(2013/01) Jan 2013

I'm into my 13 weeks, lost 4 kg! Luckily, bb is growing well. Gynae said hope he doesnt need to admit me to hospital for drip... I'm trying very hard to eat but just no appetite.

ctrus: me too... Taste of food will linger for very long time, need to brush teeth or eat something sweet to get rid of it...

ah bui: I have these dreams too... duno isit hormones? lol!

Ctrus: am wondering if the bump we have during the during just water .. By morning all flushed out ?

Re: dreams
Ya my mind also like not resting , keep dreaming but not erotic dreams haaa .. Got once dreamt that I was bleeding scared the hell out of me.
lol~ i just had an erotic dream last nite! & yea male lead is hb. previously I dreamt abt food feast...

purple rain,
i also lost weight but not as much as u do. same in 13wk now. hai~ MS on n off back... just puked twice this morning! totally feel no mood n no appetite at all now. =( miserable tue for me.
I burp quite frequent now. But after swallowing the fish oil capsule, burping will have a funny smell, something like fish fillet taste (those fried ones u put in your mee hoon for breakie)
Purple Rain: Yes, I burped frequently too esp when with my hubby, probably someone I'm familiar with.

Fish oil supplement will have funny smell when burp? No wonder.. I thot it was my breakfast (had otah bun) tt caused the fishy burp.
i had 2 epic dreams last night but not erotic.. lol.. r u gers deprived lately? lol.. just joking. wish i can sleep throughout the night. I dun feel like i've slept at all. This happens almost every day. Taking leave this thurs to sleep at home in the day without hubby and son.
Haha, am having sexy dreams too! Gotta resort to seducing my hubby! Damn the sex is good!
missy, woolala, ctrus:
thankfully i'm not the only one. haha. but woolala may be right too.. it could be water also. cos we don't drink during the nite while sleeping. for me, even though i don't take much liquid before bed, i always have to wake up at least once to go toilet at nite. this is so tiring... i usually could sleep through the nite before preg..
Good morning mummies/mtb!

After waiting 4-5 days & no call fr gynae clinic, I've to call & check for my Oscar test result. Clinic staff say low risk & they don't call if low risk wor.. Does anyone receive any letter/report on the result? Because I remember at KKH they do give a report on such similar test.

Ctrus, what brand of fish oil are u taking? I'm taking neurogain, don't have smell when I burp.
piscean: I'm not sure whether is the fish oil or my otah bun that causes the fishy burp. Anyway, let me go back to chk the packaging. Mine is soft gel type.
I'm having very tiring movie type dreams...I usually wake up more tired.

I can't quite sleep through the night now also. Usually by 5+am I have to wake up to pee. That possibly contributes to my poor sleep quality.

I remember receiving a report from my gynae at the next visit, but I'm not sure if that was for the Oscar, or the detailed scan. The clinic will call me to let me know the news and the gynae follows up briefly at my next visit.
fish oil:
can't rmb e brand also n yes it gif fishy smell when burp! my mum was telling me to swallow it w cool water so the soft gel will not melt too much thus e smell. anyway ytd i took it at night instead after dinner & b4 slp. so no after-taste. haha
I m interested in the bishan yoga too! Stay in amk so should be good...

Re burp: I burp like a teenage boy drinking too much coke!
Dreams: I having v weird dreams to, sexy dreams definitely in as well
Ahem: gynae adviced hubby to control till 2nd tri, cos he says it might cause spotting
Bump: always disappear after a taking a dump... It's also v tiny, the type tht cannot get a seat on the Mrt one...

