(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Sisters, i couldnt sleep well yesterday and cant help worrying about my baby. I was the 2nd Dr Loh 's patient and end up leaving tmc at 6pm. My baby is diagnosed with intra-uterine retardation growth. Baby is 1.1kg at 30 wks and is at the 5th percentile. Doppler scan normal. Placenta not low. I have to see Dr low weekly and take ctg. i was given jabs to mature baby lungs and to prepare for e-c section and also need to monitor baby movements, to prevent stillbirth .

Sighz, does anyone has friends with similar experience?

Hazel, deep breathe. Just concentrate on Belle. She will be fine. I understand how you feel that baby has to go through such an ordeal. hernia is quite common among babies. I am sure Belle is a strong little girl.

Hi Kimmy , congrats on the smooth delivery!!


we gave clariss FM at 11pm+ yesterday as she has her FM at 6.40pm and doesn't seem hungry. wow last nite, she siao siao wake up at 5.45am ah..make baby coo coo noise and kicking the mattress can hear the "storming" noise. I pretend to ignore her ..Then close to 6am she started fussing..so i walked over and took a peep, she saw me and got so excited and keep smiling and giggling like finally food is here. So i told her to wait while i prepare mik. By the time i got in the room, hbs kena waken up by her noise...so he fed her lor. Suay manz after feeding, she dun wanna sleep ah...hbs pat pat her put her in the cot she coo coo here and there and kicking away. we bo chap her n went to bed..but i as a light sleeper didn't sleep well keep waking up beocs of her "noise" then i peep at her in the darkness and she saw me and giggle...faint. Then till 7.40am then she dooze off...i so tired and hungry so went to become moo moo lor..

i spoke to hbs about your hb and he says to give him time to adjust cos alot of guys might not be good around babies there's why they might leave belle to you and your mum cos both of you are doing such a good job.

Sorry, i'm sad to here what you are going through, do stay strong and positive. You have a very good and experience DR Loh with you to watch over you.

Swaddling is good for newborn babies as it helps them feel more secured and protected like in the mummy's womb.


This week, we tried not to swaddle clariss so tat she can move her limbs and hands and she very excited lor till now is my turn i can't sleep well hahhaaa
catherine,hazel,joanne, kimmy

i also stress on my side le, cos i look at clariss skull like odd shape now, esp the back. I get even more stress when my in-laws and sil reminded me about it. Told hbs about it and he keep say not to worry cos now their skull is still soft and she has a bad habit of sleeping one side which we have to adjust for her daily...but whenever i carry her and touch her head, felt really worried wat if it doesn't adjust bk. Think i'll ask the PD on my next appt 19 apr when she is going for her jab.
Hi chris baby, Hazel and Catherine and Nell,

from the forum, i can see that you all are putting 200% in taking care of the newborn. yeah as for hubby issue, a lot of my frens hubbies also like that cos they always feel that since ladies got breastmilk, is their duty to feed them. the guys wake up also no use.
Chris, the yu GUo sinseh told me to massage their skull in the shape of their hair growth. Do 20 times each day. I probably did 10. My mum mayb 20. Dun worry. I dun swaddle elis. For 1 simple reason. She hates to b wrapped up. She is like a Kung fu gal. She cries if I wrap her up what's the point??

Meryl, dun think too much . U must b v positive to keep bb strong. Yr emotions will affect bb. Cheer up ok. Take this long weekend to relax. Bb will understand And fight along with u. I agree with Chris, trust dr loh!

I tried calling parentcraft no one answered!!!!!
Sunbelle, wrong leh, u have to work in team. Like me if I make milk hb feed. Then we change diapers together. If I feed he will burp. Elis is v active so need 2 person to b v fast to change her diapers if not her legs will kena. Only my mum can do it all by herself

Chris, this morning I can't remember what I was talking to my mum about. She told me if my mil wants to look after elis, she rather quit and help me look after. Mum told me she dun trust my mil hygiene level. My mum will win la cos I m the paymaster ma... Lol. Last night I stress my hb to settle his citizenship issue cos I want to change house. I have to use Elis to force him now.

