(2013/01) Jan 2013

@ serene, going detailed scan this wed pm

@ bblove, dun know why and yes I at ftwm.. she taken care by cc .. no one wants to take care of her.. rem mil gender bias ...

@ serene ( jaydenmum), most welcome : )

Taken care by cc should have a routine for nap. Mine also taken care by cc. I set a routine for them to sleep by 8.30pm. In facy i can rest after tat or it will be couple time but having insomia since preggy. ended up every day also panda eyes.
Bliss_ling, what time does your gal wake up in the mornings? My boy is also in full day cc and I find that his schedule is more routine when he goes to cc i.e. sleep roughly at 10pm, wake up 7am, and he takes about 2hr nap in afternoon. Maybe you can check w cc teachers on their activities and if they limit the nap time to certain number of hours? Or maybe you gal is running on energizer batteries (like my niece!).
Bdmummy / Bliss _ling,
Mine wake up at 6.30am to bath. By 7am they will be in school. I start work at 8am.
In the afternoon, nap time will be 12 to 3pm. Usually they nap for 2 hrs or less.
Dinner set at 7pm. 8pm brush teeth n story time. By 8.30 light out.
Im pretty sure their routine will go haywire once bb out. Part of the reason I will be on ML and they can wake up late.
You can try black charcoal but i dun like to take too much medicine during preggy. I will usually take banana which is natually fruit yet can stop diarrhoea.

Are you on any supplement that cause constipation the past few days? If yes, then it is normal to have diarrhoea after consripation n should go away in a day or 2. Otherwise good to consult doc.
hi mummies, i haven't posted for over a week cos was really busy moving house. I went for scan last friday and will be expecting a girl! I always thought it will be a boy but my gynae says very likely a girl even though my detailed scan is 3 weeks time. Quite happy lah, that my no.1 will have a sister for best friend and a girly playmate!

i'm still having morning sickness and puked out my lunch a few times due to overwhelming bodily and food smells.. wonder really when it will stop. For some reason am craving very spicy food like to the extend that I need chilli padi if the food is not spicy enough for me! hopefully will not cause the baby harm...

I will need to transit my no.1 to her own room soon and really struggling to start cos she is so used to sleeping in her cot in my room and most nights will wake up a cry and sleep between hubby and I. Any mummies have any tips? Will greatly appreciate it!
<font color="119911">pinkdice, I've the same prob as u! Dunno how to transit #1 to own rm...
I'm now contemplating to put 2 cots in my room...
But wonder how that's gg to fit!</font>
@bblove, yes it routine nap in cc. How abt the milk feed? Mine dun know why sleeps ard 11.30-12mmn everyday since this mth which is the ghost festive. Keep asking us who is that, point and stare at the ceiling near the cupboard. Saying she is scare.

Usually at my mum's place, she will sleep by 10pm cos my place no one watches TV prog except hub. We off light by 9.30pm. At mil place, she will nap ard 11.30pm cos tv on and u know la all tv boxs outside. then she can heard the sound from outside.

@ bdmummy, mine wakes up when she goes to cc ard 7.30am or 7.45am..Nap time ard 12.30-3pm.. Perhaps she running on energizer batteries .. oh gosh!!! plus I was an active person even when I preggy.. Only feel lethargic when I was abt 2 weeks away from edd.

mine dinner at 6.30-6.45pm, milk at 9.45pm then read books.. maybe i should read books to her earlier ard 8pm.. I am very "drama" when comes to reading books.. Make different sound and expressions.. Mine is a lover for books and will ask me to read again and again. Always bring books to the room, sit beside me / on my lap and listen. Normally will engage her during reading asking her things. Thus this could set her brain working at such late nights.

Will try another method tonight.
Transiting to own room
1. It's quite scary for a little one to be in a dark room alone. What you can do is to have a night light and leave the door ajar.
2. Sleep with them for the first few days/weeks or so. Then slowly leave at midnight, then put them to bed then leave...

Just a few ideas. Actually my #1 was still sleeping with us when we had #2. they transited to another room together so it isn't as scary.
I used to have Nuk brown teat but was told by IFC to change back then cos it always stick together after 3 weeks of usage. No choice use the silicon then now pigeon teat.

@ pinkdice, now not staying at my own place (yet to come) thus i still have excuse to keep my #1 with me in same room.

