(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Kimmy, parked at illuma n walked to te shop opp guangyin temple to buy cheap bb clothes. After that drove to centrepoint.
I see Kimmy, it's great to have a yoga buddy like you and msmiele
You plan to continue to drive in 3rd trimester? Tummy may be quite big then
For now I'm just cabbing, until I feel good enough and confident again to drive. Think the body is not too used to the sudden change yet...hee..

Really nice to see you gals enjoying the year end shopping
Tromso, I'm thinking to go for yoga too after first tri. Which club r u gng to join? I used to go gym before IVF journey, but seldom go for yoga, I think I'm very stiff now hehe. I feel that It's really good for mom n bb.

Is that right Kimmy? How do u feel so far?
Hi Baby me...hee....perhaps we can go together then
I may check them out only after week 8 scan...sigh...not even had my week 6 scan yet
bit nervous, just checked hpt test yesterday to ensure still pregnant heh...

I'm also very stiff now too, was doing yoga on and off for many years prior, then started TTC, the clomid etc pills made me quite sick, so I stopped yoga since last year. I tried to pick up again this year, realized simply cannot catch up...lol... Will be great to do yoga/ exercise again, no exercise since started IVF, feels so weird dunno why.
Hi Tromso,
Yeah I'm lucky that I met Msmiele and she was quite game to try out yoga so we could try it out together and we liked it enough. Most likely we'll continue till full term if we can because there's many in our class who does it and they all look so fit and healthy and its so encouraging
haha some also told us that yoga and all the 'opening' of chest, thighs, etc helps with the delivery and breastfeeding (for chest exercises). You can check them out after week 12. Me & Msmiele only started quite recently like week 17+ish?

Baby_me >> yeah so far feeling good. I mean when I first started, I felt quite 'weak' but since I started few wks ago, I see myself improving in stamina and my cramps not happening as much as the instructor will usually ask you how you are feeling before class and if there's anything you wld like to share (she showed me some moves to counter those leg cramps). Other thing is since I'm not easily accessible to a pool (swimming is good too), so I decided on yoga since I've done it previously,
Baby & Tromso
Since I was spotting on/off during my first trimester, my doctor told me to lay off any exercise. However, I started prenatal yoga at 16w after getting the green light from my doctor who also encouraged me. Like you, I was practicing yoga on/off before IVF. I felt that I was getting too lazy just sitting around at home and am glad I started this class. The class we attend is very informative and the instructor explains very thoroughly and assisting/correcting us at the same time whilst doing the different positions/exercises. Don't worry about not exercising for a while or being stiff. We don't do back bends or head stands. The practice/positions we do are improvised to suit our needs. We do occasionally get challenged but nothing too drastic. If you both are interested in joining a prenatal class, I highly recommend it. It would be advisable to start after your first trimester, providing there are no issues with your pregnancy and of course the ok sign from your doctor.
Hi Tromso, that's good idea
will be more motivated if got company hehe. But I can only go after work or weekends. Btw, when is your week 6 scan? Don't worry, everything will be fine for you n bb/bbs. You will full of joy when you hear their heartbeats.

Hi Kimmy, sounds good
especially if can reduce all those cramps bcos tummy big big hehe. Sometimes, I feel my legs a bit cramp already now, dunno why. Already raised up my legs when sleeping. Guess not enough exercise
Baby Me, my week 6 scan is next Friday. After work is good for me too

Wow...thanks for being so encouraging Kimmy and msmiele, the benefits look irresistable. ok, if my condition allows at start of 2nd trimester, will try out prenatal yoga

I don't dare to swim in swimming pools, afraid of germs, etc, especially preggy now. Yoga will be really great.
Hi gals,
Do we hv to go 6w & 8w scan? I saw some of u gals mention it. Cos I went for my scan then next visit to gynae is in feb 2012. But I hv a DS scan in Jan 2012.
Hi Fatefully, hmm....I was under the impression there is a week 6, then week 8 scan....no so?? Maybe the more experienced ladies can enlighten.
Hi fatefully
It all depends on ur gynea n urself.. For example, me n hazel got bad experience last time so we will request more scan than others.. For me, i will request scan every 2 wks till past 1st trimester to reassure myself..;)
Even super biz dr loh will schedule the first 2 appt at 2 wks interval. Coz is unstable at initial stage so he will monitor for viability. After that is DS scan then another 4-5 wks for gynae visit. Pte gynae will generally see patients more often as they r less packed n biz compared to kkh drs.