For me at nite, whoever wakes up to clariss's cries will do the feeding lor.. Like i lightsleeper, so if i hear i'll go over pat her tell her mummy go make milk milk and ask her to wait. Then by the time i back, most of the times hbs wake up already and carrying her, so either he or i'll feed her lor. Sometimes, i very tired and play cheat just tell him since u are carrying her then u feed lor. For change of diapers most of the time done by me cos i at home during the day, at nite when he back he takeover lor.

wow your mum really good to u le..so envy. wow clever gal ah use elis on him whaahahaaaa... but tough for him also cos he'll be sandwiched between his mum and you le.
Catherine, hazel, nell, tzac ..

Hehee i looking at these leg warmers from gmart sooo cute. cos clariss has outgrown her booties and socks.. faintz i bought the socks fr fox baby and is for 3-6mths old bb but clariss big foot like her mum hahaha outgrown liao so now i need to source for new socks for her. Gmart socks are cute and cheap around 1.90-2.90 quite reasonable as compared to mothercare socks 4 pcs for $20!!!
However quality wise i won't know for gmart socks cos can't see and touch.

Esp like the legwarmers under item 11 and 29 so cute.. scroll down all the way and u'll see it.

Parentcraft are normally very busy in the morning cos they conduct lessons or visits mums at the ward. You might wanna try calling after lunch.
chris, thanks for making my day and making me laugh with the piggy! so touched you followed up!

meryl, altho i am not in exactly same situation as you, i can fully understand how u feel and your anxiety... i hope and pray that all will be well for you and your little one... hang on! the baby is fighting strong! i'd like to share the "jia you" piggy with you too! try to get more rest tonight ok... take good care!

wow ur hbs so gd help u take care of your doggy.
my 2 dogs are very old "waiting for time" both are sick and are at my in-law's place.
Chris, I bought the leg warmers and knew protector last mth. Have not wash dun know the quality. Today I bought flash card, nursery rhyme for elis. Will let u if gd too. My mum is over 60. Time for her to retire but I want her to relax not to look after elis. Of cos I use elis as my trump card to push my hb. Let him choose lor. Daughter is ours future is his. If his mum wants to dictate if he is stupid to follow his mum then let him suffer. What can I say?

did ur mil says when she's coming to s'pore to see elis? heehee i hated to do housework but now mostly done by me..cos at nite hbs home i leave clariss to her so tat i can do some other stuff. she KO most of the time during the day. Middle of the nite then wake up..but we ignored her cos if not she'll think its play time...

i've got a few msian frens, they too tell me they not giving up their citizenship cos they say they'll want to retire in msia as cost of living is cheaper than s'pore and most of them have properties there.

wow how many days did u have to wait to receive the leg warmers? i ordered a dress and hairband too abt 3 days ago. i chose normal mail instead of registered mail le.. 1st time ordering. btw can u send me the link on where to order the flashcards?

Cheer up dun worry too much... 37yrs ago my mum was also worried when giving birth to me cos she gave birth to me at 42yrs old, her earlier pregnancies all didn't survive. But here i am safe and sound.
All these tests are just probability ratios and percentage, dun get too upset. wait for camden results as Gan has also share her experiences here with us all.

thanks chris! your cartoons always bring a smile to my face! thanks for your kind words
i really look fwd to joining your all in comparing notes about taking care of babies and the challenges...
Cock Cock dear, am sure you will deliver good news soon after your camden scan. In the meantime, lets 'hurray' for your current good news first - your babies have grown much bigger and faster such that EDD has brought forward! Isnt that great?! They are strong and healthy! So proud of them. They know mummy is sad so they grow fast fast to cheer you up, as if to tell you 'hey mummy, dont worry, we are strong!' Hugsss dear, will be fine, i really wish that for you as i can understand your stress and anxiety very much! Can 'zi bao zi qi' at times but majority of times still eat well ok? You see your babies so brave and strong, must eat well for them.

