(2013/01) Jan 2013

i think emo attacking me,

I feel so ugly, my neck got dry skin and my boy is coughing. Bought the nebulizer to neb him as doc say he might need it as and when, he had difficulty in sleeping these two days and im so heartbroken.

work wise, the contract staff tender and i might be taking two ppl job till the other one back from maternity on mid oct.

i dont know how I can handle.

I wanna go home just to see my boy well..

cheese : hang in there!!! U can come in here to rant!

Feeling giddy & tummy bloated, so tired, feel like going home now; luckily didn't drive today as hubby sent me to work after our boy's meet the teacher & parent session at his childcare this morning, now waiting for hubby to swing by after picking up our boy.
Does your mil have any experience in taking care of bb or she simply bo chap? I thought everyone would understand that for bbathing or even wipe down, always start with bb's face, hair, body n lastly pte parts. Where got ppl wipe pte parts then clean face de?
Are you staying with her? If she is gg to help you with #2 then after work, u bring bb n #1 into your bedroom n enjoy bonding time. All the more dun let her get close to yr boy since she dun treat yr girl well.
I'm sure you can cope well. Trust yr maternal instinct. Set a schedule for them. Once kids get into routine, thingd gg to be easy. I will also send #3 to mil hse everyday n fetch back every night. #1 & #2 will continue their childcare. Night time it will be totally on our own. Once #3 reachrs 18 month will also go cc so tt we dun have tofetch n send.
Just had my detailed scan last week.. The scan showed that the water in bb's head is a little on the borderline high side... Gynae recommend to do another scan in 2 wks.. Really hope it'll be bk to normal range then
To be frank i also dun like pil's way of taking care of kids. They spoilt them rotten from the way she brings up my sil's children. The kids knows that once they whine, they will get everything they want. And the thing is my sil don care abt her kids 'discipline. she leaves her 4 yr old with mil n only brings back on sat, sun morning send back to mil place. Weekdays she also dun bothers to visit her child.
Since mil volunteer to take care of #3, we agreed on basis tt at least the grandparent's love n attention will not be compromised compared to infant care or nanny. At least we know tt bb will be in good hand showered with love. We will also bring home every night so that all 3 will be close n bond together. Once bb 18 will attend cc with #2 so that will not be a spoilt brat like sil's dd.
Congrats on having a boy. In fact i dun have any prefered gender for #3. Hubby also commented he is so used to handling gers.

How old are yr #1 & #2? Mine are 1 yr apart n maybe we are very hands on with them thus they will look for each other if the other one is not around.
It melts my heart when hubby brought #2 to temple over the weekend, leaving the other with me. When #2 came back she took out a sweet from pocket for jiejie. jiejie asked #2 where is hers? She said hers is inside tummy. Hubby told me meimei insisted on taking a sweet for jiejie after she told 1 for herself. Wah, I do hope tt this kind of sister love continues till they grow old.
Try changing with the way u handle them. In our family there is no such thing as in younger always win. If both wants the same toy, whoever lays her handon the toys 1st will get to play 1st.There is no such thing as in the older ones have to give in to the younger. Otherwise everyone wants to be the younger one if they can choose. #1 will also not resent #2 for always having to give in.
Try getting baby vicks and rub on his chest n back before he sleeps. Apply some on his sole n put on a pair of sock for him. If possible, use fan instead of aircon. it will help him to breath better.
I also prefer girl lo. But my MIL bias towards boy. Always say to me must have boy. One day my gf brought her baby son to our house and my mil like the boy very much. I also love that boy because he is very cute. My gf said if I have a girl then we can match make them. You know what my MIL said? She saIs mine must be son and only be her son swore brother. Arrghh..so angry....
@bblove, yes, I was told by hub and fil that she used to take care of her sister's sons. They gave so much praise to her like she a divine individual and only she is capable..

To me, I think she needs to take care of her 3 kids as she was a SAHM, she never took care of hub and sis cos both were taken care by her mil.
Then only her youngest son she took care but can see the difference between 3 of them. Both hub and his sis are smarter, degree holder whereas the youngest one not even to mention abt it.
@ cheese, u tried EU Yan Sang TCM? It works but takes a longer time but it will resolve the root of the prob.

@ Averie, wow ur mil so straight forward.. She really wants a grandson? Urs will be the first in family?
bliss_ling - super stress over his cough..
mil says have to let him stop coughing then go chinese med to bu him...
sian.. so emo... i want to see him stop coughing..

luckily he is still as active before..
i bought 3 sleeping gown yesterday. those cartoon button down one to stand by.

Have u all bought anything for this preg? am slowly buying this needed.

maybe this is #2, many things can use khor khor one.
cheese : nope, i have yet to buy anything for #2, intend to buy a playpen for #2 as we have threw away the old one 2yrs ago. Other things to buy will be some bottles, a few new clothes, and the medela bottles to be fixed to the freestyle pump. All things will be reused from #1.

Did your gynae give u a list of room selection @TMC? My clinic nurse given it to me during my last visit on 13Aug.
@ cheese, can understand... imgaine hearing him cough .. worse it the night time.

