(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Vann, hahaha.. Gd tat BB is growing well! Btw I did ask gynae if fortnightly scan is ok. She says ultrasound scans are safe n u can do it daily too!!

Catherine - I'm sure if the baby's measurements is all within normal limits, a Growth Scan might not be necessary (better to put the money for other use). But knowing my "kiasu" DH, I'm certain that he'd want to have the scan done. He's even talking about 3D/4D scans. Anyway, thank you for the feedback. Hope you can join us on Wed.
Hopeful - wah u know gender liao!! I still gotta wait

Oh milky pee is due to dehydration? But I tot is like mine, yellow due to dehydration

Vann - hehe so glad u went ahead to see and getthat assurance!

Hazel - ya lo bb moving but I wanna feel the kicks and all leh.. Haha

I'm quite worried for detailed scan since gynae told me
He will try to look out for abnormalities since I refuse
Amniotic or cvs test. Then he said abnormalities may not be due to thal so that sets me worrying even more. Sigh
nope, pte gynae.
I told him what I tld Dr loh and Dr Loh pro me not doing tests but Dr Loh didnt 'scare' me like that leh...at least not yet.
Kimmy - don't let worry worry you. We just enjoy the pregnancy and God will pave the way

my colleague found out kid got cleft lip during detailed scan. Obviously devastated (why us? What did we do wrong). But now after the healthy bb arrived, she says she is glad she found out early coz she and dh already read up & have all the doctors appmt & surgeries lined up. She said if only found out after birth, they would prob still be in denial/depression and miss chance to do corrective action soon. Bb was scheduled for first surgery even b4 2mth, I think.

All in God's hands, whichever your religion
Hazel - thanks.

Ron - thanks for sharing. Wah! Can do surgery before 2mths? So steady. Ya that's true. Just u know I kept telling dr Loh I feel good about this pregnancy and when I told the other one he went ok... And told me that and it kinda set me back in a way becuz I was actually looking forward to detailed scan, not be afraid of it. But haha with all the previous set-backs, I actually feel better now becuz I realize information may get us down but having the baby puts me so much at ease and peace again. Ironic I know!

Anyone considering gwtting pru first btw? Heard can get between weeks 18 and 32
Hi Kimmy, dun think so much.. All will b fine. Actually my pee is yellowish milky. So I think my dehydration shd b worse than urs.. :p
Hahaha... I ve been telling BB to b gd n open her legs big big during scan. Very cooperative!!!
My pee is also v v v yellow. Gynae told me to drink lots of water if not will have blood clot inside but where got time to drink water? In office I m so busy. Like queenie I m being pissed by staff who dun check their work I m like a teacher. This morning juz scolded my staff who sent email to ppl who should not receive. If i m not strict my boss will say I din guide and teach. Feel so down at work ppl juz want to arrow and target me. Told my boss I m v stress now. Worried that my princess will suffer. Sigh
Next wk starting 7th, for one whole week, compass point atrium has EYS road show. Can stock up chicken essence m bird nests. Their road shows always hv the best deal. Eg 1 box of chicken essence cost $11!
Ladies, heavy rain again!!! I juz complain tmc to my gynae nurse!! Haha they will help me on sat to make arrangement to view the rooms. I m so stress at work now bosses wants me to clear my balance 9 days of leave. Either take once a week or 0.5 day per week. When I raise the concern that my staff will call my bosses say they r not allowed to. Even with this arrangement It does not help. I would have to work harder on the 4 days.
I feel my princess is not v active since yesterday afternoon to b safe i m seeing my gynae this sat. Scare little gal got stress by me. Keep telling my gal to hang in there with me. Really praying v hard she is ok
Catherine - wow ur job does sound stressful. Ya go for a check & get that peace of mind
update us on rooms! I'm considering tmc too. Have u shared whose yr gynae there b4? Dr tham?

Woke up abruptly at 6am today & couldn't sleep. When I finally did, frd ask me out for brunch. Haha!! Went to see more bb stuff @ tamp and now tapao kfc for snacks. I'm putting on only 3kg since start of pregnancy. Hmm.... I tot 2nd tri will usually balloon one? Hahaha. Ytd I had one sprain in uterus like a quick one then I wondered... Is this bb kick? Hahaha!!!!

Hazel - I can't swallow eys chix essence nw. Duno y. When I do, merlion right away. Looks like gotta pass on d sale...
Kimmy, u dun wish to know what I work as. Half my table are covered with papers. My notebook must b in front of me to remind me what I need to do. Then my 2 staff r not helpful enough to relieve of my work. Argh.... My gynae nurses called earliest to do hospital tour is 26nov.. Have to make a trip there again.

