(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Kimmy, I went to 112 Katong Mall last Sat, wanted to watch movie there bcos DH got free GV tickets. But It was not open yet. Is it opening this Sat? Really wanted to try new theatre hehe.
Qin, I'm not so sure also. Bcos cooling? But Dr reminded me at least 4 times to avoid this 3 fruits. So I really will take note.

Joanne, is tomorrow your scan? All the best n Do update us too! You will be excited to hear the HB
Hazel, really? Wow so happy to hear that bb growing well

Miracle, I guess they didn't put speaker. I think only in KKH, can't hear HB. Other hospital, they install speaker, if I'm not wrong.
Hi Baby
How long is ur waiting time for Doc Loh today? U see him at clinic D? Ur hcg level so high already shows tt ur bb is growing well..;) thks for ur wishes...;) pray hard tt i can see my bb hb and growing well too..
Hi baby_me, I am just 6 weeks 0 days last Friday . I not too sure the length but the heartbeat is 140 beats per min. I realized that your units is different from mine. Yours is in terms of Hz ..
Hi Qin, green papaya may cause contractions. The normal ripe orange papaya is quite liang, best to avoid during first trimester.

To ease constipation, can also try prune juice. I'm taking bran with my oatmeals now, bran has lotsa fiber. Or I will drink 3-4 glasses of water straight in a roll, then eat an apple, usually can feel bowel movements in 15-20mins
Hi catherine,

do take care, hope your rashes wear off soon.. i can understand how tough it is not to have proper sleep. i had severe nausea during my 1st trimester and for that whole week, i'll have to rush 3-4 times to KK 24hrs around 3am to be put on drip due to dehydration. Whole night all the way to the next day, I don't get to sleep. It lasted 2 wks....

Hi hazel,

this whole week super shag left me alone to hold the fort at work as my colleague on leave and another one mc...hiaz.....
Joanne, my appt is at 2.25pm. I saw him ard 4.20. 2 hrs of waiting. Average la.

BabyPenguin, how did u know abt the beats per mnt? Is it written on the photo? Oh I tot Hz is heartbeat indication? Might mistaken it then. Paiseh

I told dr that I always feel nausea. He gave me pills Vitamin B6, forgot what is the med name. He said to ease nausea, n it's kind of vitamin so can take everyday. Will try if really will reduce nausea. He also prescribed stronger med, but told me to take only when necessary.
Hi Chris, thx for yr encouragement. I will fight on. So happy will b in my3rd trimester tomorrow yippie n I m seeing my gal tomorrow super yippie!!!!

Read in papers robin sons having private sale tomolo cuz wonder if it's for all items if it is I will grab my stuff!
Tromso, thanks but sorry i didn't make myself quite clear in my previous post. Was referring to hopeful's detailed scan and phoenix baby;) currently i only know one of my twins' gender, which is a boy.. And hope to find out the other one during my detailed scan next week.

Good luck to joanne for your scan tmrw..
Hi baby
I see.. Thats still ok.. Maybe bec today is Tues and not Monday.. So u will take b6 vitamin daily? U see him at clinic D? And any other medicine to take? Btw, i oso hv bad dream last night.. Scare me out.. Now cannot do nothing except to keep tok to bb and pray hard..
clinic D and TPS clinic - how much difference right? expensive consultation cost higher? waiting time much shorter i guess. my experience is abt 15mins for PM slot..

baby me - u mean the scan is not done by dr loh? so u got to scan in a room, then wait to see dr logh?

oh no, i ate quite a few slices of papaya some days ago. nvm la,,, din know papaya shld also avoid.
Hi Tanny
We r suppose to do a detail scan at AMC first before go see Doc Loh. Doc Loh will scan us personally only wk 8 onwards unless another detail scan is required. I like the scan machine at AMC room as the big screen is just right infront of u.. Very clear, comfy n advance compare to gynea room scanner where u need to turn ur head to see the small screen..
tanny, dr loh told us cannot take papaya is coz of old wife's tale. he told me if we believe then dun take. anyway, take papaya from d1... even now.. which is worse? constipation or believe in old wife's tale?
Oh no, nobody tell me. Dr loh only tell me apptm on Friday at TPS and nurse fix for me... Err, So I go Amc on Friday myself or must fix an apptm at AMC also? How huh? Where is AMC? What does AMC stand for?

