(2013/01) Jan 2013

re water
@courgeous81, gynae was quite encouraging. he made reference to my oscar results and said that even with the current situation, although it will increase the probability of DS based on oscar, but overall i'm still in the safe range of probability. he said from his experience, usually at the next scan, all should be fine.

@bliss_ling, i hope mine will be the same as your friend... doc scheduled me for another scan in 2 mths time.. so just have to wait till then to see how. hope it'll just fall back to the normal range.

I guess breast pump is a personal thing. What works well for one mother isn't good for another mother. The other brand which is good is Ameda Lactaline. It is claimed that it has the power of the PISA but much cheaper. Can buy the Ameda cushion insert for a soft comfortable effect like the Avent.

Nikole: I hv tried placing the Avent petal cushion on the Freestyle, but the fit isn't very good so comes off easily.

ctrus: I attended TMC's antenatal class and Mrs Wong says the darkening of the aerola is to serve as a "lighthouse" to the newborn to find their milk source LOL, cos newborns' eyesight still not well developed.
Piggy Mum : for the TMC antenatal class, how do you register? When I called, they told me to go online to book, but the online form had error..
mil issues
actually after being with hb for so long, mt relationship with pil has certainly improved. my inlaws, being very traditional chinese wanted a boy. they have their wish in my firstborn. but subsequently they doted on my dd2 to no ends. they did mention for #3, itll be good if it is a girl. coz easier and sweeter mah.

i used ameda lactaline. very good i would say.

breast size and milk ss
someone mentioned about this. but i have a friend who is so petite but have suhc great ss. so maybe no correlation bah.

taking care of own
hmmm i guess it really is about being close to your child and the special bond bah. success is subjective. i wouldnt consider getting a degree successful. but if the child is taken care of by own parents, there is always a special bond not determined by the amount of money they earn.

iya so says the sahm lah.
@bliss: Normal lah... I kenan 'rejected' by CL until no feeling liao. Lol.. Agency also not bad lah... can ask for replacement when u not happy with the one they sent.. Some sort of assurance.. My freelance CL if no good, i 'eat myself' hor. Ha! Ha! My CL called me for deposit liao... going to pass it to her next sat... Hope she don't fly me aeroplane...
Actually I am quite luckily. I got a few confinement ladies willing to help me do. But dunno which one to use coz they are all referred not by friends. Is by friends previously used CL because they all fully booked and out of kindess help me find . One charge $3K, another $3.5K and the other $4K.
I thinking of taking the $3.5K. $4K is too exp I think. $3K one has been always working in KL seldom in Singapore I am just afraid she don't know our living style. Haha... If you all need CL I can pass u the contact for $3K and $4K one. I taking the $3.5K CL.
Averie, the levy is $8.72/day or $265/ mth if newborn is of non Singaporean nationality.

If Singaporean then $5.59/day or $170/mth.

I think as long as yr freelancer is from overseas, supposed to pay levy. Otherwise, if get caught, can be fined. In some cases, the cl may not be able to get entry or stay for whole mth. That is wat pem told me.
Dear all, pls beware of this confinement lady from malacca. Her name is aunty Meimei. She is recommended by another confinement lady call aunty guihua from malacca..

To keep it short, her cooking is terrible!! My mum, mum in law n my hubby all say her cooking is super terrible! My hubby even say he can cook better than her.. She even had a cooking recipe book which I found she hide it in my kitchen cabinet.. She dun even cook longan red date water everyday n keep leftover longan red date water for me to drink in fridge.. She complain n gossip abt everything.. Say my house kitchen small, kaya not nice, bath tub not good, massage lady fat, baby clothing not gd, my relative fat, etc etc.. N she keep some half cook meat in the fridge n recook tomoro for mi to eat..when I tell her off she even threaten mi to pay her salary n she will leave.. N she love to go shopping.. Ask my mum in law go shopping with her few times but mum in law reject her.. I bring her go buy groceries at giant end up she go shopping buy clothes herself..

The worst thing mi n my hubby feel abt her is that she I not appreciative! She even tell mi aunty guihua is not gd etc etc.. She should have some ethics n be appreciative since it's aunty guihua who recommend her the job but yet she turn around n gossip abt her..

