(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Heartbeats, i saw Dr Zou last week after my BFP, i told her my symptoms, here pain and there pain, breathing problem and heartbeat super fast.... that kinda of things la. so she can adjust the an tai yao to suite my body too.

my an tai yao taste abit sweet ler... what about yours Angel & BBjourney?

Hazel, cheer up. Actually I close eyes when hb heat up milk for elis. What u expect meto do? He went thru the parebtcraft too. For shower, my mum refuse to let him do. First scare he too rough, scone mum dun like the idea he touch elis private part. What's the issue? He clean her poo too. I juz close eyes. My hb dun use soap to clean elis bottles something I found out 1 day. I shouted and make a fuss. My mil taught him, no oil no need to use soap. Stupid kampung mentality . He follow. Since then, I rarely let him touch bottle too. My hb also let elis cry and dun get up. I had to shoutbforbhim tell him like I pumping milk or I m too tired. Every man has their mcp style. We juz must command.
Hazel, maybe its a phase for your hb, maybe he also finding it hard, especially when the 2 of you do get tensed up at times, and then will quarrel or you will scold him, so he will also feel repulsive and give up trying.

Some guys are just not meticulous enough, not that they purposely want to go against us. These kind must give alot of chances, reinforce positively till they get it. Like my hb, i can nag and nag that things take from where, put back where pls. But during my bedrest period, my kitchen still became mega storeroom! Things all over the place and when i flare up, he try to put back in the right places but still all wrong and we have been using the kitchen for years. He even cooked in there, cannot be dont know right? Then he stress and sit in the living room for hours in darkness, all clammed up. I dont think he purposely want to irk me, its just not being meticulous. I also say he do things without the heart but i come to realise, maybe its just his personality.

And practice makes perfect for people like them, need more time to teach, then more time to practise and more time to get the hang of things.

Like your hb use wrong temperature, never mind, correct him gently but dont give up. Let him make the milk again and again. He will somehow get the hang of it. Encourage him. I know its hard cos if we do it, its faster but then if we want to cultivate the right habits, have to just keep reinforcing and be patient right? Just like some children, scold and scold they still will forget but they will learn. Sometimes guys are like little children too.

If its hard now, take a step back and let him try with lesser things first. He may not be a perfect dad now when Belle still need so much care but perhaps as Belle grow and become less care intensive, he can help in other ways and be a good helper too. Like my hb, i ask him will he help me, he say he will play games with them/read with them next time, i know straightaway he is not going to cope during infant stage cos he doesnt even see himself doing the infant stage stuff like bottle feeding/diaper change, but maybe at the toddler stage he will really be a good entertainer to his kids. All dads have their strengths.
Catherine, he said I hv lots of greys, asked me go do hair. I told him to take a day off let me go do. He kept quiet! He expects my parents to help take care when I go?!

When belle was hospitialised for bronchitis, I stayed in hospital for 3 nights! On wkends, he will come late morning n spent the whole day with us till 8pm. Guess what, playing iPad games thru out if not nap on the foldable bed meant for me! Hey, I m the one doing night duties, shldnt he take Care of belle In the PM n let me nap instead? What is this? Belle's bronchitis hospital bill all I pay coz his medisave is drained from mil's usage! Money all I pay, caring for belle all I do also! Then why does belle need a daddy n I need a hubby? I can handle singly anyway.
Heartbeat, i dont think it is too late to start on the an tai yao. Let Dr Zou know the issue that you have and she will prescribe the meds accordingly for you. Normally they will advise us to take the western n chinese meds 1-2 hours apart.

Hope, Dr Zhao adjusts the meds according to each individual. Like for my spotting, bloating, fast heartbeat, constipation, sleep (so that I wont wake up for mid-nite feeds) etc.... So far, Dr Zhao has adjusted my meds 3 times. The 1st batch taste bitter (but bearable) and now the latest one taste abit sweeter and fruity.
I just yelled at him when he keeps calling & I dun wan to talk to him. Tell me mil need to go for operation again! How many times this yr already? Anyway I dun wan to hear any of all these! Each time is a few thousands bucks hubs has to pay. Then I pay my own dsughter's bill. I dub need a hub to shoulder the responsibility. Also, he failed his recent medical check terribly! Sugar level out of control even with so many med. a life eg he has at home he is still not scared? I m super pissed already.

