(2013/01) Jan 2013

Shice. Yes hokey pokey is fun esp the slide.
Its actually open by july 10 MTB mummies and they are so capable!

POLW is cheap! weekdays is only 8, adult is free

Hi ladies!

Am back! Just done with my review with dr paul after 2hrs wait as he had 1 natural birth and 1 emergency c-sec. Was told that my cyst was benign, and non cancerous. Am so glad. Was advised to go for amnio tho he ain't sure whether the blood test failed is due to my cyst or not. Am going for my amnio test on 25jul, 3pm. It will be done by t c Chang. Am feeling relieved and assured after meeting dr Paul.

Thank you ladies for all your concern and support all these while.
cheese, that's quite reasonable! but now preg, abit difficult to run ard with my son.
my hubby is the lazy type, wun go in with my son one.

canopyhaze, thank goodness it's benign! that's good news! rest well and recover from ur cyst op first. build up ur body before gg amnio ya!
happy for ya..
canopy:: congrats on the good news abt the cyst tingy. n dun worry abt the amnio..it'll go as fine.

re: hokey pokey
is this the one in suntec city? i passed by once.. but looks like for younger kids izit huh? the plc doesnt look challenging for my sam seng girls.

re: indoor playground
hahaha.. 2 yrs back.. hb & frens were talking abt setting up indoor playground in the west area.. cos oni turf city..n the facility is so crap. but of cos..nothing ever happened. lol~ nowadays.. so many new indoor playgrounds all over the place le. hehe.
re: informing company of pregnancy
i rmbrd we hfta inform the company (not just bosses) abt the pregnancy..n fill out some forms for the maternity leave n whatnot... but forgotten when we have to do this. anyone can help? tia~
If want to be protected by MOM law for unethical termination due to pregnancy, can inform at 16 weeks. If your company is the 'ok' type, can just inform anytime and HR will inform u the forms to be complete accordingly....
ahbui, yes, hokey pokey is the one at suntec city. My son is like 15 months, so quite suitable for him. Maybe not older toddlers when they like to jump ard. haha.. how old r ur gers?

re: informing company
there's this form to fill in, for submission to MCYS. This is for your company to claim for the govt-paid 3rd and 4th months maternity leave. i only submit like 1-2 months before my EDD. Other than this form, I think the rest of the forms (if any) are more for internal.
Halo canopyhaze,

glad to know about your cyst is okay. guess wat? I am also going for my amnio test on 25 Jul but wasnt told of the timing yet. Hopefully when i go see Eunice next tue she will let me know. Lets jia you together.

Thanks ladies!

By the way my edd has been changed to 14jan13 based on the scan done during oscar. Am still able to give birth naturally after the operation, no need to do c-sec if nothing goes wrong. And I still can travel after my amnio, so am still going to my Phuket trip during national
Day week. Yippy!!!

Snow: Please help me to update my edd, please. Thanks!

Wendy : then we r having the amnio on the same day, jia you! Will yours be done by eunice or other gynae? for those mummies going for amnio, I have checked, medisave can use 700, and cash outlay will be 900+, this price is inclusive of the express result service of 350.
By the way, dr Paul has chosen for me dr t c Chang instead of another gynae to perform the amnio test for me as I told him that I am scared due to my previous experience when doing the amnio for my #1. he told me shouldn't be painful as the doc will numb my tummy, I told him that no local anthestic were given in my previous case. He was shocked! And no wonder I was so scared! Cos I told him the pain was worst than given birth naturally!!!!
Shice, Celia,
Thanks for your advice!! Haven't found a pd yet so I think I'll ask the gynae for pd recommendations after the bb's gender is known.

Your son is so adorable! Happy birthday to him!

All the best for the amnio!
Thanks fullhouse n syyy!!!

