(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel so envy!!! Me now as if having major upheaval and crisis at home i tell you! Cant wait to even can go sentosa! For that matter cant wait to even just get out of the house, lol~

Heartbeat, life will get better! Today is our last day in melbourne, time flies... & we hv been in melbourne for 10 days. Hubby loves the city and we met up a few friends who have migrated here. Hubby said Australia is a better Plc for belle to grow up in. The sch system here is more rounded... And the weather is melbourne is so interesting!

Our next trip will be next mth.. A short trip to Bali.
heartbeats, how are u doing? Seldom hear from you these days. You must be really busy with the twins. Come join us on FB lah...
Heartbeats, how are you doing? Thanks for remembering me. I delivered my boy on 22 Oct via c-sect. C-sec bec of IUGR. BB weighed only 2.6 kg when he was born. Now he is growing well and weighs 4.2 kg already. He is a guai guai boy and seldom cry. Neighbour may not even know I have a baby at home..But he did not sleep well at nights for about 2 weeks already. Sometimes he did not sleep until 3-4 am making me sleepless.
He sleeps a lot in the day time..Hopefully, his sleep pattern will change soon. Otherwise, I will be in trouble.
Congrats Cool Cool
no worries about that. Many babies will outgrow that. Jia you!

Hi Hazel, glad that you have a great trip
yo, mi oso planning a cruise after gal turned six months hehee

Long time din hear from the rest. Cat, Heartbeats, Ron, Queenie, Bbliss, wondering how are you all doing?

Soon i m going back to work..haha Long long time din work liao.
Hi Coolcool, i used to have problem where my bb sleep in day and not in night in the 1st month. I tried to use a wet towel to wake her up in the evening, so that she will wake up. and not sleep so much. It really helps, of course the bb would get angry when u do so.
Thanks Sunbelle..yeah. I will have to wait for him to outgrow that..

Bubblescoop, thanks for the suggestion. How long did it last? Mine already about 3 weeks.
hello luv! long time never come in... so touched that you thought of me... this forum seems quiet now.. i havent offered my congratulation, but if bbjourney and angelxuan happen to come in, my heartiest congrats to both of you! hope all's well for all sisters who have graduated, and jia you for those in the queue

i am doing ok.. but taking care of twins is really very challenging... i am not young anymore so it is very demanding on me and my body... everyday not enough sleep... my mum and mil take turns to come to my house to help everyday (except weekend).. after my CL left, i realise i strongly dislike having a stranger staying in my house, so although i started on maid search, i was half-hearted so still doing without a maid now.. my bbs are 3 months plus now.. and mine, they can really throw tantrums at times... i look fwd to them being able to sleep through the night.. so sleep-deprived! now if i want to go out also very difficult.. my hubby has to be at home with my mum or mil.. managed to go shopping on tue. so happy, but spent a small fortune...

luv, how many weeks are you now? sorry i lost track.. hope alls well for you and yr bb. since you join the secret FB group, please help me send my regards to the sisters there...

time really flies.. till now, at times, i still cant believe i am a mother now.. really grateful to many sisters here for your support and advice during my down moments and difficult times, and for sharing my joy too...
cock cock...gd to know that you are coping well even without amaid...i am hoping that i can do that too cos dun really think my maid can help much in baby care...

stay strong...
Hi mc! Thanks! When r u due? Hv u chosen yr ward class? I can share my bill amount w u if u keen.. How are the little ones doing inside u?
Cock cock, dun u think we r superwomen? Every phrase in our life is a challenge from the time we r preggy to giving birth to caring for them plus we need to work whether at home or at work. Yr next phrase will come soon! Yr darlings will start to flip in a mths time. Once that start it's another phrase ..... Make sure u have pillows and rails to ensure they do not fall down. Now I m often on 4s ie crawl. I will crawl behind my gal or in opposite direction to play with her. I have a knee problem and for a longest period I can't crawl or squat. Surprisingly I did it all now. Sleep wise .... Till today I still do not have many hrs. Weekdays about 6 hrs of sleep. Weekend if i m lucky 7. U often will wake up to check on them. Like u I dislike a maid. My part time maid decide not to clean my house and my fren. Now my hubby and I have to DIY. Forget what test result u had in yr pregnancy. Enjoy the phrase and have fun everyday with them.
yo cock cock...i am currently at wk36+2..hopefully can tahan till wk37 or even xmas. Are you with kkh? i hv book single bedder as doc said bb weight are gd and most like won't need nicu. Bb weight at wk 35+5 ard 2.8kg ea.

