(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Kimmy : which favor muffin v nice? I tried the banana and choco chip - trmw feel like eating again.... today first time tried cos lazy to q when see a lot of ppl..

Fatefully & Joanne,
take care & rest well
I an following my gynae to Thomson, so my next appt is 10.01.2012. That is to test DS scan & blood test. Gynae also give multi vit & calcium but I will start to eat after 12 weeks. My next visit to my gynae is in feb unless sometime happen in between. My file will be still open at kkh incase I wa to go bk kkh to see another gynae. My gynae also give me small yellow pill for my flu... Hope to get well soon, I am already 2 days mc.
Hi sisters, wonder hw many of u r attending yoga class ? Where are those places tat offer maternity yoga classes? By wat weeks is to late to join liao?

Sori for e mouthful coz been rather busy wif wk n overlook on e need to attend such classes. Thks for e advice ya
Hi Baby
CRL is refer to bb size.. ;) something mean crown length since they r too small to meassure fr head to toe now..

Thk u gals for ur wishes..;) still praying hard hoping will be a smooth pregnancy and bb can born at reasonable weight.. Twins will hv more worry.. Doc Loh say "how how" then i say wht he meant n hv a shock n he say hv twins.. So how.. Can close shop liao n i laugh back.. He say i can follow him to tmc, just that if give birth early, can come back kkh as he can come back to deliver for us.. He says for our sake, he is considering to be a visiting consultant at kkh.. And my file will keep open..;)

Any idea where can i check bb size with reference to number of week huh? Thk u all sisters for ur kind wishes..;)
Hazel - my appt is also on 21dec near evening! Hahahah.

Tanny - fav flavour ah.. can't rem but yea banana and chocochip is not bad. Generally their flavors are all quite good
loveeee the baked smell...

Bbliss - I'm attending w msmiele. Places that offer prenatal yoga: mother & child, como shambahla, upward dog. All I heard good stuff but depends on your threshold and how u like various lessons. I wld suggest trial class first to see if you like it enough to want to continue.
it's never too late to do and you can start anytime from week 12 (yoga centers will only accept you if you are above week 12)
Sisters, unless the KKH closes our files, if not our case remains open for 12 mths after the last appointment.

Those in final tri, around 28-29 wks onwards, bb's heart beat is audible! Ie, ask ur hubs to put their ears on your tummy, he can hear bb's heart beat! Yes, I read that in the book.. hubs has always put his ears on my tummy.. He used to hear only water sound after 20wks. I hv nv told him Wat I read in the book, but suddenly just now he told me he heard heart beat & asked me if they are mine or bb's!! Haha!! Amazing! Try it out!

I finished reading the pregnancy book so I have started reading on books on breast feeding, bb massage & how to train bb to sleep thru the night after the initial months. Hehe
Kimmy and I are attending prenatal yoga at Como Shambhala @ Forum. Many of the ladies attending start during their 2nd trimester up to their due date. At Como there are 2 instructors with 2 different styles of teaching. Samantha's (more popular) classes tend to be more physical while Sarah's concentrate more on Kegel exercises, breathing and emotional reassurances. I personally prefer Samantha's class. Although more physical, they are easier than normal yoga classes I've been to. Unexpired passes can also be used for post-natal classes. Below are some of the places that offers prenatal yoga. Most offers trial classes/promotion for first timers so it's best if you try and see which suits you.