Re: breastpump
The medela freestyle is my choice! Used it for my #1 and full of praise for it! Even my sil and cousin in law borrowed it from me! Of cos, they are using a new funnel and tubing when using my pump. They say their pumps are no way near to the freestyle!
Batikid: yes! That's y am so hesitant to go for amnio initially. Dr Paul is very nice to ensure that dr t c Chang is doing for me. He is a senior gynae and can do it after wk15, hence am doing it on 25jul.
morning mummies... did my oscar test ytd.. and the result was positive.. phew.. finally it's over...and thru the scanning, the sonographer was able to share the bb gender.. it's gonna be a girl..
jocelyn, it's rare that the sonographer can tell the gender during OSCAR, usually even if they know, they won't tell u in case of errors. Congrats! Is this your #1?
Jocelyn, u better start buying BB stuff only after detailed scan. My good friend was told that hers 80% boy, but during detailed scan it turned out to be a BB gal.
From my understanding (based on what i read and what my friends' experienced), if the sonographer says a girl, then it's unlikely to be a boy.

But a boy prediction may turn into a girl later, coz the supposedly dicky is actually that of a swollen clit at earlier weeks. Can only be certain after 16 weeks.

Did my scan yesterday and my sonographer say likely a boy. I am still praying for a girl! Haha.
Jo: Congratz on the gd Oscar result! And great to know the gender!

Bliss: yes! We r in gd hands! Heard that dr chang's charge is much higher!
thanks canopyhaze.. it's like back to collect 'O' level results.. damn stress.. haha..

tigress: anyway, not much diff.. i shall wait till the 4th mth check up to see if we can confirm the gender again..

celia.. is this ur first?
Morning mummies... Wah... Already got mummies knowing the gender already... Envy! I still need to wait for my next gynae visit in two weeks' time to see ...
morning mummies... i went for my monthly chk on Wed. Doc mentioned that it's a boy to. he managed to capture a bottom view and showed me. But he doesnt wana commit too and say shall confirm at next visit.
Friend, me too, next appt end Jul. Gynae say should be able to tell Gender by then if BB is cooperative. Most of my symptoms are pointing to BB gal, but I don't want to think so much lah, just pray for a healthy BB will do.
My gynae appt is tmrw but I'm at 13 Week only so unlikely will be able to tell gender. Probably the next visit in Aug. Nonetheless, hubby and I are excited to "see" him/her tmrw.
Hi mummies, may I check if any of you had experience of not detecting nasal bone during the scan and yet results turn out ok? Many thanks for your advice
canopy, oh i thought same costs for aminio... my gynae said most of the ppl who went to him said painless... I afraid of needle and pain
Bliss: its the same for amnio, but his other charges r more exp. My gynae's nurse was asking if I wanna book him foe detailed scan but will cost much more cos he is a senior gynae,told her is ok as I have booked the detailed scan on 01sep.
By the way, r u opting for express result?
Hi mummies,

Would love to join you ladies in this discussion forum. This will be my #2. Went for my Oscar last week. Sonographer says 80% girl. Even way before the scan my elder one already keep telling me , it's meimei inside tummy . Think Children' s sixth sense really qUite zhun .

My details are as follows:
Nick : woolala
Raffles hospital
Gynae: TBC
Edd: 21 Jan 2013

Thanks for updating
Haha.. i just tried the link for the baby gender... even the link says its "too close to say".. meaning they can't predict mine..

really must wait for detail scan then will know...

by the way, am now 11 weeks preg.. any mummies here have difficulty sleeping at night, tossing & turning and having to wake up every other hour?

i am experiencing that and its driving me crazy...
@tigress, hehehehee when I had my girl, i crave for sweet stuff. For this time round, no craving for sweet stuff.

Thank God, No MS for both
@ Canopy, thanks babe for the infor.. I dont think I opting in for the fast result.. hhumm... quite expensive. Do you know how much is the detailed scan does by Dr Chang? In his clinic? I thought detailed scan normally is at level 4 by sonographer..lol
Mummydt, same same. Am also 11 weeks. Keep waking up at nite to pee. Not as if I drink a lot of water. Even drink very little, so wake up often. On bad days, I wake up every 2 hrs.
i was also like that at first.. keep waking up to pee in the middle of the nites.. but now that i cross over to 12 weeks.. the frequency cut down alot.. so just tahan.. will be over soon
Btw, anyone taking pregnancy pilates or yoga lessons in trimester 2? I'm very tempted to try. Feel so lethargic and flabby all over.

Re: Amnio Test @ TMC
My amnio is fixed on 1 Aug. Also letting Dr Chang do for me. Was told to go up to level 4, nurse says not done at his clinic. Edd is 18 Jan now, same Edd as my #1.