if you can, pls share the bills with me ;-)... i think you delivered at full term too right? rem u still working at wk35.
just to share...blur xuan had delivered her LFT on 12/12/12...however, she had encounter complication from the emergency c sec and still in hospital while her babies can go home ....pray that she will get well soon.
cock cock, i dislike maid too. but i.have one. coz the least i wan to do is house work after work n wkend. we hv so littletime, so catching up w rest n spending time w our little ones r more impt than housework.

belle is turning one nexr mth. m going to make her 2 fondant cakes for her jan n lunar birthday on 3rd of cny. time flies without u realising it. belle is a big girl now n will go play grp when she turns 18 mths. i am trying for no 2 in a few mths time. if not successful then will close shop.

enjoy ur shopping. i bought lots of pressie too, for family n friemds n myself. just bought an osim massage chair yesterday, we got to pamper ourselves too esp when we r no longer young... aching body after taking care of bbs.

merry xmas!
hi mc, you are doing great! 2.8kg is v good for twins! well done mummy! mine was est to be 2.7kg end up gal 2.95kg and boy 2.178kg only... i delivered at 36w6d (not full term). actually, its v safe for you to pop liao.. really happy for you!! take gd care ok

i hope blurxuan recover fast! time really passed and i didnt know she is due already.. sure feel sad that cant leave hospital with bbs..

for hosp bills, i choose ward A premier package. my bill for myself is $5,480.58 (can use medisave $3950), so only paid cash $1,530.58.. both my bbs stayed one day in special nursery and spent btw $1500 (can use medisave of $1,350 for each bb), so end up in total I paid less than $300 for the bbs..

catherine, thanks for the sharing! i do think we are superwomen, haha.. this morning hubby went work and i was alone at home with 2 bbs... believe me it's vvv challenging when both bbs cried for milk together.. oso got to time their bathing time v carefully... i invented a hand-free feeding method for my bbs.. but now that they are bigger and move around alot, doesnt quite work liao and milk will spill...

hazel, like catherine, we are handling household chores ourselves (in fact, mostly done by me since i am still on maternity leave).. tough yes, but i am v much happier without a stranger in my house.. but next time i start work i will consider p/t maid...
cock cock, so nice to finally hear from you!
Good to know you're doing well with the twins. They must be a handful now. But I'm sure you're still enjoying motherhood.
What hands-free method have you come up with? Share share leh... ;P

Sure, will convey your congrats to Bbjourney and Angel.

I'm 31 weeks along now. Hoping that bb will guai guai come out only in Feb!

Hazel, Xuan had trouble dilating and had emergency c-sect. She lost a lot of blood and had to have blood transfusion. Also suffered fever, diarrhoea and vomitting. But think she is getting better and can be discharged on Monday.

Juvi and Throll are also due very soon btw.
cock cock...thanks for sharing the bill...i hope all will be smooth for me...feeling gan cheong too though not my first time but now with 2 babies is a different story..getting really uncomfortable now but i will endure for them to reach full term if possible. Dr Tan mentioned no need steriod too so more 放心

Throll will be inducing tml morning as her water level became low..wishing her a smooth delivery too...
Cockcock!!!! Hugz n muakz. It must be very challenging taking care of twins as i already find it very challenging taking care of my son.

I have delivered my boy on 11 Oct 2012. He was a premmie and he had respiratory distress, so he was warded to NICU for abt 6 days and after that transfeered to normal nursery. I got a shock when i rcd his bill but as long as he is healthy, money can earn back. He is now a healthy n active baby and sometimes can stay wide awake a night. Sleep is so precious nowadays. If want to see panda, look at me can liao, o need to go zoo. :p. . Luckily my mum is very supportive and she offered to take care of my son sometimes so that i can rest or catch up w my sleep.

