(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Hazel, thanks for confirming its Choz, I may check it out for colleagues gifts. You are right Hazel, when my sis was delivered at tmc 1.5 yrs ago, was also given red dates tea. Phew, after reading Joanne and Shasamama's comment, I thought need to prep red dates tea ourselves...

Sashamama, you are going toilet so often now, is it because baby has already engaged? For me, I wake up to pee abt twice a night and I usually replendish 1/2 glass of water after peeing but mine not engaged yet. So happy for you - Friday!!

Hi Cook cook, I had few slight ms episodes during early 3rd trimester too but too bad, just no appetite sort for few days. Now, ms is bad but luckily only happened for 2-3 days last week so far, no puking for me just had to lie in bed entire day then. I suspect it was due to me restricting my diet after my baby borderline heavy case, so since, I've started to eat regularly again. I hope yours will be on and mostly off too...it's really hard enough carrying heavy baby...but the shoreline is definitely within sight for you too, hang in there

Hi Sashamama, not sure if you have chosen Tung Luk for your full month celeb. fyi, they hv just launched 2 dining cards, quite good discounts, you may like to check it out
There was news in the papers yest too about a lady who delivered twins in a car naturally coz can't make it in time to Tmc.

Ah,so at least in hosp no need to get my mum to prep red date tea. One less thing for her to do.

Tromso, I go toilet often too in the night, and I will have to drink water after that too.
Think u had better take what you eat normally now, since u feel worse restricting diet. Just a little bit more before bb is out.
Heartbeat, u are asking about overseas sprees or the bulk purchase sprees??
I used to surf a lot and buy from both when #1 is younger. Nowadays depending on what type of sprees they have.
Hello! I'm leaking now by trickles.... Tot was pee leak... Hehehe.. Dr Loh clinic not open in the morning right? Go TMC admission ah? No pain no contractions.. Leaking every 15 min or so. To think I was saying bb may come out much later...
Tanny, either you go Tmc admission or to delivery ward, they will help you to call Dr Loh in to deliver for you. So excited for you!!!
I am on my way for delivery... So many mixed feeling... Gan cheong/scared/anxious/happy... All mummy pls pray for me!!!

Tanny, we might be delivering at the same time!
Faithfully, Jiayou, you can do it! Awaiting your good news!

Yes maybe you and Tanny may deliver at the same time and maybe you are neighbours too. Heheheh...
Tanny, think ur waterbag leaking. There's no pain and contractions like what i had. Quickly go hospital admission!

Faithfully, all the best! Soon u will be able to hold your precious in your arms! Hee, u and Tanny both around same time!
cock cock, u're crossing the 30-week mark soon! Yay! I have a long way to go. Only 9+ weeks now. Yeah, still resting at home to play safe.

Faithfully and Tanny, all the best! Have a safe delivery!
Tanny n Faithfully, jia you. All the best n have smooth delivery! So excited for both of you.

My Baby baby...when is your turn?
tanny and faithfully...all the best...seeing yr little ones soon.

hazel..i will try to push if i can go natural...pierced...oh ya..i saw that news..encouraging..haha..

cock cock...my fren with twins had her weight increased by 29kg but she still delivered at wk 37...so dun worry too much..
Thank everyone.. Like no more trickle.. Lazing at home now; preparing to go later. If after lunch, I can go to O&G.
Tanny, can certainly go straight to tmc delivery suite L2 using lift nxt to pharmacy.

I just came back fr delivery suite cos felt baby movements were very little and few since yesterday, so got hooked up to ctg for 1.5 hrs. Luckily everything is fine, baby moving a lot just that I can hardly feel it...hmm...Think I'm used to her vigorous movements. Was also told I'm having Braxton hicks (fr the chart looks like quite a lot in that 1.5 hrs), although I feel NOTHING gosh...anyways, it's a load off my mind. Dr came to see me and reassured everything is ok.

Alrighty, waiting for your good news Tanny and Faithfully. Faithfully's c section should be over very soon, so excited for her
Thanks Luv

Tanny, you can actually go to delivery suite now so that your baby can be monitored asap especially water bag already leaking. Dr Loh has delivery earlier so is already at tmc.
Luvhope - she doesn't have time to chat, that's for sure but i don't find her impatient.

