(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Luv, my gal went to km at 5.5 mths old... From a little bb now she is reacting to her teacher ... Quite fun. Km r all franchise .... She attend a school at farrer road. There is one at gold hill center that's open by the hubby of a pd at forum, one at Rochester mall.

Catherine, Hazel, thanks for sharing

Catherine looks like you are really enjoying the learning process with Elis

Hazel, hmm...it's not really a waste of money I feel... Parents do learn a fair bit from the kiddy classes too and in turn we can choose the suitable methods to teach our kids at home. Many of my sahm mummy friends do that and said have helped to further develop/ fine tune their personal teaching style. Interactions with other parents also help to churn up more creative juice
I guess as long as child doesn't go for too many classes each time, it'll not be too heavy on the pocket.

Joanne, I'm have BW and color flashcards. I got my colors flashcards from Popular bookstore. BW ones I made my own. Did you manage to find the baby play gym? Can entertain your kids well?

Luv, actually my sis also didn't drill my niece on the flashcards much. They'll read it every alternate days or even lesser, in a very casual mode. Sis will spend about 30 mins to 1 hr each night to read to niece too. I think also do flashcards during. at rides but more to keep niece entertained.
Catherine, I see... Rochester Mall shld be a new branch right cos the mall itself is new. I used to wonder how much baby can learn if they go for class at only a few months old. Looks like Elis is learning a lot!

Tromso, every alternate day is also quite consistent liao.
And reading every night is a good habit. Not surprising ur niece is making remarkable progress!
Catherine, I'm keeping my expectations quite low in Shichida, as in I'm thinking 50-50 my girl may not like it...lol... Have heard mixed reviews fr other parent friends but for the parents who put in extra time and effort + kids like it, will see results. I see that many pull their kids out after 1-2 terms. Nonetheless I guess it's like any other enrichments, if child doesn't like it, don't need to continue and money not all wasted I feel, as there would have been lotsa fun, bondings, new knowledgeable learnt meanwhile. It's all about trial and errors with the little ones. Reading about your experience, it's very encouraging

Do you feel Elis will like piano like yourself? My SIL plays the piano too but her boy couldn't get into the piano class, didnt pass NAFA interviews/ tests, so ended up doing violin at NAFA instead. SIL says she can play the violin now as a result lol...
Tromso, I agree with u. My teaching method is not as interesting as my gal Music teacher. Yes I do enjoy the classes with her. I dun think that elis will have a choice. She has to learn piano. All the gals in my paternal side has gone thru music education ... She has to go thru it too. Hubby has no objection ... He learn and guide my gal along.

Luv, I have not been to Rochester mall for few mths. Dun know the place there. I believe charges r different. Mine is only like $18 per lesson. The teacher will remind me every lesson.... I din care whether she learn. I prefer her to enjoy and appreciate music. When we drive it's all nursery rhyme. No adult music. Cos this gal loves to monkey see monkey do. She knows how to switch on her keyboard, yesterday she dun know did what to my hubby wireless keyboard she off the music ... My hubby thought its cable problem, replace cable, did a lot then realise she mute the whole laptop. Now she is learning to change channels on the remote control. She already know how to throw my phone around and when i show her photos on my phone, she knows how to swipe to the next photo....Amazing right...
Tromso, glenn doman basically is on your own where the parent really has to be consistent in flashing the cards daily. Since I had the maths and English set, I did it but only till Megan was 1 yr which after I went back to work and didn't really managed to continue. Actually I'm also not too sure if it helps her in reading coz I do other things with her. From baby, I got lots of books so I read to her a lot. Perhaps it helps to start young as she likes books now.

I was interested in shichida too, but felt I couldnt carry on the lessons at home either and had to go for lessons. I do have friends telling me that the instructors previously were much better but now they are not so.
Can't comment muc though since I didn't sign Megan up, but guess its also a good form of exposure.

Catherine, your Elis is really picking up things fast! Totally agree that kids nowadays really amazing.
Tromso, I m not saying these classes r no gd. Wat I mean was bbs r too young for them. When I put belle on the queue list for GUG, the lady in charge also told me the same. I will try it out once when belle turns 12 mths old. If still too young, I will let her attend only when she is 18 mths old. Even my sahm mummy friends told me the same when I was asking them earlier if I Shld start sending belle.

