(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbliss, for your own mum, u can always ask her how much she wants. MIL, ask hubs to ask. I will take care of the bb myself till I return to work from ML & leave. After that, my mum will take care. I am already giving her an allowance every mth, so, i will most likely increase the amt by a few hundreds when she will me take care. I will pick up the bb after work & take care of her myself at night. wkends, bb will be under our care too.

Hi Hazel, I m oso having e same arrangement as you. Tried asking my mum be4, she said no need give extra since I oredi giving her Mthly allowances. But I dun feel comfortable coz I tend to feel it mayb too 辛苦 for her. Tat y wanna chk out hw much is gd to give so tat I dun feel shortchanging my mum. 

In fact, I oso tot of getting part time domestic helper to help my mum out. The part timer can at least help to do housekeeping n washing. Can't bear to see my mum washing bb nappies coz nid to squat n scrub. N again, she nt very keen. Hmm... Really dun noe wat to do.
hi tromso,

I'm taking yoga at updog @ big splash.. now in my 3rd trimester 34wks++ felt too heavy to move around. May skip my lessons tho, 2wks ago accidentally stretch one of my tendons near pelvic area during one of my yoga sessions. wow super pain, after tat i walked like a duck..hb told me maybe rest and avoid yoga for the time being...

Hi sisters,
if you are not feeling well, down with sore throat and fever is better to see doc soon. For me i went to see my gynae and she prescribed me with antibiotics tat are safe for preggy ladies. I was down with very bad sore throat, blocked nose, thick greenish phlegm when i was in my 28wks... was sick the whole week,couldn't breathe and was breathless went to see 2 GPs and they gave me flu medicines and i got worse. Hence decided to see my gynae and after finishing her medicine, i recovered v fast. She said that gynae will know what medicine to prescribe unlike some GPs esp young ones cos they not experienced enough. For my case, she said is bacteria infection and better to clear it fast and not drag further.
wow hazel,

sooo envy you, went shopping....
i'm on exam leave today, got CACS exam 3-5pm later..cham didn't really have time to study as the whole week has been very busy at work. By the time i reached home, around 8pm....super shag watched tvs serials and went to bed. As usual middle of the nite wake up 1-2 to pee hahahaa..
Didn't really have time to study, when i opened the book i wanna dose off liao...energy level not like last time.

Now doing laundry...

hmmm so glad tomorrow is weekend.. btw do you know where can I get cloth diapers? And also disposable panties? I got some from watsons tho but my fren was telling me is different from the hospitals give to us as theirs is more comfy esp after we gave birth, and tummy is still big. But they charge my fren $8 per pc during her stay.
Hi sisters,

I still drive around when hb is not around to ferry me..heehee now he drives me to work from my 3rd trimester onwards. good to be preggy got special privilige hahahahha....
His frens are advising him not to let me drive esp now that I'm preggy, but i tell them i drive v careful esp during saturdays when hb working drive myself to shopping and yoga lessons. Hb's fren says too dangerous and they also disallow their wifey to drive when they preggy. But hb gave in to me la, cos he knew now i can't walk much and certain places not accessible via public transport. Just tat he tell me to be more careful lor cos nowadays that's alot of reckless drivers out there.
Bbliss, that's our mummies! My mum said no need give her extra also. U can give her wat u r comfortable with. When u get bonus or cny Ang bows, then give her a fat one. I wun be using nappies. They r too much work when it comes to washing. Breastfed bbs can poo a few times a day n even with diaper liner it usu will stain the nappies too. So, nappies need to be soaked prior to wash n can't use washing machines n bleach, as need to scrub. U can imagine the amt of bb's stuff to wash a day since they need to be kept v clean. Some friends told me stuff like bath towels dun need to wash daily... But bb's skin is so delicate. My mum still has to look after my 6 yrs old niece n 8 yrs old nephew. Though big, still need to prepare food n wash their clothes. My dad is around to help though. They r staying with my bro & sil but no helper. So u can imagine the amt of chores my parents hv to do. 8 yrs ago when my mum was in her early 50s, she already can't take the washing of nappies which she insisted on using then. She gave up after a few days n use disposable diapers.