However, most ppl says it good to start early. Have a fren whose 4 yrs old daughter still sleeps with them on the same bed. Getting jealous when dad tried to get close to mum.. Abit getting out of hand as she refuses to sleep on her own bed.
Hi mummies,

I letting go of Maclaren Techno XLR at $490. Used 3 times. Bought in June 2012.
Year 2011 series.
Condition: 9.5/10

My child prefers her capella stroller
bliss : My boy is like your gal, he will sleep ard 11pm, tho he is in full day childcare. He will wake up ard 7.30am, and nap ard 12noon in school. His dinner is from 6.15pm to 7pm. Shower ard 7.30pm or 7.45pm, then goes to room ard 8.30pm to 9pm for his bedtime story, we will switch off lights ard 9.30pm, but he will still awake and roll in &amp; out of his bed, and jump onto our bed as his cot bed is side by side with our bed. He will sleep when eventually he has tired himself out. Normally, ard 10plus to 11pm.

Transit to next room
My boy's room has been vacant since day 1, his bb cot is beside out bed as we were taking care of him since day 1 tho' we had a CL. Hubby has suggested to move his cot bed into his own room as it can be converted into a toddler bed, and buy a new playpen for #2, he will be taking care of our boy and sleeping with him as there's an adult bed in #1's room as well, while i take care of #2, as he is afraid of #2's crying and waking up every 3hourly for milk will wake #1 up from his sleep. And also, we do not want #1 to feel left out due to the arrival of #2 by sending him to sleep on his own. I do agree, but don't like the idea of sleeping separately. Anyone can advise me on this?
@ canopy, oh mine... our kids are the same.. even bring them in earlier, the child will play/ roll on bed til 1-2 hrs.. Running on energizer batteries..
sleeping separately
I having same issue and it more of hub and me. Hub as usually loves his mum place and to reduce the conflicts, I thought of moving out to my mum place. Hub can even suggests to me that he stays put at his mum place so that he can help his mum to take care of #2 whereas i take care of #1.

To be frank, I not sure how he going to help when it comes to the tv times.

Guess he trying not to go over to my mum place with me.
Yr hubby so mummy boy. you tell him he take care of #1 n u take care of #2 cos bb need to be breast feed.
canopy, your hb suggestion not too bad but in long run it will not b advisable. perhaps u may try for a few months and let your #1 adapt to it first.

bliss_ling, i hv the same comment as bblove, your hb is really a mummy boy.

For me, my 2 kids are sleeping with us and i m planning to let both sleep in the other room when i m bk from my delivery. i hv been telling them abt my plan but it seems like both my 2 kids r not willing especially my son who has been telling me that he will miss me if i dont sleep next to him. my heart melt when i heard that
mayb my boy will b like ling's hb next time - a mummy boy
@ bblove &amp; Valerie, ya lor... Totally agree.. sometimes wondering why he married.. Might as well stay with his mum.. since he regards her as the highest of all..

@ Valerie, hehehee... sometimes be a mommy boy ok but not like mine will do... whahaha
ling: have u engaged your confinement nanny?? I m right now sourcing for one. So many frens told me that I m very late already...dont know if still can find one.

Anyone here ever used ConfinementNanny.com before? Care to share on their service?
@ valerie, I got mine from PEM yst. Taking the pre cny package thou my edd is on 20 Jan and by 2 Feb all confinement service will stop. Got no choice but to take it cos their CNY packages are fully booked..

Thou I on waiting list for TMC confinement nanny, the confirmation will be at Nov and I guess it will be too late by then.

Forget when is ur EDD? If it doesnt cross CNY period then still can get CL from agency.
this PEM also hard sell.. want to sell me massage package, herbal package... I said i dun need herbal package cos I buy my own stuff. Guess what that sale person replied "oh my CL is trained to prepare the soup from our herbal package"

My replied " WHAT, u mean if I didnt get ur herbal package then no herbal soup for me which she can prepare?" ... later he said i can ask my CL to prepare, shouldnt be any prob..

What a crab thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He thinks I dun know anything abt confinement..
My EDD is 6 Jan 2013 but as I will be going for C-section, it is likely that I will deliver last 2 week in Dec. May I know how much PEM quoted you for a 28 days live in confinement nanny??

My 2nd delivery i actually engaged PEM for their confinement nanny. The nanny they assigned to me ~ not too bad.

This time I m thinking of getting one more quote from another agency to compare before confirming the nanny.
mine nv hard sell leh.. first preg i took their package cos cheaper but the herbs my sis say tiny tiny one.. not good enough.