Catherine, something bad happened too before my first pregnancy. I didn't tell my parents if not there will be world war 3. He said will change n be a better hub n father next time. So, I gave him chance. But has he fulfilled his promise?! I hv yet to see! I tell u, I may just walk out of his life with my daughter one day.

Hbs used to love internet gaming till he play till wee hrs like 3am++ tat was before i got preggy, n i always argue with him say he has no time for me and only interested in internet gaming. When i preggy he also played but lesser la, and always ask him talk to his daughter inside my belly he also very lazy talk to her only after meals or when he driving, or when wake up. He dotes on clariss alot but very strict with her, doesn't wanna pamper her scared next time she turn up to be a spoilt brat like his buddy's son. I got to keep telling him tat she's a baby and don't understand anything if he wanna discipline then do it when she's at least 1yr+ later....aiyoyoyo got to "brainwash" him ah.
Chris, your hb and mine can be good friends liao! Mine also play games until wee hours in the morning! I can be groaning and moaning in bed due to discomfort or make puking noises, he can everything also dont hear. Even tell me, need anything call his hp when i am just 1 bedroom away. Faintz~ haha

Then hor, i ask him come bedroom pei me, he just lie next to me and eyes big big stare at me, ask me 'are u ok' many times, then still go back his study room play games! haha so nice to play meh? Sometimes i notti, feel like plugging out the PC!
Hope, i having HL milk now + Sara Lee pound cake as lunch.
So far so good, dont dislike the HL milk taste but cant say the same if i drink again tomorrow.

cool down..me too had alot of ups and downs and disagreements with hbs especially before and during the ivf treatments i had the past 3yrs...we often argue alot cos the treatments are pretty stressful to begin with...now everyday we give and take lor we too argue with each other over clariss and when we don't agree on certain tasks etc...too begin with, hbs has a bad temper like my mil not easy to deal with. he mellowed down alot after having clariss but still when clariss gets cranky and difficult he'll may at times lose patience with her then i'll take over lor. Nitefeeding so far done by both of us..see who wakes up to her crying lor..normally i wake up 1st then prepare milk by the time i went in the room he already woken up by her cries and carrying her, so i act blur and say okie then u do the feeding ah... then i went bk to lie on my bed..at times i play prank too..
some times he'll pass clariss bk to me and say u feed la etc....
Heartbeat, I hate dr tan hh. Even there r no fertility gynae and only left him, I will not go to him.

Hazel, to b v honest, I also din dare to touch elis too much when she was born. I scare I can't handle. I always stand beside my mum or hb watch them feed her, bathe her, change her diapers. Until one day I asked my mum to buy things for me I was left with elis alone. Elis cried, can I not carry her? Told myself what the hack juz try. Same, the few days b4 I end my confinement, I cried a lot scare I can't handle elis. I juz have to do it. Though I admit I m not doing the best at least I tried. Ask yr hb y he dun help out. Tell him u need him around to pay a role and share yr burden.

Chris, sometimes I feel bad that hb has to take care of elis at night, he worked in the day at night still must 'part time'. Something I have yet to ask my hb what keep him gg.

Heartbeat, bb journey, I have a upstairs neighbors with 2 boys and the kids run like king kong, drag furnitures v v v v often. I m in worst situation than u gals, worse is they r tenants and land lord not doing nothing. Hdb keep asking us to go mediation and not assisting. I complain to mp, mp fwd my complain To hdb CEO Also no use. I dun want to go mediation as the couple r horrible. The lady insulted I no kid dun know how kid behave, the man is a jap, English is pte ltd co. Later go mediation like what was in the papers, can cook curry when neighbor not around? Jokers

