(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Hazel, I tried once and I only waited for 1 hour. I will keep u posted on the waiting hours :p

Hi sunflower, sorry, forgot to ans u, I am working. I am quite sour recently that I am not allowed to take mc for gynae visits or rest at home. My boss says kk always give mc for nothing. I have bad ms today and asked her if I can take mc to rest. I was told to take half day leave. My er was given 17 days of hl, but I am only allowed to use 3 days. I only took 4 mc this year. I am not working for a gd appraisal, but looking at my past mc records, I took on average 2 days per year. Even for my frozen, I have to work till 10pm without lunch or dinner break. I don't feel balance these days . Haiz...

Waah ur boss slavedriver ah??? How can dun allow u to take mc??? Not sure if its legal under MOM law or anot (maybe some of the sistas here can advise)... But if u're given mc and u still go work, its actually not allowed..? If something happen to u at work, then ur company will be responsible wor.... So u did not rest properly during ur 2ww ah? Gosh...

Try to talk to ur HR, see what they say? I dun think its fair for ur boss to do that lor.... Its not as if u're skiving..... Stay positive ok? If really really cannot take the ms, just sms ur boss in the morning say u'll be on mc! Heck him/her!!! Your bb more impt than anything else!!
Hi Sunflower, she is not a slave driver. Maybe i don't understand her..I think I will raise to my big boss about her soon.. But that aside, I just think abt bb, just take leave lo, don't want make myself more upset
Hi meryl,

Ur boss is unreasonable leh, like wat sunflower says, going to work when u on mc, co has to b responsible as u r supposed to rest. Lucky u heck care n take the rest.

I m done with sore throat today :-( haiz, tis pregnancy like keep getting sick. I m in wk 20 tis wk, i think but dun feel much bb kickings...hmmmm cant wait for nxt wk appt to c bb
Meryl, KKH mc she dun accept, then go to a GP! Easy to take 2 days mc at 1 go coz we r pregnant! Just say, giddy, headache! Keke
Meryl, think ur boss is being unreasonable. U have a right to take mc & get proper rest! How can she just choose to ignore Dr's advice-MC & HL. To me, that's against the law!
Hazel, u know of many good lobangs! But does flip kart ships direct to Sg?

Catherine, thanks for sharing abt the book sale on a ship. Sounds interesting! Pls remind again when closer to the date, k?
I am 16w 5d. In total I've put on about 3 1/2 kgs. I didn't suffer from MS and was actually eating a lot. Now that I'm in my second trimester, I'm noticing less hunger pangs and am not eating as much as before. I think you have nothing to worry about. Do remember that you had MS during your first trimester so gaining 3kg is actual good. Bear in mind that pregnant women gain weight differently but a gradual and constant weight gain is encouraged. The total weight gain for a normal weight person (BMI 18.5-24.9) is between 11kg-16kg. The big bulk of the gain will come in the third trimester which is crucial as that is when the baby's vital organs are developing. Your doctor will also be able to tell the growth progress of your baby from your scans. However, do take note that the meals that you are eating now needs to be healthy....meaning no keropok or potato chips
Hazel, I think I am lucky, I waited for 30mins to see him. He is in very gd mood today :p . I like your idea, I will try this out at gp... Hehe

Tzac, seeing the bb beats all the blue ... Makes us light hearted

Sunnie gal, dr loh says it is normal to have numbness due to water retention .. Just exercise hands more
Meryl - 30 min wait? Wow that's a good one. Haha if only all his waits were like that. Heheh.

Hazel - yah same qn as Sunnie Gal, does flip kart ship directly to SG? I got no relatives/frds in India...

tzac - we're about same timing! Can't wait for detailed scan tmrw. Woohoooooo
Meryl, thanks
good to have his assurance.
Are u following him to TMC?
My next visit to see him is in 1 mth's time. Need to decide by then...
Hi sunniegal, yes, I am following him to tmc
I have another apt with him on the 20dec, then after that will be visits at

Hi kimmy, yah... Lucky today
Sunnie_gal & kimmy, no flip kart is cash on delivery so only to Indian addresses.