When is dr loh last day? Think this should be my last apptm with him at Kkh?

Wow I envy u mummies who can go shopping for baby stuff especially during this time of year end Xmas season.. My turn not yet.......got to wait somemore....
Catherine - tmr u 3rd tri already, nice!! Hehe I'm waiting to reach there
will also prolly check out robs sale tmr. Mwahahahah!!!
Tanny, u r given a form right? Is stated there go AMC 1hr before dr's appointment right? No need to fix appt at AMC. It is next to clinic A at level 1.
hi tanny,

i've also been taking papaya quite often this week as it helps with bowel movements. Good to drink lots of water.

Hi Baby,

i was also prescribed vitamin B6 fr KK during my severe vomiting bouts in my 1st trimester, and strangely it helps!!!

Hi hazel,

i woke up to pee, now feeing hungry unable to go bk to sleep... my hb sleeping like a pig. i pulled myself up now making milk to drink. Think BB hungry liao can feel her movements.
So envy u clearing leave at home. I'm so tired at work, sometimes i dread moving up from my chair and talking to the photocopier to collect printouts hahahaha...now walking like hippo.. looking forward to my 1 wk leave on 19 dec 2011. Thinking of clearing my maternity leave starting 1st week of Jan as i'll be in my 37wks le.
Hi Hazel,

huh u are online now? thought u should be sleeping

Robinson having pte sale tomorrow!!! But too bad i'm working and dun think i have the energy like last time take mrt from my wkplace raffles place to cityhall. lunch time only 2hrs dun think i can make it bk office in time with my kind of speed.
Chris, I wOke up to pee too!! ER.. Dun make it a habit to eat in middle if night... My gf always did when preg. Her 2 kids even till 4-5yrs still wake up in middle of night to eat now! Is a bad habit. M not going to rObinson sale, too tiring. Ok, m going bk to zzzz!!!
Joanne : no I was not given a form for AMC. Now I wonder my fri apptm is for what? Guess they forgot to give me?

Wow hazel, so envy u. Got sooo much leave? 30 days? Heheee... Dec is my peakest period and I'm also covering for my maternity leave colleague. Nobody encouraged to take leave and everyone is working till 9-10pm.. Only I try to knock off at 6pm. I'm the "odd" one there...wahhhaaaaa.....
Joanne, I saw him at clinic D. Think bcos of afternoon appt, that's why the Q still ok. After me, he ran up to help in a delivery. Yes, I'm gng to take that Vit everyday. Beside this, still continue with the duphaston n folic acid. Opss sorry, your scan not today? Is it on Thursday?

Fatefully, All the best for your today scan.

Tanny, is it bcos your appt at TPS, they will scan in the Dr's room straightaway so no need to go AMC? Maybe you can clarify this with the nurse. Give them a call.
Tanny, then scan in dr loh's room! Save money! He used to do that last time also.

Re: leave
I still hv 7 days carried forward to next yr. That is the max I can carry forward. the rest must clear
Hi baby
Ya.. Today is my scan.. Stress.. But hv been sleeping well last nite surprisingly.. Maybe after see ur post, i keep tell myself to relax..;) btw, may i know ur diet now? Did u still eat egg and start drink Ammum once u know u bfp? As must get some tips fr u since ur bb grow soo well..;)

Hi Tanny
When u go kkivf to collect ur bfp medicine form, didnt they pass u a form stating ur hcg reading and tell u to go amc first before see Doc Loh? Else, maybe u can call TPS to asks..
Baby me: dunno leh, maybe u r right.. I also blur, he just say see me 2 weeks later n nurse make apptm. So Joanne u went AMC then Clinic D is it? Baby u also clinic d?

Hazel : save money good! I heard them say screen is bigger there thou.

Joanne : all the best, keep us updated! like baby, rem to ask for the length n heart beat? U at AMC also? Let me know how much for the scan at AMC. I din get my bfp medicine at kkivf, got it TpS cos I went down earlier to 24 hr O&G to test beta cos that time bleeding.. For both times, i never reach the end of my 2ww for beta test.... Both times bleed on 12th days.... Anyway cos kkivf closed already at 530pm They dun wan to see me already.