Many believe that disposable diapers cause nappy rash. Not true also. The 2 kids at home dun get nappy rash. Just hv to be diligent in changing v frequently. Cannot say wait until it is full then change. Always apply cream at their bottom after each change. Have to use good diapers too, yes, it will be expensive but time n effort spent on washing nappies also translate into money in a way.

I will need to get a part time domestic helper to help clean my house. Now, my mum is helping me. But with the arrival of bb, it is going to be too much work for her.

My mum has been taking care if my bro 2 kids since they r born. They sleep with grandparents, showered by them, etc 24hrsx7! My bro & sil hv an easy life though they all stay in the same house. Even when kids r sick, is my parents who care for them day & night. But I dun think that is right. May as well dun hv kids then. We as parents need to do our part. Parenthood itself is not easy. Too bad, we hv to work during the day. But after work, our bbs r our responsibilities. That is why, must bring home every night n wk ends we take care ourselves. Kids need to be nuture from young, we can't expect the grandparents to do that. They brought us up. Dun tell me, they hv the responsibilities to bring our children up n nuture them while we hv an easy life?
Chris, disposable panties, u need to get maternality ones, and get cotton ones so that they r comfortable to wear. 1 pack of 6 abt $4. If we dun stain it, can wash n use 1-2x. Cloth nappies, 1 dozen abt $13 or so. U can go cheong choon baby store at china town to buy. The shop is small. Dun bother to look for it. Just tell the auntie wat u need. Check out its opening yrs at the link: http://www.cheongchoon.com/

The alternative plc u can get them cheaply is this shop opp the famous guanyin temple at Waterloo street. There are these shop houses where ground floor sells dried products like shrimps, mushrooms, etc opp the temple. This shop is at the corner on first floor. U wun miss it as is the only shop that where u see lots of bb stuff. U can park at illuma n walk over. FYI, they dun open on Sunday.

I agree with you. parents have already spent many years of their lives taking care of us and I find that we should take care of our own kids after we are bk from work and during wkends.. For my case, my parents are pretty old in their late 70s and they won't have the energy to help me either so when my mil keep pressing me to have a child i told her honestly tat firstly with my health condition (endo etc..its tough for me to conceive and also i've gone thro 1 ivf and 1 frozen cycle which i spent most of my savings and I really can't afford to go for another frozen straight and also take leave as very disruptive to my current work. Furthermore, there's no one to help me take care of bb. And she volunteered to help me take care of bb. Hb said we were lucky to conceive naturally 1mth b4 i was scheduled by Dr SF loh to go for my natural FET, cos i was still considering how to tell my boss and also how to take leave. My in-laws will now have their hands full taking care of my sil's new born as well as mine in the next few mths, but luckily they have a maid with them and they are both retirees.
My sil's mum is very experienced with taking care of babies as she used to be a nanny but since 10yrs ago after her 2 daughters have gave birth she has being helping them take care of their children 24/7 till now..hence my sil asked my mil's help to care for her bbs instead.

Maybe you can get a part-time domestic helper to help your mum and yourself on the household chores such as cleaning the house. Think that will help to relieve some of her work. Wow you brother very good life ya, just throw everything to your mum, abit too much.. no offense tho.
I feel like muching the muffin again. Now always feeling hungry, ate a bowl of cooked oats for breakfast, an apple, a few biscuits, now crave for muffins. I buy 4 for mysellabor tea time; after lunch and after visit to doc. Toes v cold now.. But wear socks in office v funny..
Tanny, Joanne &baby:
Do u all feel lethargic??? I slept for 9hrs last nite, today my energy level is so low..

Tanny, at least u hve tea break... I dun hve tea break, got to secretly munch on biscuits if not some ppl will say I'm very free lor
Chris, the part time domestic helper is to clean my house. Not to clean my bro's house! They just stay in the unit above me. My bro n sil are v v well off, those kind where car is paid in cash, pte ppty can pay off in 3 yrs n less, etc, yet cash rich, but super stingy until u will think they r poor! Eg, when eat outside, 1 bowl of rice, 2 person can share?! Anyway, dun say them Leow. Not b'coz of their 2 adorable kids, I dun think I will see them much also. :p

