(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tzac, heard few will hv nausea until 5 th month. My sis had nausea and ws throwing up until 5th month, my mum ws sayg I might also hv the same.

Tzac, me! i'm definitely still riding on the MS train!! Week 15 now..

Hope, sure next time will do! Hope your nausea subside soon too! I heard if your mum or sis had nausea when they were pregnant, you are more likely to encounter the same.. my mum told me she was vomiting a lot too last time. Sigh.

Been taking sour plum to help nausea these days. And every morning, always dry biscuits first. And eat every 2-3hours. Cannot skip this ritual otherwise sure merlion. And still taking metochlopramide (try to reduce to 1x a day now)
Ashley - wed sounds good. Which part of SG do u live?

Tzac - yea, good to get assurance frm pte gynae :p

Hope283- I'm sure we will have many more chances to go out when u are better ya?!

Hehe I'm now craving for a cheeseburger so getting hubby to go buy. Heheheh
Ashley & Kimmy - I would love to join you both on Wed. I'm not working therefore anytime is all right with me. I'm living in the East (nearest MRT Eunos) but I'm ok going into the city centre.
Morning all, visited gynae n everything's fine. Bb is 9.5cm now n look like i hv put on 2kg 2 :) cant tell gender yet. A relief for me.

Where u all meeting on wed? If at suntec i can join as my office there. Let me knw ..

Ashley, i hope my ms end soon as its making me feel terrible
Hopeful- My next scan is 5 weeks from my last scan...decided not to keep scanning every 2 weeks anymore...dunno whether good for baby or not...instead i use a doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat now and then
Tzac- I am still vomitting once a day...I am at week 17.
Ladies let's meet on wed at suntec then. So far we have ashley, kimmy, tzac and msmiele. Yay! You guys can pm me your mobile number just in case. Tzac, which part of suntec is good for you? Shall we have lunch near the fountain of wealth? Let me know if you have other suggestion. I'm having my unagi rice now while waiting for my facial appointment. First time facial since preggy, hope won't be so painful as some girls have already warned!
Ashley, I hv been doing facial since day 1 am pregnant. No pain or discomfort at all. Our complexion changes thru out the pregnancy, a gd beautician will be able to tell n use the right products to suit us. I hv been with my beautician for 20 yrs already.. Since am a teenager
Ashley - I'm not able to send you a PM. You need to change your settings or you could send me a PM instead. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wed
Enjoy your well deserved facial.
Where d u buy your doppler ah? Am thinking to get one...

Ladies, sorry cant join u all lunch on wed coz having my Oscar scan.. Hope to meet up with u all one of these days.. Enjoy
Sisters, went for my 1st scan this morning. Saw a tiny sac n bb's heart beating strong. Today is at 7 weeks. So glad bb is ok n not affected by my flu. Nx scan will be on 9 Nov. Suppose to be able to see limbs.
Sisters, I have a somewhat awkward question. As of now, we still gotta lay off bd izzit? Till how many weeks or months huh? I'm asking for my poor dh.
Ashley - I've just sent you a PM.

Sunflower - yes will definitely meet up in the near future. Hope your Oscar scan will be a quick one. Mine took a long time. Baby wasn't try corporative and took 3 times before baby was in the correct position.

Wed is 2 nov? I hv doc appt on tat day so will not b able to make it for lunch. So sorry n paiseh u all fix at suntec. Another time?

Ashley, i m at suntec tower 2
Hey sisters, rem there once posting on e fetus length vs week of growth. Anyone keep a copy of tat chart? If so, can post again. Thks !

Kimmy, vann, tink we are ard e same week. So hw ur scan so far? Does ur bb always face upwards or downwards during scan? Mine very shy. Always face dwn when scan.
Yahoo! Ashley will pm u my contact when I'm home! Hello msmiele, yes do join us! The more the merrier!

Bbliss - ya we all ard same time. Hmm last scan did so long ago 5 wks ago. So far my bb face up but always sleeping! Alamak!!!

Oh I just wanted to log in to shout out frm the changing rm that I am in - taka event hall (b1) got bra sale! Cheap and comfy for expanding bust lines. Hehehehe. Happy weekend mommies!!!!
Hazel: Is it me that you are talking abt? Haha! :p Just happened to browse thru the thread and saw a so familiar story..