Things to buy
I only bought 2 avent milk bottles during taka fair. Still deciding to buy which Breast pump. Been thinking to get single electric pump cos I dont know how to use with both pump. Heard twin pumps can attach to the strap of the bra, how to do it har? Will it be tightly secure to the bra strap?
For room selection, i was not given but at the counter, I saw the picture and the list. maybe will go for hospital tour before my scan next wed .. hehehehe
bliss : The medela freestyle pump which i have used for my #1 was very gd, it has twin pumps and comes with straps to attach to the bra, but i didn't use the strap as kinda troublesome, i normally hold the 2 bottles while sitting on the bed to watch tv.
Cheese, So far I bought 3 sleeping long sleeves top, 6 bath towels and a packet of hanky from queen street. Intend to get new bottles later on. The rest will be recycled from khor khor too. Rompers mostly blue colour... Maybe during maternity leave than start buying cute clothes...
think my medela twin pump gonna died on me.
my colleague pass me her single pump and i go buy avent single pump as there was 47% discount~haha.. another colleague bought PISA and she say she can lend me.. yeah.. got many pump selection..

I think i already got the mindset that i might not be able to pump in peace.. cos of my #1.. let's see how long i can last ;X.

Mei mei gonna use a lot of khor khor thing also.
All blue. haha.. just get a bag of pinky home clothes for mei mei. at least got some pinky stuff for her...
Good morning

Cheese, u want try giving ur boy 猴枣散 for his cough? heard its good for cough. can buy from EYS or Hock Hua. prices difference quite great though. Did the PD gave him any med? My boy had bronchitis earlier and KKH gave him fluimicil and Zyrtec which works very well. maybe u can try asking ur PD.

Bliss, yes, freestyle have straps that can attach to bra. but me same as Canopyhaze.. haha.. i oso find it troublesome, so i just hold the 2 bottles and pump while doing other stuff or dozing off! lol! used my thighs to support the bottles. haha. Buy a dual pump is much more efficient!

Erm, anyone intend to buy Avent milk bottles? i have some brand new ones to let go. Cos i prefer to use NUK because of the teat. if anyone is interested, kindly let me know. will definately sell off cheaper than retail. thanks!!

And wah, so fast u can select rooms for hospital liao ah? i remembered the last time round, my gynae only asked me when i was abt 8 mths, 1-2mths in advance before i m due.
I intend to re-use everything from #1, coz first few months clothes mainly is unisex colour.

Currently only looking to buy new avent bottles and medela bottles. Maybe 1-2 new clothes for mei mei to wear home from hospital.

Dunno what else to buy leh! haha.. less shopping this time since it's #2.

Maybe need to buy a toddler's bed for #1 but no hurry as he already dun wan his cot le. Sleeping w us now.
double pumps,

I also pumped one side at a time despite buying the freestyle. Until I learnt about this bra type attachment that you can wear to secure the funnels to your breast. It looks like a tube bra and zips up in between your breasts. There's a hole in the centers to hold the funnels which you attach to the pump. That made it really handsfree.
i think i might be the only one here have not buy anything for my #3..anyway i got nothing pass down from their gor gor coz i actually wanted to stop at 2. It seem like going to get everything...Lucy mu SIL pass me her bb clothes, buuncer, single pump. There are still alot of thing i need to buy...already got in my mind the stroller i wanna to get and car seat as well.
Canopy, my boobs cup size this time increased alot, and fast! Also help to camouflage the belly abit. Eno, did it help the bloatedness?

BBlove, thanks. My girls age difference about 2.5yrs. They can be so loving at times, but squabble on anything at times. I always try to be fair to both & not side any one.

Cheese, I've not bought anything yet. Mayb will wait till baby fair then buy.
thanks canopy, nickole and lm..

@ xycartx,my collegue's son was found to have a high level in bb head. In the end, after birth, the level went down.

Some of them have the water drain out after birth, it is true?
Anyone knows whether we can go fish spa during pregnancy? My close friends organising a get-together and I wonder if I should stay out of the activity...
@ cheese, wow.. good u have a wide selection of pumps = )

oh yes for cough, can try fluimucil which is a God sent med for phlegm. As for Zyrtec, my gal took the one meant for 2 yrs old with banana flavour which works well too.. I tried Sinupret, good also which is to dissolve and reduce the mucus in nose accoridng to PD
LM and nicokole, if i bought the twin pumps and only use the single pump cos I know no nut abt the handfree method if i using Avent pump. I know medela freestyle has it.

Now am checking out with 3 mummies, 2 selling twin avent pumps and another one single pump. Electric twin are brand new and they offer lower price than retail. Another one hardly use. I ok cos i need the breast pump motor and the rest I get it newly replaced.

For Avent, the milk will get stuck in the petal funnel.. Medela is good but my supply not good with Medela.

Mine getting bigger and faster than when I had #1. Hubby saw and said it seem to produce milk .. my rely: "u want to latch and see" lol.. I am damn nauti
Medela freestyle,

Any mummies keen to get 2nd hand pump? Condition 9/10 cos my fren seldom use. Used for less than 1 month gave up cos no supply of milk and she was stress with her newborn born in May 12.
Her eldest son born in May 10, also stopped for 1 month of bf.