Hey, hv u packed ur hospital bag since u r 34wks now? I will do so in Jan. Shldnt take long since I know wat I will be packing, check with u, does ur girl kick u hard until u in pain or wake u up at night? My is very gentle one.. Was told coz is a bb girl n not a bb boy,
hahahaha hazel, that's how they can rich lor

Haven't really pack hospital bag yet, my bb's room still in a mess..hiaz long story...
i've a studyroom and a spare room where i kept most of my "junkie". When i found out tat i preggy, me and hb soo happy decided to use our studyroom as bb's room...but alas my brother-in-law (my hb's elder bro) who used to stay at my sil's hse tat is the street opp moved over to stay with us as my sil (hb's 2nd bro) needs their study room bk for their newborn bb. My this elder bro will stay abt 2-3 wks a mth in indon then comes bk. He's my in-law's pet, and he used to stay in EC, until his divorce with his wifey 1.5yrs ago. he complains that he got no $$ to buy flat as the prices are sky high now and he's the kind that wants to buy good location but not willing/or unable to afford the price of a hdb flat. My in-laws doesn't have enough rooms for him so he bunk over at my sil's place for 2yrs and now come over mine...:'( My sil was so happy tat he finally moved out as he can be quite messy at times and my sil is neat and tidy.

At 1st i didn't agree to him staying over, but no choice, my hb say he can't reject his brother.We even quarelled over a few times over this. Cos i find tt its really too much lor, hb knows i don't like him to move over and didn't even discuss with me just agreed to let him stay over. Now his bro brought over all his junkie and stack them in my study room lor..so now i got to clear the junkie in my spareroom for bb. But really no place le, cos frens pass me alot of big items etc.. and now with bb coming we also cannot install buld-in cupboard to store our and bb stuff cos no drilling and hammering now when i preggy mah...

oooh bb used to kick me hard esp in the evenings and when she is hungry..still bearable but at times when she kick the wrong place like sensitive areas will be painful lor...but now maintainly i felt her rotation/turning inside me which can be rather uncomfy cos she presses on my organs, ribs and bladder area etc. Esp, halfway during meals, can feel her pressing hard up my ribs area and at the same time the other part of her pressing on my pelvic area.. wow painz and the feeling is like i've constipation and can't poo and like alot of hardened shit (pardon me to be so crude) stuck in my anus hurts ah....

Hi tanny,

i used to love muffins too, esp the ones at tg pagar. But remember dun over indulge as they are rich in calories and sugar.
Sigh, i just bleed again... Tell a white lie to my boss n drive to kkh again..;( so stress and i tell my bbies must jiayou.. After doc Loh scan, lucky he says bbies r ok.. Got small blood clot too.. So he order one more proluton injection today and next Thursday... He asks me dun travel anywhere.. But my hubby overseas n i need to bring my son for swimming lessons tomorow.. Sigh.. Either asks my son skip one lesson or i see how tomorow.. Hope my bleeding will stop soon.. I asks Doc Loh why again, is it due to twins and he says no.. Is due to my womb is weak.. Is it normal to take weekly proluton injection? Will the blood clot disappear by itself? Am feeling so lousy.. Keep talking to my bbies to jiayou everyday......

Hi miracle
Yes.. I do feel very lethargic.. Always yawn though sleep enough at night.. Finally is weekend..
Hi Joanne,

Please heed Dr Loh's advise and try to rest and dun travel and remember try not to carry your son. just skip 1 swimming lesson lah. please take good care of yourself esp you have gone thro alot to have them.
J03, blood cot will go away when the pregnancy stabilizes. Who is taking care of your son? Ask the caregiver to bring him for swimming lesson tomorrow. Or ask ur mum or dad to help. U just rest as much as possible, minimum walking. Feel tired? Take a bottle of chicken essence. It works wonder!

Chris, I dun get hard kicks. But, yes, the rolling n turning are v uncomfortable n will always press on my bladder when she does that. Yesterday night n this morning, I felt irritated at the pelvic/vagina areas, not sure wat she is doing.
hahaaha hazel,

the turning and pressing of bb will get more intense in your later stage exp vagina areas and she is now head down.
at times i can feel her kick my ribs ah..then will complain to hb and he will just laugh and asked me to bear with it lor...