Cock cock, dun research dun ask. Trust in yr bb that they r fighting with u and miracle happen. remember keep yr spirit alive if not yr hb will b affected too.
hahahaah heartbeats sama sama wow that time me puke till 1/2 dead he also told me the same thing hahahahaaa..he at the living room playing internet gaming.
Catherine, I also hv 5 king kings upstairs. Running, jumping, skipping, using things to hit the floor and everyday must drag and re-arrange their furnitures. Have went up to tell them nicely to stop also no use. There was once where I had to call the police coz they were singing, clapping and stamping their feet on the floor from 10pm to 12mid-nite. Haiz.
Heartbeat, I chose Dr Tan HH at first too when I undecided whether to stick at KK or move. But after seeing him twice, not that he's not gd but I stll feel more comfortable seeing Dr Loh who I have been seeing for so many yrs. bu of coz compare, KK the facilties of course will be better.
hahaha catherine later become another joo jiat saga ah.
My upstairs neighbour also one kind, think the 12th floor, i stayed at 8th floor. her clothes always never drip dry and wet wet juz hang out and all my clothes tat are going to be dry or wet again. there was once i complained to hb when the clothes started dripping again, hbs went up to talk to her nicely, guess wat she scream at my hbs and say bei song can go report to police. hbs so angry..forgotten who he told her then storm down. can u imagine we all working and only got time to sun our clothes out during the wkends and they all got wet. Somemore few times le...
Hi Tromso
Nice to hear fr u.. Hv been busy at work so seldom got time to write here.. Just a silent reader..;)
I am ok but start to feel uncomfy.. My tummy looks like some mothers who r in 36th wk singleton pregnancy.. At night will feel the weight n my leg is start to ache when walk, i hv to drag my feet.. Really worried how during my 3rd trimester.. My hb is shock last week when see my tummy and he asks me how many wk more n i told him still hv 10+ week.. Dun forget tt our gene is big as my boy weight 3.8kg at 38th wk so i really worried n hope they can stay in me till at least 35th wk.. I cant eat alot at night as feel very bloated n skin cant stretch further.. Digestion slow down alot..my friend say tummy grow big fast at 3rd trimester but i already feel my tummy growing fast now too.. Pray hard tt my growth scan in next few wks will be good.. Today i feel abit pain around my tummy skin, am not sure is that contraction.. Anyone can advise how braxt contraction feels like? Totally no idea.. Pray hard bbies can stay longer in my tummy till full term..

Dun think i can go out shop soon since worry preterm delivery.. Doc Loh say got one patient carry twins go walk around at 26thwk had deliver her bbies prematurely.. Am not sure when doc Loh will want me rest but i think will stop work at wk31 as dun want to risk bbies born prematurely..

How r u too? Can feel bb strong kick already? ;)

Hi cock
Know nothing we say can relax u.. As i hv been stressful till now too... Keep tell myself hv to relax for bbies sake.. There are oways things to worry daily.. Recently, i tell myself tt since i cant do anything, just relax for my bbies sake.. It helps me especially whenever i feel bbies kick.. So i hope u dun give up on them yet.. We must jiayou with them too.. If we giveup first then bbies will not hv any support le.. Dun giveup yet k n hv confidence with them..;)

Hi Hazel
Think u r tired out too.. Guys take sometime to get use to having additional member unlike us woman who already hv this relationship with our kids 9th mths ago since we bfp..but once they befriend with their kids, he will help out too.. My hb dun play ipad n computer but when we hv our boy, he oso didnt really help much.. But now, he is the one who go to son room cover blanket for him when rain, he is the one bring him to lessons everytime even before i bfp.. He also want to bring him home daily.. I am touch to see his improvement last time n drop tears when see both of them play.. Very touching.. So do give him some time n once he knows ur daughter well, he will start to help out without u asking.. Jiayou! ;)

yup u might wanna have a talk with hbs when u cool cown and after belle's checkup.. cos dun talk to him when u are in a bad mood, bound to quarrel cos good words never come out from our mouth when we aren't in the mood. Just talk to him and understand why he isn't helping, it could be he finds tat belle too "fragile" and he isn't doing a good job and he finds tat you and mum does it better so leave it to you gals. Some guys are like tat. Like me last time same like catherine, i also stand behind my CL, in-laws and hbs when they handle clariss, cos like wat i told u before i dun have faith in myself, i'm clumsy etc and i've never held a baby before so scared tat i might break her neck etc esp when i carry my in-law will be shouting from afar tat i carry wrongly and tat i might hurt her spine, neck etc... i just learn lor till now at times they still correct me on the way i hold or carry her. No choice, when CL gone left me alone, i die die got to carry and bath her. Even today, i also didn't carry her well and she was so excited with the water that her face fell towards the water and her mouth kena the water. We are all learning every day..even at times hbs also commented tat how come after attending wong boh boi's classes i still dunnoe how to carry her the right way at times. i juz turn a deaf ear lor if not i bei song sure scold him.
Gals, hubs is simply LAZY! Spoilt by mil since young! Last time, he can leave a can of finished drink or glass in his room for wks until someone went n clear for him. Of course after marriage I dun allow! What an irony for someone who hv stayed n studied aboard a few yrs where he had to do everything himself!
Cockcock, please stay positive and don't research anymore. Wait and see your Camden scan result first, one step at a time. Now just think of the coming long weekends and plan things that you enjoy doing.
Brought my gal to the peads today...She keeps grunting and moving here and there at night...dunno whether she is uncomfortable...The peads say its normal behavior and nothing to worry about and should resolve by the 3rd month...