Every parent's teaching is diff. For me, I wan to teach belle right. Even my parents who spoil her also wun let her touch things she shldnt be touching. My Plc n my bro place has no child proof stuff. Fans, windows, sockets, etc are not child proof. There's no need to coz we teach them fr young wat can play wat cannot play. So, Remote controller, PC, iPad, etc all cannot touch or play with. These stuff r not toys ok. We believe in teaching the child right fr a bb. If we allow them to touch n meddle with them, in a few mths time, we can't control them.. By then, then discipline is too late. Only confuse the bb as previously they can play with them but then later they cannot.. Why?

Well, if belle touches something she is not supposed to touch I will tell her NO, if she dun crawl away, I will carry her away.

Pp alway say 学坏三天学好三年. So, we must teach the bb right fr day 1.
I hv Seen hub's 1.5-2yrs old niece (cousin's child), at another cousin place, zoom ard pp house pulling out drawers n Taking out games CD and play one by one. Or take tv controller n anyhow play.. That means she has been behaving like this when she is at home n her parents n grandparents allow that... To me, is nothing to be proud off, coz other relatives, including me, was commenting behind the back why the parents nv discipline the toddler. Wat pp say 没教养.. And whose fault? The parents... So, I believe in teaching the child right fr d1. I will nv allow belle to behave in that manner at home or outside.
Headache. All of a sudden my gal drinks lesser n lesser and dislike bottles/ teats. Only latch can prevent her fussiness.
I just curious why my 3 mth+ bb suddenly cry when my mummy carry her. My mummy didn't see her like 1 day only snd she cry & cry no matter how she calm her dw. Even my dad try to play with her she also cry. My hub say it "stranger anxiety", but hw come it so sudden. Vera only stop crying rhen I hold her. I will be going bk to work in a week nw she like this I feel heart pain. I also worry my mum won't wa to look after her since she become like this. Now I start to worry my mum might change her mind by to take care if Vera. I dnt wa a nanny cos I worry also. Dnt kw hw a nanny look after her. Then Vera poop very soft poo not sure is it due to her crying. Cos usually she dnt cry tha much but usually her poop also sticky & soft but yest was abit more soft with a bit water.
Hi tanny, Vera also drink lesser which also made me frustrated. She will drink like 50-80ml then she start playing with the teats. I hv to play with her or coo her or act like a clown before she can continue to finish her milk which can last 1 hr for her to finish 150ml. Sometime it her 3 hourly milk time she still dnt feel like drinking. I dnt kw why she drink lesser. Now she like wa to see around & play rather than drinking. At least u still hv ur nipple to made her drink. I only hv teats to made her drink.
faithfully, bbs r v smart. they know who mummy is. my parents take care of belle 12 hrs a day. but once night falls, she will look for me. if i m ard, she will come to me always. she cries still at times when i leave for work.

is ok. engage the bb with toys to distract her. she will stop Crying. u also must walk away n dun let her see u. try it out
hi cat, hazel and tromso, yup good to keep this forum going on baby learning program hehee
mi oso still learning and also reasearching on baby programs too....

hi tanny, mine jus outgrow this phase. is a growing phase. we in fact bought so many numerous of bottles tat we din even try ...hmmhmmm.....be patient. mine latch for entire one month ......even though she take from bottle from day 1 .....

wow faithfully, your gal is drinking much more ...mine only 110ml for every 2 hrs cos we try feeding her more - cannot cos she vomit out....we decided tat is small meals for her....we also hope to stretch to 3 hrs one feed actually.....hmmhmmm still learning ...
sunbelle, hv u returned bk to work? enjoy your time if bb.. they grow so fast.. belle will now crawl to my mum or me n tug at our legs n makes bb sounds when she wants milk! is a joy seeing her grows up daily.
sunbelle, nice to hear from u too. u planning to go back to work? or continue to look after ur princess?

my gal also same, bad reflux, will vomit a lot of milk out even when i latch her mostly. burp frequently also like that.

hazel, indeed i agree it's a joy to see them grow especially the 1st year there's so much development. before u know it, they are growing bigger and bigger.
pierced, belle too suffered fr reflux. puke fresh milk somemore. but after i cut her milk quantity since 7 mths old, she is ok already. i just feed more often.
hi pierced and hazel, my gal oso a small eater so now is having more frequent meals. i have learned to let go of knowing what other baby are drinking now hahahah cos dun wan to compare the amount hehehe so long as baby is growing healthily can liao

hazel : mi taking no pay leave nw and going back in Jan...been a year eversince i stopped work hhahaha wonder my engine still there hahaha
yes you are right ..the amount of satisfaction i get when seeing my gal beautiful smile in the middle of night is really worth all the nite duty and also the frequent feedings
Sunbelle : wan to sell me all yr unused bottles one of each brand?

