(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbliss, I have backaches on off throughout pregnancy, gets better beginning of second trimester, now come back at times during my third trimester now. Also week 26 onwards, I start getting vaginal n inner thigh pain. Gynae says it is normal to get such pains now n then due to ligament stretching. Ask ur hubby to give u a gentle stroking massage at the lower back, it really works wonders to take off aches for a while, n avoid lying on back, I find that makes my backaches worse.

Between, Kimmy, when my tummy is bloated I can hardly feel my bb. By week 24 onwards, I can feel bb movement more confidently. Dr Benjamin says it is normal coz bb is really small at 6 mths. Now at week 29, if I dun feel bb moving, I will just lie on my side n he will start moving in a short while. So dun worry too much
RitzC, did dr Tham asked u to count 10 movements twice a day? I read to do that after 28 wks but I know some gynae doesnt. Check with u, I went D&D yesterday? I thought with super loud music, bb will kick alot but she didn't.. Just 2-3 wks. After I got home, abt to sleep then she starts kicking.. Weird right? I m 25wks.

Kimmy, u will feel bb's movements by 22 wks. No worry. First pregnancy some mummies not as sensitive. Also depend on bb's position. For me, if bb is vertical where legs are at pelvic areas I can feel much stronger the kicks. So strong until hub can see my skin moves! But if she lies horizontal where legs are on my sides or she faces inside, movements also lighter.
Hmmm think i get what u mean liao.. So no matter what, aleays get copies of detailed reports and scans from both KK and private gynae, so we'll have references just in case of emergencies, right? Will discuss with hubby, see if hes ok with this arrangement.. Coz to see gynae every 2 weeks... Abit difficult to explain to my company leh..... Others usually go once a month...

Btw, any other recommended gynae from KK besides Dr HH Tan?
Hazel, when I ask both my gynaes at around week 25 n 26, both said 1 day kick at least 10 times can liao, coz bb is still v small at that stage n think u would have notice ur bb having regular sleep patterns like more active at certain time of the day. Mine is a night owl, at early stage he only starts moving more by 7pm and by midnight when I'm trying to sleep then he will start kicking. But by week 28 or so, bb is stronger then u will be really able to feel him throughout the day. So lying on the side to get bb to move really applies then but no point being too worried about number of fetal count per hour unless ur bb is usually v active. N the noise thingy, my bb is used to some consistent white noise that he hears everyday like me washing my undergarments, washing machine, but will kick very fast for a while when once I dropped a kettle accidentally in the sink at week 28. Maybe ur bb likes the rhythm of the D&D music so she didn't kick then?
Sunflower, I see dr loh every 2 wks. Now 3 wks gap. ;)

Ivf dr, dr sadhana is gd too. She will most likely be next Ivf head as she is next most senior after dr loh leaves. O&G gynae, dr Han TT n prof John tee are good n very experienced. Prof tee usually stands in for dr loh got delivery cases when he is away n dr tan is biz. He sits on kk medical board n EXCO too, prof tee is my gynae before I was transferred to dr loh for fertility advice. He is late 50s m a v nice guy. Though man of few words but he has gd bed side manners n will ans our queries if we ask.
Sunflower, there's no need to see two gynaes if u r satisfied w the service provided by the current one u r seeing. I'm seeing two gynaes coz my kkh one keeps changing her diagnosis of treatments n some other nitty gritty things that happened that makes me quite fed up n went to seek second opinion from dr tham at tmc. But end of the day I most prob will still stick to kkh coz my entire pregnancy hasn't been smooth- spotting, cervical shortening, so even if I reach full term I most prob will be delivered by my kkh gynae in case of complications, nicu bills will be more affordable be it staying in private wards or subsidized. And also there r miscellaneous charges not included in the stated room rates even for kkh private wards, as I see from my bill when I stay in B1 at week 20. My frens with smooth pregnancies see their gynaes once a month too and they stick to only 1 gynae.
RitzC, thanks alot! Yes, at 22.5wks, dr loh's cover told me no need to monitor how many times bb kicks. I do feel bb's movements thru out the day. Not all r kicks bur some r like tickling against the wall where dr loh told me that most likely caused by bb stretching her arms. Night time when I lay down to watch tv n yes she starts to kick usually. These r the times hub will see my skin moves. In the middle of the night when I woke up to Go toilet to pee n return to bed thereafter, I can feel her movements too but coz they r light, It does not disturb me from sleeping.

