(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel : thanks! Ya indeed quite difficult to go to crowded places.. I also stopped my vit c for a long time... Shld start taking now..

Amino sounds so dangerous can cause miscarriage. No wonder my 老师 says her customer aged 40s before going for that test the poking, ask her to do a healing..to bless that all goes well...I can imagine it's so scary for a mom who has tried so hard to conceive and yet must decide to do this test, also must sign consent form right? It's to test DS is it? Only compulsory for mummies aged 35 n above?
Joanne & Fatefully, how is your scan today? So excited
Hi baby
Do u feel ur womb area heavy especially in the morning? Me very heavy n hope all is allright inside.. Havent done scan yet.. Later.. Stressssss... Keep praying..
Hazel, my gynae say bb weight is avg body, head and thigh.

Ladies I m at Robinsons... V v v crowded. Supposed tl go mt e to c skin doc but hb made a wrong turn we end up haha... Madela and Phillip got 25% discount. Buy $180 more get $30 voucher. I m buying my breast pump and bb carrier. If u ladies r coming pls bring yr bread and water. I did that haha hb q to pay I sit Here eat lol

My gal is no longer big size yeah only 1.2kg!! Gynae say she is ok already phew. She is not gg to let my gal come out early relieve my skin condition. She insist on 38 week then decide that's y I have to c skin doc tomorrow. Want to buy toy for my gal at Robinson but can't too crowded v scary here
Just finish my scan, saw bb heartbeat @ 22hz @ 6weeks 8 days, size 7mm... Doc say it normal. My edd is 26 July 2012.
I wasn't shock or excited cos I was inside worried & feeling sick...
Hmm pigeon and avent 25% off so taka members deal is still cheaper. Me looking @ bouncers now. Gosh crowded! I can't imagine after work crowd!! Medela also 25% off...
Fatefully - Yeah. Congrats on seeing HB! i think 22hz is the frequecy range of the ultrasound, your bb hb would be beating around 80-120hb per minutes at this stage

J03 - all ok, dear?
Hazel, I m 28 weeks today. Itch not getting better gynae is asking me to c her fren. Appt is tomolo.

Kimmy, remember to wander around level 5. A gal is giving away $30 voucher and u can use it to offset yr bill if u buy >$180.

Fatefully, all I can say is talk to yr bb to hang in there with u. I also had flu, vomit a lot during first trimester. I keep talking to my gal. It does work, juz stay closevto yr bb.
Hazel,I m not sure if u were the one who say u gg to order breast pump online . I helped my fren buy her twin madela breast electric pump only $199.20 at robin sons which I think it's not a bad price....
Catherine, yes, I m the one.
. Medela has a few models.. The 2 top range are pump in style (PIA) or free style. I m v sure the one u bought are not from these 2 range. Coz there is no way it cost $199 even if the discounts are super great. I bought the free style model, ie Hands free while pumping. CAn even do house work!
Yeah! Fatefully! So nice! Happy happy today and I hope u get well soon!

All the shopping u all say makes me itch to go.... Now still so early for me... I don't think another sale will come soon right? When is the next big baby / mummy stuff sale? Great spore sale too late.. Lol baby out already.

That muffin at Tanjong Pagar complex there so nice; no wonder always long q. I just had 2 just now.. Yummy!!
Hazel - the jungle rocker/swing has 25% off. After less about $147+?

Catherine - ya! Went to get the $30 voucher. Hehe!!! Bought pigeon breast pads cuz on discount too!
It sterilizers 6 bottles In 8 minutes. The blue plastic mould inside is removable. Ie, other then avent bottles, u can use to sterilize other brands bottles of other sizes n your breast pump accessories n brushes!
Fatefully, congrats on seeing heartbeat!

Ron, my detailed scan is so late at wk22, next week wed.. Hopefully can find out the shy twin's gender ;) yes my MS has subsided a lot (pls pls stay this way!!) that's why my weight gain is even more uncontrollable! Hahaha.. Up 10kg already and i'm only at wk21.. But i asked gynae if i should watch out my weight gain, he said no need (?) oh well.. I'm officially a hippo now;) how are you & baby doing?
Dear sisters
Thks for ur concern.. Already hv my scan, shows two bb hb.. Exactly at 6wks today.. Same as wht nurse told me earlier that today is my 6th wk.. Bb still small.. CRL size is 3mm and 4mm. She use probe via virginal then can see bb hb clearly..
Is this size ok for bb at 6th wks? Doc Loh mischievous.. When he sees me, he say "how how".. Makes me hv a fright.. As he says see me oways stress so want me relax.. He say can close shop liao after birth.. Now my next milestone is 8th wk scan which i most stress one...tonight finally can sleep well.. And now i know why i feel my womb so heavy n crampy.. He says are normal.. A load off me for now..