I don't need a comfy doc so that's just my preference. For me, I like the fact she goes straight to the point & tells us if something is ok or something looks funny. Don't find that she orders unnecessary tests, but if she is worried about something she does order more test.
Faithfully, believe your c-sec is over.. waiting for your official announcement & your baby's birth story

Tanny, all the best and have a smooth delivery! Do head down to TMC soon coz your water bag leaks already, at least be strapped to ctg to monitor baby's heartbeats & movements and be assured baby is ok.

Koirc, congratulations and a smooth pregnancy ahead!
Tromso, did Dr mention why can't really feel baby movements?

Tanny, how are you doing now? At TMC already?

Faithfully...waiting for your news..so excited.
Tanny, do head down and do a check. I got scolded when i didnt knowwaterbag leaked and only went in the night. If really leaked, u need to be put on antibiotics and induce drip. Leaking for too long might cause infection.
Hi Ron, thanks for your sharing about Dr Ang. I feel that it's indeed good to have her as PD especially if baby is unstable, emergencies, etc. I recall my last visit with Dr Loh, me reminding him again that I'm going with Dr Ong WH and received a weird reply fr Dr Loh. He said to me to remind him about my preference again during my nxt visit... Got me thinking why he doesn't simply lock it in, why need to use 'wait and see' approach, maybe he is reserving the rights to engage Dr Ang should any emergencies arise. That was my final thoughts on the episode.

So Luv, I guess you could suss dr Loh out nxt time or closer to mid 3rd trimester and should be able to get a good hint from him then.

On this PD matter, when I was in the Observation ward, I overheard this gynae advising patient to switch from dr Ong EK to this Dr Janice Ong (or Wong) cos dr Ong EK is at Mt A now, too inconvenient to get to tmc. I've not heard of this PD dr Janice Ong (Wong) before but looks like gynae recommended, may not be bad. The gynae was a funny guy, when asked how it feels like when real labour starts, he started singing 'I feel the earth move under my feet...' made me burst out laughing first time since I was up and worried 3am+. Really appreciate gynae with such good charisma
Hi Baby Me, I've been having on and off very soft and watery stools since Friday, not as bad as LS cos most is twice watery stools a day. Despite on charcoal pills (I'm taking very minimal, like 1 or max 3 a day) tummy is still feeling a tad funny till today. Dr Loh suggested could be the wind and colic (hmm...dunno why he uses the word colic) that's hindering my feel for baby's movements and it's nothing to worry about.

But since I got back fr tmc, baby has been moving a lot more and very obvious sort, like back to normal. Maybe baby just playing a joke on me
Nonetheless dr Loh says its gd call I went in to check this morning and should similar experience happen, I should do the same.

Really hope can deliver soon, guessing work like this is really no fun

But 1 thing I realised is, looking at the chart, my first 40 mins, the Braxton Hicks was quite a lot and that's when I was feeling quite unsettled. Cos this lady in bed besides me sounds like in labour, breathing very hard and grunting a bit. Then she was moved outta Observation ward and in came the funny gynae...my mood immed lightened and according to chart, lesser Braxton Hicks and lower intensity then on. I guess our mood really does affect the contractions.

Nurse said its normal that some pple don't feel much of Braxton Hicks (none for me), it's fine. Most important is to admit into Hosp once pains come along. ok, I'll look out for 'I feel the earth move under my feet..' then
Hahah.. Tromso, that's one humorous doc!

Think it shld be Dr Janice Wong, but I've found very little info / reviews on her too. Oh, I'm not with Dr Loh, hahah... but I remember my prev gynae (whom i might stick to) recommending Dr Ang AT too.

Catherine, did Dr Paul recommend any PD to u or say who he usually works with? TIA!
Tromso, do you know when should we start to panic if decreased movements? Cos like me now in 24 weeks, its normal if cant feel active movements all the time as still alot of room inside.
Hi ladies. I was admitted into KK on Sun night due to dehydration from excessive vomiting. Doc also shocked that I lost 10kg over a month. Was put on drip during the stay and finally discharged today... What an experience.....
Ya at TMC but got scolding from nurse why nvr come earlier since got leaking at 7am.. Must come immediately she say.. Now she checked only 1cm. She says wait for dr loh to come n see me later.. Oh no means I need to wait... Till 10cm? Lying here strapped to the machine. Can still use mobile a not. Nurse says not to use; will affect readings.