Aunty Meimei Hp is 0102319077
Aunty guihua Hp is 91305526, 60122878467

I m not gaining anything from this post. I just hope all mummies will beware n especially first time mums like mi will not get such bad experience when we hav to pay so much for confinement lady n we can't get gd confinement at all!
@ hammiebao, oohhhh... both of us same same... hub and sibling taken care by others.. only diff is mine is bil taken care whereas ur is sil.. hehehehee... Your sil married already? my bil not yet *** wink***

@ nickole, i heard of the Avent petal to be fit into medela funnel.. Hope to hear some comment/advise from the rest of mummies here

@ piggy mum, I heard of Ameda Lactaline from 2 of my frens who ar using it. They said not bad.. cheaper and portable
Good morning ladies!

Sick again! Having fever since weekend, feel like fainting; and tummy is having discomfort. Now in the office, feeling sick again.
nickol - yes, the avent petal can fit into the medela funnel but I tink also depends on your cupsize.. im just a B so its ok, but a few droplets can be found somewhere at the petal but still its very comfy! Love it.

TC canopyhaze!!!
thanks Cheese & Bliss! Nope, didn't see a doc, been taking the panadole which i got from my last doc visit 2 weeks back while having coughs. Now cough is gone, but fever liao.

Talking about the avent petal, it sounds gd! Can it fits bigger breast size? What is the biggest size they have?
Good morning mummies,

canopy, take care.

I have used the avent petal breast pump before and I'm not sure whether is it becoz I used it wrongly, it actually 'disfigured' my breasts and gave me petal-like bruised marks!!! My hubby laughed at me and I look ridiculous. It's as if there's 2 dark flowers on both my breasts and I was very worried back then as I afraid the marks won't fade but they eventually faded. It was also painful using that pump and I suspect it caused me to have block ducts.

Any mummies bought package with gynae already? How much does your package cost?
belle2006, u so funny.. lol.
ur breast bigger barz. Mine still ok le. just like a cushion place at my breast..

I had gynae package for consulation max 70 visits, multivits at 570, previously he charge 550, two years ago
Cheese, I find myself funny looking also when I think about how I looked during that time. When I went to see my gynae for blocked ducts, I was so so embarrassed to show her my breasts, scared she will laugh at me!! I think only those mothers who have used the petal pump before can imagine how the flower pattern will look like on my breasts
Morning ladies...

Not much of good news for us on the rally last nite..

Canopy, TC.

Belle2006, I signed up gynae's package at week 12 at $600. $600 is for consulations, 1 U/S pic, urine test niah.. Exclude multivits, fish oil, calcium and other blood tests...

Xycartx, i'm thinking of getting the Avent starter kit for the milk bottles. Think about 3 or 4 bottles? Waiting for metro 20% to buy...

I digged out my leftover 2 boxes of breast pads and milk bags. Bought it 2 years back, any idea still can use or not huh? Look new... these stuff got expiry date?
Canopy, you still have bloatedness? I've also started to have wind in stomach for past 2 days which get worse after meals. Seeing gynae for checkup in awhile, will ask whether eno can be taken or not. Gavison (suitable for preggy), just 2 sips caused me to merlion out my dinner).

Belle, your description makes me laugh! Did u press the funnels too hard against your breasts? I used Avent petals before, ok for me, very comfortable. I've just reached 20 wks, going to sign package with gynae today.
I'm not signin up the package :D .

But from whAt it sound so far, it's really cheap?

Cheese, 70 visits that's like unlimited visits!??
friends : thanks! Getting better after my conference call.

piscean : no more bloatedness for me now after taking the ENO ginger, touch wood! Thanks for asking the gynae on ENO, didn't know that gavison can be used on us.

Belle : No package at my gynae's clinic. Each visit is about 150, but will be more with mediciations or multivits.