Hey I m 23 weeks tomorrow but I only put on 5kg. Yet my gynae ask me to control my weight. Today i keep eating now my tummy is churning. Went to toilet once ... Guess I m having irritable bowel now. Must make it a point to go home early. A fren told me yesterday, work ot also same pay. Go home on the dot also same pay. Y work ot then. But if I dun work ot and leave on the dot boss will think I v free and add more to my work load. How unfair right?!
Kimmy, u saw dr loh last sat? How was the wait? Was just told he saw patients till 1130pm yesterday when he was not supposed to hv any clinic!
5pm now but he is seeing only 12:55pm appointment. My gf walked into clinic D to q to see him now coz KKIVF said she can't do fresh cycle in nov. She wants to speak to dr loh n request him to let her do.
Hazel - nope, saw pte gynae last say. Wah 11.30pm is very late! He must have had a lot of patients and didn't wanna disappoint them!
Why your gf can't do fresh in Nov? He is still at KK till then right?
Hazel, i saw Dr Loh today, walked in at 845 am for my 1020 appointment... Surprisingly i dont have to wait long... I hv seen him at 9 plus.. Think not many patients in the morning..
Catherine - yikes your desk really sounds quite stressful too! Hope your stress will reduce from now onwards too.. wow! 23 weeks tomorrow! Envious!!! :p Yah, don't work OT and sacrifice health. Totally not worth it. Work is always only work. Family/love/relationships/happiness are far more important.
Kimmy, KKIVF cannot cope with the many many patients who r rushing to let dr loh do loh, ie they r full!.. So my gf is seeking his help now
Kimmy, u said the same what my colleagues told me today. Unfortunately i need the $ so i have to work v hard. Ya my desk sucks. My big boss knows I m v unhappy with the workload, ppl n stress... She got a dress for my princess today.

Any sisters bought the sterilizer at Philip warehouse sales last weekend? I have not receive a call from them to collect this week...
Hello sisters! Back for a visit here... how's everyone doing?

Time flies, it's been two weeks since my bb is gone... I did a mini confinement and am recovering well. Also did Jamu massage... so for those who want to know about Babies-Bellies house call service, I would say it's ok. The masseuse I got has a habit of coming late but since I am not doing anything at home, I am ok with it. And instead of the 75 min treatment, she goes over time so I guess that compensates for her lateness. Worth a try if you're looking for post-natal treatments.

Take care everyone. I'll be back soon!
Hi koirc glad to hear from you. Can't wait to see u back with a bfp soon! Good that u did mini conf n massage too. Oh can i have her contact, since u said she's not bad.. (apart from being late, but at least it's still 75mins each session)

Ladies, see you later at mcdonalds marina square at 12pm.. Can start thinking where to eat ok so won't take long to decide later..
Morning everyone,

Just wanna check if it's okay to attend wake/funeral. A friend's grandma has just passed away. Thanks in advance for advice.
Hi Koirc - so nice to hear from you & thanks for the feedback on jamu (from b-b). Was considering them too. See you back here soon!!!

Hi Ashley - see ya. Leaving the house now. will msg you once I reach :D
Reaching to meet the mommies soon and u'll never believe the drama! A paperbag I carried broke halfway on escalator, ezlink card dropped and I was reaching the end on the escalator. Haha!
Sorry ladies I juz Finish my meeting. Guess u gals have left by the time I travel there

Sunniegsl, my mum forbid me to go both white and red events. Guess u can send flowers to yr fren

Koirc.. Jia you!!
Hi koirc, good to know u r doing well!! Keep up d gd spirits!!

Hi sisters, let's do dinner nx time instead of lunch? If nit a bit hard to stay thruout..
Had so much to talk but so little time during lunch time.. Hope I did not miss out any "juicy" news!! Hehehe...
hi girls - sounds like a good catch-up! would love to join next session.

Koirc - hi, girl! good to hear from you again. Yes, don't give up and we will all reach out goal soon! jia you! jia you!

Hazel - thanks for the tip! i have to go and stock up EYS for my in-law.

Catherine - even must work, dun get so stressed, ok? just remember bbies need us to be less stressed. Now i just do the minimum, anything can push or close one eye for now, I will do it so that less stress. have a good scan on Saturday! I just did the hospital tour today. Got fish soup to drink at end of tour! hahaahaa, tat was the best part of the tour. The tour itself quite boring. haha..

Tzac - how did your scan go? Mine highly likely mei-mei
but doc say wait for week20 to confirm. She did roll-call for us, first wave left hand, then right, left feet, right feet, then from cross leg open big big! haha..not a shy bb.