She feeds every 2 hours....it's the feeding that's stressful...cause can't sleep...

Now i have hubby...once he returns to work....diez...will be handling all by myself...

Hazel: I'm sure belle with her fighting spirit will be fine...if a surgery is imminent, do it.

Catherine: Which insurance did you take? Can pay using CDA account??

Kimmy, bbliss: How are you doing?
Heartbeats, agree with Bbjourney that it's not too late for you to start an tai yao. When you see Dr Zou, you have to tell & describe to her all the details of your symptoms so that she can adjust the meds to your individual needs.

Dr Zhao also personalized the an tai yao to my needs. So far she has changed my meds once and since 2.5 wks ago, i have been allowed to consume half the dose (i.e. take one day, then rest next day). I went to her mainly because she said she can also administer acupuncture in case I need the additional treatment but luckily no need.

As for gynae in KKH..I can't offer much advice as so far I only come across Dr Loh that I really trust. Perhaps you try calling Prof John Tee's nurse and speak to her? Never try never know whether he accepts your case.

Hope, my an tai yao has a light fruity taste.
however I have to hold my breath when I drink it as it has a herbal smell that I cannot stand.
Heartbeats and Chris, so funny, my hubby is a gaming addict too!! I think many Singaporean men are like that
He used to cheat and come to bed early with me, then in the mid of the night, he will sneak out of bedroom and play games. But he is over this post mid night gaming stage, now more hooked on downloading games into iPhone. His iPhone is constantly downloading new games (eg he would refuse to open the pix or files I sent him via watsapp so he can save on downloading quota...lol), I wonder where he finds time to play them, but I just open and close 1 eye.

Chris, I agree with you, with some men, need to give them space, some still behaves like kid after getting hitched. Sometimes have to motivate and encourage them and act silly along with them. But with patience, forgiveness and sometimes lower expectations, relationships may get better after all. Most important is to not fall outta love with our spouse, anything else can definitely be resolved.

My hubby only started to show off his housework 'talent' when I got pregnant recently, before that, I've always thought housework is his handdicap and i stupidly did it all even though I have more OTs...grumbles.... Now he is the one nagging me to keep things organized and clean, I'm so very heart-warmed to see the change
I thought I'll never see this day coming. My thots are that perhaps in the past, I've not given him enough opportunities and patience to develop a sense of ownership for the marriage and housework, so now I'm slowly relinquishing duties to him. Will wait to see how he contributes to baby care very soon, so far he has been quite patient with his nephews since they were babies, I'm hoping he'll grow into the daddy role very soon. Fingers crossed and hoping for the best for us all

Chris, I'm week 22 tomorrow, few more weeks to crossing 7th month, can't wait...!!
Hi cock cock happened to see ur post while I kpo here. We r the same age but I delivered my gal Dec 2010. My bloodtest at Kkh was no good, with low papp around 0.3 something if I remembered correctly and like u I goggled and got stressed with what I read on internet. Moreover my gal's nasal bone is very short. In fact when I was having my 20 weeks detailed scan, prof George yeo said very certainly to me my gal has DS due to the fine nasal bone. I can totally understand how u felt because u are looking forward to hold the babies etc , the dr tells u the bad news. On good days I tell myself have faith and trust my gal is fine, the next moment I wld cry uncontrOllably because of all th bad thoughts and fear. It was so bad that I went into depression. Moreover at that time my water level is low, no good too. But thank God my gal is a healthy baby. In fact i think she is pretty smart. She has quite a good range of vocab at 15 mths, can even Recognise the number 2, ask her what is A for, she will tell u apple etc.

