(2013/01) Jan 2013

@ Valerie, agree with on Dr Lim = )
hehhee.. I think TMC had a case of IVF mixed up so ppl generally afraid of the standard.

@ bblove, thanks bblove. Well i told my hub and mum. Then hub kept asking me to tell mil. I told him, why dont u tell her yourself. Then he said why I only told my mum. In my heart, i feel like telling him that " hello, that is your mum, so if u wish to tell her then tell her on your own"

Well, after knowing the gender it seems a heavy load taken out from heart. Cos later dont know what other remarks she (mil) will say to me.

Was goggling the word: Karyotype as it is mentioned inside the report. a chromosome is the term .. will slowly become an "expert" to anaylse the picture.. lol.. my report only have 2 pages, last page is the picture of the chromosomes. Interesting finding = )

@ friends, yes scan show it after a week from amnio test.

@bblove, i also have craving for maggie mee plus I been drinking tea and sometimes a half a cup of the coffee bean coffee.. Trying not to take in too much of those caffein stuff.

Well, u know the gender? Difference from your #1 and 2?
@ friend, did i ask u before whether u were from Jun 2010 SMH? lol.. memory fails me liao.

Craving / MS
Some ppl told me that different craving means having different gender. Well, for me it all the same and I still look the same when I had #1 except the tire face cos I am the one looking after her after her cc. Some ppl have been guessing the gender.
Bliss, yes.. I'm from June 2010 thread. R u active in the fb for June 2010? I luv the updates there where everyone shares interesting lobang, problems and advice...
Karen, nudge is actually soft quick nudge feeling from inside the belly. I believe you will know it when bb grow bigger & feeling is stronger.

Bliss, this time different gender for me, & I seem to have minimum breakouts. If have, it heals very fast. Just hope my nose do not grow bigger
Bliss : Congratz on your favorable amnio result!

The gender result from the amnio test is 100% accurate! My gynae told me so!

Been feeling very tired these days, just weighed myself last nite; and found out that i have gained 2.5kg since my MS is getting lesser.
Dear all,

I had a gender calculation formulae from my MIL, not sure it accurate or not but maybe you all can try out.. Just for fun..

Formulae: 49 + (the month you convince,*in chinese mth)- (mummy's age in chinese age) + 19
Answer: odd number is a boy and & even number is a girl.

Eg: 49 + 3(March)- 29 (years old) + 19 = 42 (even number = it a girl)
Hi Mummies,

Do you feel the movement often, or once awhile?
Btw how many weeks are you at now? I am 18w

The baby has not been moving since morning, I am kind or worried.

Many thanks!
Hi Tres,

Hope it will be true for me too, cos this coming sat i will go for my details scan so hopefully it a girl for me but most impt baby is well grow and healthy.
Bliss, my #1 & #2 are both dd. This is #3. Heehee.. I had the same feeling as you, thinking that I love #1 so much while preggy with #2, & thinking how I can love #2 as much. As #2 grows, she became even closer to me than #1.
But I guess boy & girl will be different.

Leung, usually while sitting or lying down then I notice the movements. Mayb bb sleeping that's why u don't feel anything?

Canopy, I feel that I gained alot, belly suddenly became very obvious too. Trying not to take too much carbohydrates now since i'm not doing any exercise.
Piscean33, thanks for your reply.

I hope bb is sleeping too, but she has been active for the past few days, and suddenly turn so quiet or even no movement that makes me worried. Shall keep monitor...
piscean : likewise! But my clients and colleagues say that they can't even tell that i am preggy!!!! And my mom has commented that my tummy is very small.

sex of bb thru amnio is v correct as wat u wrote. The other detail scan's accuracy also nt so high.

my #1 classmate's mum told me her #2 is scan as girl, came out boy! went home fm hospital in pink.
But so far, I hardly heard such cases.
Piscean33, could be wind. But it felt like v bad cramps. Really scared me cos I started timing the pains. Anyway, since this morning, I keep getting this tug pain on my left abdomen. Called gynae clinic to ask and the nurse say I should be ok unless the pain spreads across my whole abdomen or if there is fresh spotting. In e meantime, I'm trying to walk less, carry less heavy stuff and REST MORE... Your detailed scan oso at TMC? Mine is 2pm. Hope hubby won't be late from office... ;p
Bliss, congrats on the amino test results. The gender should be confirmed. Havent heard of inaccurate results for gender thru amino. Ultrasound used to be less accurate but as machines get clearer images & sonographers are more skilled, it's really hard to get the gender wrong.

