(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thanks BBjourney & Angel.
ya.. i think i will check with Dr loh ba next week, meanwhile will charge to the more powerful pantyliners ba...
( very dislike the wet and smell nie..)

Hope, Yup.. my discharge 'experience' similar to Bbjourney's..kekeke. I thought I have seen maternity undies before but didn't check them out.

Bbjourney, when? What do you want to buy? Maternity bras?
Angel, u got mail.
Chris I cannot move now. Elis has been on me since 3pm. She wants to be hug the whole day today even as I manage to put her on her day mattress she does not sleep longer than 30 mins. So now let her hug me. If not later tonight can't bring her to ikea. I need to use my car wash voucher today. Have u tried with clariss? Will she b scare?? I give u the link after 5 when my mum is here. I also have not shower. Feel so yucky cos she spill milk on my tshirt 4 times.

Bbjourney and angel, u gals are so good preg buddy. My advise is dun buy too much. I have 1 maternity pants unworn and I wore all my pre preg bras till the day I gave Birth. Same for panty.

Hope I think u got bacteria infection. I had that and told gynae. Gynae did test and confirm lor

Hazel, din hear from u today. U ok ???

Cock cock, I rent all my maternity clothes. I v vain type. Cannot stand wearing the same clothes every week sorry no offense. Mayb u can consider renting too.
Chris I also bought door finger pincher to prevent the door from banging into bb hands. I m not sure when it was delivered. I order a lot during my confinement and it was posted to my place Instead of my mum place.

Mil will not come unless hb brothers send her here. She does not do housework so let her take care for what? I have 2 part time maids so they do the bulk of the housework. I only need to do minimal like if Elis pee on floor I mop. Alternate week I do ironing. I wish my little gal ko too but she is not!!

My hb came to sg like 18 yrs ago. Sg is better for hjs career and in terms of 'entertainment', Internet and safety he prefer here. It's v unlikely he will go back. He does not keep in contact with his frens there. So go back also alone. We ever thought of it about 6 yrs ago when he has a job offer in kl but no one can pay my salary at that time. True la it's cheaper there but v boring leh.. Oh no it's gg to rain I can't move to keep my clothes! Argh
Bbjourney and angel, come to think of it I dun have any preg undies. After give Birth j still could put on my pre preg undies and I put on 15kg leh... U gals should shop this weekend. Robinsons and og has 20%.

Chris I m buying a playmat at og for Elis tomorrow. Mum will look after in the morning and ask me to go with hubby to buy all that we need for her. I need charts too like those a for apple and number chart too. Elis get startled every few mins. What's wrong with my darling today.??
Bbjourney, angel, so gd, u gals still meet up and go shopping.but dun buy too many at one go too coz ur tummy will keep expanding so some sizes might not fit.

Talking about maternity clothes, I just dug out my old ones from 4 yrs ago to see if I wana wash and wear again. haha, most were hand me downs from my friends so I only kept some to wash and rewear.
Now Im surviving on my long tunics and leggings. So far still can fit into them. My pants all throw one side already. plus so much more comfy and cooler to be wearing leggings. haha...
but I guess for office wear, a bit harder to wear these.

HOPE, the discharge is quite normal. For my 1st tri, I even had yellowish kind. I checked and coz I was on hormones support so sure yellowish. Now not on support, discharge not so bad.
but I ordered nursing bras to wear already as my wired ones are too tight now. They can double up as maternity ones now.
Catherine, during ur confinement, is yr gal sticky to yr CL ? My gal hor prefer to b carry by my CL when she cried. Sigh.... Hw ah ? Izit my gal dun like mi coz carry her she oso win stop carrying until CL takes over.

Btw, my gal is abt 1 wk old n when she drinks milk, sometimes will get choke n she will cough out e milk.... Is it normal ?

Re: maternity clothes. Can try modern mum at harbor front. Find their design very nice n can wear to work even aft delivery. Most of my clothes r fr modern mum n spring maternity.

For maternity panties, actually no nid to buy. Tat time I kiasu go buy 5 pcs n end up din even wear e pre preggy ones stil can wear. So my advice is dun waste $ to purposely buy maternity undies.

OG got sell those nursing bras at $5.90. No nid to buy those super ex ones. These cheap cheap types wear Liao aft tat can throw Liao.