Hi bb and fatefully
R u seeing the size of ur bb via CRL? As report oso shows size of sac which is different...Btw, congrat to fatefully for seeing bb hb too..
J03, dun think abt the 8 wks scsn. Think abt it ONLY when the day comes! So next appt is on 21 dec? I m seeing dr loh late evening that day too at tps.
Joanne - double cool! 2 hb
passed one hurdle. Stay positive and dun think abt the what-ifs. As hazel said, only worry on next scan day.Keep happy, dear! Happy mummy = happy babIes
Ashley - good lar the MS finally over. Am doing good, tons of energy these days until cannot sleep at night ! Bb is not gentle Missy, if I am late for meals by just 15-20 min, will get "friendly kungfu kick" reminder hahaha.. Otherwise, she's usually quiet in the day for now. How about your twins? Do you feel movement for both at the same time?
Joanne, congrats on seeing twins! Take care and don't overstress yourself ;) agree with ron, happy mummy = happy babies!

Ron, haha so cute she can give you friendly reminders when she's hungry. I haven't felt kicks yet ;( still flutterings only once in a while.. Been asking my babies to kick mummy but can't feel anything yet. Though overall i have more energy in this 2nd trimester, but i still get tired quite easily, and backpain (and sometimes pelvic pain too) becomes more intense, sigh.. At night busy rolling left and right ;(

My immune system is down too, been having runny nose.. Can we take Redoxon effervescent gals? I forgot to ask my gynae and now he's on holiday..

Kimmy, happy shopping! I was at orchard earlier and passed robinsons by the bus, but got no energy anyway to check it out. Also i'm not robinsons member, only holding ocbc card, so not sure if i can get discount today..
Hazel - ya all FP 25% off. They only got one model which is the swing cum bouncer. Not much variety... Oh u got the round sterilizer! Yeah I want that too!!! Haha. The lady just told me to make sure i descale it every month - 1.5 months just to be sure cuz can't see the metal plate like pigeon.

Ron - the muffin is very very nice! That specific one. Hehehehe

Joanne - Congrats! 2 hbs! Hehe 2 at one shot can close shop liao. That's great

Ashley - Haha thanks! I went robinsons at Raffles City cuz the centrepoint too chaotic for me to manage. Mwahahah. But good think I left at 6pm cuz when I left, I saw a huge crowd entering and the queue to cashier snaking like mad. Phew. Don't think u miss much since u bought most stuff alreay
haha I think u might feel baby movement if you sit leaning a bit front which I do from time to time during yoga sessions. I can feel some kick from the pelvic! haha so cute, rolling left to right.
Kimmy, hm.. i saw the new born to toddler rocker 2 weekends back at Robinson Centrepoint. what do u mean by "descale"? remove everything & wash?
ashley, my friend told me her gynae said NO Redoxon effervescene. I dunno why. So, i only take vitamin C that my gynae gave me in first tri which I know confirmed is safe.
Joanne, yeah I also feel the tummy is heavier n tighter too. How is your scan?

Fatefully, congrats
so happy for u! Don't worry too much, it will affect the bb. Try to be relax. When is your next scan?

Tanny, I love that muffin too. But it's only open weekdays so always get my MIL to buy for me hehe.
Hi tanny,

vit b6 only sells in hospital, u can't get it elsewhere...Like last time, i ran out of b6 and my nausea same bk, even those anti-vomit medicine can't stop ended up i rush down to KK pharmacy just show them my existing b6 packaging and asked for 1 mth supply.
Joanne, just saw your post. Wow so happy for u! 2 bb heartbeats, you must be very excited when saw that. I saw one already excited, don't say two
pls take good care of yourself n bbs
Hazel, 'descale' as in you can use vinegar/lemon juice or buy the citrus tablets from Philips office (to use every 1.5 mths) to get rid of the algae right at the bottom because of water. Because the avent saleslady told me some people don't bother to clean from the start then few months down the road they realize for algae/fungus then tough to clean. So she reminded me clean it from the start...

Ooh what vitamin C were you given? Care to share? Sometimes I don't know if my vit C intake is sufficient but I don't know what's 'safe' too. Moreoever with festivities ard the corner and a lot of gatherings - germs are bound to spead. :\
hi all,

i went during lunch hrs to robinson cityhall. aiyoyoyo chaos ah!!! didn't get to buy much there cos got to rush bk. just only 1hr my leg soo pain liao ended up took taxi bk office.
Kimmy, I took the one given by dr loh last time when I was in first tri. There was a medical name on it. Can't remember now coz I only take a few wks in 1st tri. Hm.. Robinson card members hv another 5% discount right? Bb's stuff all mst clean n wash properly. There r so many types of brushes, some will clean hard to reach areas. When u attend mrs wontg's class she will tell u why. Bbs stuff, ESP those used for consumption or application or will touch their food.. All must use brand new. Dun share or use hand me down. Coz we dunno if the previous owner wash properly or not or if they r clean.

Even bb clothes that I have washed, I separate them by types n put them in separate new clean zip love bags before I put them in the drawers. If not, will collect dust since I dun hv the energy to wash again. New pillows, I also sun! Their skins r very sensitive. So better be careful ESP when we tried so hard to hv them.