I previously shared abt girls having the 3 lines at the pee per area while boys have no lines n one "birdie". So if ur detailed scan + amino test results same - likely that is the gender la.
angeliqueous, I'm interested in yoga class too.
What is the min. pax to start a class? $100/pax regardless of #pax? If 10pax then instructor will be earning very good $.
If I were you, I'll also leave it to hubby to tell Mil given the way she trrated you during your #1's time. My friend even more funny, her sil had 2 boys n when she had her #1, a girl, hrr mil didnt even bother to carry or go see bb till now her dd already 2 yrs old. She is praying hard for a boy this round so tt she can throw her son to her mil tt she can also give birth to a boy.

For me, i wouldn't be asking for the gender till birth bah. Luckily my mil doesnt mind. I think it my sil who is more concern of the gender rather than mil. maybe brcos her son is the 1 & only grandson in the family. Even when im preggy eith #2 she nevr failed to ask if gynae confirm the gender liao.

Just did a stock check last night. I had more than 20 pcs of unisex clothes not including rompers during #1 & #2 time so it ok.
Same as you, my #1 &#2 both dd. We wanted 2 gers and want them to be close in age gap thus i was preggy with #2 when #1 was 6 months old even thot mine was csect. In fact back then i felt guilty towards #1for not giving her the full attention n need to share my love between 2. But once #2 born till now I love both equally and was glad tt both are so close tt they attend the same school, bath, eatn sleep together.
Thanks Canopy = )
Am waiting for detailed scan on next wed pm.

@ piscean, congrats on the different gender this time round.. hehehee.. my frens said boy is mummy's plaster.. lol..

@ snowger, lol.. true... maybe to convince myself, I should wait for bb to come out during birth to see for myself.. hahahahahaa

@ Sylvia, oh.. went hm all pink.. But I guess if the inlaws are bias toward son, they wouldnt mind pink dressing...

@ bblove, good that mil doesnt mind gender. Yes, should tell hub to tell his mother.. Hub was telling her i cant eat a kind of veg which is the tong xin cai (according to tcm physician) cos it is very liang to the womb. She said eat abit can la, see how heck care she is.. too liang for bb not good,, haizz.. end up only ate egg and porriage for dinner.

I rem vividly when #1 was 2 months old, she fed her with water using milk bottle, no pillow to allevate her head. Guess what, my bb choked and water flow out from nose. I told her must not lie her flat, pop a pillow under the bb head and u know the drama started when she saw my hb. Hb scolded me lor cos he must be thinking his mum must be very upset .. Actually I realised that sometimes men do side the mother blindly just becos of the tears dripping down from face.

Another incident, she wiped #1 body, proceed to wipe her private part then when she realised it, she used the same handkerchief and water in the pail to wipe her face and hand. I told her "oh, can wipe down there then face, wont it be dirty"

She replied " aiya, it her private part ma, no need to be so specific got to rinise again.. I nearly faint. Told hub, hub told her not to do it.. Drama started again..

Haizz.. so this time it is a load off my heart, I guess she wont do it to the gender she likes.
To be frank, I am afraid to have #2 cos I cant imagine myself goin thru emotional rollar coaster caused directly / indirectly by mil.
<font color="119911">For me, I am more worried of my ability to take care of 2 kids...
Dunno if I can handle anot since I wont be engaging any helper after confinement...
Mil will take care of #2 while #1 starts gg to childcare in Jan.
Night and weekend will be on our own.
bliss_ling, you are hoping for a boy? I am hoping for one though my "pressure" is not as strong as yours. My hb assures me that he mother is ok even if #2 is a gal (YA RIGHT... if i believe, I must be stupid). For me, it's more of if got boy at least, my own granny can be happy (to see a birdie). My gynae tells me that based on wk 16 US, it seems like a girl. So I have been preping myself mentally that it is a girl.
Waiting for detailed scan next week for the confirmation.