I totally understand what u r feeling now but dun give up on
The darlings . I am sure the babies are fine.
Moreover bloodtest is not accurate for multiples. Normally mums with mulitples they just go with NT scan. Prof at Camden is a very good dr and will carry put a detailed scan. I still remembered dr Loh shared with me a mum with twins has Oscar 1:4 and both her twins were healthy baby.
Hi Cool, I believe if baby is in correct position, may be able to hear heartbeat at week 6
but for KKH patients, I think the scan machine at that scan room (can't rmbr what that kkh week 6 scan room is called now...) is unable to do that. If it's Dr Loh's clinic or other private clinics, good chance the scan machines are better.

Hi Joanne, yes I gather work must be getting busier cos hearing lesser from you these days. Hope you'll be able to take time off from 30 weeks onwards and start to rest more. So your hubby will be tasked to do the babies shopping? He should be quite pro now right, since has experience already
During last visit, I've asked Dr Loh how I'll know if I'm having a contraction or braxton hicks at later stage, he asked me to knock on his table and says my tummy would feel that hard if it's on. But I can't recall he says if experience how many minutes per contractions, then need to rush over to his clinic to delay onset of labour.... Btw remember to take pictures of your growing tummy, will be nice for keepsake

I can feel the kicks more now, always more obvious when baby is hungry. Hbs put his hand on my tummy and can feel the movements too, very heartwarming indeed
Thank u Tromso
so excited awaiting to hear baby or babies heartbeats.

Wow urs even more exciting, can feel the kicks already!! Really heartwarming. Enjoy the moments!
Catherine, Pierced, thats why i worry now. If Dr Tan HH is out for me, i dont who else in KKH to go to liao. Either bang on Prof Tee again or research other names. I would like to have a standby doc at KKH due to higher risks of complications. Dr Loh is no doubt good but TMC is not as well prepared as KKH.

Cool *waves* was waiting for you! Generally week 6 should be able to see heartbeats. Some machines cant hear but all machines can see. Will be a small flickering light. Very awesome! Rem to ask your hb go, its a priceless moment! And baby should be about 2 to 5 mm. If smaller than that then maybe cant see heartbeats yet though they would already have started beating. Also depend on machine and skill of doc.

Tromso, waa your hb win! Still can sneak out to play games! LOL!

Gan! So grateful for your sharing! None of us here had the real life experience to share with Cock Cock but now you have so kindly shared yours! Just go to show that oscar is crap, always scaring patients more often than not only! I also believe Cock Cock's babies are fine since NT scan is ok. BT not accurate for multiples and will anyhow pull down the stats. Damn oscar!
My first HB scan is next thursday, 12 April... My heart also beats very fast ler inorder to see my bb heartbeats. LOL
*wave wave* heartbeats! Wow can't wait for my first scan! Thanks for giving me a glimpse into it >.<

HOPE, haha my heartbeat has been pretty fast recently. Doc said it's normal heehee. My is on 16th apr.
Welcome cool n hope..;) congrat ya..

Hi gan
Nice to hear u share ur experience with us.. May i know u deliver at what week? Under doc Loh?? If yes, usually doc Loh gives mc at what week to rest for twins? U go thru c sect? Thk u..

Hi tromso
Ya, as at night, i busy read thru the history thread tt i miss for the day then go sleep ler.. No time to post much..;) oh, braxiton hicks is tummy hard? My tummy always hard neh.. How to judge?

Hee.. Just confirm my maid who will be coming in late next week.. A transfer maid n hope tt she can click with us.. My plan is has the maid on May but bec is a transfer maid so cannot delay further.. Somehow glad she comes in earlier as i feel heavy now so at least now still can train her then later i can rest ler.. At least can interview her face to face before decide.. Hope she can work well with us..
Hazel, dun do anything foolish. I also have thoughts of walking out of marriage. Felt v stress that I can't conceive, mil point fingers at me that i m not fertile and din felt loved. What's the point of carrying on... But I told myself i took the marriage vow and I have to keep trying.