I also dislike having a stranger in my house and i asked my CL to leave before the week is up as i find her unhygenic and i am uncomfortable w her taking care of my baby.
Cock cock, of cos I believe u... Handling one is already difficult and u have to handle 2?! I will go mad! I m also v interested in yr Hand free feeding method. Would like to share with my 3 frens giving birth next yr....Hey I think u will slim down v fast leh handling 2 bb and do housework all by yr self... U r a wonder woman! Juz make sure u catch power nap as and when u can cos once u start work it's horrible ... U will feel the stress at work ie watch yr time and complete all yr work juz to go home early, and u will feel time on weekend is v short. I hate this feeling now. I told myself everyday to leave by 7. But i often end up leaving after 8. Only if my gal is not well or I have to pick her up I will leave by 7. For housework my advise is plan ahead and do and most importantly hubby must help and agree with yr plan. Lucky for me my hubby quite auto now after lots of scolding. The funny part is my gal like to watch us do housework. She will stare v hard when I iron and clap hand when her dad vacuum... Once my Ironing board or Vacuum Cleaner is out she stop playing And watch .... She's a cute little rascal. Soon the kids will have special moments with u. For my gal she will hold my hands and swing as if we r dancing or knock her forehead against mine. She will hug and pat my mum on her back. For my hubby she will pat his head and shoulder and koala him. Even hubby tried to do those actions she did to me my gal juz refused. Told my hubby juz respect her... : D
Hi folks,

Happie to see the thread thriving again. Yeah wishing blur xuan a speedy recovery.

Cock cock I still remember you come to the thread jus announcing u Peggie ... Yo, time flies, my gal 6 mths now...

Hazel , where r u holding belle birthday party huh? Time really flies
so nice to hear from the old pals!

luv, jia you wor! only 2 more months to go! have you bgt all the essential stuff? must cherish this period when bb is still inside you ok... i missed my preggie time v much after i delivered.. i rem talking to my bbs every night and singing them songs before going to bed.. my hubby wld kiss my tummy twice to the bbs inside me.. after i delivered, when bbs were in special care, i cried coz bbs not with me and i cant sing song to them.. time really flies..

bbjourney, so happy to hear from you! and knowing that u and bb are well! yes, money can earn back.. enjoy your time with your little one! when are u starting work? as for panda look, i think u cant fight me!! coincidentally, my twins were delivered the day jia jia and kai kai came to spore! haha...

oh yes, re my hands-free feeding mtd, it is really a desparate solution coz that day when i was home alone with 2 bbs and both want milk at same time and screaming so loudly i cldnt cope.. so i put bb on rocker (must insert head support)(adjust the slanting angle of the rocker so that it is comfortable for bb to lie and drink milk), then i put bottle in his mouth. once angle and position correct and comfy, i rolled a nappy and extend it from one side of head support to the other side, and make sure bottle rest nicely on top of the nappy).. of course got to watch up if bottle slip.. i managed to feed boy and gal successfully using this mtd.. but if bbs are the kind who move a lot during feeding, then this mtd no good... my boy now shift and move so much this mth doesnt quite work liao.. btw, dont do this in front of your mil... i showed my mil a video taken, she wasnt pleased, haha.. so catherine, sorry this "lan" mtd u better dont teach your friends.. only maybe those with twins or really desparate mums need to use... yes, i know it will be a different set of challenge once i start work and i am dreading it... your gal sounds so cute with her patterns and behaviours! i am sure its such a joy to watch her grow
is she still in infant care?

hello sunbelle!! my twins 3 mths behind your gal..
sunbelle, we r bringing her overseas again to bali during her birth date. i hv booked a nice villa w a pool. belle likes water n is always fastinated by new stuff. at times, i also dunno where she learnt fr. like she saw a,cat on tv she will make roar sound, my mum said she thought it was a tiger! hm.... anyway, the wkend b4 that wil get a cake to celebrate w my hub's close relatives. i leave it to mil to decide on the food part. belle's lunar birthday will spend w my family.

hows old is ur bb now?
cock cock, wah, ur hands-free method takes skill, hahah... Ur bbs are with you now and I'm sure it's another level of bonding and happiness with them.