It will be gd if can invest in a good pair of comfy shoes cause during preggy, our feet are very prone to swelling due to water retention. Hence a good pair of shoes can help us ease e discomfort n promote better blood circulation.
Angel, my gynae is Prof Wong from NUH. He is my IVF doctor. He only sees me until 20 weeks since he wants to concentrate on IVF patients. So I will change to another gynae from NUH as well since it is very near to my work place.
Babyjourney, yeah. My gynae gave me jabs since I got brown staining a few days after +ve test. I think it's until end of first trimester. They usually give this support jab for IVF preggy in NUH.
Heartbeats, how's your spotting? Stopped already? Take care and rest well hor..

hbs brought door finger pincher at the kaki bukit bb sales when i was 36wks preggy. v kiasu but useful cos especially this prevent bb to be startled when the door suddenly slam due to the wind.

clariss also gets startled easily till now and can cry for no apparent reason once she gets startled. wow becareful of the sound of thunder, just now heavy rain at my side and alot of loud thunder sounds. whenever there is thunder, fil told me to stay near bb so tat if they get startled at least we are nearby to comfort them. bb are small so 没有胆禁吓到then no good.

clariss used to like being carried by my CL only too..but now okie liao. cos she got no choice whahahahahaa..if got choice she prefer hbs and fil to carry her not this clumsy mummy heeheee...But at home she only got me heehee so no choice.

Is normal for bb to like to be carried by CL, i had the same problem too i understand how u felt, i was really sad and lost after CL left (altho at times i buay tahan) her.. BB can't see clearly when they are born, their vision now is a blurr, they rely on sounds, voice and smell. Tat's why now CL take care n carry her most of the time, she'll be used to her voice and smell.

Thanks for the link!! How's your clothes? WET? heehee i was feeding clariss juz now and heard thunder and rain but kena stuck cos if i put her down before she finished her milk, she'll scream and cry..so no choice lor..got to wait for her to finish her milk milk. Luckily i only hang out 2 towels. phew!!!

clariss KO and just wake up thought she hungry as is her feeding time and she crying so i went to bring in the warmed EBM, guess wat she fell asleep again hiaz...... i got to keep the milk warm lor and it can only last like 1hr+ if she still dun wake up then i got to throw away the milk liao..hiaz i always kena this from her.

By the way, how do you settle your daily lunch???
Nowadays, always shop for bb stuff...when preggy shop for maternity wear, bb cot, pram etc... now mummy liao when go shopping hbs always auto walked into kiddypalace or mothercare...or kids dept.... me too now no time for my zara and mango shopping..hahaha hbs asked me dun waste time since i preggy time, say dun have your size la..now he say wait till u slim down la...hiaz

no time to shop too so now at home do abit of online shopping heehee

Anyway, no need buy maternity panties, cos i'm still wearing the ones i used to wear, maybe buy 1 size bigger, i normally wear low waist ones so okie heehee and for bra i bought the nursing bra instead of maternity bra cos can still wear after u give birth and if u decide to breastfeed.
Catherine, I m here. Brought belle to KKH for x ray n u/s just now. X ray results dunno yet. U/s sonographer can't find the hole with the intestine drop out also... Which is inguidial hernia.. Called in another sonographer to scan again. Then called the consultant on duty if she wanted to scan also... Even when belle is crying loudly also can't find.. Just some liquid from the abdomen.. See wat dr says on Monday..
Bbliss, my cl is my mum. Till now if Elis c or hear my mum sound she smile more than she smile to me. My gal din get choked when she was v small.

Chris, my mum drop by every morning to give me lunch b4 she goes to work though I told her no need. I dun want to tire her and I eat v easy. A glass of milk, cereal or instant noodles will do. Not working can afford to eat light. Heng leh I juz put her down rush to keep clothes and till now rain has not started. I forgot it was her feeding time and went to ntuc with my hb to buy things for tomorrow gathering at my place. Came back she was fussing then realise oops .... My mum said what a mother u r.... Lol

Bbliss, my nursing bra is from h&m!! Throw away?? Mayb one day.... But I do agree shoes r v important. I wore crocs on weekends. Weekday I stayed on to my little bit heels.

Chris I remembered u said u r like a aunty at home bun up hair .. Now I m like that too. Go out I sometimes no chap my moisturizer, or bun nicely my hair. I wondered when I go back to work will I look like aunty! Haha btw when r u gg back to work?
Chris, lIke u, I stopped seeing my clothes for so long. Have u regain yr pre preggy size? I will only shop from mid may onwards. Got 1 way to slim down v fast. Order tingkat from chu Wei San tong. Their food sucks like hell! Read in another forum someone claim their food v nice. Thats y i ordered. Lucky i order trial. I have not eaten their dinner for 2 days. The portion is so little I can finish all the dish myself. No néed to share with my hb.

