so can be motivated to go there!
LM : which yoga class did you join previously?
Pilates/yoga sounds fun. Does it help during delivery? Maybe strike a certain pose and the bb will juz pop out without labour pains haha.
haha i like the way u put it "strike apose n pop out bb w/o pain!"

been a while since I last came in... cos hit ny flu + cough bug le... today just had 2nd gynae appt n c bb dancing at w13! hehe exciting leh! also signed up for TMC FBI card today.

next appt is such a long wait! 7wk later.... n b doing detail scan then too. another excitment
Woolala, Marilyn
Welcome. The forum is quiet over the weekends. Everyone out enjoying! ;)

I reckon I'll just swim. Too lazy to pack up and go somewhere to do pilates...

Someone mentioned about sibling jealousy? Think it only happens when they are very young. Itll pass and when the younger sibling is out, they be so glad to have someone to play with :D

Mine coming to 6 and 4 are just very excited. One wants didi, another wants meimei... Oh well we'll see who gets his/her wish this round!
Syyy, nice! When r u planning to start and which loc? I am thinking abt orchard. Is the place crowded when u r there? How much do u pay?
Lishzzz, Pilates and yoga is good for our body and definitely helps a smooth delivery.
Fullhouse, Do u buy a maternity swim suit? Where to get them?
Hi all mummies, I will like to join this thread, have been MIA for abt 2 months since the last log in....MS has been very bad =(

My details are as below:

Nick: rugirly
Bb #: 1
EDD: 15/01/2013
Gynae: Dr Wong Mun Tat
Hospital: TMC

Any Mummies face very jia lat? I have been popping lots of pimples....any solution? =P
Batikid: sian right ? Just as we thought ms is gone for good , it strikes again ...

Fullhouse: thank you for the warm welcome. Ya hi5! My girl is 3 yrs old , she is so so happy that she is going to have a mei mei soon. Same like yours , super excited . Went to school told her teachers , think by now whole sch knows Liao.. Faintz
Pilates is supposed to help with delivery cos it works the core muscles, pelvic floor muscles (to prevent incontinence after delivery) etc... Honestly, I'm not sure cos it's my first baby, but we can all hope! (I certainly hope it works :p) If nothing else, it's a means for me to keep fit during pregnancy.

I'm starting next sat with a personal session (you get 2 personal sessions with the package before you start on the group sessions) at Orchard. Not crowded, and it's pretty nice and cosy. I visited 2 pilates studios today that provide prenatal classes - Core at Forum and Focus at Orchard. As Core didn't have weekend classes (only has 1 prenatal class on a weekday morning), the decision was an easy one for me. I walked back to Focus and signed up. It's $485 for 2 personal sessions and 5 group sessions. Following that, it is $450 for 10 group sessions. If you are signing up too, we might get to meet!

Lucky you! I hope to go swimming too.. but it would also mean packing and going somewhere to swim.
Hi all mummies, I'm a new mummy and new to this forum. My first bb after 8 years of marriage and after 4 gynaes. Finally succeeded and realised I'm panicking for lotsa of info. Hopefully we all Jan mummies can share tips around.

My details:

Bb #: 1
EDD: 30/01/2013
Gynaes: Dr Teoh Seng Hin & Dr Lim Teck Beng
Hospital: Mount Alvernia
Hi mummies, my tummy is started to make my pants feel tight. I've been shopping around maternity shops in town but realised the shop assistants all seem to have an attitude. It's difficult to buy maternity wear and I'm a new mum and there are loads of things I do not know and may need advise from shop assistants. Any mummies here have good maternity shops to recommend (hopefully with pretty clothes too)? Thanks!!
I joined a class conducted by a freelance instructor in Bishan. She was quite good. But now the main thing for me is convenience so travelling for a 1hr lesson is out of the question.

Welcome! I had and still have outbreaks of acne. Feel like a hormonal teenager again. Sigh. I've been applying mild pimple cream but it doesn't feel like it's working.

I didn't buy much maternity wear locally as it was mostly too expensive. Between 3-4 months I wore a belly belt( like a bra extension for pants) with longer tops. I still do that now except for #2 I had to start earlier. Mine was from mothercare. This helps me for the problem of tight pants and skirts. For the later stages I ordered maternity pants from old navy and gap to wear to work. They worked out to be much cheaper compared to local boutiques. You can try gmarket too but the quality is uncertain.
Actually if you were of average build pre-pregnancy, you can wear L-XL tops and pants for a while more while you grow into maternity wear. Normal clothes on sale in larger sizes are cheaper than maternity wear. Hope this helps.
So sad. Hv a hard time swallowing thr fish oil n prenatal vits!! Seems tt preg causes mi to reject water and pills. Any mummies facing tt?
Courgeous, me! My fish oil, obimin and calcium are the longish type and sometimes, when it got stuck in the throat, the want to vomit feeling is unbearable... I hate every morning when comes to taking pills... And calcium pill needs to take few hrs later after obimin.. Have to go thru the 'procedure' twice daily....