A few times when I lean against the sink to wash plates I can feel her sticking against the belly walls, v uncomfortable.

Re: seeing 2 gynaes.
A few of us want to follow dr loh to TMC coz we trust him. But I dunno how the pregnancy may progress though is smooth all these while. If got complications later, like wat u said, better to deliver at KKH. So, if we dun keep the files in KKH active n have a gynae there, we will not be given prority. Only after 34/35 wks when things r more certain, then we can safely decide to deliver at TMC if all is fine. Not sure how u think abt this after sharing with u the reason of seeing 2 gynaes for a few wks after dr loh leaves. Feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks!
Hazel - wow! can see the skin move! that is so amazing. It's so cute that your bb was quiet during the D&D - probably enjoying the music! then at home nothing much to do, so kick & disturb mummy-lor!

BBliss - i can't feel a real kick yet coz i think my bb is too small (am only 16+ wks ). But I noticed when I am stationary (watching tv or at desk), or when i take something sour like lemon juice, there is a light movement abt 5seconds after i drink it, which I think is the bb. Feels like have a small fish inside the tummy for a few seconds. So sometimes i just kacau the bb and drink one sip and wait, then drink another sip 15 min later.. hahaha.. Maybe I am home alone alot so my house is v quiet.

Kimmy - are you bloated w/ gas? I have realy bad bloating these last few weeks until the tummy is hitting the diaphragm when I sit and sometimes diff to breathe. When bloating badly, my tummy is hard as watermelon

A mummy colleague saw me suffering at my desk and recommended to try peppermint tea which I find helps expel the gas. I take only about 1/4 cup and the tea takes effect around 20 min later.. Also, nothing beats going for a walk or stretching to "push" the gas out. Hope you feel better soon!
Hazel, think if time n finance permits, it's ok to see two gynae, but each visit I usually pay about $150 to $250 plus coz of extra scans n several medication like duphaston r more exp. Ha, I told my frens n parents that my bb already spend way over 20k of our money to date including ivf. Would like to follow dr tham but since I quit my job after bfp, I better be rational n choose the more financially viable option of kkh. Ha, envy those of u who can give birth at the hospital of ur choice
Ron, I can't see my skin moves coz is low at pelvic bone there.. Only hub can see. But got to be patient n he has to Stare at the lower abdomina as we dunno when bb will kick. She may do one kick n then stop for a few seconds before the next kick. 16 wks can't feel the kicks yet. Can only feel fluttering, like a butterfly flying inside. I feel real kicks at 20 wks. Initially, was wondering what those tumbling in that abdomen are.. Then realize that they are kick movements.

The fact that she didn't kick violently yesterday at the loud music, i hope is a good sign that she can sleep thru loud noises after birth too! That will make caring for her easier.
Bbliss, there is a technique to get out of the bed with ease. Always roll to your side, use your arm to support your body weight while resting it on the side of the bed to help to get u up.
Hazel, does e fluttering occurs everyday or as n when ONI?
Well, i do wake up fr my side since nt possible for me to get up straight like wat I used to do be4. Hehe...
Bbliss, bb moves all the time, but we may not feel all the time. Thus, may not feel it at early stage every day.
dear sisters...I was hospitalized for two days due to stomach flu...finally discharged today and appetite is coming back...tomorrow going for detail scan....so scared that baby's growth will be affected cause of my bad stomach flu for a week...pls pray fo me.
Oh no vann pls take care.

Hazel, u r right. I was so scare last week cos my dear princess was not active. I told gynae and she said dun worry not all movements r detected by us.

My princess loves today. She has been kicking like a kung Fu kid since 8.30am. Only giving me some peace occasionally. Kimmy dun worry.. U will know when yr bb kick. Initially l felt like my stomach was bloated and the kick was gentle now I sense it all the time. The strange part is she dun move when her dad touches my stomach and talk to her haha... Shy gal in front of her dad
Vann, take good care yah.. & rest well...