Anyone feeling breathless? I tot breathlessness only happen in 3rd tri when bb getting bigger?!?
purplerain:: eeeeew~ do u hfta be so specific... those fillet r my fav. bahahahahahahahaa~

prev preg..i will owas burp out the nasty fishy fish oil smell.. but this time, this brand my ob-gynae gave..not that bad.

re: dreams
lol.. so im not the oni one. lalala~ ya lor.. i tink abit deprived arh.. muz find a chance, like canopy, to 'quench thirst'! lol~

oh..LM... movie type of dream.. haha.. i know.. i had those before too, but before i was preg. really very tiring!

me these days, either i dream or watnot.. i can b so wide awake on the bed, cant fall asleep at all de. earlier the nite..i will be so tired, ko-ed whn my girls sleep. but then in the middle of the nite like 2-5ish.. i will be wide awake! sigh. plus the hormones, my face is totally chui now!!!!
Ahbui: hahaha, I try to quench my thirst everyday since I am on 5wks' mc! Bored at home, everyday hubby n I send our son to childcare then go for breakfast, come back to to take nap. Always disturb hubby when he is sleeping or trying to sleep. And try to minimize the noise as our maid is around, and can't get too violent due to my c-sec! Told hubby that I m horny and wanna have sex with him everyday! :p
ah bui
Those are my fave too! so the burping smell still can take it... but too frequent will makes me abit 'fan wei' over fillet liao... haha....

You must get very high too! lol....
I bored at home so mind kinda runs wild! Furthermore, hubby took the time to keep me company after ops and getting me mentally prepared for the amnio test next week. Thank god it's his own biz, if not, sure get fired Liao :p
Can't wait for the amnio to be over and get my favorable results soon. And off to Phuket for a week after that.

Hey, I remembered u ladies wanna meet in July, when is it?
@ canopy, I went for gyane visit. Was given letter for amnio. Gyane and clinic nurse told me that usually if we done amino with TC Chang, the detailed scan will be done by him.. Clinic nurse said there might be a package and it abt $60 more than detailed scan done by sonographer.
Wow, Canopyhaze, u so horny! Lol, I have very low sex drive, had to watch porn when I was TTC for #2.

Meeting in Jul? I saw on FB that the mummies are meeting in Aug, but I abit reluctant to join cos seems like most of them are very young & it's their #1, not sure me this Lao Cha Bo can blend in or not :p
Hi ladies
Wow all the lurid description :D

My dreams
I dreamt I robbed the bank at midnight and walked away calmly. The sound of siren was loud! Then I decided to escape abroad to JB and was apprehended by police at the customs. This dream actually follows another dream where my whole family was kidnapped (including children!!), and I think the kidnappers kept us in a jungle in those dilapidated buildings. I saw a window and heard the kidnappers wanted to come in to kill us!! Ran to the window and screamed for help. That's when hb woke me up, asked me what happ and why I m screaming:;)

So you see, woke up more tired out than rested. Bleah.

Meet up
O suggested a meet up in July some time back. We can do it early august or late July. You guys prefer weekdays? Or weekends? Tea? Dinner? Or???

Suggestion of place? If anyone is bringing their older ones then you need to think of a place that'll entertain them :D
Bliss: will be 15wks+ when I do my amnio next wed. Yup, reconfirmed with the nurse, and was told 60 more to have done the detailed scan, but didn't opt for it as I didn't want to change my original date for detailed scan.

Tigress: hahaha, I am already highly sex before preggy but just that too bz with work and travels quite a fair bit. Hey, i am older than u if I remember correctly. Anyway I have deleted the fb group. Can't connect with them.
Hi all mummies / mtb,
I am a first time mum.
Been a silent reader, I hope to join in this thread. My due date is on 22 jan 2013.
Like to check did anyone book her confinement lady? I am still considering whether to book a confinement lady or not. Can anyone kindly give advices? Thanks.
Hmmm think this is what I'll do. For those who are interested for gathering, can you pm me your fb email addy? I won't need to add you as friend, but I'll just add you into a conversation. I think most of our privacy's pretty secure, just need to make sure i can find you to add you to the conversation, and that should be ok.

It's better to discuss meet ups like that. I know the forum's pm is unreliable so bear with me if it takes some time.
welcome to all new mumnmies joining us in this forum!