My gal is giving a big big headache!!!

She drinks like 20ml each time... And she can don't cry for milk until 4-5hr later. I warm 50ml and she drinks 20ml. I warm 40ml and she drinks 10ml. I have no idea how much to warm each time. So I just warm around 40ml to 80 and throw away the rest that she dont drink. Like now I warm 70ml and she suckle 3 min and fuss fuss. Pat her talk softly to her tell her to drink milk and sleep, she fuss/kick/ eh eh sounds. Put in the teat again she kick again and fuss again. She just dislike the teats. Then give her pacificer and she happy drift to sleep... But not really sleeping. When I step out she open her eyes! Sigh... Finally she sleeps and I check the milk - only drink 5ml!! Sometimes when I see like that, I latched her and she drinks suckle which can go up to 30min. Now I don't pump and I keep latching her cos she is not drinking from teats! I used to bottle feed her more than I latch. Problem is that I'm going to work by end of this month
Help!! Actually she has been on bottle feed since day one - now using Avent teat no 3 and pigeon teat M. No problem from drinking from teat until she is 2.5month when all this fussiness starts. She is on total bf and I give her all fresh..no frozen. I dunno how to feed her and don't even know when is her feeding time... My mom ask me is it must bring baby to my office if she really is not drinking?

Faithfully, Baby me: How heavy is your baby now?
Hi Tanny,

I have gone thru what you gone thru 1.5 mths back. My gal can be crying hungry but refused bottle at all costs. Like you, I m pretty worried so call PD but PD say no choice have to wait for her to outgrown . Mine also took bottle from the day she is born. I went thru lots of research n found out that online a lot of parents are going thru the same tinggy..

After two weeks i learn that one positive tin is tat we k save on milk powder. Drawback is you have to be with the baby at all times cos afraid she hungry..can be a problem when u going back to work...

The unused bottles - I pass them to my bro for arrival of my nephew. yeah u k go buy NUK rubber teats, they are nearest to our nipple shape. My gal finally takes them ..she used to be on medela bottles..

Is not an easy process but believe me, it will be over soon . Hang on there.
tanny, like sunbelle said, try the NUK latex teats. My #1 was also like that, very fussy about teats and only managed to get her to drink from the bottle with the nuk teat.

guess its more difficult coz u are going back to work soon.
is it also the same when another person feeds her? coz sometimes they just want to latch coz we are the ones feeding her.

now my #2 just simply refuse the pacifier. was hoping she will accept the pacifier so can coax her into sleeping longer during the day. i even went to get the nuk latex ones so its softer and similar but no she just gets angrier when i stuff it in her mouth.
Heartbeat, The good thing about Bengawan solo is that u can purchase their vouchers n pass it to your friends n they can collect at any Bengawan solo branches at their convenience within a year.
;p I think this is quite a good choice if you have many friends to give
But if only for a small number of closer friends, definitely they are some other nice n pretty cupcakes shops like sweetest moments.
Tanny, my baby also same. Drink only a bit if using bottle. Like to play and talk more than drinking. Can slp more than 5 hrs too without crying for milk. But if latching, she can suck more than 30 mins. Doc said as long as she is healthy and cheerful then it's ok.

Brought her to GP today because she is having flu. She is 6.4kgs now at 3.5mths old.

How heavy is your baby now Tanny and Faithfully?
Hi Tanny, my son also fuss when drinking milk sometimes. He drinks about 50ml then starts fussing, we use pacifier to calm him..after a couple of mins, he fuss again, this time he wants milk. So we switch from milk bottle to pacifier and back to milk bottle for abt 2-3 times till he is really full. He drinks abt a minimum of 50ml to max of 150ml of fbm. His weight is average..5.5kg @ 3mths old.
I was making milk for my bb then I hear her cry. I thou it was normal but yet I hear her crying like something in her mouth, so I quick made the milk and went bk. To my surprise, she turn herself to one side & stuck there... In my mind I was thinking "shit! She is starting to flip"... Few weeks bk she can lift her head up when we put her on tummy... Nw she start to flip...
tanny, you can try feeding her while she is asleep. Did that when mine was fussing on bottle feeds around 2-3months old. I try to rock her til she is sleepy and then feed her.
Works most of the time. Good luck.
Last night got a surprise from baby! She flipped n comtinued sleeping on her tummy in the middle of the night! She never sleep on her tummy always on her back until last night.
Thanks mummies for your inputs! Think i may go with Sweetest Moments, hope they wont disappoint. Pierced, the swiss rolls look so yummy!
Hi mummies got qns to ask.. After we gave birth can we wash our face? We can touch water?? Coz confinement I noe strictly no water.. N if I haf to go thru C-sect will i still bleed below?? Quite confuse.. hehe..
Hi blur xuan, from wat I know, we r not allowed to touch water only can touch boiled water.. Can't drink water too. But for me... I didn't follow strictly. I drank warm water becoz the fever & flu. I even touch water from the day I delivered. I don't get the logic behind the reason for no touching of water.. So I didn't follow lor. I'm a bad example.. Heh heh.
i m going crazy, no sleep since 1am and dont look like can sleep anytime soon. Bb eyes big big, eh eh away, faintz~ Every night also like this, how to correct their day/night pattern?