Now considered as admitted cos she say I can't go home..
pierced: thx a million

i am now week 9 and my MS seems to be getting worst, is it normal? i tot should become better and bettter
Can engorgement in breast result in fever? Me got fever last nite after take gnc fueegrek yesterday.. Sigh.. Today cant get close to bbies, very sad..;( maybe due to lack of sleep too..
At TMC but I don't feel anything no pain, nothing at all. Supposed to keep lying here. No contraction the nurse says.
JoT, hope u're feeling better now! Did u get more MC/HL to rest?

Tanny, so this is it for you! Baby will come soon!

bruno, MS peaks ard Weeks 8 to 11.

Jo3, yes, if engorgement leads to mastitis (infection of the ducts). Is there any sore or red area on your breasts?
Take Panadol for fever? Try to clear all ur ducts and feed/pump as much as possible.
Why can't u get close to babies? Even if mummy's sick, she's encouraged to continue BFg babies cos she can then pass the antibodies over to babies.
Bruno - my ms became worse from week 8. It may last till week 12 - 14 or even longer depending on individual.

J03 -think u lack of rest and sleep over the past weeks. Please take care ya...

Btw when your babies were discharged last time, did u install the 2 infant car seats for them? Is yours 1 or 2 placenta?
Tanny, maybe after Dr Loh checks u then he can advise whether u can go home to wait for further dilation or must stay in hospital to wait. Hang in there!
JoT, hmm... pardon me for jumping into the conversation... but i tot since IVF babies are 2 separate embryos, surely have 2 placentas? Am I wrong?
Luv, not necessary cos 1 embryo can split to twins so still can share placenta. In the same way, identical twins also possible thou rare.
Luv - is it? It's possible to have 1 placenta too right? Hehe I also not sure..... But there are identical twins from IVF also Ma ....
heartbeats, yeah, but very rare right even for IVF babies to split, tho chances are higher for us. So usually is 2 placentas right?

JoT, my understanding is that only identical twins can have shared placenta, which is more risky than 2 different placentas, cos of the risk to twin-to-twin transfusion. So unless one of the embies split and became identical twins, shld be 2 different placentas?
Ya Luv, very very rare. Most ivf twins are fraternal.

Jo3 one should be 2 placentas cos fraternal.

I also have 2 placentas. My boy's is the previa one, very worried.
Joanne, I heard that engorgement and/ or infection can cause fever, maybe you'll like to consult dr. Looks like fenugreek is working very well for you, did you take many yesterday?

Heartbeats, dr will normally get us to do fetal kick counts in 3rd trimester. 10 kicks a day will suffice, there is a more detailed instruction sheet that dr will provide. I think should not have to worry about movements that much in 2nd trimester cos usually not very obvious for many.

Luv, which gynae are you with? Any PD recommendation fr him/ her?

Tanny, good that you are in good hands now. Oops didn't know cant use Hp during ctg, my hubby was surfing net the whole time. No contractions? If you look at the chart (on the machine below the 2 number readings), the bottom graph, can you see spikes? The spikes are contractions. For me the readings went from 10+ to 80 max and that was when can see spikes in graph. You can have a look....
Tromso, I'm also seeing Dr Caroline Khi at TMC. She recommended Dr Ang AT previously but I requested for Dr Ong EK. Have yet to ask her this time round. I didn't do fetal kick counts b4 leh.. Think I really just happy go lucky go thru my prev preg, hahah...
Jo3: u can try using cold cabbage and massage the breast area. many of my frds use this method.

any ladies here wake up in the morning many times to eat due to hunger?
I feel it's uncomfortable being strapped to the ctg & lie on the back for such long duration.. Nothing to do somemore.. Can't sleep with the constant beeping sounds

Luv, actually I oso didn't do kick counts cos baby very active, ninja moves every 2 hrs or so. But as getting closer to D day, was told that any reduction in movements is potentially red light, hence I got panicky earlier this morning. Baby will usually kick and move when I ask her to but not last night, not even when I tapped and shook my tummy
Movements were very few and extremely sluggish, totally unlike her. Guess limited space inside now....