It is a local set which she bought in Mums and Babes in June 2010. Selling at $250. If keen, i give u her contact number to liase with her directly
I saw a family just now. 4 kids and her youngest child is abt 2 yrs old.. Inside her tummy, #5 is coming in Nov.. Oh gosh... how they go it.. oh mine... I one kid already cant breath liao.. Her oldest should be pri 5..
Re breast pumps, I personally had bad experience with Medela Freestyle. Low output (can be 50ml less than my Avent manual) and it was painful and gave me sore nipples. The avent petal cushion was very comfortable to use.
@ piggy mum, same same.. mine on til high level of suction power still less than 50 ml for 45 mins .. faint...

For avent manual, i get abt 120-150 ml each breast.
bliss_ling: yalor, I on until almost power 7 or 8 liao but still poor output despite the stronger suction. Dunno how to describe it but somehow the "feel" not there...
There's this product that supports hands-free pumping and can be used for all models of breast pump --> http://www.pumpinpal.com/html/hands-free_breast_pumping_strapPC.htm. Dunno good to use or not. Anyone tried before?

Btw my friend has a pair or angled pumping pals that allow you to sit back while pumping for a more comfortable experience (M size, 22mm diameter) --> http://www.pumpinpal.com/html/hands-free_breast_pumping_strapPC.htm Can be fitted for all brands of breast pumps. If interested, pls email [email protected]
thanks piggy mum.. I was dozing off while pumping cos 45 mins , the yield is miserable.. so this time ard, i getting Avent..Have sold my PISA and freestyle in Yr 2010
blissling, I tot PISA and freestyle is most recommended?

at times I find manual one can pump more cos i like the manual avent one, oh i have that too, must go find. It same how can help me yield more milk. but my hand press till very suan.. lol
Bliss ling, piggy mum,

I tried the avent manual once cos I forgot to bring my freestyle back and borrowed from my neighbour. It was super painful for me. Maybe I don't know how to use it but I had almost no output. The freestyle didn't give much output either, but at least can store.

I do feel my breast sizewent up more than during #1 pregnancy, hopefully this means more milk?? Is there such a correlation?
I also feel my breasts have grown. Bought bra extension else I cannot breathe haha. I noticed that my nipple have turn darker and bigger. This is my first pregnancy.
Hi all mummies,
I'm quite new in here and have got a couple of good tips from some of you. Thanks everybody.

Just went for my detail scan yesterday, and it's a baby boy. The lady say he's so active kicking here tourching there while scanning. She even speak to him say,"Baby, be good hor, stop moving..." He even use his hand to cover his face while scanning as if he's very shy like that... hehe. But I had to scan two times as the first time the lady say can't see the baby lip have to let the doc scan and see better.. Scare the hell out of me when I hear it. Luckily half an hour later, the scan come out say the baby ok... But the doc say there's a small calcium dot in my baby heart. Although she says one is ok, not many like 3 and above... but I'm still worry. whether it'll effect my baby health in the future. I was so worried that I even forget to ask the doc what cause the calcium dot.
@ cheese, yes most recommeded is PISA accroding to the lactation nurses in TMC cos over in their place they using it too. Freestyle is more portable so good .. For me, I guess it really doesnt suit me / maybe my breast like soft texture which Avent has it .. The petal cushioning .. lol..

IF i get the Avent electric pump, i pass u my manual one if u cant find, then u take and use it.. cos Avent single pump can act as a manual pump..

@ ctrus, mine also.. just bought bra extension.. very painful cos tpp tight at the bone area behing the back.

@ shirleyjasmine, congrats on the good result. Happy celebration = )
calling for friends..... jojo's fren CL been booked til march 13.. faint... I goin to get even more KC now ... aiyo... i slow turtle lor.. sit on my backside then now most good cl been taken .. No choice have to try agency.. faint!!!

But TMC cl really a chopping carrot leh... 3.5K.. so ex$$$$$...
i tried Avent manual pump when my Medela Mini electric plus died on me! the yield was quite good.. or maybe i pumped using the spoilt pump not effective so lesser milk was pumped out then subsequent pump, milk become more cos accumulated. lol!! but i really pumped until hands very suan lor!! =P

Did someone mentioned that using Avent's flower petal can use on Medela's funnels?? anyone tried before? cos i thot i saw somewhere, it was mentioned. haha.. if really can work, then i go get the flower petals using with medela's funnel. hopefully will be more comfortable.. heehee..

i think my breasts getting quite 'hard'.. my hubby said got milk oredi! lol! i said where got so fast! haha..

Bliss ling, my mil also only took care of my youngest sil and she also not a degree holder whereas hub and my elder sil is good at their studies.. Hahaha my hub n elder sil were looked after by their grand mum and aunt.. Hahaha

Buying for #2,
Haven't really get anything, still waiting to confirm the gender, clothings can use #1, as first few months doesn't matter what color! Haha then will use #1 cot, not getting breast pump as will latch on so don't need bottles also! Hahah