My hb used to play games till wee hours and I have to wait for him for breakfast/lunch. Even when I was preggy I still have to make my own breakfast or wait for him. I had a chat with my hb in the car on our way to my gp. He said I gave him lots of stress in the past. Now that I slowly bo chap he then can b on his own. He does not wake up at night to look after elis cos he is a pig. Once asleep hard to get up vice versa. I hope things will b better for u soon. He needs to really chip in and help. Like my hb told me, a person presence is not enough for us. We néed to work as a team.

Chris, told my hb yr hb gently beat clariss. He said how can?? He ask me to tell u to tell yr hb, have a 2nd child to let him beat?? We r like u and yr hb. I make milk he carry elis and he feed unless he needs to go toilet or what. I did ask him juz now what motivate him ... He din answer me.

Tromso, u wasted r hb talent haha.. For me housework is never my forte. I can wash and iron that's my duty . Now with part time maid he need not do housework unless they dun come but i still wash and iron.
Heartbeat, understand, esp when u are expecting twins instead. Are u able to choose ur own? I remembered I saw Dr KT tan , a female doc when Dr Loh was away for my #1. She delivered for me. She's a very experienced doc too but not too sure if she is still there.

Hi Cool, welcome here!
Who's ur doc? dr Loh? My next scan on 16th apr too! That's the detailed scan for 20 wks.

Joanne, glad ur maid coming soon. I still deciding whether to get a maid. I used to have one to help my mum out with my gal but bad experiences with that particular maid. Nowadays not easy to get a Gd one. My colleague just sent hers back after 3 days coz realised she had asthma and did not declare. Still thinking whether if I can cope with 2 myself since my gal is pretty big already.
Bb journey and Chris. I dun know call police how many times. SMS that sickening couple how many times to tell them shut up. Knock on their door Already all useless!! Joo Chiat saga... HAha hdb also full of crap say if they make too much noise will ask landlord to terminate their tenancy. Where got? 2 yrs already....

Cock cock, what Gan has shared is miracle and u should stay positive too.

Vann, I hope yr gal does not have colic!! I juz spoke to my gp asking him how to help. He juz smiled and said welcome to parenthood. He ask us to do circular massage, keep burping Elis. And dun always carry. My mum told me colic will last for 100 days like what yr pd said 3mths lor. Insurance cannot b paid from CDa account. Elis has a medishield alike. An endowment and life insurance.
Hazel, my hb also dun clear his cups until I shouted at him last week. I told him i have to take care of the young and u can't take care of yrself?? Since then he will wash his cup. Like switching off the light after he goes to toilet, he never does I keep shouting. I juz give up. Small things I let him off. If u need to chill out go when maid is here.

Chris, coldcabbage makes my breast like Rock and awfully painful. My gp gave me the prescription to buy the med. I m gg to call parentcraft hotline tomorrow to c if there is other ways.

Vann, what's yr religion? I m trying out a new method. If I succeed I will share with u.

One thing in sg I find it lacking or juz that I could not find is part time nanny services. Like now I have to trouble my mum to look after elis. I c my fren in states or Europe they have part time nanny who comes in few hours. I wish we have it too then I can do my things like gg for a swim etc.
Hi pierced
My boy oso quite big ler but i think will need as my mum helps to take care my son and coach him on his homework when i am working n if plus two bbies, how my mum cope? I feel bad too that at her age still hv to work so hard n cant rest n relax.. So what i can do is get a maid to help her.. Moreover, i dun wish to neglect my son homework when he will be in psle soon so on wkend, with a maid n hb help to take care both babies, i can coach my son in his study too.. Our elder kid is not an adult yet so still need to take care n concern abt his busy schoolwork woah.. Moreover, when my hb bring my son to tution on wkend, with me alone take care 2babies will stress me as worry not able to cope.. Hence, after consider all these factors, my hb oso agree to hire maid.. If singleton, i doubt we will hire any maid since still manageable ba.. Just like we take care our boy ourselves with no maid last time, hire maid really no joke, alot of expenses and stress involve whether she is ok or not.. I really do not wish to sacrifice my elder son schoolwork after his siblings are here.. Hee... Else will feel bad...u having twins too?