Yoga: salute u ladies for having the energy to start exercising. Me a lazy bum, just want to rest in front of the TV... Lol!
Dragonmui, another alternative will be getting the legging from uniqlo (very comfy) and pair it with oversize baggy top.
I also have hard time taking my vits. The after taste is so bitter.

The calcium pill shd be taken after the obmin ah? I didn't knOw , Take all at one go oops!
Syyy, wow so excited for this this sat, keep us update how the class went. Ya I heard they want us to take at least 1 personal class for those new to Pilates or never done for long time, I will need it too!;)
Lm, do u have contact of the freelance instructor? Bishan is good loc for me! I agree loc is very impt, r u not staying near bishan now?
Fullhouse, I hope to swim too, but my body is out of shape to fit in my bikini;p
Friends, I also din know must take calcium few hours after vits, do u know why? I had been taking all in 1 shot, and after taking everything it feels like I m full!
Oscar : doc say high % of preeclampsia although ratio is botherline pass, so feel a bit scare now, have to take high dose of calcium and baby aspirin then monitor situation. Anyone experience the same?
Obimin and calcium: The nurse said cannot mix the two leh... Need to separate the intake by at least an hour or two... I have been doing so since my no 1. Very mafan loh..
dragonmui: Congrats! Like you, I also found most of the maternity wear expensive, and I found a website which is rather reasonably priced. Reasonably quality. Best of all, you can go to her showroom to try it on to make sure the size and cutting looks good on you before you actually buy, which was very impt to me. http://www.stylishmum2be.blogspot.sg/ Xiaoling is very friendly mummy herself too.
Went for my oscar test last sat, it was done at my gynae clinic. However, it was done at a swift moment, using the same ultrasound scan machine. Saw doc measuring something in mm, then showed me bb's head, hands & legs but still very blur...

Gynae said bb very active, heartbeat at 151bpm. Got 3 tubes of blood as well.

Is Oscar supposed to be like this? Whenever, i saw other mummies post abt their oscar, theirs seems to be very detailed...
canopy, hehehe it ok.. i think i stick to the normal detailed scan...

Recently, told my girl to sayang bb, she keeps saying and really hit my tummy... faint!!!!
Purple Rain,

I did my Oscar in shanghai and its like what u experienced. Drew few tubes of blood and did Ultrasound,check heart rate, NT measurement, look for nasal bone. My sonographer would moved the transducer at different area to see varying angles of BB, so it's so exciting to see movement of BB, and to spot anything in bewteen BB's legs.

I am so kiasu that I made my hubby the videographer. His duty throughout is to video it down using our camera. I went back edit it and emailed to our families back in singapore. Haha.

Angeliqueous, with regards to yr risk of preeclampsia, may I know how risk the dr assess your risk during your Oscar? Through the blood?
bliss, my boy start to kiss and saying my tummy, he is so sweet. He also ask me wierd questions about the baby in my tummy. He ask me if the baby will play with my bones & how to take the baby out from my tummy. I jokingly told him that the doctor will cut open my stomach and sew it back. He was so shocked, and keep asking if he can follow me to hospital to see how the doctor cut my tummy...lol

By the way, I intend to book a room at Sentosa for R&R session with my #1. Anyone knows if I can make use of the facilities (pool & kids club)at Hardrock if I am staying at Festive hotel? Any lobangs for cheaper rates? Not sure if I should book directly from RWS or other travel website.
Good morning mommies!

<font color="0000ff">calcium and obimin</font>. u are not advised to take together cos the calcium interferes with ur body's absorption of iron, which is in obimin. taking together does not harm, but it just means ur body doesn't absorb the iron and its wasted. so betta to take 2 hours apart. for the same reason, dun take obimin with milk or diary products.

<font color="ff6000">fullhouse</font>, our #1 and #2 same ages! coming 6 and 4. and yes they are excited.

<font color="0077aa">tigress</font>. the last two times we stayed at festive, we were allowed to use pool and sand area at hardrock. just bring ur room pass along. about kids club, i am not so sure. but the pool area has man made beach, he will have lotsa fun. book from RWS web sometimes have discounts...can be quite good esp when has USS pass.