I m following dr loh to TMC too. 2 more appt in KKH, end of nov & dec then Jan in TMC! He said I hv planned my visits to him v nicely for him as I wanted to see him every 3 wks maximum!
Hello ladies, i have just tested positive and I can feel air trapping inside my stomach. Any remedies to release all the air out?
Congratulations and welcome to the club. I'm afraid bloatedness comes with the territory. Progesterone slows the digestive process, causing that horrible bloated feeling and subsequent gas. Likewise, the weight of your growing baby presses onto the digestive tract, further slowing things down. I've been bleaching so much that I've stopping trying to do it quietly. Thank goodness my flatulence is under control since BFP (it was bad before getting pregnant

The best is to avoid food that causes gas (e.g beans, cabbage, onions, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus and corn; fruits such as pears, apples, prunes and peaches; whole grain products and oats; milk, ice cream and cheese; and carbonated drinks [and] fruit juices). Since I love all that is stated, I just learn to live with all bodily sounds. Other things you could do to deal with gas is to walk after a meal (which I don't do) and have several smaller meals.

If the other ladies here know of any remedies for gas, I'd love to know too.
Hi Msmiele, thank u for your advise. It's realli terrible. Stomach feel so big when it was bloated with air and unable to release. I tried to drink yakult and yogurt but it helps abit only.

Anyone experience before?
Any Sis here who r in 20wks & beyond still feeling crampy or e stretching pains? Izit normal to experience tat or shld go see dr?

Can any Sis here advice hw frequent shld one feel bb kicking? If fluttering sensations, hw often do u exp tat?

The size of my stomach was two months ahead of my actual date. I even had difficulty fitting into my pants/shorts/skirts very early into my pregnancy.

I take yogurt daily but never actually thought of yakult. Since it contains good bacteria and is supposedly beneficial for the digestive system, perhaps I might start taking them too. Thanks
Hi, RitzC, yah man.. The bloatedness can get annoying if I ate the wrong food or wat.. & yeah.. We reali hv to work hard to shed them off after delivery.. Heehee...

Hi, Ron, thanks for the info on peppermint tea leaves.. Was trying to find it @ supermarket the other day.. Don't hv.. :-(
Hi Queenie, can peppermint tea relieve bloatedness? I read from website and some recommend it. Where u buy from?
Hi, Qin, I hvnt managed to get the peppermint tea leaves.. One of the sisters, Ron recommended.. I ll try it once I managed to get them.. I realised my bloatedness is bad whn I took chicken rice (though olreadi ask for no oil, no soya sauce) & stir-fried tanghoon.. So I m gg to stay off them for sm time... I guess mayb cos they r too oily for my stomach to take.. & for me, small frequent meals help too...
Hi, hopeful, I m ard the same timing as u.. Week 15 & 4 days todae.. & I m not eating alot.. My breakfast & lunch r ok.. Dinner is miserable, lesser than before I m pregnant.. There was once I oni hv chwee kueh for lunch & some sushi for dinner.. I was worried like u too.. So I look forward to each scan to comfort me tt baby's growth is on track.. But I reckon we shall not worry excessively lah.. & trust tt baby is doing well.. :)
Bbliss! I'm feeling same as you, my right side suddenly stretched crazily today. Think its normal but I can ask Dr loh for you tomorrow if you like.
As for bb movements I feel them everyday now. Kick kick kick for a good while then stop. then kick kick kick again.

Hopeful - eh I'm with you on this one, Macs! Woohooooo Fries fries fries. cheeseburger cheeseburger. Coke (burp). I'm so gonna 'die' for my urine test tomorrow.
Meryl, I waited abt 4hrs to see Dr Loh! The nurse who scheduled my appt for me the last time round cocked up.... Gave me a wrong date instead... So today im a walk-in patient arrgghhh....

Looks like most of us following him to TMC... he never really asks if i will be following him there leh, i'm the one who told him... So thick skinned like that lol! My next appt appt with him will be on 22 Dec (after my detailed scan)..... More than 1 mth before i can see bb.....
But thur going to another doc for my genetic scan... Should be able to know gender liao...

Btw he prescribed me Obimin and Natal Care Plus (a DHA fish oil)... Should i take additional calcium and folic acid ah?
Sisters - for the past 3 hours I felt this intense ache along my right side of body and sharp pain. Oww. Dont know if its normal. Anyone experienced this before? Duno if I should start being concern/worried about anything. Like damn achy and no matter how I stand or sit its there...
Kimmy, I experienced aches too. Yesterday oso seems to be my worse esp my tummy area. Can chk wif dr loh y like tat n if it's normal n let mi noe? Great Thks.

