(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tromso, maybe she just wanted to sleep in this morning.

Hi Miracles, indeed, very uncomfortable cos the bed is slightly slanted and for me, had to lie on my left. So after 45 mins the pressure starts building up on the left hip (cos bed slanted). I tried shifting my position a bit and ctg stopped picking up readings
So I went back to original uncomfy position. Left leg oso went bit numb

The hb is quite loud, I was really starting to wonder if the ladies nxt beds were feeling frustrated by it lol...but I drifted off the sleep midway for 5 mins cos too tired. After a while the galloping sound is like white noise, I actually felt ok with it.
No spikes! It's straight. Dr Loh seen me and I'm given pill to be induced.. Says 8pm to see me. I tot to pop at 8pm and nurse says no, 8pm to see how I am. What happens when u take the induced pill? Supposed to feel contractions later.

Whats that green no on the right? I ask my hubby to send my mom go home first. Come again later..
Tanny, after induction, u'll prob start to feel contractions if u're receptive to induction. Then u will dilate further till u're ready for delivery! It's the real deal now! All the best!
Beeping? I'm also strapped to this CTG machine at delivery suite but no beeping. Hazel I hv no iPad only this small tiny IPhone with 66% battery now. Maybe I just go to sleep.. Can't imagine lying here till 8pm. Wonder when the real deal will come.
Tromso, I read that LS is sign of labour too. Must monitor baby movement closely now. My baby still moving and kicking a lot especially at night and hungry. There comes all my sleepless night. I hope I can "feel the earth move under my feet soon" hehe.

Tanny, salute you hehe,.still can wait till after lunch. If me, I think will fly to hospital already. Anyway, just rest and wait for Dr Check up.
Tanny, ur hospital bag no charger? I brought it along to charge iPad n iPhone. Sleep or watch tv. It can be a long wait....
tanny, just lie there and rest. when induce, should be soon to feel the contractions. all the best and have a smooth delivery.

tromso, glad bb is ok. the gynae on duty is so funny.
Im also like that, i didnt even feel any BH at all during 1st preg and even this one.
Hi luv n hope
As i worry spread virus to bbiesif come too close to them..;( i lazy to pump as sore nipples now..;( btw, usually at how many hr gap then can take panadol again huh? Safe to take 2 if bf? Thk u.. My fever goes to 39.5 now..;(
Jo3, unless u have totally cut off contact with babies, it's possible that the virus has already spread to them anyway. Then they'd lose out on your antibodies from BM if u dun continue to BF? Just my two cents' worth.

Ooh, ur fever sounds bad. May need to see a doc? 4h gap shld be okay i think.
Thanks Pierced. So it's true that we can actually not feel Braxton hicks...haaa...I thought my pain threshold very high
Actually its more opposite.

Tanny, the green number is contraction index. That's the one that went fr 10+ to 80+ for me during Braxton hicks or mild contractions....

Baby me...I also read that nausea and LS are signs of labour and I had both in the last 5 days. But hor, I think my LS is caused by my imprudence...very heaty suddenly, few ulcers in mouth, so I started taking liang things like chestnut drinks, tao suan, liang teh...and abt 2 hrs after ingesting these, I got LS...so I think I'm self inflicted lol... Will def monitor closely, looking out for the earth shaking moment. You too, hope can deliver soon, waiting game is really no fun.
Joanne, what I've read is also that, can pass antibodies to babies via bf when mummy is sick. So it's perfectly fine to bf.

In fact for Mastitis, the infection is passed from baby to mummy, so baby will already have been infected. But don't think Joanne has mastitis.
Joanne, if u are sick. Still can bf coz they are so called protected like Luv said. I was sick too while bf and bb doesn't get it.
Just that like tromso said, fever can be various reasons so u might want to go and see a doc just to be sure. Could be infection too. No fun feeling unwell and still having to bf ur twins.
They sent me to my ward.. So now resting in the single room deluxe. Say i can have dinner in the ward. I sent my hubby home. Wonder does my package is being counted now? Or counted after delivery? Next bed mummies went to pop already...

Then 8pm need to go down to delivery suite to get check again. Weird.. No need to strap to CTG.

Hazel : could be a long wait for me..
Jo03, cannot b lazy during initial stage. Will engorge easily.. Sore nipple also must pump. use lower power? If not engorge, pain will b worse. N yes, u can still bf..
Dear Tanny,
So excited for you!!! Baby coming soon!!! Can still remember you being tested positive n sharing your blog with us. So fast, now delivering lo!!!

Dear Faithfully,
You must hv delivered!!! Can't wait to read your birth story!!!

Dear j03,
Fever go see doc? Take care!!!

Re: Shopping
Tmr start taka fair lo. I'm going!!! N hubby getting a bag for me. So gonna shop for that too. And I wanna go toyogo warehouse get a layered trolley to put bb stuff. Then go amk n collect my medela breast pump from beauty loft.

Fri before or after dr loh's appt, gonna go buy herbs at bugis area. The medicinal hall is called Lao ban Niang right? I recall a mummy here is a regular there? Can quote ur name? Hehe. Will shop for first month celeb decor and pray at guanyin temple too.