<font color="0000ff">pe-natal yoga</font>, anyone can advise any good ones for preggies? LM's one is private instructor and its in bishan, i can't do so far. anyone else knows? been asking this question before but think didn't get reply. boo hoo... i prefer yoga to pilates...pls help thanks!
Bliss: I just clarified with another nurse from my gynae' s clinic, its only 60 more to have dr TC chang to do the detailed scan. I didn't opt for it cos they will need to check his schedule and I need to cancel my detailed scan on 01sep.
LM: ya lo...sianz...like nothing will cure...hormones changes ba =P

Any mummies feel like fainting, like going to black out? I kenna this yesterday =( .......
Dunno whether is it i take the multi vits with lemon juice and not plain water.... =(

I have a hard time swallow the multi vits...haiz

I can't really swallow pills now also. It started during the MS period when everything could cause nausea. Even now I'm not back to normal yet. Since I need to prioritise the pills I eat the obimin first, and others if I can still continue.

I assume we were given the same fish oil pills by Dr Tham? It's longish and hard to swallow as well? Have not opened it yet.

I'll pm you her contact. Class size was about 4-6 ladies so quite nice and intimate. That was 2 years ago so not sure if she still conducts classes.
re : calcium
Ladies, i am only given Obimin to be taken, i am taking fish oil for preggie from GNC as well. Must i take calcium as well? I thought Obimin is sufficient?
LM, can you PM me the contacts too ? thanks a millioN!

rugirly...actually taking multi vits with lime juice is good. iron best absorbed with vitamin C.
rugirly: are you into ur 2nd trim? coz i was advice by my gynae that during 2nd trim the symptoms are giddiness, might feel like fainting if standing, and stretching pain in the tummy..this is normal.. just rmb if you are gonna faint, wriggle your toes..

re: pills
i am also taking the longish kinds.. but the nurses did not advice to take them separate only to consume it after food.. and yes it hard to swallow.. no choice i got to ask my hb to break the (obical) pill into half..
LM, the fish oil same size with obimin

Canophyhaze, all my supplements are from gynae.. Come to think about it, I never ask why I must take this and that... Whatever he prescribe, I just pop every morning loh... Currently eating fish oil, calcium and obimin...
You don't accept pm, do you want to pm me instead for the yoga instructor's info?

Will pm you shortly.

I also thought obimin is enough and didn't get any calcium pills. Maybe should top up cos I'm afraid of osteoporosis!

Is the calcium pill given by Dr Tham expensive? I might just buy my own from the pharmacy. But if I remember, calcium pills are usually very large. Bleah.
haio ladies.. good mon aftnn~~

these days.. my MS is bad in the evng manz! ):

funny y this time.. im not taking as much pills. oni folic acid (mine which i got all these while)..n fish oil (which ob-gynae juz started me on since last tue). that's it. this time, this fish oil is easier to swallow than what i had frm previous preg. this is blue n slightly smaller olive shaped. (previous was clear longish oval shaped.) hmmm.. wonder why im not gvn multi-vits / calcium.

this time..im really breaking lotsa food restriction rules! ):
i had lotsa lunch meat (ham &amp; sausages), lotsa n lotsa luncheon meat, liang drinks, etc.
also.. im like owas shouting at maid or at my girls.. getting angry n all........
sigh.. i feel bad (towards beanie) really!!
Sure! Will update after the personal session on sat!

I just take whatever my gynae gives me - sangobion (iron), calcium (they're huge!), folio acid and prenatal vits. My hubby also has DHA pills that he makes me eat. Gynae did say it's not necessary though.

Purple rain,
I had the same experience you did - drew 4 tubes of blood and my gynae did the usual scan except it was more detailed and I got the results of the scan immediately, though the combined assessment will only be ready next week.
re: pills
think most of us having difficulty swallowing the pills. i dun rem having such painful experience swallowing the pills during #1, not sure y this time it seems much much more difficult. Fish oil pills are still the lesser of all the evils, coz it's soft, thus less hurting on my throat with i swallow.

counting down.. 2 more weeks to see baby again.
gynae say can see gender by then. hoping for a ger.
Hi mummies, I've been a silent reader all along. Just finished OSCAR scan. Currently having #2 &amp; my #1 is a march 2011 boy. *waves to tres &amp; lx3* Glad to be able to join you all finally. Please add me to the list.

Edd: 23 Jan 2013
Gynae: Dr Cordelia Han
Hospital: Raffles

LM, just went to dig out the bill. The calcium pill is $11.50 per bottle (60 pills) excluding GST.

ahBui, talking about breaking food restriction, me just had chili crabs on sat's night and Grilled oyster with bacon (blamed it on Taka's food fair) on fri's nite.

EYS Chicken essence: Taka Food fair is selling it at $13 per box!