For this one my sis n mum will be helping me to buy and at least it is better than what they provided.

What good about agency is at least they can change confinement nanny and for freelance i see too many pattern and also some cannot be contacted and deposit already paid. so there is a risk there..

I book my CL when im 4-5preg and is my hubby that do all the arrangement. im shocked that he first time do things so fast.

Maybe he also know dragon year many ppl popping
I cannot remember how much but if you want the certain nanny have to pay 200 more which i agree.. if she cannot work for u no need to pay 200, levy fee pay yourself,. its 2K plus. have to go dig receipt.
@ valerie, theu quote me $2080 exclude govt levy of $175. For c-sect, will u be getting a auspicious date and time?

@ cheese, their herb package i heard from those whom got it from them , all said lousy quality.. My sales person is Kyo.. I think agency better if not later fly me plane, i will be at the lost..

Your son better now? Still coughing?
yup Valerie, what cheese said is right... need pay extra $200 for specific nanny..

my auntie used to be from PEM. They went thru Mt Alvernia training etc.. still ok. but nw she cant do for me cos my uncle passed away then no one managed the oil palm seeds..

What a waste lor if she can do then i dun have to worry and still get to eat her salmon fried rice. She is a Pro breast feeding
gonna kiss goodbye to $600 tonight for the CL deposit... tmr is my detailed scan then will see my gynae.

More monies to be kissed away..
Good afternoon. Struck in the meeting the whole morning... Headache now....

Bliss, u so cute.. I like the way you reply to PEM who hardsell the herbs. Read that the herbs are not so good quality... Best to go store, see, feel &amp; pay...

Cheese, agreed with you on the freelance CL. I just paid a $200 deposit to my CL last week... All i have is two tel nos... No form of security... Pray that my CL don't fly me aeroplane. But my first impression of her not bad. She still make the effort to note my food preferences...
nw looking at breast pump called Ardo.. oh gosh... i need to choose and think straight.. so many pumps and suit individual and i have to remind myself that what suit others may not suit me .. in a dilemma..

Was telling hub that I getting a breast pump, maybe single. He said get twin better, flow for this time round should be easier.. I praying hard also.. He told me " no Medela hor cos last time u get it then dont like it and in the end sold it at a loss.
should be the same amt since its agency.
I cannot remember the sales person name also, haha. they are still nice larz. cos i cancel my herbs with them and they return my $ very fast via post.

Agency should be ok ba.. if not have to report to CASE liao.

My boy still coughing le.
he been doing 5days neblizer and the neb medicine finished liao, and i just stop a day ago, and his english cough med already eat for 2weeks which i tink its too long liao..

just started sat to give hou zao san + singular and dhatifen but timing is different and what I notice is 12am he will cough a few times pass two days.. then yest he cough at 2am, I wake up and give him hou zao san and he sleep back. 5+ cough again...

I hope this is call better... at least nv cough so many times,but still got phelgm, my sis ask me to continue to give hou zao san, should see effect for the second bottle.
@ friends, drink more water and have a break to ease the headache. I am exempted from meeting cos I told my boss i afraid i need toothpicks .. lol..

Maybe that sale person got a shock cos I was quite pissed off when he said his CL only know how to prepare herbal soup from the packaging.. My colleague was listening to the conversation , she not dare to talk to me for the whole of yst afternoon.. damn piss off .. i told him nicely le " it ok, thanks I dont need it" . He "good wine dun drink, want to drink fa jiu" keep repeating.
@ cheese, do u want to see a tcm physician? At least they are trained to see young kids. For Hou san, it is good for cough and phlegm but I heard from eys tcm, hou san may not be suitable if the kid is having heaty cough.

Yes, western med more for 2 weeks are quite long. I rem mine took it ard duration and i feeling quite heart pain..

For singular and dhatifen, arent they belong to the same "family" just that Singular is very expensive and what some pds told me that it is an expensive designer drug whereas Dhatifen is cheaper. Both open airway.
Thanks Ling &amp; Cheese for the info on confinement nanny.

Ling: Both my past 2 pregnancies I did not select auspicious date &amp; time. I will base on the dates given by Dr Lim and then I will just pick a date that I like to give birth. Timing wise I will choose morning.
1.5days more to detailed scan!! Can't wait to see baby after 5 weeks!!!

canopyhaze, are u sending ur medela for servicing? I was thinking of doing that and buying new tubes and parts to use with the pump...