Thanks for the encouragement! Left with a few major items and those small but essential items. Hoping to settle all by mid to late Jan. Today the bed for the CL is coming, so at least that's another thing that's almost settled. I don't have an extra room for CL so gotta do some manoeuvering of furniture etc. Bo bian lah...

Hazel, when does Belle turn 1yo?
Wah, so fast!
You're holding a big celebration for her 1yo b'day?

Btw, were u the one who mentioned using sun shade wif ur stroller? What brand did u use? Is it good?
Hi Hazel,

my gal is 6 mths now. time really flies. and i am going back to work soon hahahah
talked to my boss and is seemd tat woman after birth are always given another portfollio and the wonderful portfolio has been given to a up and rising star hahaha

guess have to see open in terms of all these or else how to go fetch gal after work next time. hmmhmm am told that if take medical leave or need ot go on no pay leave, have to be redesignate to only an officer level. instead of management position. hmmhmmm a bit sianz when hear of it leh.....

you have made the fondant cake before huh? hehehe
mi also learning leh heheh have to do all tins before i go back to work leh...

yo, my gal has been sick like fever up and down like roller coaster. kinderclinic doc say got virus going on..did urine test but no bacteria leh....
Cockcock and heartbeats, thanks for asking about me. Good to hear from you ! Pardon me for MIA for so long, I am still catching up on the archive postings but just thought of doing a quick update first.

I have delivered my baby boy via elective c-sec on 24 Oct. Ever since then I have really been tied up with lotsa challenges - CL woes, taking care of new born, building up BM supply (still struggling..) etc.. But time flies and baby is coming to 8 weeks tomorrow.
It's getting more manageable now as his feeding interval is longer and he's able to sleep longer in the nights too.
sunbelle, i m ordering the cake! fondant cakes r v expensive but v pretty! imagine having a 3D standing princess cake.

how come ur bb is sick when she is not in infant care? catch the bug fr who? belle seldom get sick. in fact, she has not beem sick since 2 months old after i introduce Chinese herbs n wkly home massage for her. even when we r sick, we dun separate her fr us. still take care of her n sleep same bed n aircon room. i dun believe in.keeping a distance when we r sick. too overly protected. she has to build up immunity. even when my niece n nephew r sick, they still play w her. and maybe her diet too so she is quite strong. even my mum said so.

my niece n nephew go holidays will fall sick either on trips or after return to sg. they r already so big (pri sch) still like this. but belle didnt fall sick in melbourne when temp can vary by 20 degrees in 1 day.

luvnhope, yes i got a sunshade w UV protection fr gmarket. cant remember the brand now. when we were in melb, we sawthe angmoh.using it too
Wow hazel, belle is like you. Strong leh..
yeah jus wondering what sort of Chinese herbs do u give her huh? yeah mi thinking of bringing her for TCM ..is 6 mths baby too young?

Any recommendation by others huh? I haven't start her solid food yet but going to. Except to wait for fever to subside. hmmhmmm tiring for parents when kid is sick I mus say...
sunbelle, belle started on wkly massage since 3 mths old. started cereals at 4 months old. porridge at 6 mths old. i put wolfberries n hua sang into her porridge n cook. blend them all after cooked. so she gets to eat it. her diet is well balanced, pork, fish, veg n fruit cooked w brown rice daily. brown rice makes her strong. she takes eys ba bao shan powder daily fr 3 mths old. no issue w the bitter taste, she loves it.

belle eats everything n is not fussy w food. she loves to eat.