Mi tend to be quite worried n paranoid nowadays I dun really feel any kicks fr bb yet. I in same week as u so aft hearing fr u tat u sense bb kick all times, I lagi worried. Dun noe wat to do nw.
Bbliss, before week 25, I only feel slight bb movement, bb still v small n probably for first time mum some of us feel bb movement later. Even now at week 30, my bb has his lazy days, usually Sat n Sunday he hardly moves, no matter how I lie, he just gives v gentle thud, sometimes none. Then by Monday he is usually active again n I will be able to feel ohm throughout the week. My hubby says weekend is his nua days. Anyway, dun worry too much
Hi to all mother to be, I hope u can take 1 min to help to vote for my lil boy in a Facebook contest. Pls kindly help to vote for my LIL MONSTER~
This contest will end at 5pm today so really really appreciate if you can take a min off ur busy schedule to help and vote for my lil darling. Thanks a lot for the kind help~ :D

He will be extra merry happy for Xmas if he can get the vouchers for more more toys!

Pls kindly follow these 2 steps:


Morning! Wah woke up from nightmare...scary! And half way when I woke up to go toilet for 2nd time, 'pulled' a muscle in upper thigh. Great!

Bbliss - cool, I will check w Dr Loh today and update you. About the kicks, I also din't get it at first until it because instinctively more prominent, but that say it was only I know what to look out for then I realized what it was. I'm sure your bb is moving already and like RitzC mentioned, its quite slight and you won't really feel it. Dun be worried k, I was also puzzled when my frds told me they feel from wk 17 already and I didn't...

RitzC - I woke up feeling much better than ytd but when I went to the loo and sat down, my right side sprain again. Alamak. I feel like old lady. Will probably check during my detailed scan/visit w Dr Loh on it. I hope its ligament pain. But ligament pain can be all the way to the side (nearly reaching the back)?

Sunnie_Gal - yeah I will ask Dr Loh today. Hopefully he's in a good mood to answer
Hello sistas,

>> Sherlyn & Qin - Congrats!! and welcome. If you want to, you can update this schedule, no obligations ya.


>> Kimmy - yeah, you can feel bb kick! but sometimes painful when suddenly kena kicked, right? Mine hasn't kicked yet but my SIL was sharing her "pain" when kena surprise kick.. hahaa..

>> msmiele - sigh, all those food u listed I like too, no wonder my tummy is like watermelon.. WIll need to be selective.

>> Qin - ya, for some ladies hot peppermint tea works, otherwise try hot ginger tea, or lemon tea. I take yakult and yoghurt daily now coz it helps my constipation problem :p But in the end, nothing beats taking a walk after meals coz that's the only sure-proof solution but sometimes it's difficult during 1st tri when the tiredness strikes. BTW, the teas sometimes dun work! Other methods I have tried (not always works) is stretching &amp; doing "cat exercise" on the floor. During 1st tri, I was popping those ginger <sem-boi> coz only that worked for the gas, but now it doesn't work anymore.. hahaa.. Don't need to drink the whole cup, if it works, a few sips (1/4 cup) will do the trick to start releasing the gas after 10-15 min. Also, dunno why only works when the tea is hot.

Queenie >> Can try Twinnings or Dilmah brand, They have pure peppermint leaves version. I get mine from office pantry (shhhh!!.. dun tell my admin manager!!).. I think the MediYa, ColdStorage or NTUC finest may carry. 25 bags for $6.20. I took picture, let me try to upload.

Sistas >> saw these really cute baby clothes hangers at a $2 shop!! Pink rabbits for girls, brown rabbits for boys!!! Right now still holding back from shopping (mainly pantang &amp; expecting hand-me-downs) but I can't wait for last Tri to go shopping!!!

Hazel >> re the $75 companion charge at TMC, I asked the counter, they said as long as stay over they will charge, even if companion doesnt' take the food.
my DH already confirm he don't eat hosp food, so I told him just treat like paying for sleeping in budget hotel-lor.
Hi Kimmy,
How's ur detailed scan today? I had lower abdominal pain at 20 wks for about three days.
Checked fm internet that this was due to ligament stretching. Dun worry too much, bb is growing......Glad that u can feel bb movement now, it's so amazing, right?