Yes, Joanne is right. We can always request to see dr at closer gap. I have a scan at 2 wks interval from first tri till 20 wks after I did the detailed scan. Then is 3 wks gap.
I see, thanks Hazel. I may consider follow dr Loh to TMC if I pass my week 6 scan, will be good to have closer gaps gynae visits. Hope his fees will be affordable.
Thanks hazel! Now really clearer for me... I was blur when to see doc...So after 8 weeks, it's followed by DS scan.
Tks for the update. So is $179@5% discount for robinson cc holder. Think will check out kiddy palace near my place before head down to robinson this weekend. Scare of the jam n crowd. Tummy getting bigger, tired of walking.

"Ren ren ren", few more wks to go. After confinement, u can eat ur fav foods again. Hang in there.
Summer, yea. 5% will be at mth end on statement. If u do go to Robinson centre point, pls go in the morning at 10am. There will be no crowd. Go straight, pick up, pay n then to first floor at centrepoint n claim free 1hr parking.
Tanny, 6wks, 8wks, 12wks -DS scan (pls dun do the test earlier than that coz bb grows at different rate n can create false alarm. KKH AMC will schedule for u, just tell them, u wan scan at 12+wks, do the scan a few days before the last allowed date) then see gynae at 15-16wks, then full scan at ADC at 19+wks & you will see ur gynae on same day to review the full scan report.

There is a DS blood test before the scan. Same thing, dun do to early. Ask the nurse to schedule 1 wk before DS scan. U will know the combined results, BT & scan on your day of scan. Request for a report to safe keep at no charge. that is your copy.

If not, AMC will schedule BT as early as 9wks n the scan at 11wks. That is my lesson learnt from first pregnancy.
You are very lucky to get a Stokke cot even though it's a pre-owned. Stokke things are expensive indeed. Btw, how was the muffin?
wow! Really, Ron got a stokke cot? Very very nice!!! I like their prams but its so expensive and difficult to manage alone. Yeah, how was the muffin? hehe

Hazel, ohh I din't know that! Claim from cust svc? Darn!!!! I often spend above $200. There goes all my umbrella and voucher :p
Msmiele, thanks for the info

Fatefully, I also have my 8wk scan on 20 Dec at KKH. Don't know when Dr Loh will be on leave. The next one will be at TMC already.
My doctor also advised me against using skincare products that contains Retinol A. However, I went a step further and added other list of ingredients to avoid not only in moisturizers but all skincare/makeup products. It has been mentioned that the amount of Retinol (if any) in our daily skincare routine is too little to do any harm to the fetus but I decided best to avoid. My list is listed in the link below.
Oh gosh! I've been using toner with salicylic acid! How ah? So what type/brand of cosmetics n skincare that can be used? I'm not used to go office with bare skin. Haiz...
Thanks msmiele, checked my basic facial care products, no ingredients found in the 'prohibited' list.

Baby, I'm using mainly shiseido and estee lauder, looks like the range I'm using is fine. For toner, I'm using Hada Labo, it's ok too.

