(2013/01) Jan 2013

@ bblove, lol. Will do .. sometimes at bakery shop, she just won't bug so have to buy ..

@ piscean, doc just want to make sure everything is alright after amnio ...

@ Sylvia, will check it out.thanks babe .

Wendy: i was really shocked and tear as well when read abt your loss
can't imagine how u go thru this difficult time but we all know that u r doing a GREAT job as a mummy. Pls take care!!
Wendy, take good care of yourself. Hope you will overcome this difficult period soon. Be strong. May god bless u. Hugs

I understood wat u r going thru and what went thru.

Some of us went thru what u went thru before....we stood by you.

Hugz!! Hugz!!
Really sorry and sad to hear what happen. Please do take care of yourself and be brave to go on.... Don't think too much and rest well. There's a lot of people care and stand for you... Jia You
Any idea if we shorten to 3 weeks confinement, do we still have to pay her the full rate? Or can prorate?
hi ladies

Good morning! 3 days of holiday just passed like a flash! Back to reality again. How's everyone?
Has anyone gone for the detailed scan yet? Mine is next Sat 01Sep. Still got a long way before i can see my bb.
3 weeks should be able to pro rate. My confinment also fall into cyn 1st 5days. Since my gynae say mine is confirm a c-sect. He will arrange it at least a week earlier than edd.
At tmc for detailed scan now. Baby not very cooperative, only did partial scan, gotta go walk for 45 mins. Bored.

Karen, the gynae will scan for the measurement of thigh, arm bone, head and tummy circumference, count the number of fingers n toes, analyse the brain (check if it's equally divided into 2 halves n measurement of small brain n some other parts of the brain), analyse the heart (divide into half then quarters, check blood flow is into correct valves), scan for lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, gender. These were done just now. Later gynae will scan more when baby is in better position. Was told to walk ard first. Later will scan for face, cleft lips.. Not sure Wat else. Hope this helps!
Whiteclover : what i understand is that my gynae will review the result and run thru' with me after the detailed scan as i am suppose to go to his clinic after the scan.

shice: thanks for the update. Couldn't remember what the detailed scan is all about since my 1st pregnancy was 3yrs back. Good to know that these are the things they are looking out for.
White clover, yes. Gynae will let u know if there's anything wrong. But if scan by sonographer, I'm not too sure if the sonographer will update u on the spot or not.

Sigh.. Baby's not coorperative. Have to walk for another 45 mins.
In my old thread, the mummies were commenting that dring orange juice do help bb to be more active during detail scan. It worked for quite a nummber of them thou I have never try it before. You can consider trying
Bblove, memory getting bad. I just recalled abt the orange juice. Haha, but too late le. Should have rem n drink earlier. Managed to scan all except cleft lips, which will be done next visit. Was at clinic from 9.30 to 1.30. Super hungry. No wonder doc told me to take mc for today.

Anyway confirmed mine is a baby ger! Yeah.. Got my wish.
I haven't log in for quite a while. Very sad to see such a sad news. Wendy, my heart goes out for you, please take good care of yourself!!!

I have not been sleeping well lately. So day time I'm always tired. My baby is always active at night, keeping me awake. I have done my detailed scan last Friday. Sonographer told me the scan looks ok, will send the detailed report to my Gynae. It is confirmed that I am having a baby gal.
Hi gals, it's been such a long time since I logged in here to say HELLOS. Havent been following the thread as well as work was way over the top and too busy in the evening to login...

Wendy, take care...

Canopyhaze, my detailed scan is next week on 30 Aug - so excited cause it's been more than a months since I saw bb on US. Last night I had a scare - had so bad tummy aches at 2am in the morning, I thought I was having contractions.
really scared me so much lor.

Missy, the last forum I was active in for my #1, they suggested a bottle of yakult about 20mins before the scan. The sugar in the yakult suppose to make them active. ;p
Dear mummies,

how useful is prenatal and post natal massage? Do I have to prebook them a few months in advance like confinement ladies?
Thanks Shice for your detailed explanation. It sure took a long time to complete the whole scan. My scan is on 3 sep and yes i am so anxious about it. Cant wait for that day to come and hope everything will be fine.
I didn't know detailed scan can take so long to complete. I am having mine next Mon morning at TMC. Looking forward to seeing bb again. Hope bb will be cooperative and all will be well.

Hee maybe I will try the orange juice trick also. Will try prep talk bb the night before too.

Congrats on ur good amnio results!
shice, that must be tiring, 4hrs for scan at TMC. For my Oscar scan, 3rd scan after I had Strawberry tart then bb move to right position.