J03, there r many website on bb's length n heart beat rate at each gestational week. Babycehtre, what to expect when you are expecting, etc. U just hv to goggle lah. Even iPhone apps on pregnancy tracker on each wk also has. Website has lots of information. If not books also hv. Go browse online, buy/borrow books to read. Occupy your mind on all these instead of wasting time worrying on next scan. When u look forward to good things ahead from these knowledge, u will be more positive.
Sisters who intend to enrol in yoga classes. Pls check with your gynae if is ok before proceeding hor.. Coz if placenta is low lying, Better seek clearance.
Hi all, anyone tried registering online for TMC parentcraft CBE class recently? I've been trying to get on the registration website but I always get an error message.
Joanne, think u can start "fattening up" ur babies by drinking 2 glasses of materna milk, e.g. Anmum, everyday. Dun worry about GD, it is better to make baby growth spurt faster initially. Mine is coz I overdo it by drinking 2 cups of Milo and sometimes 1 more cup of hot chocolate on top of my daily anmum milk and I can finish half a packet of sweet shortbread by myself at 1 go, so I actually bring the GD on myself by going to extreme w sweet stuff. Heard from my hubby his colleague who have twins says as long as can carry bb to 8 months is consider full term for twins. Jiayou! & stay positive for ur babies
Hi hazel n msmiele
Thk u for ur kind advise and link..;)

Hi ritcz
Thks so much for ur tips..;) oh.. Sweet stuff can help baby grow faster?? Now then i know.. Btw, how many spoon u put for each cup of ammum made? Oh, 8mths means full term? That means only 32 wks? Really worry abt they r too small..

Hi baby
U drink ammum twice a day too? How many spoon u put? so happy for u that ur bb is growing fast..;)

Hi ashley
As u r also having twins.. Think i need to learn and get some advise fr u too.. What you do in terms of diet to gives ur bb adequate nutrition? Did ur tummy pop out faster too as i hope to hide for at least 1st trimester if can? Thk u..

Hi tanny
Ur scan tomorow? All the best..;)

Hi Miracle
All the best to ur scan on 13th dec too.. U hv high hcg too so maybe twins..;)

Hi tromso
Whens ur scan?
Joanne, not sweet stuff, juz stick to materna supplements and vitamins and healthy diet will do. I mentioned the sweet stuff coz I am diagnosed with GD and asked to cut down on anything sweet including maternal milk. But I still feel materna milk helps to make bb bigger so recommend to u. Dun indulge on sweet stuff, it is dangerous esp for twin pregnancies, refer to recent article of celebrity 彭佳慧. Every cup I use 4 scoops as recommended on the tin. I also take beef and fish wherever possible n take lots of homemade non herbal soup, coz I believe most nutrients from the meat and vege will be in the soup
U can double check with dr loh whether 8 mths is considered full term for twins. My hubby's colleague's twin boys r born at 33 weeks n seems to be a healthy pair of boys.
Morning gals,
I have very bad throat infection, what should I do to recover faster? I am already 3 days mc. My throat hurt alot and my fever keep going up & dw...
Fatefully, drink at least 2 Litres of water daily. Take a small teaspoon of maluka honey to sooth your throat. Try taking some water chestnut drink. Watch that temp. If too high go 24hrs at KKH. Go sleep but Continues to drink your water.
Fatefully, maybe u should go in to see ur gynae n see whether she will put u on drips to help u hydrate n monitor ur health in the hospital?
J03, full term fir twins us still 37 wks NOT ant earlier. Mt gf delivered her twins 1 day before 36wks also considered premature in KKH.

If bbs are born b/w 32-34 wks with good weight, ie 2 kg n above, estimated stay in NICU is 1-2 weeks. I know these coz I hv mummies friends with twins under dr loh n they shared with me wat dr loh told them. One just delivered at 31++ last wk.

Hey, can u stop worrying abt twins coming out v early? Not all will ok. It depends on alot of factors such as bbs positions, etc. U worry when u r there n your gynae will tell u if so. I m nit sure if u r following dr loh. But if u r, trust him. He is very experienced. My friend who delivered last wk is due end Jan. Dr loh has been telling her he will deliver for her in KKH, ie bbs will be out before he goes over to KKH. at 28 wks he ordered her bed rest b gave her Hl. He knows the twins will be out early coz the boy is very low n heavy. Her twins weights r c heavy NOT coz she eats alot. Is all in the genes n Botg mummy n daddy are big. Pls dun load on sugary stuff, u r having twins ok, if kana twins it will be worse for u. Eat healthy. U can pile on 20kg but it does not mean bbs will pike on. Is a case by case basis n we nv know why. Some mummies put on 20 over kgs but Their bbs at birth were 2.2nd only.