These wld complete all my preps before c-sect on Monday!!!
Jo3, sorry if i sound like i'm nagging *oops*, but Hopeful's right. If u dun continue to latch on / pump, ur engorgement will get worse and if it's indeed mastitis, ur fever will not go away. So do clear ur BM and then go see a doc. Take care!!
Aiyo they told me my room will be ala carte charges. Package only after delivery.. Bb come quickly leh.. Dunno why water bag leaks but no dilation no contractions.. Im just given pill, no antibiotics drip.

Thanks everyone. Hmm guess not receptive to induce pill - no special feelings now since 2pm.. Aiya Taka fair tmrw - cant go already..
can make appointment with your LC and get them to massage for you but just a warning it will be dem painful but effective. once clear fever will go away.

hope you are feeling better after the drip.

oh no, you mean ms will get worse from wk 8?! i'm only going into wk 7
eskimo, oh, u didn't have MS in prev preg if i recall u saying? Yeah, that's what the gynae said. MS typically peaks ard Week 8 to 11. Hang in there!
Tanny, talk to your baby and tell her how beautiful and comfortable this 'luxurious hotel stay' is
Tell her mummy's womb is no longer the most comfy place already

Hope your 8pm review goes well. Like Hazel said previously, dr Loh may be able to help further dilate...relax and cast all your worries to mighty looney Loh...
Hi gals
Thks for all ur valuable feedback..;) i call christine LC n she still congrat me say tt got engorge means the medicine is effective for me.. Then she say i got to latch bbies on so tt the fever will go away.. So i quickly latch bbies on n still monitoring my temp... Hope tomorow will recover fully.. Feel aching everywhere...

Hi Tanny n faithfully
Hv a smooth delivery..
Jo3, ur LC's right! Engorgement is a happy problem!

But if ur fever doesn't go away, then better see a doc in case it's sthg else altogether.
But they're still operating? I read abt the change in mgt somewhere. Assume their new mgt is legit, is it not? Still not very reliable?
Change management, re op, etc, re operate after regain license. I Nv follow thru fr there. Need to check
MOM website for any further demerit PTs after change in management, who is running it now, etc
I am bk. The whole process of c-sec went well. No pain at all but I was so scared I cry the moment my hub come into the OT. Then abt 10 mibs later I hear bb cry. Till now I am still cant believe I gt a bb. Bb was check by Dr. Ang and she say bb is ok everything is fine but jaundice wise will ONI is few days later whether she hv it. Nw my bb is on enfalac and I will start my bf tomo.
Thanks everyone for the support... I hope tanny also hv give birth too...
Ladies, I'm bleeding after dr Loh check my cervix...He suggest tht I monitor the bleeding awhile longer to see if it stop. If not, I will hve to be induced today.
Dear Faithfully,
Congrats!!! Yes it must be an amazing feeling!!! Am so looking forward to mine!!! BTW, why cannot start BF today huh? Did you request for total BF?
Dear Miracle,
How many weeks are u at now? Why Dr loh need to check ur cervix? So excited for you!!! You're also delivering so soon!!! You feeling ok?
Sashamama, Im 37 weeks now. Not sure y he wan to check my cervix also. He wanted to induce me this coming sat, maybe thts y he checked. I ask if can delay a few more days to see bb can gain more weight. He is ok wif it, just tht need to monitor bb's movement. Once bb's movement reduce, I will hve to induce.
Besides feeling stressed...nothing else.. Bb is still very active..saw some blood clots just now.
My contraction green no is 8 nia.. long night ahead~

Now wait for dr lob to come n see n do VE again i think. My 2nd VE for today.. Cringe at the thought. Wanna watch 855 ch. Nurse just gimme something to clear motion.

Congrats to u Faithfully!

J03 : hope u get better soon !
Faithfully, congrats on the smooth delivery of your princess. Have a good rest and enjoy motherhood.

Tanny, hows your progress?

Miracle, your turn next.
Dear Miracle,
Don't worry abt bb gaining weight. Like the experienced mummies here say, bb can always put on more weight after delivered!!! Looking forward to ur birth story too!!! Is this your first bb?

Dear Tanny,
Your bb very comfy in you I think. But very soon bb will come!!! You still sound very calm as usual!!! Kudos to you!!!
Congrats Faithfully!

Wow so many mummies popping! Tanny and coming up Miracle and Sashamama?! All the best gals! All Dr Loh's patients!
Mil calls - aiyo - asking delivered a not.. hubby tell her must wait.. Still ask wait for what.... kan chiong for what... I also not hurry wor. Guess the old folks cannot sleep tonight.

gratz faithfully....u must be happy.

tanny and miracle...jia you

luv..like wat hazel said and from wat i gathered from forum, i am not sure how ready they are now..sounds messy to me. so i went with PEM.. i did contact a few other agencies but most of their sales cannot make it..i told one agency that i am having twins and he question me, "r u sure"..really zzzz...straight away strike off.

hv PEM get back to u on the quotation?