i will give cod liver oil when she turns 1 next mth
sunbelle, i prepare belle's food myself n pass to my mum to feed. so, i give watever i feel like giving coz i will blend. during my niece n nephew time, they do not get to eat the pork coz my mum no time to blend n wash. she just use the pork stock yo cook porridge w fish. is different fr eating the meat itself. they only eat fish daily coz that soften esdily. they only eat pork n veg when they r much older.

my aircon temp is set at 20 degrees. belle wears pants n socks n short sleeves to sleep at night. day time, no pants n socks. just short sleeves rompers with a blanket
wow hazel, thank you so muchie for sharing
PD ask me to start late as my gal stomach not tat big cos she drinks milk on a more frequent basis too
weight gain slow down now in 6 months ....

is good that u gave belle to eat brown rice. which brand of brown rice did you give her huh?

wow belle is very very strong. i m worried that if gal felt sick hor, then hor when go back to work will be jia lat lor...

for those with nannies/ baby sitter, can share with me that for CNY all these festive seasons, how many days off do you give to nanny one huh?
sunbelle, belle does not eat a lot of porridge. 2 tablespoon of uncooked rice now. her milk is 120ml every 3 hrs. any amt more than tt she will puke milk. plus, pork, fish, veg n fruit, after blend is one bowl of porridge. belle eats half for bf n the other half for lunch. dinner she eats cereals.

when she first started porridge, it was just one tablespoon. i buy Thai organic brown rice, elephant brand. a logo of an elephant is on the packaging. is easier to cook, no need to soak.

belle has stopped gaining weight since 9 mths old. but she is already above average as she is 9+kg now n she is tall. her pd told me 9kg plus at 1 yr old is above average.

this stage is v fun to play with. u knoe, when she dun wan something she will shake her head! n when she hears me say cannot, dun wan, she will shake her head too. when there is music, either fr toys or we sing or fr tv. she will shake her body or butt! she wans to leave, she will wave bye!

my mum told me just the other day, she took my 8 yrs old nephew underwear n lift up one of her legs wanting to wear it herself! she is super inquisitive n active. i dunno how she picks up all these esp when she does not even attend ifc. those my parents generation n older who see her will tell me she will be v smart next time coz she has "kok tao" (hokkien). ie her forhead is super protruding. well, i will wait n see...if that's is true.
thks hazel...so after baby is born, we book an appt with Dr Yong? how abt the 6-1 jab?

Also...my check up yst showed that i am 3cm dilated. Will be admitting tml morn...
mc, bb on the way! ya, call n make appt. or walk over to children private suite with bb's health booklet n get the.nurse to schedule. is opp the women's TPS

we nv have to wait more than 15 mins to see dr yong with appt. also dr yong has walk in clinic on wk day. so, if bb is sick n wan to see a dr, can just go n see her. but without appt has to wait.
abt the jab, the.nurse will schedule. if u call in, just tell the nurse, bb is new born n u wan to schedule appt to see dr yong for vaccination n milestone check. i happened to be at kkh thete, so i just walked over w belle's health booklet n get the nurse to schedule
hi mc, congrats! soon you will be carrying your previous little ones in your arms! so happy for you... enjoy your last day with bbs inside you, and also spend some time alone with hubby.. once bbs are out, couple time becomes scarce! take gd care and keep us posted ok! all the best
hi angel! so happy to hear from you finally, and to know that u are doing well! well done! rem the first time we met? that was in jan this year, and it will be one year next mth... time flies.. enjoy motherhood and happy bonding with your boy... our bbs dont come easy.. jia you!!
thks hazel and cock cock...hope everything will go smoothly tml...

Hazel, so i will jus pop by the children clinic upon discharge right? for jaundice, can go Polyclinic?
23 weeks coming to 24 weeks this sun. Time flies. Seems not too long ago that we were chatting in the other thread. Hee. Happy for u. Jia you!

Cockcock, hihi! Happy to know that you are coping well with your twins. Good job!Enjoy motherhood ya!

Angelxuan, hihi! Glad to know your baby can sleep at longer interval and everything is under control.

Mc, hihi!!! Wishing you a smooth delivery.. Very soon, you will be carrying your babies in your arms. Jiayou girl!!