Amelia: All I can say is don't go. Its too dangerous no matter baby stable or not. Angela told me, nothing is confirmed till the baby is safe in your arms. She scolded me for not consulting her before gg too. I think if you asked her she will say no too. Perhaps, get a doc's letter saying that you are unfit for travel and ask your boss to send someone else. For the honeymoon, check with agency, see if can postpone, else ask your parents to go ba.. No choice de. Anyway, my gynae did tell me too. For preggers, any flight more than 6/7hrs is a no-no, cos of some blood thickening issues. I so regret at Macau when I was bleeding non stop, I cried and hold my tummy and ask my baby to be strong and hold on, I told her I can't lose her now and she gotta be strong. That trip, was an emotional and tiring trip. The macau gynae even told me to prepare to lose my baby and I don't get to enjoy at all, no walking, no shopping, just injections after injections and bed resting only. I'm so glad all is over and my girl is coming 1 soon.

Posted on Monday, October 03, 2011 - 5:38 pm by Sunnie_Gal

Tummy Vision- A week by week look at fetus development with clear pictures and explanations.

1st Trimester- Week 1 to 13
Wk1- http://www.ivillage.com/week-1-tummy-vision/6-b-124710
Wk 2- http://www.ivillage.com/week-2-tummy-vision/6-b-124807
Wk3- http://www.ivillage.com/week-3-tummy-vision/6-b-124814
Wk4- http://www.ivillage.com/week-4-tummy-vision/6-b-124821
Wk5- http://www.ivillage.com/week-5-tummy-vision/6-b-124848
Wk6- http://www.ivillage.com/week-6-tummy-vision/6-b-124943
Wk7- http://www.ivillage.com/week-7-tummy-vision/6-b-124993
Wk8- http://www.ivillage.com/week-8-tummy-vision/6-b-125001
Wk9- http://www.ivillage.com/week-9-tummy-vision/6-b-125007
Wk10- http://www.ivillage.com/week-10-tummy-vision/6-b-125010
Wk11- http://www.ivillage.com/week-11-tummy-vision/6-b-125019
Wk12- http://www.ivillage.com/week-12-tummy-vision/6-b-125032
Wk13- http://www.ivillage.com/week-13-tummy-vision/6-b-152217

2nd Trimester- Week 14 to 26
Wk 14- http://www.ivillage.com/week-14-tummy-vision/6-b-152291
Wk15- http://www.ivillage.com/week-15-tummy-vision/6-b-152856
Wk16- http://www.ivillage.com/week-16-tummy-vision/6-b-153937
Wk17- http://www.ivillage.com/week-17-tummy-vision/6-b-153940
Wk18- http://www.ivillage.com/week-18-tummy-vision/6-b-153974
Wk19- http://www.ivillage.com/week-19-tummy-vision/6-b-153981
Wk20- http://www.ivillage.com/week-20-tummy-vision/6-b-154043
Wk21- http://www.ivillage.com/week-21-tummy-vision/6-b-154063
Wk22- http://www.ivillage.com/week-22-tummy-vision/6-b-154067
Wk23- http://www.ivillage.com/week-23-tummy-vision/6-b-154072
Wk24- http://www.ivillage.com/week-24-tummy-vision/6-b-154077
Wk25- http://www.ivillage.com/week-25-tummy-vision/6-b-154079
Wk26- http://www.ivillage.com/week-26-tummy-vision/6-b-154083

3rd Trimester-Week 27-40
Wk 27- http://www.ivillage.com/week-27-tummy-vision/6-b-154087
Wk 28- http://www.ivillage.com/week-28-tummy-vision/6-b-154090
Wk 29- http://www.ivillage.com/week-29-tummy-vision/6-b-154092
Wk 30- http://www.ivillage.com/week-30-tummy-vision/6-b-154095
Wk 31- http://www.ivillage.com/week-31-pregnancy-0/6-b-154102
Wk 32- http://www.ivillage.com/week-32-tummy-vision/6-b-154104
Wk 33- http://www.ivillage.com/week-33-tummy-vision/6-b-154108
Wk 34- http://www.ivillage.com/week-34-tummy-vision/6-b-154110
Wk 35- http://www.ivillage.com/week-35-tummy-vision/6-b-154112
Wk 36- http://www.ivillage.com/week-36-tummy-vision/6-b-154114
Wk 37- http://www.ivillage.com/week-37-tummy-vision/6-b-154117
Wk 38- http://www.ivillage.com/week-38-tummy-vision/6-b-154119
Wk 39- http://www.ivillage.com/week-39-tummy-vision/6-b-154121
Wk 40- http://www.ivillage.com/week-40-tummy-vision/6-b-154123
Amelia - Wasn't it wonderful to hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time? Something so tiny could give out such strong beats.

