(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel, was thinking of perinea massage too. Don't know if he's open to it...also his thoughts on having a doula ard and his thoughts on induction (which I reckon he will only be able to tell me at a later stage). Oh epidural no probs? Turns out some of my frds who had epi, had horrible back problems during their 2nd pregnancy...

Enjoy the TMC tour tmr! Rem. to ask as many questions as you like. We didn't get to see the single room in person the last time so let me know if its spacious. Ooh, JB premium outlets open already? As in all the shops? Wow...okay will probably make a trip there soon. Thanks for the update.

Kimmy : Can u keep me updated of his charges too? Btw is his stitching skills good, painless? Heard good ones can get off the bed the next day with no pain?

Hazel : I also get keloids easily... Got a few after my chicken pox days!
Kimmy, opened last weekend but Brooks brothers & Ralph Lauren yet to open. Grand opening next wk. I haven't gone yet coz dunno if I can walk so long. My friend told me one. She said wkends, pay also must queue! Her hub saw this pair of pants discounted in SG still more ex than the outlets!

He told me if he does not do episioomy, later tear until badly even worse! Anyway, since he is confident I wun get keloids down there I feel more at ease. My gf had one down there n is really problematic n baby dance still hurt even after so many yrs...
Tanny, dr loh is v gentle one.. I did 2 d/c, he nv scar my womb at all.. U wld hv heard from some other sisters their wombs scar from d&c done by other Drs, including pte ones right?

My wound dun heal well & it takes much longer than others to heal.. Got nothing to do with the dr'a skills. I did wisdom surgery when I was in early 20s by a good surgeon. Others take 1 wk, I took 2 wks n my gum was still swollen! Same for other simple procedures I did at KKH... Hao's..
Hi hazel,

oh didn't know the carter sale started again!!! last yr dun have the previous yrs i bought alot of good and cheap stuff for my frens !!! whoppee will go tomorrow!!!!
Chris, pls go early. The plc is v stuffy, hot n will be packed. I was lucky it Rained so no crowds n rather cooling.
hi hazel,

Me too, i had 3 surgeries so far and i heal slower than others too and scarred easily. So abit worried if i like my sil if can't dilate and got to go for c-section. faintzzzzzzzz
hi hazel, ya i know cos been there a few yrs bk..tat time is go with preggy frens and see them buy, ended up i tempted and bought a few pieces to keep myself then my hb will tell me not to buy soo soon since we got no bb, now diff story liao can go buy for my bb finally !!! heehee

Suay my stupid hb got to work tmr again so i'll be driving there myself. but tmr last day normally not many gd designs left.
Chris, they replenish their stock every few hrs I was told. If dun heal well, must abstrain from alot of food. Even chickens, first 12 days cannot take unless wounds hv healed nicely.. then after that can take.

I hv bought most bb stuff other than bb cot n beddings. Will do so b4 cny and wash the beddings. But will request the cot to be delivered n set up after I have delivered. Will hv to c/o a family member o help me with that when I am in the hospital, ie clean the cot n fix the beddings.
Wah. Like that then I rather do episonomy although I read that natural tear = heal faster. And besides its only done it you really need to right, since cutting = more stitches as compared to natural tear? I don't know..still reading up on that one but its giving me goosebumps as I read about it. haha.
I will prolly go check out the outlets on a weekday but seeing how everyone seems to be clearing leave and flooding orchard road on wkdays these days...hahaha I think I might even have to queue on pay on those days. Blah!

I read that for stitching there are 2 kinds - those that dissolves easily and those that don't right. I wonder which one he'll use, I heard from friends that their gynae din't do a good job and they could still feel the stitches after a year (gross).
Kimmy, if perinea massage works, it wun tear badly. But the gynae must be monitoring v closely n exercise discretion when he has to cut. How many gynae has that time? Yea, if tear badly, can go all the way to the rectrum! U r right too if perinea massage works, the natural tear is v little n requires few stitching n recover faster. Is not painful too. My sil had episotomy when she delivered no 1. She can't walk properly for a week n her boy was warded for jaundice she cldnt even go visit as pain until she felt giddy. Btw, her pain threshold is super high one, I dunno why she can't take that pain. She didn't hv epidural foe no 1 & 2 ok. Labour pain shld be worse right? No 2, she endured labour pain n delayed going to the Hospital until she saw bb's head while sitting on toilet bowl! My niece was born in the car when we rushed her to Hospital, I was beside her during the delivery! No 2, perenia stretched quickly n only tore slightly. A few hrs of delivery, she was able to walk around n she told me no pain though a few stitches were done there.

so, if perenia massage works, slight natural tear ia defintely better than episiotomy. I hv 2 asian friends who tried the massage n avoided an episiotomy.. But dr loh said usually wun work on Asian women...
Kimmy, by default drs in Asia will do episiotomy these days! Unless we request n the drs are willing to watch closely. They wun monitor n onlybdo it where necessary. Our mummies' generation all tear naturally by itself. Episiotomy is not common in western countries such as Uk n USA, dr there do it only when necessary.