Wanna ask all experience mummies a question here. Do u ladies still go facial in yr 2nd trimester onwards? We are not supposed to lie on our back after 16 weeks so I wonder how can I do it from then onwards.

One facial session is at least 1 hour...Pls pls share any advise..
I went for facial all the way till last tri. It's not that you aren't supposed to lie on your back but it gets breathless with the bigger stomach pressing onto your upper torso when you lie on your back for too long. Just as long as your therapist can raise the bed a little and you ensure the products used are safe, it should be fine bah.
I really feel like eating ice cream at this hour!
hb on his way back from work and suggested we go for ice cream!! Shoo shoo temptations!!
Gd morning all mummies/mtb!

Talking about dreams, sometimes I do have long dreams & that makes me really tired, like haven't sleep enough. And when woke up middle of the night & then sleep again, the dream can even continue. So when it's bad dream, I'll get up for awhile to break the bad dream! I find that for myself, it's when I watched too much TV, I tend to have more dreams. So nowadays I seldom watch TV.

LM, then I'll have to wait 2 more wks to get report fr gynae.

Wy, since it'll be first time for you, better to get a good confinement lady's help. CL will help take care of baby & new mum for 28 days. Helps to bathe & feed baby, burp baby, take care of baby during the night, set a routine for baby. Helps new mum in washing, cooking nutritious meals & soups, preparing herbal water for baths, etc. For a new mum, basically first 2 wks will be very weak & with pain, so CL's help will be great, and new mum can concentrate on recovery. For myself, I'll surely engage a CL's service lor.

Celia, I remember I felt very xin ku when tummy was very big so didn't go for further facials for no. 1. And my current package includes machine & can't use when pregnant, so have to stop that package for a long time.

Am looking for normal good facials, anyone has recommendation?
i was back from KL since last friday..was very busy with my new house..cleaning, moving and unpacking.

btw, i was very suprise that there is no travel insurance coverage for pregnant woman from my company. Told my boss about it and decided to stop all my travelling till i back from my maternity leave. Nothing is more important than my baby.
Good morning ladies!!!

Wy: I agreed with piscean. It's advisable to get a cl for first time mum if u have no help at all. I got mine when having #1, tho my cl wasn't fantastic but hubby has learnt a fair bit from her. He bathed and took care of bb after cl was gone.

Fullhouse : good idea! U are in my fb list, so do u still need my email? I can meet from now till 25jul co's after that am having bed rest due to amnio. By the way, who's staying in the west? Cant remember Liao.

Hey ladies, do u feel super bloated in the evening? My tummy is super hard and bloated in the night till I can't sleep. Anyone having the same experience as me?
I've the same experience as you - a hard bloated tummy at night. Wondering if it's because our bodies are digesting our food intake more slowly.

Experienced mummies,
Would you recommend that new mummies take advantage of the baby fairs now and buy what we think we would need, or wait til it's Dec? For items like prams and milk bottles, do we need this right away or can it wait til after the bb is born?
Cant rem when but i seems to come across a post sometime back from one of the mummies here, that the baby's nasal bone is not detected during oscar scan... how is it now?
@ canopy, ok = )

I went for facial til last trim too..hehehee ... me vainpot.. cant stand the sight of it..

@ Wy: it will be good if u can engage cl. Like what was mentioned by piscean and canopy. It is stressful for fist time mum cos there are something which u've not go thru before and will be in the lost. Plus hormones making one emo/ cranky
Syyy: so am not the odd one out. Am going to the gp to get some medication for it. The medication which she gave me the last time when I was having intestinal virus infection was good, it cured my belatedness.
I think it's a gd idea to buy the bb stuffs once everything is stable and u know the gender of bb. I did it after my amnio test result for my #1, u can do so after detailed scan. I think Dec might be too late as we will be heavily preggy by then, and too tired to go shopping for stuffs. I went to taka and saw that the bb fair is on starting from today to 05aug I think, u may wish to go n have a look to see any gs bargains. I would say sterlizer, bb cot / playpen, stroller, bb car seat, milk bottle etc are essentials.
I have lots of outbreak in the pregnancy, so I am still going for my regular facials. You just have to tell your beautician that you are preggy, they will know what to avoid.