Bliss_ling, I used the Pigeon Sterliser on avent bottles and some of the medela+avent pump parts (for pump parts and bottle teats I will put it on the higher tier of the pigeon sterliser - old one). So far so good, my bottles didn't spoil or melt... I used the sterliser on NUK bottles before. All ok.
piscean33, yah I can imagine. The last round I took train from Dolby to Bishan - I almost wanted to die. THe train was so packed I had no where to move to and there were 2 guys who were reeking of the sweat smell. One of them even had his hands raised to hold the overhead rail. Was practically turning green... :/
haven le. i self treat him first.
that time go see doc already spend 200+ for the expensive lung booster...

hope he get better soon.
really very heartpain to see him coughing
bliss_ling, PEM is one of my shortlisted. The sales didn't mention anything about herbal package. Oh dear, does it mean that if I don't take up the herbal package, then their nanny won't prepare herbal soup? What if we buy the herbs for them to prepare?
@ snowger, thanks gal .. Glad to know that the pigeon sterilizer works for all bottles.

@ lish-zzz, they will ask u whether u want to take up their herbal package when they collect deposit from u / when u confirm their services. The CL will know how to cook even w/o the PEM herbs packaging just that what the sale person told me that their CL train to boil according to what is pack inside the packaging..

Simple herbal soups like papaya fish soup, herbal black chicken, Cl should know how to prepare..

Best is to standby the methods written down by medical hall when u purchase the herbs.

I be getting the stuff from EYS
@ cheese.. hope he gets well soon.. heart pain for mummy and everyone at hm.

Wondering how mei mei will look like? eyes big big as gor gor = )

Now most adorable time at this age, takes more pictures
snowger : dont' think i am sending my pump for servicing. I have loan my pump to my sister in law since the birth of her 2nd bb in Nov last yr, will be getting it back when she stopped, probably end of the yr. I have bought 2 new sets of tubing &amp; funnels etc which i only managed to use 1 new set during #1, so it should be ok. SIL is using her funnels &amp; tubing which she bought.

Bliss : like snowger, i use pigeon sterliser for my medela parts, pigeon bottles and avent bottles, they seem ok to endure the heat.
Dhatifen is the branded form of keitotifen (generic). Both will lead to good appetite. Singulair works the same way.

Which cough med is your son taking? Some cough med stops cough but he might still get backdrip so you need to stop backdrip. Some are allergic cough so taking med meant for allergy is better. You have to check with your pd. We don't see pd, just a very good gp :D but pd should be able to tell you which type of med is appropriate for which stage of the cough...

Be careful when you take Chinese med that comes in pill form. Some have steroids. Im not against tcm, just those pills I'm not sure what goes in. I give my children a lot of herbal stuff but pills make my squirmish.
Cheese, you have a very cute boy!! Love his poses

Moving to own room
sounds like its going to be a difficult task no matter how we hope its not... my no 1 is quite a light sleeper so definitely cannot sleep with no2 in my room especially if she wakes for milk... was thinking of what full house suggested- to sleep with her first in the beginning..

So now i need to get ready her own room and start spring cleaning it as its been used a a store room of sorts.. So not looking forward to this process
canopyhaze, I c... I think i will since I havent used it for such a LONG LONG time... since end 2009? about 3 years! Scared it gives up on me half way haha... ;p

Bliss, that time i bot pigeon cos it had a huge capacity and it was "cheapest" in the market then. I have 2!!! ;p one i put @ my MIL's...
About PEM : the staff told me CNY period is fully booked since last week, and no chance/no point to put on wait list. the cost is $2050 plus another $900 for CNY surcharge, and you pay your own levy seperately. so it is about 3.2k total. market rates for freelance nanny is about the same 3-4k. If they quote you 2k+ for cny period, it is quite impossible, moreover, all their nanny are not available anymore if you just decide to book now, so maybe you want to check.

For my case, luckily, my friend recommend me her CL who just completed her confinement. I managed to close the deal at 3.3k. I guess for now, it is about confirming a CL that you are comfort and she is available, we don't have too much bargaining power as this peak period.

Snowger, what do they check or do when your send your Medela pump for servicing? My freestyle has been in "cold storage" since 2010, must go and dig out from the storeroom again! Haiz... In fact, I had a hard time digging out the babyplus... Think my storeroom has too many stuff used by my boy previously!!!