Hazel, dun think. Stay calm. Belle needs yr support badly. Rest well this weekend. Mon then see what the specialist say
waa so many postings!

Chris, Dr Zou very cute hor?! Ya when she is happy for us, she genuinely is, can feel it. Very grateful to her.

Cock Cock, didnt know you PM me ok, i go read.

Tromso, they considering going pte?? Maybe thats why Prof dont want to take new cases already, this KKH really cham this time, all the good doctors leaving!

Hope i saw at Watsons before got maternity disposable undies. I am thinking of buying that. Today go out see doc then also realised, my flats gave way. Looks like i have quite some shopping to do liao but hb dont allow too much roaming. Since ET till now, i havent even window shop or eat at restaurants. Hoping tri 1 pass soon then can do all that again.

Hazel, maybe good news, all the suspicions gone!
Today went home to visit my parents and noticed there is a baby cot and a car seat at my parent's house already. Mum say 'oh belongs to the kid she babysitting' but i know better lah. Where got parents buy car seat that cost a few hundreds to put at nanny's house??? My mum herself buy dont dare to tell me yet, want to just push to me later on lah. Haiz~ wonder whos the one pregnant now, haha
Hope, on second thought, suggest you see dr Loh earlier if your discharge continues to cause you concern (smell, color and amount) coz if it's really infection then cannot be taken lightly.

Heartbeats, you had a scan today? How is it? You took an tai yao from dr Zou?

Re: maternity clothes. Yup agree don't buy too much first. Just look see look see first
Once got good sales, then know where to head to & grab! Haha.. I don't think I will buy maternity panties, just get those normal low waist ones. As for maternity bras, also think that getting nursing bras is a good and practical idea.
Angel, nope, today hor, i waited 2.5 hours to see Dr Loh and then another 1 hour by the time i get out of TMC. So whole afternoon burnt at O&G. Today's crowd is madness, even Sandra herself feels so. Reason being tomorrow is PH. Haiz~ i learnt liao, next time wont see him on eve of PH.

So in the end didnt go Dr Zou. And realised hb not keen for me to take an tai yao. He was half hearted when i say want to go Dr Zou there then came the long afternoon at Dr Loh and the heavy rain, he told me forget it. He say now already responding ok to western supports then suddenly introduce an tai yao, what if clash. I say but an tai yao can make me eat/sleep better then he say already tahan so long what just a few weeks more. So ... i also dont dare to insist, later anything go wrong, he blame me.

Oh, my scan ok. Today Dr Loh used tummy scan on me. My smaller twin drove him nuts cos of the position he cant measure CRL well, haha
Heartbeats, happy that your scan went well
I am so envious that you can see your babies often. Thanks for sharing about PH eve appointment. I will also siam. Today Dr Loh has evening clinic some more, don't know how late he's going to see his patients till..hope he has taken his meals.

About an tai yao, it's after all both yours & your hubby's decision. Since not comfortable, then trust that western supports are good enough. Anyway the angmohs also don't take an tai yao yah?

I'm looking forward to "graduate" from taking an tai yao soon. Hopefully just need to take till 12 weeks.
Heartbeats, happy that your scan went well. From 8 weeks onwards, Dr loh will do tummy scan. I even asked him "i hv so much fats, can see meh?", he told me can. hahahaha

Angel, Cockcock, Heartbeats and Hope, perhaps we shd arrange for a lunch or shopping outing one of these days. Okay?
Thks sisters for yr suggestions on maternity wear.. I did some goggling too.. Think I will go check it out at vivo this wkn since q a few recommended shops r there..

Heartbeats, glad that yr scan went well.. It's not "compulsory" to take an tai Yao.. Me so disgusted by mine that I hv stopped for a while oredi.. Yr mum so cute! Made me laugh!

Angel, u managed to check up on folic acid? How many times to take? I only took once daily.. That day when I saw my gynae John tee I was wondering how come he never prescribe folic acid for me.. Only then I knw that after first trimester don't need to take anymore..