Reckon the avent petal is not suitable for big breasted mummies like me. I used Medela Freestyle for #1, the funnels were ok, will stick to the funnels then I have still have an extra new set from #1.

any mummies here suffering from heartburn? I always get it once every 2 weeks.. the pain was so unbearable that I got hubby to send me to 24 hrs clinic at KK weeks back.

problem came back yesterday and all the food I took for breakfast (mee) & dinner (biscuits & milo) got vomitted out..

hungry since last night but dare not eat a thing since...

any mum out there have solution to this?
fullhouse, your gynae doesn't have package? does the usual package include the fetal anomaly scan?

piscean, I have bloatedness also but not in early morning when I just wake up. My tummy will become more and more bloated as the day progresses. For the avent petal pump, I also don't know what happened, it just sucked everything out of my breasts, not only milk but also my flesh. After that I changed to medela pump.

Friends, yah, no good news last night. I was hoping maybe more subsidy for childcare.
mummydt: do take care!

friends & belle : ya lor, looks like we gotta wait till Jan 13 when the white paper is out, hopefully we can benefit from it.

I have a problem recently, my sensitivity towards smell seems to come back again. Every little smell seems to trigger me big time. Eg, Durian ( I used to enjoy it, and had eaten a few times during 1st tri), cooking smell, perfume etc.
thanks mummies for the valuable feedback on Avent flower petals on Medela funnels.

Belle, ur comments really furnie! maybe the suction is too strong so thats y got the flower petal marks??

Cheese, i m B too.. haha. erm, what size of the funnel u using for the funnels? i used M size, 24mm for the softfit on freestyle. but i think they dun sell softfit liao. so i need to get the normal type of funnels. the old one which i stopped using for half yr oredi kind of sticky liao. still can use anot?? do i have to get a big size funnel like L size to fit the flower petals or use back the same size?

LDG, i think if they have more subsidy or even free education for childcare/ IFC, preschool, that will be even more practical than having 6 months ML for now since no hope liao. cos the cost of education is just so expensive. theres a report on the comparision of maternity leaves over the world. some country even have 1 yr flexible leaves.. haha..

Friends, maybe if u r getting steriliser, bottles will come together in the package, no need buy separately. save money! i do have some brand new Avent bottles to let go. let me know if u r keen? heehee.. thanks.

Parenthood fair is end of this week. hope to get some good buys

Anyone using Piegon sterilizer? According to 1 sale person in kiddy palace, she told me that piegon sterilizer is of high temp ard 120 degree and I wonder if I use Avent breast pump funnel / bottles to sterilizer, will it spoil easily
@ canopy, awwww... that is bad.. Do see a doctor if u still not well... can understand how it is when having fever while preggy..
@ Belle, i guess the suction of the pump caused u to have the flower petal design..

My breasts getting bigger as compare to when I had #1. if i buy Avent then cant fit , i wonder how..
Canopy, gynae says Eno ok, even Actal is ok too. He mentioned a few other medications but can't remember.

Smell sensitivity, me too. Can't take it esp. when taking public transport with other people's BO/didn't-wash-hair odour.
LDG, like you, I was also disappointed no increase in ML! I would hv been happy with 20 weeks and if the extra 4 weeks can be shared with father even better!

Bliss_ling, I used Pigeon sterilizer w the Pigeon BPA free bottles and teats, no issue. My sis used it w Avent bottles, seems ok too lei.
piscean, I used the manual type and it was 6 years ago, maybe the design now has improved? I think I will just stick to medela pump.

bliss, my breasts also grow faster than previous pregnancy. It seems that breasts grow faster during subsequent pregnancy? this time round, I gained weight slower than first preg so I suspect could it be just water retention in breasts.
hi all, i can see alot of mummies from Jan doing/or have done Amino tests. Can please share ur experiences with me?

im gonna do mine in Sept. kindda of worried. what should i look out for?
@bdmummy, thanks = ) I abit worry cos the temp seems higher than other brand of sterilizer.

@belle, I using Avent manual pump so still able to control the suction. My wt is also slower than #1. Maybe more tire cos need to take care of #1. Entertain her and she sleeps past 11.30-12mn.. Oh gosh, keep asking me to give her cheese and pulled my hand to get out of the room to kitchen. She is a cheese lover thou she only 26 months..