Now u r on hormones support. 2nd tri u will be given multi vit n supplements. 3rd tri, u will be given support n muscle relaxer to help u hold the Twins longer. Is really possible to hold the twins to 37 wks. I hv seen a few mummies did that. My friend I told u above deliver 1 day before 37 wks worked till she delivered. FYI, she has 2 toddlers at home sOme more n she works late hrs.

That is why I hv been telling u to STOP worrying n think so far. U worry when u r there. Who knows, maybe all smooth n when u r there, no worry at all. Go do your reading n Look forward to your twins. I hv repeated myself many times. This is the last time I m reminding u. The outcome of the whole pregnancy at least 50% depends on your own mind set. U hv been through sorrows n failure, take that as lessons learnt. After that leave them behind n look forward to happy occasions ahead. I tell u, ur twins can feel the stress n worries u r going thru ok. They r too small now but when they are much bigger in your womb, u will know wat I told u is true. So, dun stress them further. Talk to them daily, when they e bigger in your womb, in 3rd tri, they will respond to u! You can Do it!!! JIA you!!
34wks Bbs lungs are developed. If u deliver after that no issue. Prior to that bbs are given steroid jabs to mature their lungs within 24-48 hrs. Anyhow, bbs are still relatively safe from abt 32 wks. Just need to stay in NICU for a short while. That's why I said go read n be more knowledgeable. That helps.
Hazel, I am the one who bring up the full term issue, not Joanne.

Sorry, Joanne, i may have conveyed wrong info, just relating what my hubby's colleague told her. She's with tmc not kkh, but hazel do have a point if that's what dr loh told her friends.

Twins r cute!
Fatefully, have you tried gargling mouth with salt water before you go to bed? Yes, looks like plenty of water and rest is a must. You are probably already doing this, staying away from fried food, spicy and oily food. Hope you'll get well soon.

I went TCM yesterday and dr advised to avoid heaty fruits like mango and durian, in case sore throat, fever etc. Also avoid liang fruits like papaya, pineapple, banana, similar to what dr Loh says. Of course it's up to individual to believe

Joanne, you are right, Similac not very nice, I think I'll try Ammum next. Similac is too sweet for me and tastes bit artificial. For me I drink twice a day too cos will get hungry every 3 hrs, so just before going to bed, I'll down another cup of milk powder. Before getting first trimester supplements from dr, you may also like to up your protein, I read pregnant mummies need about 70-90g of proteins (not pregnant, less than 40g), basic building blocks of cells/ body. Can take nuts too, has lotsa good nutrients for fetus growth, eg zinc, iron, calcium, etc. Walnut is very good but not too much otherwise may be heaty.

I like this website that details fetus and mummy's development, very cute fetus pix:


My scan is next Friday, sigh...really not enjoying the wait. Hope i can see HB like you ladies too.
RitzC, ya I know. But I guess is all twins mummies' concerns. But no pt sweating abt it now. It may not happen. I know 2 mummies with triplets, carry the bbs till v close to 37wks. So, I m telling Joanne worry only when it does happen. Too early for that now.
Also, this thing abt following dr loh to pte. As long as KKH files r open, can go bk anytime. Eg touch wood, if goes into early labour, just go straight into KKH. The drs there will deliver n they r all experienced n trained. So, dun hv to worry abt the cost either. All mommies seeing pte gynaes, under emergency will still Go KKH coz KKH give the best support.
Hi Kimmy, msmiele, thanks for the prenatal yoga info