Blurxuan, i also another one, i touched water all the time, no choice, too tedious to follow rule. i need wash bb bottles and stuff, how not to touch water? csect will bleed, lochia. esp if breastfeed, will stain as womb contracting. i still spotting now.
Hi faithfully, tanny, sunbelle, baby and miracle buddies,
Nice to see u gals here again..;)my bbies r having partial bm only so no issue with fm fr bottles.. Boy drink very fast while girl drink slow sometime.. So i change fr avent to pigeon n glad to see her prefer the pugeon teats so theres alot of trial n error on what teats they like.. Got to spend some $$ yeh..

Btw, my boy weigh 6kg at 3rd mth n just weigh recently at 4th mth tt he is 7kg now..;) my gal weight 6kg at 3.5th mth.. Guess girl is always at small size compare to boy..

Hi heartbeat
U taking care both at night? Beginning is always tough.. My girl adapt to night time very soon so she drink once or twice every night at beginning so my hb take care her.. As for my boy.. Last time he always wakeup every 3 hrly very punctual n i dun hv enough sleep at all as sometime after feeding, he dun sleep.. I dun mind to feed him but always afraid tt after feed him, he dun sleep n look at u with big eyes then really will pengz.. This is just temporary so after 3 mths plus, my boy more stable ler.. He can tahan more than 4hr without milk n i only need wakeup once to feed him plus pump milk now..hv try all ways to make him dun wakeup so frequent.. Really desperate then.. Try not let bb sleep so much day time n set a fixed routine for them so tt they know wht time they suppose sleep.. My boy super punctual, every time 8 pm sure cry as if know how to see time as he knows he has to sleep at this time..;) jiayou.. I also pull thru so can u.. Luckily ML leave is 4 mths now else xiong if only 2 mths during my elder time..;)
Hi blur xuan
Yes, u will still hv menses after c sect but not alot compare to natural birth as ur gynea shd help to suck out most dirty blood during the operation so tt we wun bleed too much.. Tts one of the advantage of having c sect..;p
Joanne, 3 months? Oh my, i can die liao~ How to tahan? My boy wakes for milk every 2 hours, sometimes even every 1.5 hours! Then after that eyes big big, hands waving all over, want to play! So from 1 am till 5 am, i can practically not get to sleep! I gave formula at night hoping can drag the feeds longer apart but still~ Really hope i can pull thru like you. Guess can only try to make him more tired during the evening so that he can sleep more at night.

Blurxuan, you can try asking for steroids to mature bb lungs so even if come out early, wont have breathing issues then can go home fast. Dr Loh gave me the steroids at week 32 and he was very accurate, he said even if bb want to come out then, no issues and can go home with me. When i delivered at week 34, indeed dont even need NICU. Mine just need to stay in KKH SCN to gain weight and then can go home, no major issues.
Thanks heartbeat.. Will ask my doc to give nxt appt.. How long fr e steriod? Oral med rite? My doc encourage mi to tk epidural coz if bb gal dun wan come down she haf to pull her leg down.. sound so scary...
Heartbeat I tink mine two bbies more active. now inside stomach can keep moving n wont let mi zzz at all.. even nap time or nite time.. I duno how to cope at nite.. really pei fu u all.. how to make them sleep??
Heartbeat, dun worry.. If i can do it.. So do u but urs sound abit more xiong than mine as wakeup every 2hr is really too tiring so u must nap day time too.. Jiayou.. First year always more tough..

heartbeats...mus rest well during yr confinement. ..i agree with J03 that napping in the day will help.. leave the bb with the CL in the day while you rest.

blur xuan, you gg for natural? epidural is a must...with this no pain. I will take note of the steriod and discuss with Dr Tan too..