Bbjourney, I like yr suggestion! Ask Qing too! I hope many other sisters in the other forum can join us soon! I1bb, Wendy, ching, bigbear, chris, babysmurf...
Cockcock, my bad my bad, i forgot abt Qing. Of cos must ask her along. As for sisters in e other forum, i am also keen to meet up w them too. So any suggestion on where n when?
Bbjourney, *raising both hands & feet* yeah I like gatherings. Count me in!

Cockcock, I managed to check with nurse HD and also emailed Dr Loh. Both said 5mg per day is enough for me.

Bbjourney, as for why you are taking 10mg..I really don't know but just follow doctor's instruction won't be wrong.
Thank you Chris, Catherine and Cockcokc

Trying my best to eat more, drink more water and up my protein diet. Hope this helps
Congrats, kimmy, bbliss, vann, tzac

Merlyl, i have a fren w a condition like yours, gynae advised her to induce at week 36, turns out bb is heavier than measured. She heaps on food to help bb gain weight. Sometimes machine may be off by 500g.

Hazel, take care, see what the specialist says. My own boy has a birthmark at the back of his head, my kkh pd suggest ultrasound while my bt timah pd says it is juz a birthmark. Though ultrasounds is supposingly harmless, i did numerous ultrasounds n cervical scans check during my complicated pregnancy so dun know whether that has any impact. My boy is hitting developmental milestones so far so im monitoring.
Morning ladies, all still sleeping? hehehe

Angel actually my scans also not supposed to be often, like you both, i think its every 2 weeks but becos i got spotting will end up go KKH before the 2 weeks is even up thats why get to scan so many times. But i also worried leh. Scan so many times dont know harmful or not. Yesterday Dr Loh got let me hear heartbeats again also, it uses a ray directly aim at the hearts to reflect sounds. I hope wont affect afterall ultrasound will produce some heat.

Babyjourney, he very stress lor. My tummy also many fats and worse still my bladder not full and i retroverted womb. He has to press hard to scan. He mumbled something when he couldnt measure my smaller twin haha. I realised he will make us remember our EDD, when he scan he will ask EDD still same? If same means pregnancy progressing on track. Ok, great, lets meet up!
Yes yes yes, let's meet up. We can take half day friday to meet up for hi tea!!

By the way, angel, bbjourney & heartbeats, when your gals said week 8 then tummy scan, before that not tummy scan har?
Hi Hazel, would you like to consider second opinion, especially fr private hospital? Just to illustrate, my niece was very ill last month, admitted into kkh and hospitalized for almost a week, senior consultant suspected its Kawasaki (possible heart complications) but according to kkh procedure, cardiac CT scan will not be performed until after Day 14 and senior consultant wasn't urging the parents much to seek treatment (can opt to take this $1k a shot injection which comprises of 100 babies blood) until very last minute (test results were all out very early). Subsequebtly the $1k injection was administered at kkh and upon discharge, niece was still not well. She was then sent to Gleneagles to see the Kawasaki specialist and was immediately given a cardiac CT scan and discovered there is abnormality (I think it's water in the heart). Niece was given instant treatment and has recovered since.

To this day, we are still unsure why kkh took a rather relaxed approach cos niece could have suffered fr heart attacks during that period (which is one of the complications). We thought maybe kkh sees too many young patients, so there isn't a sense of urgency, or perhaps the drs are not profit driven. Nonetheless, seeking second opinions can be an option if kkh is not able to identify and treat after sometime. Hubby and I witnessed the stress and worries that were put on the parents and grandparents and felt its really not worthwhile putting so much faith in kkh, especially if it's not a straight forward case.
Ya Hope, before 8 weeks normally is vaginal scan cos still small so vaginal scan can see better. So have to be prepared to be 'disturbed by that stick' till week 8, hehehe
Hi Heartbeats, so yours is twins
congrats!! I recall your journey from the ivf ttc forum last year and felt for you, so happy for your double blessings now. Indeed tcm is very subjective, some people cruise through pregnancy without any of it, whilst some had to depend on it whole time. I guess as long as you and hubby felt that you have made the right decision, just case close it for now, no need to ponder too much about it

For me, tcm has helped to Bu Qi quite well, I used to have this almost black out experience when I'm outside during first trimester, then come second trimester, the constant headache really bothered me. It tastes yucky needless to say haaa....