Chris : can take maternity leave earlier? thats's good! My co my colleague say they only allow maternity to be taken after u hv delivered, before that cannot.

So what vitamins can we take now other than B6? B6 can buy from guardian that kind? I'm on this high dosage of duphaston and progonova now.
Tanny, yes AMC screen is bigger but it does not make much difference at early stage coz nothing much to see other than the blinking heart beat since fetus is so tiny. So either screen u can see the heart beat bouncing away!

the govt policy is ML can be taken earliest 1 mth before EDD.
Tanny, u dun need any vitamins supplements in 1st tri. Just your hormones support & folic acid & vit B6 if you feeling lousy coz of morning sickness. All these get from Dr Loh. The common flu virus is everywhere now. U may wan to request from dr loh, generic flu & cough medicine to standby. I did that too. And also, ask him if can give u some Vitamins C to build up your immunity with the virus going around. U need to take care of yourself & dun fall sick. Dr Loh will most likely ask u to avoid crowded places, which I find is tough.. coz is the holiday seasons now!

Vitamins C, B6 of course can get outside. But the dosage may vary. so better to get from our gynae & KKH sells cheaper than guardian too.

Eat well & u will get your nuritions from the food you take. Supplements in 1st tri will worsen morning sickness. Also, if puke them out, also very wasteful. Dr will start u on supplements once u hit 2nd tri.
Dr Loh was telling me abt DS test. He said currently there r 2 ways. Oscar n Amino. Oscar is lower risk on the baby, but not so accurate. They will check on the baby nose/head to determine. At which weeks? Didn't ask. He said there was once tested on a lady n indicated high risk of DS, but actual thing is no DS at all. So the result is wrong.

2nd one is Amino. High risk, can cause miscarriage. They will poke needle to the womb to the baby. Ouch! Heard already also scared. But more accurate.

He said now there is another way, just take the mummy blood can tell liao, bcos got baby blood cell in it. But they r still doing experiment on this. He said hopefully my turn next yr can use this method liao
baby, that take mummy's blood that one, if i am not wrong, can tell bb's gender too! oscars is done from 11-12+ wks. Yes, he has a patient who is 1/4 risk of DS kid. She didnt do amino at all as she tried for very long before she conceived & she already in 40s. So, she didnt wan to take the risk. The bb is born healthy & normal. Though Amino test is accurate, is not 100% either. there is still a 1% change that it is wrong.
babyme - oscar comprise of scanning & BT combination, not invasive - usually arond week 11-16. If calculated as high risk, sometimes Doc will recommend amnio (i think not poke the baby, just into the womb to get some amniotic fluid? not sure). But remember you have a choice, even if you don't want to do Oscar. Just FYI, I had a colleague who did amnio & she miscarried so amnio risk is real. But there are also friends who did it and was cleared & bb ok. For my detailed scan at wk20, the sonographer stil looked for nose bridge as she said DS babies usually dun have.

Joanne03 - Jia-you! you will make it. Stay calm & talk to us here, ok?

catherine - cool cool. Still got time to shop. Have you started to list what you need? I got a free catelogue book from Mothercare (not sure if it was free! haha. but i just took and no one stopped me).

It lists all the main product from cot up to disposal maternity panties. Really helped me figure out the nitty-gritty stuff as a first time mum. I m also using that to tell friends who have said they want to buy stuff for BB (instd of give angpow) what to buy - like the bibs, cot bedsheet, shower gels, etc. instead of receiving tons to bb gift pack. So if I know friends are buying, i just tick that off my checklist & forget about it

So DH & I just focus on sourcing the big stuff like stroller, car seat, cost, breastpump, etc.