Ron, u made me giggled silly while I was alone on the bus juz now.. With ur description of little fish in ur tummy.. Hahaha.. Regarding the peppermint tea, wld like to ask a silly qn cos I m not a tea person.. Do u make ur own or u buy? Guess my digestive system isn't tt good.. I hv been bloating since BT day.. till Dr Loh commented my tummy looks bigger than kimmy's who is 4 weeks advanced of me... I hv tried Ginger drink.. It works but I can't take it often... So an alternative wld b good.. Thanks, yah...

Meryl, most private confinement ladies accept bookings after 1st trim.. So can start asking ard for frens recommendation near tt time...
Hi Ritz, Hazel, Ron & Catherine,
Thanks for your encouragement and reassurance. hehe I guess I was just being a 'kiasu' mom and eager to feel bb's movements, and I trust I will ... soon! Although just before walking to the comp earlier to log on to this forum I had like this huge sudden cramp/ache in the tummy. So I had to lie down and then I thought I felt a few flutter near pelvis area. Hehheehe. Maybe baby is granting me a 'teaser'. kekeke. But it made me happy no less.

Hazel - so dr loh is ok with us keeping kkh file active/open right? yeah ultimately I will also wait till week 37 to decide where to pop I suppose. I will just ask for extra copy of detailed scan for my own reference too... btw, before detailed scan no need to have full bladder or what right? its like oscar test like that right - as per normal..?

Bbliss / RitzC - sure! Will definitely give 'live' updates from the iphone on whether bb fair is worth making the trip and let you know the brand they carry.

Bbliss - ya ystd especially crampy but I google like siao and read that round ligaments expansion can cause these sharp pains. Hope all is good, can't wait for detailed scan next week.

Ritzc - how affordable for the open button pyjamas are you looking at? Cuz I got mine at $6.50 each and I saw the prices at other places ard the same. So I use that price as benchmark and let u know ? :p I also not working liaos, so what you said makes sense, every cent of saving counts even for hospitals. because of this I may pop in kkh after all - considering that now my mil do housework or anything for the matter do half way then just leave things in the middle of the house. She would of course welcome a domestic help somemore we have 2 dogs to look after which belongs to my sil and she's not even home to clean up after them..hai..!!! financial woes!!

Ron - yes! A lot of gas. I actually felt better late last night after releasing a string of gas. hehehe. My hubby gave me a weird look but I giggled and said "huh? what happened?" mwahah. I think also cuz during the weekend I drank a lot of fizzy drinks and diet coke because of the horrible weather! And yes! My tummy feels like a watermelon at times. So hard that I can go 'tok tok tok' on it. Gosh. Now I know its normal and I ain't alone. :p

Vann - please take good care of yourself!

Catherine - wahhh... your princess showing her shadow kicks eh. hehe. So nice!!!

Queenie - ya ron's description of a fish was quite apt for me. I also read it in the bus earlier and I was like wah..I can totally relate to that. Hehe
Vann, dun worry too much, take care

Kimmy, $6.50 is cheap!
the ones I saw at ntuc and at my mum's neighborhood cost $16 plus. Ya, below $10 will be great coz I most prob will wear it only for night feed at my mum's house during confinement. Later I will go check out the shops at my neighborhood to see whether can get a cheaper deal!

RitzC - Oops, wait ah I just realized that when you said $16, you may be referring to the romper/onesie. hehe I thought you refering to the long sleeves button tops and pants (which cover the toes) that confinement lady loves to use because very convenient to change baby when they puke/poo/pee. Ya if its the romper/onesie - then I also saw ard $16 at the neighbourhood stores. I did however, see at BHG tampines last week selling betweem $8 - $12 but quite limited designs/stock/sizes

Hope this helps. hehehe
Kimmy, where did u get the pyjamas for $6.50?? That's cheap. U better cut yr fuzzy drink. My gp and gynae dun allow me to touch though there r occasion where I juz sip. They told me my stomach is weak
So i have to b a gd gal and listen to my princess.
Lunch time again. As usual dun know what to eat.
Just went for my 2nd scan this morning, suppose to be end of wk 10 based on my last scan but turned out 9.3wks. heard bb's hb for d 1st time. It was beating so rapidly! Amazing! Both hubby & I responded by saying "Wow!" then I burst out laughing :p

CRL was 10mm at 7.2wks & now 30mm at 9.3wks.
EDD was 6 June based on 1st scan at AMC, now change to 10 June.
Why so strange?