Avent, Piegon/ NUK bottles
How do you ladies choose the bottle? For me, trial and error for #1. tried many types and it seems that only Pigeon slim teat suits her.. So am using NUK standard bottle (easy reading for pouring the water) with pigeon slim teat.
Take care n flush lots of plain water. Weather is bad these days.

Im use Avent uno pump n i love the petal cushion in fact. when I switch to Ameda, I place the petal in for my Ameda. Now got to dig out my pump cos I know 1 of the funnel cracked n need to be placed. Maybe the suction is too strong for you? My friend also said Avent totally dun work for her.

Gynae package.
I took mine at $800 from start of 16 weeks till birth for unlimited visit. Not including med. Gyna also told me if need mc. can just call his clinic anytime. He will see me n issue. So far I only took 4 days.

wasn't hoping much from it. There are too many babies this yr compared to previos yrs. Hubby not beefit from paternal leave cos he is considered self employed. Unless they do allow some montary claim for self-employed.
The only thing im looking forward is my 15 days childcare leave.
Hi mummies,

20th week scan:
Just went for my detailed scan this morning. Everything seems fine. Baby was in quite a good position so the scan was quite fast, think completed in abt 20-25 mins. Took a bit longer to see baby's fingers cuz his hand was up on his head. My by seems to like to put his hands on his head in a 少爷position during scans. Kekeke looks like he's enjoying n relaxing inside mummy.

Took up the package with gynae today too. Also 600 but not unlimited, only for scheduled appointments with urine check and ultra scan inclusive , does not include all the supplements n any additional tests if needed subsequently. But with package got some discounts on the gynar's delivery fees.
<font color="119911">Avent manual pump also din work for me when my Ameda electric pump died on me suddenly.
Not a single drop came out.
Luckily the Ameda munual pump worked during then!</font>
Take care n hope u get well soon.

Took Amnio test last month. Was very worried prior to that too. But generally it is quite a fast procedure. Sonographer will do ultra scan to check on baby (mine took some measurements and showed us bb organs too cos bb was in a very good position) .
After that she will find a good spacing for the doc performing the amino to insert the needle later on. Good spacing meaning away from bb and placenta and fibroids if u have any.
When done, the doc will come in confirm the spacing is good and that bb is not moving too much before he will perform the amnio test.
Amnio test is quite fast, the needle went in and came out within 2/3 mins. There will be a bit of pain u will experience but it is very bearable. I just try to stay as still as possible. The ultrasound screen was facing me n the doc the whole time but I was a bit scared and closed my eyes while the needle was going in.

Doc and nurse showed me the syringe with amniotic fluid after the procedure. It should be light yellowish like urine colour with no blood. After that jus make sure u sit n rest for 30 mins before u go. N avoid carrying heavy things ( carrying elder kids should be avoided too), dun walk around too much and rest well for the next 2 days. Main thing is not to exert and drink more water to replenish the fluid.
Hope this is helpful to u. Dun worry too much and all the best for your test!
@ Serene(jaydensmum), everything will be alright.. I did amnio this mth and according to serene, it is impt to rest well after the test. Rest as much as possible.. no shooping, long walking ard and never carry heavy stuff.
Bliss_ling: thanks. Have u went for ur detailed scan?

I experienced heart burn previously but mine was triggered by the food I took, specifically yakult. Dunno why also, but only realised when the 2 occasions of heartburn happened afterI drank yakult, the first time I had 2 bottles (too greedy), and the heartburn was bad. The second time I only drank 1 and the effect was mild. In between these 2 experiences I did not drink yakult and so nothing happened.
So I think u need to watch out ur diet and see whether u have any pattern with the food u eat and the incidences of ur heart burns. For some ppl it is spicy food, for me it's strangely yakult.

Googled and read that when having heart burns can drink a bit of milk or water to relieve it a bit.
why yr gal sleep so late? Yr mil let her nap a lot in the afternoon? You are a ftwm right? like that where got enogh rest to work the next day?

I only use nuk bottle n teat as adviced by Mt A nurses as those brown nuk teat is the most similar to human's breast.

Ameda pump.
Personally i find the suction is not as strong n good compared to Avent.