This whole oscar thing ah, i know it takes into factor age, maybe thats why older mums will look like no good but hey, every body is different. Older doesnt mean anything. Grandmas also can give birth! Thats why i feel oscar is damn crappy! Angwee~ hmph!
Angel, Babyjourney, me didnt managed to go Dr Zou today, sleep until now wor, so tiring. Making up for lost nap yesterday due to renovation upstairs.

Btw gals, this month's Motherhood magazine worth buying, got compare hospitals rates for giving birth and car seats and jabs for babies. And special price at only $2.50!

really!! wow good buy muz go buy later. oh i've being with dr zou since 2009. heehee she's a very nice lady. Thumbs up!!! She's very motherly and always console me during her acupuncture sessions and she was very happy when she did the pregnancy test at her clinic and found out tat i conceived naturally. She jumped and ran outside and told her hbs. hahahaha
just to check with you, the folic acid we bought from NTUC unity right, we take one daily? or do we increase the intake after BFP?
thanks dear heartbeats and chris! so grateful... mine not just age lah, blood test really bad... yes, the babies grow fast so i advance by a week.. my work dresses all getting too tight liao and i hv been wearing same thing to work every week... but seems too early to buy maternity wear as i am still not so advance.. also, i feel a bit pai sey to walk into maternity wear shop.. dont know why... n my hubby also strange, just stood outside the shop and wait for me... ???? any good recommendation where to buy loose dresses decent for work?

btw heartbeats, i PM you last nite...

Hope, if your folic acid is 5mg, just take one daily, no need to increase intake...
Thanks Cock cock

this is my week 5 only, but i already look like king kong, all work dress cannot wear already...

hmm.. i dun usually buy maternity wear, i bought dresses and loose tops fr warehouse great singapore sale, mango, zara, spring maternity. I normally buy clothes which are comfy and can wear after give birth. U might wanna buy maternity skirt 1st cos at least the waist area is expandable and u'll feel more comfy esp when u are sitting down at your wkplace most of the time.
chris, thanks for your suggestions.. i also dont want to buy maternity wear yet... but this wkn really got to go look see look see coz i cant, one day, tell my boss i cant come to work coz no office wear... though i wld prefer not to go work some days... have been sleeping late past few nights and v sleepy today... office quiet today so i laze abit... still got various things boss wants by mon/tue but i no mood/energy to do and therefore progressing slow... yawn...

hope, i am excited for you... yr scan next week right? i was hoping u can win your bet with dr loh!!
Cockcock, The Maternity House has simple & neat maternity skirts and pants. Material quite good, not expensive. I find that they are suitable for work.

Heartbeats, Dr Zou clinic is open whole day today. Tomorrow public hol so not sure open or not. You may give Uncle a call and ask him when is a good time to go. I used to go in the weekday afternoon, less patients and shorter waiting time.
Hi knw this was discussed before but is medela swing pump gd? Using avent electric pump now but findit slow or mayb my flow is slow... Thx for advice
Cockcock, agree with Chris that you may consider getting a maternity skirt (or pants) first so that you feel more comfy. Find one with a nice cutting and then pair it with a suitable top and jacket. I find that wearing a jacket over makes the bump less obvious.
Hello Mummies!!!

Heartbeats, you can go visit Dr Zou after your appt with Dr Loh today or call to check if they are open tomorrow.

Hope, I was asked to increase my folic acid intake to 2 tablets per day after BFP. One morning and one night. Think you should take 2 too.

Cockcock, the maternity pants i bought from The Maternity House (with Angel) looks like normal working pants. Most importantly, it is v comfy.
Bbjourney, I am still on one folic acid (5mg) per day...oh no.. am i taking enough? I remembered checking with nurse HD if I should still take one per day, she said yes wor.. Did Dr Loh prescribe you to take 2 per day (10mg)?
Hi Sashamama, so the other info is in other tabs of your file, ok I'll go check, thanks

Hi Heartbeats, similar to what Pierced mentioned, Dr KT Tan is good. She is the head of O&G if I'm not wrong and has treated many complications. But she's not those nurturing kinda gynae, she've very to the point but is very decisive and firm when immediate actions are required. I heard fr my SIL that both KT Tan and Prof John Tee are considering going private too, after their conversations with Dr Loh...hmm...