May I know what's the costs like? For how many lessons? Thank you.
J03, this ia not your first pregnancy. Confirmed your tummy will be out sooner than last time. Furthermore u r carrying twins now. But why are u worrying abt this? Why r u comparing with other siaters with twins? Every one is differeg esp when this is not your first pregnancy. If tummy out before first tri, then be it? U hv no control over this at all. Pp ask just say, putting on weight. End of the day, u hv control over how u wan to respond. Haiz, dun say Leow. U wan to worry even on such trivial stuff, then go ahead.
;( hazel, i think u misunderstood me too.. I just curious when ritzc say her friend deliver at 32 wks so just curious and asks.. Am definitely not think so far since nothing is confirm yet.. My biggest challenge is always the 8th scan so i will never feel i am happily pregnant till after 1st trimester.. I am too busy at work so hv no time to read any books, most of my info comes fr u gals as after work, i am toi tired n can look follow thru wht i miss in forum.. Hence, i get my advise mainly fr all of u.. I think i know who u refer to who deliver twins last wk.. She got one boy n gal n also under doc Loh.. I think my bbies will be big if all is fine as my hb is tall n my boy born at 3.75kg weight... Again, dun dare to think too far.. Will take things one step at a time n keep praying too..;) thks for ur advise though...;)

Hi fatefully
Drink more water and try to hv a gd sleep ya..;)
J03, sorry, I do get confused from the posting from reading from the iPhone small screen. If u worry less, be happy, u will clear 8wks scan. Every step is a hurdle. Even for me now. Talk o your twins.
. How I wish I can hv twins. The kids will hv company!
Good morning ladies. One more day to Friday!

I'm going to Robinson sale today as half-day.. of coz, before that, I am going to Tg Pagar to try THE muffin (thanks ah, sistas! last night whole night i thinking of the muffin!! hhaahaha).

Happy stuff - my new material love, but hubby says No. just use niece's hand-me-down cot..

Looking for CLB - any news of your boys? Just wanted to say Hi.
Hi Hazel
Is ok as u hv gd intention too...;) doc Loh say yesterday why i still want do ivf when already hv one boy and i say he is too lonely.. Thats why i hope my twin can grow well so that they will hv each other company when growup since my boy like u say will be too old by then to play with them.. Anyway, i will not want to think too far now to stress myself.. Nothing is confirm until we carry them in our arm.. At least u r reaching ur goal soon..;)

Hi ron
Ya, i wonder how my past cycle buddy too.. I email clb but no reply fr her.. Shd give birth very soon...maybe already give birth since she has twins.. ;)
Ron, I m going to bugis to buy cheap bb home wear clothes. hub took leave today! Still thinking if we should fo Robinson centrepoint to get the fisher & price rocker... But scared is super crowded! Wow! The bed v nice lei! But how come I nv see it before on display at shopping centers?
I itchy hand, just apply hand lotion on my leg and realize got kaffir lime and lemon grass essential oil. How huh? Jia lat now... Or apply those neutral hand cream... Got 1 Evelyn n Crabtree Lavender hand therapy cream too.

Tromso -
For como shambahla introductory is $160 for 6 sessions (inclusive of the 1st trial lesson)
Mother & Child - $110 for 4 lessons (inclusive of 1st trial lesson)
UpDog studio I'm not too sure on pricing but I heard from friends that it is not bad also...

Ron, Hazel - wah today shopping day eh... hahah yes Ron try the muffin. Yummmmmm. And Ooh the stokke cot is cute & nice!! But it costs $1999!!! That's madness. haha nearly fainted when I saw that price tag..Hazel, MC sells it as well as those bb fairs :p
Joanne, I put 4 spoons in 200ml water as written in the box. Twice daily. I feel this milk is very rich but I'm quite like it. I didn't like milk before n never ever drink since I was 10 hehe. But now for the shake of my precious bb, I will take everything that is good for the bb

Oh ya, my every dinner always with fish, meat, vege n soup. This soup is very rich one cooked by my MIL. She will use few kgs of meat (chicken or pork) to boil till left a small bowl for me to drink. Been drinking this before my ET. Hope this can help u too. Don't worry too much. Just stay healthy n eat healthy, your bbs will be healthy too
Tanny - it's ok. All the bad stuff mostly affects us if we use long-term & lots. If you not comfortable, just change to another brand u are more comforatble with.