As for ur MIL, u and hb may need to set some "rules" straight. If my MIL were to wipe the privates and use the same to wipe the face, I will tell her, she would have pee, if u wipe the dried pee from the privates and dont rinse, isn't it wiping pee on my dotter's face??!

anyway, for MIL I usually do not do "direct confrontation". I will get hb to do the talking and make sure he udnerstands where I come from. Don't wan a situation where he thinks I bully his mum or mei da mei xiao or just making a big hoo-ha for nothing...

Anyway recently my dad suddenly said this to me: "Do you know that having all girls is a VERY GOOD THING?". I was like huh? Well in his words, he said parents who have only girls are richer or luckier than parents who have only boys. LOL! I won't disagree to the "lucky" part cos girls tend to "hui niang jia" and be closer to their own family after they marry off. while boys after marraige, seldom see them.
@ LDG, mil takes care day time only? Will be siong cos now I manage only 1, i feel like raising flag esp. when sick.

@ snowger, i never hope for anything for #2 thou hub prefers a boy thou mouth said he wants a girl. Reason : he hopes to have a horse .. whahhaa

oh yes, I was telling his dear mum nicely, never raise voice etc but the way his mum put it across is like wo mei da mei xiao and she is senior, got 3 kids and been a nanny so who am i to tell her right/wrong. So even if she wrong, she will always be right.

True, but sometimes this type of ppl cant simply talk sense into her. Zi yi wei si.. haizz..will not talk to her directly, learnt a lesson. So nw to break the news to her, why should i do it.. let her dear son tell her better..

I guess may have conflicts if she quits her job to take care #2. My mum said since she is gender bias then when this is a boy, she will not treat him like my #1. My heart breaks... #1 been thru alot of bias.. her head nodded on metal frame when she helped to change #1 when she was abt 6 mths old, eyes never see properly pull both legs and i heard my bb cried and rushed to room. Head got 1 red bump = (
Snowger, i agree with your point. yes, girls will still b closer to their family even after they married off...unlike boys, majority will follow their wives...that's y i m very happy to know that I m going to have another daughter in the family

Look at my mother in law, though she has 4 sons but most of her sons listen to their wives and also seldom visit her except during CNY ~ quite sad right? Unless she went to visit them otherwise, i hardly see them visit her regularly despite knowing that she is already 86 years old. This is also the reason y we make it a point to go to her place to have dinner with her every week and at the same time let her see my 2 kidz now
Truly understand the gender bias thingy... Inlaws and my very own mother all prefer boy. Inlaws treat my boy like a king... even better than their own sons... My boy is very spoilt by them and my hubby now is the discipline master. I'm also the useless one.. Tried to be fierce but he not scared so my boy also held me ransom at times...

MIL issue: My hubby and i already have this agreement; he deals with his and I deal with mine.... No matter how angry I am with my inlaws, i will never say a single word to them. No point.. no matter what, i'm still a 'outsider'. I'm sure MIL will never take it no matter how nicely i tried to put it... So I just keep everything inside and just blast it to hubby. i guess we just have to ren and ren....