Hazel - going to take up your tip & start (window) shopping now. I realise tummy in 2nd tri grows much faster and by 3rd tri I can imagine I will be tired again. Now super-energetic haha.. plus nice weather + sales!! so might as well take advantage. thkx!
Morning gals,
Yest nite I went bk to gp to see again cos my fever came bk. The gp oniI give me another fever med that all. Now my throat feel dry & warm, I cough quite hard too... I cry yest when hub came bk from work as I am worry ab my bb. I dnt kw wa I can do now. I am preggie yet I fall sick and today is my scan... I find myself so useless nt taking care of myself well... I hope my bb is fine... I care ab my bb then anything else.
Ron, u will hv super high level energy in 2nd tri! now, I just put clothes into washing machine n hang them on hangers when dry, I already can't take it. Made me feel really lousy n useless. I m lying on left side in bed now.. Coz lying on my bk still make me breathless...

Robinson pte sales start today n seems tt members hv additional 20% discount. Want to buy the Fisher & price new born to toddler rocker, original price of S$179... Feel like taking a cab there but the body is weak from fatigue...
Joanne, I only take meds prescribed by Dr, n Anmum milk after bfp. The rest I eat as per normal. Bcos of the milk?

Tanny, I saw him at Clinic D
Fatefully, stay positive for ur bb n stay hydrated. Ur bb is most prob well protected in ur tummy, so don't worry n look forward to ur scan later. Some mummies also have flu in early pregnancy but they still pull thru w smooth pregnancies, so juz take care of ur health first k
So Hazel n Ron, did u guys do Oscars?

What is 8wk scan abt? Just curious. Still deciding if need hubby to tag along or not, bcos he needs to apply leave earlier.
Baby, I did though hubs said not necessary as he is a catholic. Regardless of results, he wun do anything drastic loh.. so, dr loh also said I dun hv to do since hubs is a catholic... But I still did coz awareness is impt to me.

8 wks scan n 6wks scan serve the same purpose. First few weeks, the pregnancy is very fragile...
Hazel, the diaper bag looks good

My close fren getting me a diaper bag from bangkok coz she says it is v cheap over there. So most prob i no need to get one liao coz already got a blue sports bag for hubby to use when he's the one carrying.
Babyme - I did Oscars but we decided even if results were high-risk we will not do the amnio. That's just our choice.

Fatefully - I caught the flu every 2 weeks during 1st tri thanks to my colleagues who travel. Very irritating coz all my friends w/ small kids won't meet up with me. It was miserable as our body immune system is v low. Don't worry, just get lots of rest - sleeping is the best. If must take MC just take. Sometimes I go to work in morning, then MC the other half of hte day so that I can sleep. I didn't want to be hero and then regret.

I didn't have fever so prob not so miserable. But for flu, my gynae basically said the meds are to help u rest, so if you can sleep by yourself without meds, can dun take (the flu meds, not sure about the fever meds) and just sleep it off & drinks lots of water & Vit C.

BTW, when pregnant alot of us become highly emotional
Every small thing also can cry for some ladies. Don't worry too much, ok? BB will be ok. They got "special force field shield" to protect themselves. You take care of yourself, and BB will will take care of him/herself!

Hazel - hahaa.. ya man! hubby so surprised after many weeks of hearing "i'm so tired", I volunteered to mop the floor. hahaha...

Ron - yes i feel the same way. Tummy is expanding really fast and I'm slowly purchasing stuff in case I run out of energy easily in 3rd tri. Haha. I'm using the Robinsons baby list pamphlet as a guide on what to get and what to get others to get (hopefully they don't get me more clothes becuz its so cuteee. :p)

Hazel - thanks for sharing the link on the diaper bag converter! Very useful for existing big tote bags that we already have. Hehe, The Fisher Price rocker sounds like a good deal - cheaper than what I saw at taka at $179 before discount! Hmmm...tempting. hehe I shall go in the afternoon so hopefully not that crowded. You take a rest first okay? Then can cab down later, but try to avoid lunch crowd otherwise the queue to cashier will be quite long....
RitzC, yes bkk has nice n cheap diaper bags! Getting forgetful, can't remember the brand name now.

Kimmy, we saw the rocker 2 wk ends bk at Robinson centrepoint n hubs was asking me if want to buy. I thought it was early since another 8 wks bb then will arrive.. Now I see robinsons got sales, tempted again! If u hv philippino friends going bk this Xmas, ask them to help u get the diaper bag converter. Is only Pes490!, ie, another S$10 cheaper than this website, same pdt.