Higher risk if ingested since it goes into the bloodstream. If you put abit only & applied externally, usually no problem. Keep in mind some ladies up to this stage won't even realise yet they are pregnant so they might still be drinking, smoking, using their SKII, & having tons of Coke
Thanks Kimmy. Do you ladies go for yoga once or twice a week? I used to do yoga before I started on the clomid etc pills, cos they were making me feel quite sick then. Looking forward to feeling healthy and toned again

Baby_me, wow so envious, nutritional and yummy dinners!! I live quite far from my parents and in laws, so have to make do with simple self- prep dinners. My mum now makes the lotsa bones soup for my baby niece, perhaps I should pop by more often then hee...

Tanny, besides essential oils, what should we avoid for moisturizers? I know Retinol A (found in whitening lotions) is bad....anything else we need to look out for? I use Neutrogena body moisturizer for hands, legs, neck but have stopped since started IVF cos unsure what is good, what isn't...
Hi Tromso
For baby sake, i stop apply everything.. Safest since i am unsure too.. Oso if we anyhow buy the lotion, may not suit iur skin? Hee..

Hi baby
Sooo nice..;) that explain why ur bb grow so fast.. Hee.. Me going stay with my mum for one wk since hubby overseas trip.. Hope i will hv gd nutrition for bb too.. Hope all ok for me when hubby not with me.. But i really hv no appetite for food especially dinner.. Yucky...;p
Kimmy, super breathless!! Just walked from illuma car park to the shop I cannot take it. Can't even talk. Now reaching Robinson.
Joanne I see, yah, I'm only applying face moisturizer now, no cosmetics too. My nausea is getting worse, first day feel like throwing up, so uncomfy. I read that nausea is worsen if stomach is empty, so even if you don't feel like eating, just grab some bites. For me, nausea is worst just before lunch and dinner, I guess these are the most hungry moments for me but will very fast subside once I 'push' food down my throat. Hope I get vit B6 from dr soon.

After reading about the yummy soups, I've decided to visit my mum twice a week now for soups heee...but recently the baby niece and adults are all sick, so I've been staying away. I also find that I can't drive now too, also can't sit in the front passenger seat, otherwise nausea will get worse, so hubby and I seldom go out now...
Hi tromso
Oh... U cant drive due to will feel nausea? Me gonna drive for one wk to work when hubby overseas, hope i can cope n all smooth on the road when drive...u take care too...
Hi Joanne, I just find my reaction time a bit slower on the roads now, so I decided to stay off the wheels. If I'm in the front passenger seat, I get quite nervous when hubby says cut another car too closely or follows too closely behind, which in the past I won't feel nervous about these at all. I think it's the hormones lol...

Hope your hubby comes back soon, must be hard handling your boy alone, hope he can get enough attentions from your parents meanwhile and not 'hassle' you too much
Hi J03,
Big congrats on seeing 2 hbs. Stay healthy n happy. Wish u hv a smooth pregnancy ahead.

Hi fatefully,
Congrats on seeing bb hb. Hope u recover soon.

Hi Ritzc,
What Dr Tham say after seeing ur sugar level worksheet? Hope everything is ok.

Hi Hazel,
U at robinson now? Pls let me know is there 25% disc on the FP rocker with ocbc robinson card holder? TIA.
Hi Joanne n Tromso, try to drive not too fast for bb shake too. Now I try to drive slower than I used to, don't want to frighten the bb hehe. Now I feel better after taking the Vit B6, only when I just wake up In the morning then I will feel nausea again. Will quickly take the Vit after that then feel better. At night the nausea will come back again, just try to lie down n it will start to feel better.

Hi tromso - haha juz finished yoga. Mm we go twice a week if we can now but not too sure once we hit 3rd tri. Wahaha! Like you I get a lil anxious at the passenger seat when other cars try to cut in. There was this idiot recently who dint check his left and right sides before turning out of taka carpark last weekend and nearly ram right into me. Good thing he brake in time, my heart literally stopped. Urgh! That said, I will still do slow driving from time to time. Haha.

Hazel - uh u park at illuma and walked to centrepoint?! That's quite far!!! Alamak, take it slow! Breathe and take mini breaks in between