LDG, same as you. I also scared cannot handle at night and weekends...
val28, that's the thing lor. A lot of boys don't really like to go back to parents place. My hb is a slight exception - cos occasionally he will nag that it's been so long since we had dinner with his parents. And yr MIL is lucky to have a DIL like u who volunteers to go over her place regularly!

bliss_ling, some old pple is like that one. They always yi lao mai lao. Usually for my MIL, I try not to have direct confrontation even thou she and me have a very cordial relationship. I usually wont say anything even if I not happy (cos I just nag at my hb after that). Hb recently got a ear-full from me: MIL sprayed her adult perfume on my dotter's clothes - told my dotter must put perfume before going out to kai kai... *faints!* We as DIL, always got a lot of "lao sao" when it comes to MIL. Our own mothers usually we can handle quite easily right, no like just tell them directly and we know how to "tell them" without offence. (vs telling MIL who is no matter what not our mother).
bliss ling, I understand what u gg thru. My MIL though not as bad as urs, like wipe face and private part w same cloth, but still got other conflicts when we had #1. She came over to help to take care for a couple of months when my #1 keeps waking up at night ard 4-6 months while hubby and myself have to work in the day time. Really got alot of conflicts. For #2, my hubby suggested that his MIL retire from work and come over to help as we may not be able to take care of the 2 kids after work by ourselves. But I rather tired myself out then to have my MIL retire and come over to help out. If not, last resort is to get a helper.
Friends, ^5... we same same. In front of MIL never say anything, after that hb will get it full blast... keke...
Good morning ladies!!!!

Re : Gender biased
I reckon my mil is oso more keen to have boys in the family, she keeps saying that i'm having a boy for #2, even tho' she knows that both hubby &amp; I wanna a gal as our #1 is a boy oreadi. She has eventually gotten her wish after the we received the amnio result. Hubby &amp; I jokingly said that the entire family is biased towards boys as all his aunties &amp; uncles treat boys nicer but she refused to admit. But nevermind la, so long all our babies are healthy.

I salute those mummies who can handle a few babies at one time. Hubby is going to Australia for a week in Oct, i think i will die if i have to handle our #1 alone. Luckily Mil and his uncle are coming over to stay &amp; help. And my maid is quite hands on with #1 these days. We have tried to delegate more tasks to her eg, feeding him, bathing &amp; changing him. Hubby or i used to do it ourselves. It does help a bit since i am getting more &amp; more tired these days.
Ermm, this forum has quiet down recently, and now so many discussions about boy vs girls.

In my case, as both my parents and inlaw's first grandchild, they are so hoping for a girl. They are in their late 50s n 60s and have come to realised, daughters are way better than sons (in general).

The girls are the ones who are most doting, sweeter, sayany-able when young, easier to manage, when older - care/ bother call them every so often (I call my mum n MIL everyday from my overseas home now, my hubby and bro are in their own men's world haha).

When unhappiness or problems set in, its the girls who will put a listening ear, unlike the men who just wanna solve the problem right away. They don't forget their maiden homes and their mummies is always in front of their MIL. Haha.

I firmly believe between a son and daughter, I will have a "nicer" old age if I have a girl. Oh yes I also like to think I worry slightly lesser about my daughter's education, career and whether she will succeed very much in life vs that of my son.

The sonographer told me I am expecting a boy at 13 weeks. Everyone is happy of course. Earlier this week, at 19 weeks, the dr said it's a girl. Imagine I almost teared with joy on the spot, like I hit jackpot. I told my MIL and she jumped off her sofa with esctasy! Haha.

I feel like I have a BFF inside me now. Haha. Dunno why the sudden connection with my girl. Haha. I am so biased. Luckily my hubby agrees with me.

If I have to choose between two boys or two girls, I choose the latter. Look around family examples around us and you may agree with me too.
@val, wow... mine will try his mean/reasons to flock his way back to his mum place.. Once he was not back for a week, he told me he missed his mum and home.. OMG!!!.. I nearly freaked out.. well maybe my hub should born as a gal instead. Oh mine ...

@ snowger and friends, wow at least when u blast it to hub. Telling to our mother is better cos they will never be get too offended and stir more shit for the couple.

@ shice, oh.. then ur mil coming to stay overnite to help or just daytime?

@ celia, When I preggy with #1, she also like my BFF in me.. I talked to her everyday regardless happy/sad. I will pour all feeling to her and then smile to myself cos she gave a soft nudge inside my tummy, an emotional feeling she given me like " Mummy, I love you and I with you".. Oh mine... I would tear at times.. Silly me!!!