Some TMC drs, like Paul tseng, has lots of western patients coz he will do perenia massage for the patients during the visits last few wks n just before delivery. He will try his best not to do episiotomy if patients request n will monitor closely.
yr sil is power. She can endure until seeing bb's head. I think I might have fainted by then. Hahaha. Gosh. Yeah you're right. I think by default drs in Asia does it cuz it happend to my friends & cousins without asking. Like it was understood from the start. I'd need to have a proper talk with Dr Loh on this so that I can start to be mentally prepared. wahhaha. you know the saying - how your ideal birth plan hardly ever happens during game time. Mwahahahahah.
Really? Paul Tseng will do perenia massage? Wow. Mmmm.... yeah I agree, have to really monitor closely and I can't except Dr Loh to just monitor me since he'll definitely be busy running about atttending to other patients too...

To add on..did your 2 asian friends end up tearing a lot not having an episonomy? Interesting thoughts....
Kimmy, one of them in Sporean, female gynae from TMC. Her dr said she will try to monitor, she nv promise her not to do episiotomy. Another one is an Australian Chinese staying in the UK. She even massage using olive oil! Both perenia didn't tear badly, just a few stitches n not much pain.

Ask your mummy, did she tear badly? Defintely no right?! My mummy said nv, of course during their times, perenia muscles r loosen after delivery.. As compared to women of today
Kimmy, no problem. I will bring it up to dr loh again nearer edd. My pain threshold is super low! I went thru labour pain last April when I was induced at 20+wks. I was only given oral painkillers!! I was told labour pain is abt 12 hrs before my cervix will dilate to 10cm n I needed 3 inserts at 4-6 hrs interval per insert during the induce process. But my elder daughter was kind to me, just 1 insert n 1.5hrs, I was fully dilated. The pain was terrible n coz is a m/c, I wun be given epidural.
hi hazel,

same like my fren lor, she wasn't given epidural at all and she has to delivered her bb at 5mth++ it was a abortion. She got no choice cos during the 4mth scan kk found out tat her bb's spine not fully developed at the last vertabrae and if bb is born mostly he will be paralysed. So she and hb decided to give up and not let bb suffered.
Hi Hazel, may I knw where is this Carters warehouse sales? I would like to get some stuff for my nephew as well. Thks.
Hi Hazel and Bbliss, I tried to go to the website yesterday night again and for the first time managed to get on without any error! I suspect coz I tried logging on very late last 2 days, and some prob with their server or server was being maintained, tatz why keep getting error msgs.

By the way, is it too late if I am already about 7 months when I start to attend the CBE classes? I cannot make it for the Jan ones when I'll be about 23 weeks.
Elyna - 7 mths will be okay becuz when I start in end Jan, I'd be 7 mths too along with some other sisters here
The classes will also end early 8 months so just nice.

Hazel - I bought the blue stripes one with lady bug on the side too. Hehehe
hi hazel,

wow sleep well last nite, woke up at 1.30 to pee and went bk to sleep nearly 4am...ah

Hungry again but i force myself to sleep.

oh last 2yrs i went also bought something similar 3 x $10 for the dresses.
Hi hasel,

wow ur sil very brave ya...can endure all the way...until see head think like wat kimmy says i too will faint liao lor.

Hi kimmy,

u got lotsa good buys? i going alone later cos hb working last min. hope i can avoid the crowd at 10am, now getting heavier and movement slow unlike last time i very agile and cheong sales..hahahaha
Hi hazel, kimmy

Btw Mango Pte sale starting 13 Dec 2011 !!!

hb told me to perish the thoughts cos there isn't anything for me to fit in. But for some mummies tat are approaching 2nd tri still got hope to find some big pcs to wear.
Hi miracle and Tanny
Just curious that ur boss oredi know abt ur pregnancy? Else if u want to take hospital leave to rest, what reason you going to tell them? As i think of lie to them but after few mths later, they know we lie.. Not so nice.. As i pandang so dun want to let anyone know too early.. Same like miracle, i use up my mc already for this year so can only take my leave to rest at home.. Doc Loh will hv no problem in issue u mc or hospital leave as he very nice one.. Just tt i headache of the reason to tell my boss.. So no request fr doc Loh..
Hi Tanny, congrats ! Can see bb heartbeat, so happy for u.
When is your next scan? Is it at TMC?

Finally, weekend. Can rest n rest n sleep to replenish whole week energy hehe
Hi Joanne, I told my boss abt my ivf & my pregnancy. Coz I'm working a chemical lab, so it's better tht my boss knows & he arrange my work to avoid chemicals. A few of my close colleagues noe abt my pregnancy too, they helped me with those heavy or dangerous stuff.
Good to let them noe too... Coz they will buy sour plums or snacks for me. Haha!
baby me : i like weekends! hoping for 2012 to come quickly and get over my dec work peak. yes my next scan is on 4 jan, TMC already.

joanne : i suspect my boss knows - my mc were submitted to him for both fresh and fet, so he see there says "reproductive med/ kkh". dont care lah, let him suspect lor n tell him later. he did ask me if im family planning, i told him yes lor..