Wondering why we don't get regular screening for uti since it seem pretty common?

Next scan will be 2 wks later for down syndrome screening & next apt to see Dr will be in 5 wks time. So looong!
Hi Catherine - I bought them from some ching chong looking shop at Tampines one day when I was just walking around there (I rarely go to that area). Also saw some at Kiddy Palace. Hope this helps.
So what did you have for lunch? :p

Sunnie_Gal >> good to hear your scan went well. The EDD dates will keep adjusting based on measurement and bb growth but +/- for 1st time mums, we are prone to a slightly earlier delivery. For me, I will also use my first scan date to estimate my EDD. Hehe at least you know during the DS screening, you get to see bb in detail and for longer period of time :p
Kimmy, I'm refering to maternity pyjamas, coz most r ugly n i most prob wont wear it after confinement. Anyway, i gotten 2 pieces of front zip batik dress at $8 each from cks near amk jubilee n a slightly prettier one from sorella for $42 plus. The maternity pyjamas at marks n spencer cost between $60 to $80 plus. Ntuc sell the old fashioned type at $16 plus.
Vann - hospitalised! do take care from now on, if you see anyone even threaten to sneeze you walk far away.. hope you have a good session at detailed scan.

SunnieGal - always good to hear the hb! It's such an amazing experience, right?

Queenie - I just use the tea-bag & try to drink while it's hot. For me, I discovered no need to drink alot - just 1/4 cup is enough. My colleague says just make sure you buy those that are "peppermint tea leaves", and not "tea leaves with peppermint flavouring". The other option is walking, that helps alot for me. I stop about 4 bus stops early and slowly walk home. Takes me forever hahaa. but anything to release some gas.
Ritzc - oh!!! Sorry, I got confused w bb pyjamas. Hehe ooh my mom stays at amk so when I go visit her I shall go cks look see also.

Ron - ya slow walking help me too!!!
Qn regarding DS screening. The date was arranged after the 1st scan and it's at 12 weeks. Should I postpone a few more days to adjust for the new scan dating. Wondering if bb just 5 cm then, doesn't seem like there's a lot of it that can be scanned :p
Hope that u're feeling much better now! Take care

Regarding bloatedness, I also feel very 'gassy'. Keep burping & farting. Oops :p lucky, I'm at home most of the time. Feel so uncomfortable & affects my appetite too! Haven't eaten any rice for the past few days.
Kimmy, it's okay.

Queenie, my tummy is bloated and big like 3 months after bfp. Only recently then I feel bb's weight really "fills up" the size. Anyway at 29 weeks now my tummy is quite big like full term juz that its position is still high not low. ha ha, we may have to work harder at the gym after giving birth
Sunnie gal, my edd always changes. Gynae say the first scan is the most accurate date. It's always a gd feeling to hear our bb heart beat.

Ron, u walked 4 bus stops?? I would b so tired after that. But if it's orchard I dun mind leh ....lol

Ritzc, I think the same way as u. I have to swim a lot to lose the weight in my butt and thigh... Unfortunately I have an injured knee so I can't run.

Ladies... Help... My tummy has lot of rashes like hives... How?? And it feels so itchy. Apply medicine also can't help
Kimmy & sunflower, I saw dr loh just now. Prior to that dr mariram scanned me first. Bb is 900g at 25.5 wks! Dr Mariram said bb is average & I comfirmed with dr loh too! If I not following dr loh, I will be transferred to another gynae next visit already.

Anyway, I told dr loh I wan to follow him to TMC but I hv my reservation as I concerned over complications. So, I wan to keep the file in KKH active. He told me he has no intention to close my file either so that I can go bk to KKH if need to. He said in Jan, bb will be safe already as I m already 30 over wks. He said he is still a visiting constant to KKH. That means in the event got complications n I deliver in KKH he will deliver for me as he said he knows what I hv gone thru so he will do it for me. Coz as a visiting consultant he only has x no of slots according to him.