Some ppl say having outbreaks during pregnancy is due to hormone unbalance, so most likely to be a baby boy. But I didn't have any outbreak for my #1, so not sure how accurate this is. I am counting down, next Gynae visit is next Fri.
Wah, all th westerners. I stay in north-east, I will get lost if I go to the west..lol. I can't join gatherings this month. All my big bosses from US is in town, sighz... the whole of next week including weekends are burnt.
Dear mummies, I'm new here also, would like to join the thread. I will be going for oscar test next mon when I will be almost 14 weeks preg. Wonder whether it's a bit too late.

tigress, do you have outbreak before the pregnancy?
Re: Facial
Yeah~ I still go for my routine monthly facial. Informed my beautician once pregnancy is confirmed and she stopped using machine (to detox/penetrate the ampoule) and acu-pressure massage. Usually I'll have slight outbreaks after facial.
I also recommend getting a confinement lady, especially if you have no other form of help. Handling a newborn can be very difficult and if everyone in the house is blur then chaos will result! I hear of pple underfeeding the baby (like total 15-20ml per session even until 3-4 weeks!) simply cos they didn't know what to do and if it was ok to do certain things.

You could buy the essentials first like cot, a few bottles etc. But bear in mind that some babies are picky and might reject certain teats. Even diapers might cause rashes depending on the baby's sensitivity, so maybe just don't overstock for everything.

I'm also having lots of outbreaks. My first is a girl and I had no skin problems. Wonder if this is really an indication of a different gender? Hehehe
You will know the gender by the next visit?
Fullhouse & ladies

Thank you for your reply on facial. I thought we can't lie down flat on our back and facials are out. so glad its not true..

I be coming back Sin in Dec, do you think it be too late to attend any antenatal classes (baby care)? Any recommedations? I read previously someone mention a popular lacatation Nurse who hold classes at M A?
LM, my first is boy. It was relatively an easy pregnancy, this one is bad. Outbreak, nausea, vomitting, loss of appetitie, constipation etc. Most ppl say most likely I'm having a girl cos all the symptoms are different from the 1st one. But my boy recently told me it's didi cos he prefer didi..lol. Gynae say if BB is co-operative, should be able to tell gender by WK16-17. I will be in WK16 next week.
re: stuffs to buy for newborns
carseat> important - must if u own a car..

stroller> maybe can wait (u prolly wun b bringing bb out much during first mth except to PD..n aft fullmth, prolly u'll b carrying more? n maybe u will be receiving it as a gift? hehe.)

milk bottles> few, u might b total breastfeeding, but still night feed might need. u shld bring yr hb along to shop prior to yr delivery..in case bb reject a certain teat u bought, hb can do the shopping to get something else.

newborn diapers> suggest use diapers rather than cloth nappy. actually smtimes can get a few pcs frm hosp..n i tink duno which hosp gives u the rest of the open packed rite? (not give la..u already paid liao..haha) since bb is ok with it in hosp, lower chance he/she will hv rash reaction towards it latr. hb can buy few more packs of it latr.

clothes> u need lots of it.. hand-me-down or newly bought. no need fancy de i tink, juz simple ones, better to hv those ribbon or button at front type, easier to wear on the softie newborn.

wash cloth> get those soft soft de.. bb need wipe wipe.

baby cot> of cos..haha.. that's why the new arrival will sleep.

bath-tub> certain hosp give away rite?

wet-wipes> lots n lots.. but dont over-stock too.. sm sensitive bumbum might reject certain wipes, better not get those scrented de.

nappy rash cream> at least a tube to standby.. desitin is good.

mittens/booties> need quite afew too.

bottle cleaner/sterliser> one set ready.

******* wah.. i cant tink of liao... i tink alot of the above..i need to get agn oso loh... hoho... *******