My sil told me from her 38 wks onwards the pelvic and vagina area will be more painful cos bb weight increase and it will press on your bladder...
hi hazel,

thanks for the link

its quite a walk from my wkplace. might ask hb to bring me there after work.

oh when i eat something tat bb loves, she'll kick even harder hahahah ..there was once when i was in my 6mths driving to yoga class right after bfast and was playing the kenny G CD,wow bb kick very hard all the way... And there was once when i joined my in-law and her fren to robinson, they were gossiping very loud in the car, maybe bb heard it so busy kicking and thrashing me alamak... told hb about it and he laughed said i should cover tummy so bb dun hear all the bad stuff hahahahhaaa

my chinese sinseh Dr zou at amk recommends me to drink wolfberries with 5 red dates (seedless) daily as this will help to strengthened and warm the womb. she advises me to add in longan 3x per week. She gave me this advice after i consulted her during my visit to her when i updated her that Dr loh said that my embbies was implanted during the FET cycle according to the hormones during my blood test but they dropped out during the 14th day and reason could be becos my womb not able to hold them. so i diligently drank daily for 1mth up till i conceived and then throughout my 1st trimester.
Hi Joanne, pls take care n rest well. Don't move around too much yet. Weekend is comIng, can rest more.

Hi Miracle, I also feel lethargic. Sleep like always not enough although it's already more than 8 hours. After 8pm I always feel very sleepy n giddy n got to lie down n sleep. In office always yawn. Don't know whether can take panadol or not if feel giddy. Can't really do anything at all at night.
Hi baby,

not advisable to take panadol if you feel giddy, better call and check with gynae. Giddiness is common during preggy as our blood vessels begin to expand to allow more blood flow to the womb, thus blood pressure will be on the low side. Your gynae will be able to advise you whether u need to take iron pills etc...

It's very common to feel lethargic in your 1st trimester, once u reaches 4th mth you'll feel much better and at times energetic.
me too.. It's always after 8pm my energy level decrease to the minimum. Now at work also very tired... The more fatigue I am, the more nausea I get..
Dunno can get hospital leave from dr Loh anot.. Coz used up my mc already.
Hazel! I was just there!!! Gosh quite hot and stuffy cux lunch crowd and lots of people. Yea! I bought romper at $1 each but not much designs. Bought cute Carter and pajamas set. And some pretty girl tops for my friends. Haha bought 13 (inclusive top and bottom sets) pieces total bill $35. V shiok!
Increased in blood flow to womb, resulting in mummy feeling giddy or light headed. Is tough if we need to work somemore. But chicken essence works for me in first tri. 2nd tri onwards, lotsof energy! Now, 3rd tri, I need my chick essence again!
Kimmy, I m going later before pp knock off from work! Hubs took half day! But I defintely need my chicken essence before I go! Hey babe, got nice dresses n caps?
And then needed to take water break at coffeeshop opposite after that! Then go tampines buy shoes & this mom of a 2mth old (her 2nd baby) kindly ask if I want to use her 20% disc for 2nd shoes and we talked a bit about delivery. Hehe. So amazing this bond between mothers!
Miracle: don't feel lethargic; I sleep 7 hrs or 6 plus hours daily somehow always wake up at 630 or 6am when sleep at 1130 or 12. Sleep at 1030 then wake up at 530. V strange.. Even sat/ sun also same...

Super Late for apptm now, still awiting for the shuttle bus for over 10min now... It's raining! No brolly.

The nauseous v funny. Now going to see doc, it comes. Bought 6 muffins but no time to eat. Office work v rushy..
Thks gals for ur wishes and advises..
Just wakeup fr a nap.. Shiok..
Hi chris
My son already 9yrs old so no need carry le..
Hi hazel n chris
My hubby say either skip one lesson or trouble my mum who help to take care him.. But he worry too as distance is far and not so convinent if take bus.. So i now can only pray hard tt tomorow afternoon will rain heavy with thunder so that lesson will be cancel and postpone to next wk..;p

Glad to know blood clot will disappear by itself.. Hopefully no more bleeding all the way after the injections for these few wks.. Really scare me off especially feel so helpless without hubby with me this period..;( hope he can come back soon..