For maturnity clothes, I too have to upsize during trimester 1. I bought my wireless bras (firm cup shape) from Wacoal $20+ but max it goes is 85B cup which I think is equivalent to a small C. For C and above of such, i find that the price will go up another $10 for many brands. I bought those cheap $10+ ones for home use, the bra cup is not firm. It's good to get bras with good supports as they are growing larger and if google online, it does say that poor support or not wearing bras (at home) may affect production of breastmilk, I think cos the boobs are dragged down by gravity and this will affect the glands etc.

For panties, I just bought the largest size heeee...I thought I would have to buy bigger ones after first trimester but surprised they are still fitting very well cos the uterus has moved up, so the upper panty line sits below the tummy and butt hasn't grown much bigger.

I've also bought maternity pants and shorts from Spring Maternity during trimester 1 and still wearing same size (leggings has maternity band to cater to growing tummy size and the pants waistline just sits below the tummy now). Hoping to not have to upsize them as hip and thighs shouldn't grow that much bah...hmm...

For me, I'm more on lookout for tops since the larger boobs can't fit into pre pregnancy clothes since first trimester, arms have also grown, sigh...don't dare to wear sleeveless now

Okies, hope you gals enjoy your shopping, so nice of you all to be able to keep each other company
Sorry, 1 last thing. Regarding vaginal discharge. I've sought advice fr dr and was told that its best to change panty liners more often, for eg for those more proned to say yeast infection, using a thicker panty liner may not help cos the vaginal is still irritated by the large amount of discharge, so best way is to change panty liner often and use those non perfumed ones to reduce chances of irritations.

Technically the discharge will/ may increase as pregnancy proceeds and as our estrogen level gets built up in our system, there is a greater need to keep that area dry so as to prevent infections. Just FYI

So here's wishing everyone a happy and cheery 'down there'
Tromso, oops i must have been very emo last year to have made an impression in you! hehehe

Actually still not a day pass that i do not worry. I guess its endless until we give birth then its real. Cant take for granted. Everyday now, as long as no spotting, so issues, i take it as another milestone met and thank God for it!

I see you all take an tai yao like coping better i also want to take but now never mind lor. Dont want hb to later blame me if anything. Can see his true colors already, hahaha, he more anxious his baobeis than his wife hahahaha

This morning before even taking breakfast, i noticed my bump liao, round round one. I keep thinking its fats but i lost over 3 kgs since bfp till now and if fats cannot be havent eat already hanging out. Wow, suddenly i am scared.
Gals, thanks for your advise. U/s is harmless. Is sound waves to be exact. Only X rays have radiation & best avoided unless no choice. Coz belle is an infant, so all the tests I hv to accompany her. For x ray, I hv to wear a protective vest to protect myself from the radiation & I m always asked if I m pregnant.

I do agree KKH n pte hospitals hv their own ways of doing things. KKH always hv protocols to follow & that may not be a good thing. But so far my experiences with them (including my own procedures done) r pleasant. Take belle for instance, when she was down with flu, pte PD gave medicine with KKH will not give coz the med is meant for 1 yr & above. Pte PD just cut the dosage only for belle. So, whose right n whose is wrong? When belle was hospitalized for bronchitis triggered from the deadly flu bug, she was not even any med for cough or blocked nose at all other then harmless nose drops & neubaliser (which does not go into the blood stream) to widen her airways.

For the case now, pending x rays results n dr's review of both x ray n u/s results, I hv been reading alot online to better equip myself with knowledge n info so that I can always question dr's diagnosis on Monday where I will be told. What's is inguidial hernia? Is basically is a congenial condition where the small intestine goes through a hole which didn't close after birth. That is risky coz it can result entanglement of intestines. That's why the PD who is supposed to give belle vaccinations quickly referred her to see s surgeon immediately.

But based on u/s imagining the sonographer interpreted (subject to confirmation from dr), the intestine did no go thru. What was seen was some fluid when belle cried badly, that most likely was the cause of the bulge at the labia instea of a intestine that goes thru. So what's this condition? The website said Is "hydrocele". Female hydrocele is not as common as men though. Anyhow, there is minimum risk since is fluid. Also, I read that it usually went away when bb is 12 mths old. So, at the meantime is just monitor. Will see wat dr says on Monday. With this information I gathered, I will question the dr if she suggests a surgery to repair unless dr shared other things that i do not know. Coz to me, there is no risk now. End of the day, we as parents hv to consent to every procedure that is done.
Hazel, Belle is blessed she has such a proactive mummy like you, can go find out thoroughly for her. Am sure she will get the best required treatment, best if no need! You take care too, dont tire out.
Good morning Mummies.