For this time round, i guess i tire so never talk to bb.

Gal's clothing is so pretty and my mum was telling me last night not to buy anymore cos alot of clothes liao.. I told her another batch is coming in Sep. Never fail to go to kid shops to see her stuff.
Celia, ur family members so cute. N ya, agree that having 2 girls better than 2 boys. Many said mummy's boy and daddy's girl, but my dd is my darling and I am hers too lor. Now I'm carrying number 2, felt that I love my girl more. As this number 2 is likely to be a boy, Im afraid I'll love my girl more. Haha.. But of cos my mum n mil is happy that number 2 is a boy. My hubby prefers girls too as they are super sweet n less worries for their future next time.
<font color="119911">bliss, ya, mil takes care during day time on weekdays only...
Will bring #1 back home everyday after work and back to MIL in the morning before work since staying within the vicinity.

Think PIL will also dote on #1 more since they favour boys, although I feel that their own daughters are much more filial than their only son-my hub. lol

Yeah, tmr gg for my detailed scan!
It's been 5 long weeks since I last seen bb!
Long time never read the forum! Been away for almost 2 weeks!

Wendy, I'm really sorry to read about your lose, please take care and be strong.

Mil matters,
I let hubby handle mil, but he don't always know what to do, he ever told mil that I was not happy about her negative remarks and she got angry, then my hub leant his lesson!

My #1 will be going to child are next month, hope he will be fine there then I can take care of #2 next year...
bliss, that time for #1, my mil stayed overnight. Already so many conflicts and problems. Once I cannot take it, so i just blah out. But in a logical tone, not shouting or scolding or what (coz we having dispute over when and what to feed my son). End up, the next couple of days, she din come over to help. For this #2, hubby suggested for her to quit her job and stay over. I'm already having fears le. I try to push away this idea of her coming over to stay for the weekdays. If only weekends, come over to play and take care and help out in the day time, I'm still ok.
@ shice, I can understand.. Even we talk in a nice and gentle way, we be treated as rude. Haizz.. Envy Canaopy and Valerie..

I think I have the most issues with mil.. mine drama.. My fren also recently asked me to think twice abt letting mil take care cos she herself saw mil wipe the pte part then my #1 face. she at my hse visiting me back then.
mine asked can give seafood (Prawn) before #1 turned 18 mths.. I was shocked and FIl sided her also.. Hub said cannot cos too young...
bliss : aiyo, don't envy la, my mil can be quite kurt at times, but i am used to it and laugh it off. My mil is super hygeneic as she used to worked as an ICU nurse, so am ok with her taking care of our #1 &amp; bb. She will tell our maid off nicely if she thinks that the maid's way is not right. I get a long well with her and also with hubby's family. He is pretty closed to his aunties and uncles, and they all chip in to help whenever we need someone to look after our boy as they are all retirees.
so far my relationship with my mil is ok because we are not staying together. I only see her once in a blue moon. Usually my hb is the one who bring the kids back to her house.
I am not sure if she starts to help me to take care of #3 and will relationship will be #$%^&amp; or not, so I think it is better to avoid and my hb also aware that both his mother and wife have very strong character.
Snowger, I have the tug pain now &amp; then also. Yes my detail scan is at TMC, at 3pm. For Oscar scan, I dozed off waiting for bb to shift position as too boring. So this time asked hubby to accompany me for scan.

Bliss, gender different &amp; I guess hubby is happiest. I think he feel pressure from friends to have boy. I tried my best this time on changing my diet &amp; I think it helped. Regarding PIL helping to take care of our kids, surely will have different method thus conflict. For me, hygiene, safety &amp; bm area, I will "educate" them with hubby's presence. Other things I try to close one eye. We are lucky to have PIL to help, cant imagine if we need to rush &amp; fetch kids to &amp; from infant/child care or nanny.

BBlove, so nice your girls are good friends like twins. My girls fight half the time lei.

Canopy, I guess you are tall, as belly usually looks small for tall people.

LDG, nice that you can see bb tmr.