Hi miracle n baby
Thk u for ur concern too.. Am resting at home now.. Hope n pray hard my babies stay strong and no more bleeding..
Hi gals
Asks one funny question.. Will it hurt our bb if we hold our bladder for too long? As sometime at night, i lazy to wakeup pass urine so just tahan my urine.. Wonder will it squeeze bb too much that they will be hurt? Paiseh to asks such stupid question.. Hee...
Holding your bladder is not be good for you. You might end up having UTI. Bacteria may also travel from your bladder, up through the ureters, to infect one or both kidneys. A kidney infection is the most common serious medical complication of pregnancy. A kidney infection may also have serious consequences for your baby. It increases your risk of preterm labor and having a low-birth-weight baby, and it has been linked to an increased risk of fetal or newborn mortality. Bottom line don't be lazy. Wake up in the night if you have to pee.
Saw heartbeat! Doc loh says it's 140beat/ min. On the print out it's 22hz. And my next apptm is at TMC 3 weeks later. Dr loh also say my bag so heavy; like a lot of gold bars and he took it to carry and say not so heavy lah, joked that inside all cotton ok.. Hahhaa....Make us so happy cos initally go in looking very stressed up....
Miracle: Yeah; he said consultation is $60 per time excluding gst, cheaper than TPS. Maternity package is $600??? hmm,I can't rem, for 10 times visits but exclude tests n scans. Can start from 12 weeks. $600 for 10times like same as per time... Too happy cannot remember what he say. He said the delivery cost is cheaper than Kkh too. Any Mommies know the package?

My medication now reduced by half.. Been taking double dosage under doc prescription since I bleed that first time. I also stop aspirin too..

I'm 6 weeks 4 days. 5.7mm. V scan in TPS. Joanne : what's yr reading? Maybe twins more difficult. Womb maybe taxing to support both, so u must take extra care!

Kimmy: 9 dresses for $30!!! Errm, What kind of dress? Me
Alemark sorry Kimmy. It's hazel. Really blur tired from the visit. Hahaa.

Joanne: Aiya u skip that lesson lah. Don't stress yrself unneccessarily leh! I also siged up for some cc exercise class before I bfp and went only for 3 lessons, rest of 9 lessons can't go n got wasted. Nvm lah get bfp more important than those classes right. Prioritize ok.
Tanny - congrats! Hospital delivery packages is on the Thomson website under fees > maternity package. Excludes dr fees which u need to ask dr loh how much he charge for delivery.

Hz is the frequency used by the u/sound machine, can ignore.
Miracle happens : if u can get hosp leave, tell me ok? can u ask him if can take hosp leave if mc used up when u see him next tue right? I forget to ask him just now..
Hi Tanny
Ohh.. Not my lesson, Is my son lesson.. Anyway, i will rest n skip my son lesson or my mum will bought him there.. Best is class cancel due to thunderstorm..

Btw, i post some question abt ur shifu at the other ivf forum, can help to advise? Thk u.
Hazel - cheap hor! Good that it rained earlier so more cooling too. When I went was about 12.30pm, super duper hot!!!!! But very happy @ the deals. Hehehe.

Tanny - hooray on seeing heartbeat :p Yeah Dr Loh mentioned that delivering at TMC and KKH (as pte patient) is about the same amt previously. Not sure about his charges though, I'd check with him on next visit when I brief him on birth plan too.

Joanne - more imptly, don't overexert yourself now. Rest is impt at this stage.

Kimmy, wat birth plan u wan to brief him. Last visit I asked him if I can skip episiotomy by doing perinea massage. He said I can try but may not work on Asian women. I told him I get keloids easily & I dun wan to get it down there. He did say it will be problematic if I get keloids down there but added that none of his patients hv Ever gotten it unless I wan to be the first! Wow.. That put me at ease! Then I told him I have spinal scrolosis, can epidural be administered on me. He said unless I did a surgery previously where a rod was inserted into my spine, if not no issue! He even said he dun think I will hv any prob with natural delivery.. Hm...

I m going for TMC tour tomorrow.
. The JB premium outlets got good deal also. 1 bb gap dress is RM30, buy 5 another 20% off. But wkend is packed. If go, better go on a wk day.