So, discuss with him. He is v nice will advise u. He is so funny, told me he wun 害我 when I told him cost at TMC will ballon if got complications! :p

He told me see me in 5 wks! I said no lah, too long. See in 3 wks gap 2 more times then will be see him at TMC! He said I already planned so nicely then ok loh.. So fun!
Catherine, u need to apply super rich cream or oil to stop the itch. My gf uses horse oil bought from medical shop. She said olive oil n others dun stop the itch.

Kimmy, just saw ur other qn. Detailed scan same as oscars scan. No need to hv full bladder. In fact I emptied my bladder both times before scan :p
Hazel - wow! Dr Loh is so nice & accomodating. Gosh...so he can come visit KKH in the event of complications and all?? okok I shall ask him next time round. That is very reassuring indeed. Thanks for the update, appreciate it.
Wah thanks for the heads up!

I'll be seeing him next tue... Will go tell him my concerns too... Sekali he say how come so many ppl have been asking him abt keeping kk files open hehe! Hope he'll say om if i request i wana see him 3 weeks gap..... 5 weeks seem too long for me also....
Kimmy, yes he can but he said he only has limited times he can go KKH. So, only when is really complicated then he will do it loh. He said he wun 害我 as he knows cost in TMC will keep ballooning if there r complications. He said when hit 34 wks, quite safe Leow.

Btw, he has night clinic 2 days a wk at TMC too! He is really workaholic! Other TMC clinics where got night clinic?
did my detailed scan yesterday...she's fine...yes, i'm having a princess...I'll see dr loh 5 weeks later...but i think i will go and scan in between with my private gynae..I could feel her movement from 18 weeks...However, i am still recovering from my gastroenteritis and slowly introducing food back into my system.
Vann, glad to hear your princess is doing well! Hope you recover completely soon too!

I'm still feeling tired all the time.. Still MS too everyday, though not as often as before. Now it's around 2-3x per day. Haiz..

Counting down to my next week scan, hopefully can see the gender of my lower twin.. The upper twin is a boy from the last scan. My feeling is both are boys lah ;) though i always like a baby girl.. Well any gender will do lah, babies' health is more important.

Enjoy your lunch sisters!
Hazel - wow! he's having night clinic as well when he opens in TMC. He's really hard working doctor.

Vann - glad bb is doing great, and princess too
Sistas, for those who had round ligament pain, does it feel like someone is pulling or pinching your sides? Got these weird feeling at around the same areas at AF cramps, but it's like a bit of strecthing (sometimes left, sometimes right) - and actually painful too.
Just getting paranoid coz the bloating seemed to have subsided alot overnight & then this pulling today...
Ron, I get round liagment pain at my sides n front of pubic bone when I lie on 1 side for too long. So I will lie on my back n massage the area for a while. Ay, I get all sort of pain so back also cannot lie for too long lest get backache. I get superficial pain near my belly button too, gynae says could be uterus stretching. I get sudden hard lump with tingling feeling next to belly button, thought it is braxton hick, both gynaes says most prob it is the baby. I get vaginal pain that gets so bad that I can hardly get off the bed, gynae says most prob I bedrest too much n it's most prob liagment pain. I was so worried whether I'm dilated, she put me on ctg for half hr n says I'm not having contraction. If u r worried, best to check w ur gynae so that u get a peace of mind.
Ron - I get this round ligament pains too. In fact had it on Monday night wen I mentioned I was bloated too? After the bloat subsided, I had sharp pains and u r right, really feels like af! It's normal it seems cuz I checked w few others who experienced similar.
RitzC & Kimmy - thanks for reassuring. I'll monitor today but now it sounds like normal pain (is there anything normal abt pregnancy?!!). Maybe stressed at work so exta paranoid. Can't wait for weekend !! Come quick please!
Ron i do feel some pain too sometimes, at the sides mostly.. Rest more and take care!

hazel - Dr loh is really hardworking! Night clinic somemore. Wow.

Happy Friday sisters.

haha just managed to pull myself out of bed to get ready for parenthood fair with some of the sisters, will keep all of you updated! :p