Not sure about cosmetics cos I don't use much. Hmm...quite a hassle but will be worth it in the long run.
Hi kimmy, msmiemle& hazel, thx for all e advice given regarding e yoga classes. May go out chk a few of them but e tot of travelling dwn on own make mi feel bit tired. Ha. Coz nw since preggy, everywhere I go is being chauffeur by DH. Hope e places recommended r nt at town or shenton areas coz he hates gg there.
Baby_me, abt yr toner, juz stop using. I used to use products w retinyl ingredient without knowing too and I asked dr loh and he said use a bit is ok, as in it's used on skin in topical form not ingested so he juz said stop using can already. There's some products / cosmetics that are paraben-free and free from whitening agents (i.e.retinol) so u can use those :p

Hazel, thanks for the info! Will go claim next time! Every bit of savings count. Wow dr Loh cancelled Xmas leave. He's really one hardworking doc.
Kimmy, if he dun cancel his leave, he told me KKIVF will cancel those patients doing ER/ET in dec! U know Xmas seasons a number of drs r clearing leave... I asked him if he will be ard during cny since he didn't go for his year end break, he told me yes...
Hahaha, you girls so are funny. No-la! I would luurrvvvvee the Stokke cot but am inheriting neice's cot, so can't even shop for cot. But thanks for making my dream come true eventho only on forum
You are so luck to have your DH chauffeur you around. For me it's public transport all the way. Unfortunately Como and Mother & Child are in the city centre. Updog Studio is in East Coast Parkway (Big Splash).

Don't worry if your toner contains salicylic acid. Just donate it to your sister or mom. I'm sure they will be glad. Similar to Kimmy, I've also used certain products without realizing. Take your time, go to the different cosmetic counters with your list and run through them.
Ya.. Thanks, guess I can only call them on Sat cos their line should be only operational during office hours. By time I knock off, it's after office hrs liao... Sigh
hazel, i din know we can claim for free umbrella too. i spend $600+ yesterday. damn it if not have free umbrella and dun have to run in the rain back to my car. what other discount do we haev this weekend? on leave tomorrow can plan my route heehee
Catherine, the discounts r still there. Just that thurs r preview for mbers. Since yesterday, open to public.
Hazel, wow Dr Loh so dedicated n hard working.

Tromso, Kimmy, Msmiele, thanks so much for the tips. Need to go shopping for new products now. Can't leave the skin untouched by skincare. My beautician said women once they given birth, the skin will change a lot, more to not good one. So must really take care. I will stop with all the cosmetics first.
Hi tromso,
I will follow her to TMC but she can only delivered at Thomson if everything goes well.
I still the same throat dry & pain. Fever on & off. But better now. I still on mc today which is already 4 days. I nv take so long mc for common flu or throat infection. I guess my immune system went down after I preggie & alot of med I cannot anyhow eat so my recovery very slow.
Hi Fatefully, I can feel my immune system getting lousier too, especially after 8pm, I will feel the chill, have to wear socks, long pants, cardigan, cover body with rug, whilst watching tv in my living room with no air con on
I've been getting on and off slight running nose too, doesn't seem to go away.

If you are sleeping in air con room, maybe can put a bowl/ dish of water in the room, to increase the moisture level, maynhelp with the throat. I went without air con for a few nights and my running nose and sneezing fits went away 90%. Keep yourself warm ok, fever means your system is still fighting the odds. Rest well.
Elyna, i just tried the parentcraft registration website using my PC. there is nothing wrong leh.. i can go onto the registration page & see all the schedule. No error message at all. By the way, have you created an account first before going to the registration page? U need to do that. Try again. See if it can work using office PC after office hrs?

Elyna, did u try accessing e TMC parentcraft using Internet explorer ? Prev I tried via Mozilla I was told always prompt cyst busy, if nt some other errors. But using IE, no prob. (juz for sharing

Msmiele- Ha. The chauffeuring is oni temp. Is a form of special privilege that I entitled to during this period. Haha coz nw I dun drive anymore. Nw drivers on road mostly haf bad driving habits, dun wanna to stress myself out hence may as dun drive 

Btw, any sisters here aft birth, yr bb will be taken care by ur own mum or in laws? Normally hw much do you all give them?