Seen my gynae last friday, bb is 1.2kg at 28 wks, average weight. My bb is so active, move a lot. Hope she will be easy to handle when she come out.
Summer - just finished detailed scan and waiting to see dr Loh. Like the sono, quick and explain. At first she ask do u wanna know gender? Then husband said so obvious, I know! Then I said yea yea I wanna know! And she said baby is a boy! Hehe. And then measured here and there. First bb was playing peekaboo and hiding chest and nose but a roll to the right and left , tadah! All was revealed and measured.
My right pains also subsiding now tho whenever I sit
On the bowl I feel it. Urgh
Kimmy, congrats
Ur hubby muz be overjoyed!

Summer, my bb is obese, 1.8kg at week 29, dun kno whether he is getting too fat coz of the materna milk I drink everyday n maybe the fast food or durian puff I eat occassionally. Now, trying to control my diet, less higher risk of c-sec birth. Before that i was afraid premature birth so eat to fatten bb up, now both he n I r overweight, haiz
Hi Ladies, what r your plans for child care arrangements after maternity leave? Anyone planning to be SAHM? I'm considering what are the options.
Saw dr Loh within 30min of wait time. Haha! Today is a good day. Dr Loh hi-5 me on gender of baby too. Laughed and said everything looks good and normal, baby a bit on big side so told me no durians and sweets cuz now currently estimating 3.4kg minimum and any bigger I might have to see knife! Seeing him few days b4 Xmas for last visit at kkh and he assured that he will keep file active and not discharge me in event of emergency but this means dun have to see gynae in kk also. ;) very jovial mood today he is. Told me placenta a bit low but will rise up eventually but cut back on walking and squating.

Bbliss - he said sharp pains v normal and the right stretch I told him he said normal so keep yr actions small cuz one of his Patient pain till worse than childbirth.
kimmy, Hazel &amp; those who r following Dr Loh to TCM,

when Dr Loh say will keep our files in KK active, it means that we can see him at TMC. At the same time, are we also seeing another gynea from KK? So in case of complications, Dr Loh will attend to us back in KK as visiting consultant?

What are the differences in cost of delivery in TCM as compared to KKH if everything is okay, ie no complications.
Sunnie gal - sorry, as in dr Loh estimating min. size 3.4kg by looking at today's measurements... As for active file means he won't discharge us as transfer patient and we don't need to see another gynae at kk also. He said he too busy to check but he feels in event of complications, they might invite him back. I compared the costs before, this is based on assisted natural delivery w epidural: diff between kk and tmc is about $600+ in total
Kimmy is ur bb is so big? Wow, mine gained 50g per week until week 27 then start gaining like 400g every fortnight - week 27 he's 1.4kg, week 29 he is 1.8 kg n already my kkh gynae says he is too big.

Sunniegal, u going to be a sahm? Ha, I'm moving to stay w my parents for a year so that I can rejoin the workforce. My hubby will be weekend parent coz he's busy w his masters studies. Both my parents n his r against infant care n maid, n all I want is bb to be in good hands. But being able to be a sahm will be a real privilege if financially able.
Sunnie I'm considering being sahm at least for first 5-6 mths then see how. Cuz we probably hire domestic help so must also see can manage...
Hi, Ron, thanks again for info on peppermint tea leaves..
Btw, did I miss ur msg telling us if ur baby is prince or princess? Heehee...

Juz seen Dr Loh w my mum.. &amp; m impressed tt he can speak cantonese sooooo fluently... Applaud... He even asked my mum wanna girl or boy grandchild &amp; how many sons/ daughters she has.. &amp; concluded girl girl good, more close w mums.. Cos mine most likely a princess cos nothing potruding in between legs.. Woohoo.. Pretty dresses, here I come.. Haha.. Detailed scan scheduled 2 days bef my birthday.. Hope ll b a lovely present.. :)

21 Nov, Channel U, got a TV programme for Daddy taking care of babies. Think its called Daddy 101. Take note, mummies ya? Just saw the TV advertisement.