Hi gan
I see.. I remember u as was ttc then but forget u having singleton or twins.. Hee paiseh.. Btw, just curious, when ur oscar result is poor, u didnt do amino n still proceed to deliver ur gal without bother abt the results?
Catherine, cannot leave belle with maid. She is to do housework mainly m help carry belle. Making milk, showering, etc will still be done by either me or my parents. Maid can nv be trusted.
Heartbeats, if u r checking prof John tee out then u better confirm wif the nurse his schedule. As he is on leave for 3 wks in sept n he rejected mi today becos my edd is 3rd wk of sept. So nw LL hve to go bk to c my old doc
thanks dear Heartbeats, Chris, Qing (what u wrote made me cried), Tromso, Pierced, BBjourney, Catherine, Joanne, Angelxuan and Gan for your prayer, support and encouragement.. as i read your messages, i got emo and teared a few times... thanks v much to Gan for taking your time to share your experience with us! it helps to some extent! i am like you.. some days i am ok, humming songs and relax.. some days i get emo and fearful... i am much better now.. i also agree with joanne, since worry also cant change anything so what for think and worry so much.. some time i can "evade" the issue, sometimes i cant.. the thot of my outcome for genetic scan next week, and my anmio made my knees feel weak... i try not think of them... Chris, i like those cartoon icons you always put at the end of your msg.. can give me the pig one which says "jia you"? want to let u all know your concerns mean a lot to me... i hope to update all of you on good news soon!

tonight, i am feeling q nausea and my tummy is like bursting... last night while at the anniversary event, a few kpo pple were discussing behind my back whether i am pregnant.. one of them came to me excitedly and asked "ay ay... are u expecting?".. i denied strongly... i dont u/std why pple like that.. when i suspect pple pregnant, i usu wont approach the person, until at later stage when it is v obvious and confirmed... nowadays, i also darent lunch with some colleagues who are beginning to speculate my pregnancy...

sorry i rattle on... for all new BFP sisters - cool and hope - welcome! did i miss out anybody?
Qing, i didnt know john tee going away for 3 weeks in sep? my edd has now been advanced to 28 sep, shd be close to yours? anyway, if i can worry abt this later i will be very happy...
Cock, ya he told mi he goin 3 wks so i duno if it is the beginnin of sept or wat. My edd is 23 sept so mayb urs he is bk liao since earlier u mentioned tat he is actually unwilling to accept ur case so shld b he checked his schedule. U can check wif him.

Mi abit disappointed tat i cant go under him n paisay nw hve to tink of an excuse to go bk to the old doc hahha. Haiz jin jialat.
hi qing, he only found out my revised edd when i saw him last fri, after my counselling on oscar results... he didnt say anything though.. for twins, not likely to carry till full term.. i will just leave it to whoever is around to handle.. honestly, i will be vvv grateful if i can advance to that stage...

just go back to ur old doc and pretend nothig happens... u are the "customer" mah, skin thick thick ok one...
Dear Tromso,
Glad your infection is better now. And dr Loh is indeed very kind to waive the consultation fees! I been back to work for 2 months (in between 2 week mc). So tiring!!! Tmr next appt to see dr Loh at 21week plus. Hopefully all will be well. as for the doc I have, it's the same one I gave you rights to, there're many sheets

Dear first trimester BFP sisters,
WELCOME !!! Do share your experiences here!!!

Re: hubby
Mine is also not automatic. I've gotten used to giving at least 10 specific instructions everyday and hubby has gotten used to my nagging. He is also addicted to iPhone iPad Internet games but will stop when I'm upset. Hubby been helping me take care of my old dog too. Really hope he wld stay this way when baby comes!
Cock,by then i tink he will definitely arrange for someone experience for ur case as he seems reali the responsible 1. U nv knw maybe we are next door neighbour then hahaha
Hazel, I agree maid can't b trusted. Wish we have a support group that we can help each other to look after our kids during emergency or when necessary. If elis is not so cranky and is at least 6 mths I dun Mind helping u look after belle. At least easier to carry them or feed them.

Chris I m happy I switch to fm since tues night for elis. Last night we gave her at 9.15pm. Too early. She dozed off by 9.45pm. Easy for my hb to pat her to bed. She started making noise by 3am. She was gd we should still sleep until 4.30am I knew it's not gg to last till 6. So gave her milk. Hope later she is up after 8. I want to wash my hair n buy flash card for her on gmarket(only $2).

Catherine...nope she is not colic...according to the peads...she say it's behavioural and would get better after 3 months...we tried swaddling her today she slept more peacefully...guess she wants to be swaddled.