hmm, did u also submit kkh mc that says the same thing?

this morning, my p/t cleaner did not come, i just vaccum and mop the floor slowly and cleaned the stove..shld be ok hor.. or are we supposed not to do anything at all. aiyoo but hands very very dry..
my colleague told me this is very good - in fact she says if we use too much toxic cleaners (the usual outside types) will cause infertility! cos the normal ones contains whatever kind of toxics, non organic, something like that.

she swears by their dishwashing liquid, which is not drying to hands at all.

just now, i just the magic cleaner just to wipe my stove. now my hands is soooo v dry. use the loccitane dry skin hand cream many times also no use.... the toxics really v drying....

she tells me that their floor cleaner is also good, says next time baby may crawl on the floor, she wont be so worried since this brand is organic, the baby wont smell those toxics in the usual detergent/ cleaners.

share share with you all.

anyone use/ try them before? i know a few persons using it. got 1 ah ma told me that her grandson pants when got shit, she just spray the pre-spot on it and the shit can be washed off in a while, after putting it aside it like 5-10min. unbelievable and its spotless not even got yellow stains on the pants.
Hi, hazel. Previously u mentioned that u had a folicle cyst in your 2nd fresh. May I know did af report after that? Else did u take any medication to induce the af? I m missing it for about 45 days already.
Joanne - I just outright lied when during 1st tri when i needed to take mc to rest, ESP when kena flu. My boss didn't ask details but HR did ask I just said sick, she asked jokingly pregnant is it? I just deny. Now she see me she said "u said not pregnant!" but everyone here in Asia knows about pantang one so they will understand. My boss angmoh but he also understand why didn't tell full truth in 1st tri. In any case, i dun really care what they think, my bb is priority

Tanny - as long as u feel ok can still do house chores just like you said slowly and becarefull and dun be hero. Try not to carry anything heavy (some recommend not more than > 5kg) and old folks will say dun squat too much. After I mop floor, I just leave water & mop for dh to clear the bucket & hang back the mop

Chris - yeah I bought about 13 pieces. Love the cheap PJs which I got from OskKosh, H&M baby and Carter's along with the pretty girl blouses etc. Hope it's not too crowded there now and you got what you wanted
Ooh thanks for the update on Mango sale. I will go check it out. Haha so far I can still wear their size M tops and tees since its quite a big cut so will see how.

Going to watch 'Wicked' the musical tonight. Hehe the last time we watched was during our honeymoon in UK and that time we were starting to try for baby. Haha so it will be nice to go with a baby belly now again. Date night :D

Happy shopping ladies. And those doing house chores, take it slow and listen to your body. Don't overexert yah? I do some light cleaning just to get my body moving a little from time to time but nothing too crazy like lifting up heavy stuff etc.
thanks hazel.

ya, i use my leg to kick and move the vaccum cleaner.. then i also mop the floor without bring the bucket of water out from bathroom. its inside there, wait for hubby to pour away. my mop is the instant dry kind (squeeze a few rounds, v dry already)- so v light not heavy type.

i bougght the crazy xmas tickets and am loooking so forward to it..got them even before i started on fet in oct and tell myself i hope it is a celebration for my bfp in dec! now looking so forward to next weekend!

guess my boss understand... there are 3 people in my dept doing family planning mah, 3 of us married 3 yrs n above liao... he already say our dept pertually down by 1 person for a whole year, cos one maternity leave come back, another one goes.. jan one colleague is back, feb another one goes, jun she comes back, haha, aug i go, then dunno who is next wor.
Sunstillshines, I had a 5cm ovary cyst in the first menses after 2nd m/c from FET. Was told due to improper ovulation. I bled non stop for a few wks. After that, it stopped on it's own n the next cycle comes back normal. After that cycle the cyst was gone.

Kimmy, no room to tour! All full!
Finally done with the x'mas gifts packing for tomorrow x'mas party. It's friends n families. Been searching upside down for what to give, haiz...confused. Then decided to give everyone the same. Perfumes n some skincare products haha. Not sure if they will use or not. Don't want to think so much. Now is time to take a nap, so tired, so giddy.
Kimmy, the birth room will all be upgraded by end of this mth. Is your hubs tall or bigger built? I asked abt the day bed for hubs in standard single room n was told it is quite small. So, may not be comfortable if hubs is bigger built. My hubs is loh. Also package is only applicable up to standard single room. Any ward higher than that no package,
Ya, my hb is quite big and tall. They told me to choose a room bigger than standard cuz the day bed not v comfortable too. Grr and also package can't be used for premier single and above. Grrr. Haha. Huh?! Doula must be 5 mths in advanced? But I only got about 3 months + to go... Oh no...
Hi...i wil be startin e IVF treatment in April next year. Can anyone share wif me about e procedure? So far my menses is regular, m ovulating. But i doesnt noe e quality of my eggs. Its just dat my hubby sperm is not quite healthy. Doesnt meet e criteria. I had 2 miscarriages last two year. Both in e ferst trimister. So now i kinda had phobia in getttin preggy.