Joanne, congrats in locating a maid. Hope you can train her well before your little ones arrive

Yesterday afternoon, I felt some addituonal pressure on my cervix as if the uterus is lying unusually low. Despite sitting and resting, the feeling didn't go away and I suddenly recall this against gravity prenatal yoga pose I've learnt, so I lie down on the floor, both legs and feet up against the wall, buttock close to the wall, then tilted my pelvis up (supported my back with both hands). After some 10 mins, I got up and felt less pressure on the cervix and just lie in bed with pillows underneath my back. Was quite a frightening experience as I've read about cervix shortening when labour happens so was feeling quite worrisome with what I was feeling, as I've felt pressure in cervix before this but not yesterday's intensity. Have you ladies experience this before during second trimester?
Angel, Dr Loh asked me to increase my intake and when Nurse SS goes thru the meds with me, also 2 tablets per day leh, one morning one night. It is the same yellow folic acid that we were given mah (also same as the one bought from Unity).
Joanne, come to think of it, I'm not sure if dr Loh's hard as table description refers to contraction or Braxton hicks. When I saw him other week, my tummy was quite hard but comparing to table top, of course it's nothing, he just gently laughed it off. Hmm...now to think of it, I also dunno if tummy will be hard as table top when Braxton hicks happens. Any advice ladies?

Actually I find that it's very hard to differentiate mild contractions and uterus ligament pulling for a novice like myself. I've read that it's not uncommon to have mild contractions during second trimester which often doesn't amount to an emergency. Early in my 2nd trimester, I would feel pulsating pain (not extreme) once every 1-2 weeks but only in 1 spot and will go away in half an hour, I'm thinking maybe that's uterus expanding. Dr Loh suggests as long as pain doesn't persist for more than an hour, it's usually fine. Plus I don't feel my uterus hardening and contracting, so I don't think my pulsating pain is a concern. Am I correct?
Hi Hope, folic acid intake is as per normal, no need to increase. When you pass first trimester, dr will prescribe supplements which have folic acid in them, that's when we stop taking those individual folic acid pills.

Actually there is no harm slightly 'overdosing' on folic acid as the excess will get flushed outta our system each day through our urine
Bbjourney, I didn't buy folic acid from dr Loh as I still have my own supply bought from unity. So far, he didn't mention to me about increasing folic acid intake and I do remember checking with Nurse HD (the day after my BT to collect supports) and she confirmed that I just take 1 folic acid per day... Think I will just call & double check.
Angel, bcos after the BT, we have to go back to TFC to collect the medication right. Just nice my folic acid finishing soon, so i just bought from TFC with the other meds (coz i lazy to go Unity to buy). I was told to increase to 2. Ok you call them to double check. Maybe you try to speak to Nurse SS.
Err... BBjourney & Angel, have your gals started wearing the maternity undies?
is there a special feature for this maternity undies too? i have been having alot of white discharge lately, i find the discharge very smelling (sisters, sorry that i being gross here) and even with the carefee pantiliners it's still over flow ler...
Hope, I still wearing normal undies but I buy one size bigger. I only know have maternity bra, hv maternity undies also have har? Sorry i v suaku :p

I also have white discharge when I was still on Crinone inserts. After I stopped the insert, the white discharge is gone, so now only have "transparent" normal discharge when i wipe. I did check with Dr Loh on this before, he said it is normal. Unless you have bad itch or you feel really uncomfortable with the discharge, you may want to check with Dr Loh during your scan next week.

Angel, want to go shopping again? :p

Hope, no I haven't started wearing maternity undies. I have some discharge too but it's not too bad. Maybe you try Laurier perfumed pantyliners (pink color wrapping)?