Bliss, the good result calls for a celebration!

Tigress, your bb movements are so big ah. I can only feel little nudge, not so strong movements yet.

Snowger, stomach pain is it wind? My detail scan is on 30-Aug also.

lish-zzz, I've only tried post-natal massage & I think it helped reduce my tummy size. Can't remember how early I booked though.
Piscean, what is the nudge feeling like? I am in my 18wk and i have some ripple-like feeling in my tummy. Not sure what is it through...
hello ladies!
Remember about the Bishan Yoga class we are talking about much earlier? Rita contacted me today that the venue is finally set (in Bishan ST 13 CC), we will need to get a few people to share the cost if possible. ($100/session regardless #pax). Pls IM me your contact if you are interested by Sun, 26 Aug so we know if we can start our private class in Sep class or not.
Hi mummies, my first preg detailed scan was quite fast coz baby was in right position. One time n finish. This one took so long coz she keep covering n hiding herself. Shy ger. haha.. Maybe when it's ur turn, can take suggestion of orange juice or yakult as suggested by other mummies.
Shice / Snowger, thanks for the orange juice & yakult tip! My detailed scan will beo n 28 Aug so will try that. Last time I took oscar ard 9+am, bb just woke up during the scan itself. This time time scan will be at 8+am (so early!) so need all the help to get bb to be active!

Karen, initially I will feel ripples too - it's bb moving! later on will become stronger i.e. nudge. Last time for #1, when i was lying down, I can actually see #1 moving to 1 side such that it was like a small mole hill on 1 side of the belly!

Bliss, great to learn of your gd amnio results!
Thanks mummy Friends, bblove, Serene, piscean and bdmummy = )

@ friends, u got it right = )

I overheard a lady telling the nurse that the gender for amnio not accurate. She said she overheard from friends too so wondering whether is it true? Thought Gender from amnio is thru the fluid which cultivate the cell for testing.

Mummies, do enlighten me on this. Thanks
@ Valerie, Dr Lim called me last evening. In his joyful voice, he told me that everything is good and it a healthy baby boy. He told me not to over stress myself, take good care of myself and be happy. Dont be emotional burn out and let it out if I dont feel good. He is fatherly to me and I like him every much = )

Was wondering why in some threads got other said bad comments abt him. I am thankful til this day cos he told me I can make it for natural birth. I had a long labour, 22 hrs + .. He kept checking the CTG machine and my condition. He was encouraging during the process.
bliss_ling: I fully agreed with you. Looking at Wendy's case, then i realised that y he was very very concerned when I saw him the last round about my wetness after the amnio test. He is more kan cheong than my hubby
Order me to admit IMMEDIATELY to have TOTAL bed rest till he did the test to confirm that my wetness was due to discharge rather than leakage and then allow me to discharge. I also find him very caring and fatherly. This is also the reason y i continue to see him despite having to wait for a few hours (at times) for the monthly checkup.

Regarding inaccuracy of the gender from the amnio test ~ i NEVER heard of that. For my case, my earlier 2 pregnancies, the gender reveal on the amnio test result were ACCURATE.
Congrats on your healthy bb boy. My sil's gynae said amnio test result on gender is 100% accurate cos they check on chromosome or something like tat. He did mentioned it is even more accurate than detail scan.
Have you told yr mil on the gender?
i'm also having my detailed scan on 28 Aug!!
I know the gender of my bb, i just hope all organs and features are healthy and well!
Bliss, i think the amnio test shd be accurate blah... In any case, your scan also shows boy boy right? So shd be accurate.

Detailed scan: mine also took quite long. About 45min to an hr in the room until hubby dozed off... Boring cos the lady didn't really say much. I have to keep asking her whether everything is ok...

Gynae: I think subjective... Hubby also initially don't like the idea of going to male gynae.. but after meeting Dr Ben, he is ok with him. I like Dr Ben cos he is the soft spoken type and very patient. Never once suggested Csect in the labour room throughout the 17 hrs and even told me that he will stay with me longer if need be after his clinic is closed for the day.
Good morning mummies..

can take milo before Oscar and detailed scan. works as well.. i drank milo before i went for my scans for #1 and Oscar for this time.

Angeliqueous, is the class on weekdays or weekends? i m keen too.. pls keep me in the loop too. thanks.

I'm also more concern abt the well being of the bb rather than the gender. So long bb's healthy, the rest doesnt matter. For the preggy i have not been eating healthy food n sometime dun even feel like eating. Craving for maggie mee most of the time.