Cockcock, Angel, Heartbeats and Hope, huwahhhhhh!!! Thank you for your support to meet up. So Happie
Any suggestions on when and where? So to include the sisters in the other forum?
Chris, Belle took 6 in 1 vacinnation yesterday at KKH pte children clinic at 3+pm. After the jab, her appetite doesn't seem as gd. She only took 1/2 of her milk quantity since the jabs n sleeps alot (like v tired). So far, no fever. Was Clariss like this also?

Heartbeat, no choice, got to find out more. I slept v little yesterday coz was surfing the net after belle slept. N she kept waking up somemore n wanted to be carried to sleep.. Guess she feels abit unwell fr the jabs.. Just to share, belle was on a type of antibiotic when she was in tmc NICU due to lung infection. Last wk, KKH surgeon told me the antibiotic dosage though low also carries a small percentage of hearing impairment which the TMC pd didn't tell me! Surgeon told me usually needs to follow up with hearing tests to make sure all is well.. By chance without knowing this earlier, i hv that arranged too when she was not even 1 mth old for tests when she is older.. If Anything (touch wood), Early intervention will not hinder her development ESP in speech.

The TMC PD also did some u/s which I did not think is necessary after reading up... She nv seek my consent. I told both KKH surgeon n dr Loh n both told me not necessary too. So, end Of the day, wat ever tests n procedures r drs judgmental call n some carry risks.

Having a child is really not easy.. So many worries, money aside... One after another.. Pregnancy is just the start of all these.. Is going to be a life long thing.
Morning mummies! At e zoo now. Hubs accompanying my gal to play at e waterpark so I spend time surfing.

Chris, that happened to me too when already have kid.Hardly have chance to shop and if bring a kid along, can die! I go into fitting room, she say need to pee, poo...whatever. Sigh. So I 'siao'online shopping like forum BP, sprees, gmarket!

Heartbeats, very happy for u too esp I remembered chatting with u and now u have double blessings.

Not too sure if it true but I buy nursing bras to wear without underwire. Did it for #1 as well coz some say will block ducts. But the it's rather diff for those with bigger cup sizes since might need a lot of support.
Hazel, u r a great mum. Rest well this weekend ok

Heartbeat, I guess all mum r protective over their kids. Drink less milk we wonder y. Poo too little we ask y. Lots of worries.

Meryl, did dr loh ask u to eat red meat?? Also I have some mothercare clothes for pre term bb. If u need juz pm me I m happy to give u. My hb bought wrong size when he was in uk last yr.

we only took the hepB 2nd jab so far, clariss is scheduled to go for her jab on 19/4. My sil's bb went for the jab at 3mths, she also complained tat her gal's appetite dropped alot, her gal used to be a big eater. But she says PD says its common and fine, just need to look out for fever.

i do agree with you, cos we as amateurs won't know anything n we just follow and trust dr's instructions and hope the best for our babies. Like wat u said different hospital and dr has different protocols and beliefs. Belle is really blessed to have you as a loving mum and who does research for her.
catherine, hazel, nell

Since last sunday, clariss poo poo alot till spill out from her diapers, she has not poo till today. Faintz...her tummy is not bloated or hard. However her fart stinks.
Chris, belle is on colic drops. 0.1ml every 3 hrs. That seem to make her clear bowels daily! She is also less cranky. Did it work for Clariss? The 6 in 1 jab included hep b 2nd jab, there was an oral med given to her too.

Catherine, biz wk end. Belle has to stay in as her immunity is lower now these few days with the jab. I hv to get ready for the maid next wk. Later got to go buy safe. Still got to buy storage for the maid's stuff, toiletries, etc. luckily my parents can help me bb sit belle in the afternoons. Hubs went to pick mil fr dialysis to send her bk m he has meeting with customer later....


Mine dun have le, hep B 2nd jab was taken when she was 2mths old at the PD Tamp. I did tell the nurse we bringing her for 6in-1 jab now i wonder did they give her the correct one cos when i spoke to my GP nurse, she said 6-in-1 jab should include 2nd hep b jab like wat belle has gone through. Funny le. Ya best to let belle stay at home at least a week, coz immunity low after this jab and has to monitor for fever. Appetite will drop, my sil's bb appetite dropped and tat lasted for few weeks.

Good for you maid is coming. Does your maid have previous experience? she fillipino or indon? When you maid is here, better to have your mum around for 2wks to guide her along.