Now i can't wait for next scan in 4 weeks!! i'm just playing the scan video on repeat whole evening... haha..

Ashley - r u feeling better now at week 16?

Sistas, i read on another forum thread there's a lady Tan Leng Leng spreeing bulk Medela Freestyle from US @ S$415. Has anyone dealt with this spree-r before? I know the US warranty won't apply here but i tot it might be easier to go thru someone spreeing in bulk rather than buy online on my own. Any thoughts?
Sisters, someting to share. At my workplace, there is a new father. He bot the Philips Avent Steriliser in Aug (Like rice cooker, non-digital type). He kept it until wife gave birth on 20 Oct then take out and use. Before use, gotta boil it or steam it according to instruction. So he did tat then after tat put bottles in and wanna sterilize. Guess wat? It failed to work. He tried all ways and means, turning the thing upside down and inside out but still cannot work. Never even used it for the first time.

He went to Philips and told them about this wanting to get a replacement. He already threw away his receipt as he bot it 2 months bk so he told the service staff it was a gift thus no receipt. After much argument, they promised to give him a replacement within 3 days but after a week still no news. During this 1 week, he had to use the traditional method of using a pot with boiling water to sterilize the bottles. After a week, he went down aqain. After much argument again, they instead loaned him the digital sterilizer and he's been using it for the past week. They said will call him when stock arrives and in the meantime, continue using the digital one.

Sisters, i suggest those of you who already bot or are buying the sterilizer early, pls go home and test it straight away and make sure its working. Not wait till need to use then take out. Hopefully wat happened to my colleague was juz a very rare and random occurance.

Juz for sharing.
Hazel - thanks!

Catherine - TMC coz my doctor only delivers there.. So maybe that's why I was less excited than the other couples.. Hahaha
Ron - I heard the rooms at TMC is very nice after reno? haha any thoughts? :D Wah your girl really not shy! can do roll-call. My bb needs to learn a few tips from her and quit acting shy! I'm also considering ordering from Tan Leng Leng too...I know impt the freestyle Medela can't 'drop' as the motor is rather sensitive. So going ahead to buy in bulk? :D

ladies - yea please join us the next time round for gathering.
Hi Amelia, yup bird nest can b taken from wk 17 onwards.. Eehh.. I think its cux of protein. But I will drink it cux I love it!!
Amelia, the warranty is 2 yrs. Is common sense to keep receipt n warranty card of electrical appliances we buy. Too bad your colleague didn't. Not philip's fault.
Ron, congrats! A baby girl most likely!! I lovee baby girls!! Yes you and tzac should join us next time! Well at least today you got to see your baby! For me, still a little bit of MS. Today vomited 2x.. Oh well i guess i just have to be patient and wait until it wears off..

Going to bed now, good night sisters!
Good morning everyone. Had a lovely time meeting Ashley, Kimmy and Hopeful yesterday. Yes, dinner sounds like a great idea. Hopeful, it was nice of you to come by even for a short while. I hope you weren't late for your course. Anyway, I'm certain there will be plenty of other opportunities to meet again.
morning everyone, hope everyone is fine today. not too good for me today though as felt very nausea this morning. till now still dun feel good :-( nearly merlion in the office earlier...

ashley, hang in there..it should be over soon. i hope its too for me....

update on my scan yesterday. a very fast chop chop one by dr loh n he said will b a bb ....gal.. a bit disappointed for me initially but later told myself gender doesn't matter as long as bb is healthy. will wait for the detailed scan to confirm again..

anyone following dr loh to tmc? any idea what will be the charges like? heard from dr loh that the gynae i m going to switch to in kk may also b leaving. Sigh.....dunno who to look for if thats really the case.....
Hi tzac, glad to knw scan went well. Yea most impt is bb healthy. Ya whose the dr u considering switching to? Now am thinking wait I switch then he also leave then I will *faint* at having to go thru so many gynae....
dr hh han as he is the gynae that delivered my gal so i tot mayb go back to him. well...gotta wait for another 3 weeks before i see him n will check with him then. if he really leaving, dunno who to see liao...

hazel, will u be switching to another gynae in kk?

kimmy, yeah lor, will hv so many gynae if after swtich, the doc osso leaving...

Tzac, I saw dr tan 2 wks ago when dr loh was away. I asked him if he will cover dr loh after he leaves. He said he will. He nv say abt him leaving wor. Yes, if I stay in KKH will see dr tan. Hv not decided if will follow dr loh to TMC. Will see how the pregnancy goes next few wks.