As for your question, did you ask your doctor? When I saw my doctor at 4 wks, he told me to stay off BD for a while. I was spotting so we had to abstain. However, from what I've read and feedbacks from the ladies here, it is totally all right to BD. Have an enjoyable weekend ;)
Hi vann, u can start hearing d heartbeat with d Doppler aft 14 wks? M really keen in it!!

Hi Ashley, I m having training on Wed at Pan Pacific. If u gals r still meeting at Suntec, I can meet for ard 30 min during lunch time. Will pm u my hp no. Let me know Whr u gals r meeting.

Hi Amelia, me n DH ve decided not to BD till birth. 1st is cux gynae discourage. 2) Poor DH is so stress taking care of me that he also no mood.. Hahaha...
We stop baby dance too since I got pregnant. Baby dance increases the risk of infection such as UTI, also in 2nd tri, cervix is sensitive so may spot after sex if too rough. Dun wan to freak out n start wOndering why the spotting comes fr. Do hard then we get pregnant, hubby just has to be understanding. Wats more impt now is to hv a smooth n safe pregnancy n carry our bb in our arms. The rest can wait
Amelia - yep, Im with hopeful & hazel too as much as I do get the urges (even more than we were trying) to do so because of all that blood flow, sensitivity. but my frd told me she started spotting after doing so, and another spot for a few months (that's why she didn't realize she was preggers) so I will err on the side of caution. my DH also dun wanna mess things up... so yeah...
Kimmy, in first tri, when I get the urge n I started to fantasize, ie aroused, I will get abdominal cramps. I really feel scared meh. I told dr loh n guess what he said? He told me cramps n they made me scared then avoid!
Tickles, thank you for sharing your story with me. I spoke to Angela today and as you predicted, she discouraged me from travelling especially since its gg to be so long. I will see my boss to get a replacement.

Sisters, thank you for the sharing about BD. Honestly, i don't have the urge since i tested positive. I was more concerned about BD affecting bb thus no mood at all. Juz feeling sorry for poor DH. Men are men rite? How to tahan so long? Unless ask them to diy for the nx 9 mths??
msmiele, yes it was a defining moment for us when we saw the sac with a tiny lump at the bottom. Most wonderful and miraculous was in the middle of the lump, someting was pumping and pumping strong. Words cannot fully describe the feeling. I was like ITS ALIVE! Hahaha!
Ha. As expected.
It's better to stay in Sg where there're friends n family ard to help than in a foreign land, where it's so lonely. Luckily there is Internet so I was able to connect with friends in sg to get mental support when I was confined in the hotel room due to my bleeding problems when I was in HK.
Hi ladies,

I am currently abt 6/7 weeks but I keep having spotting on n off sometimes dark brown discharge sometimes liver red flow so far no cramp. I was in hospital for 3 days due to sudden gush of fresh red blood the week before. Now I so worried when I see more discharge. I already on medications n injection on Tues but like not improving . Anybody like this before? I with dr loh @ Kkh .
Am I worrying too much?

Hi dew, I had similar problem and dr gave a jab to control spotg. It took around one week plus to stop the spotg completely. Plz do strict bedrest for few days. Tk care.
hazel - wah you got abdominal cramps ah? okay that's scary...for me I fantasize until shiok then so tempted to ask DH but I rather contain my urges then risk spotting so I stop myself. Anyway that was also in 1st tri. haha now in 2nd tri I don't really feel it... :p hope it stays that way. DH seems to have a better sense of control then me leh. Or maybe he see me preggy not very turn on. hahahaha. I told him once, should I go swimming? Then he look at my tummy and said eer, better now lah. Wahhh!!!

Amelia - haha no choiceeee. dh have to diy. Or i mean can do la but probably wait till 3rd tri? But it will be so tiring on you! hehe I really don't know how.

Dew - please do bed rest. You're with Dr Loh so I'm very sure that you are in very good hands yah...

Sisters - alamak, Dh bad mood today loh! Got home so drunk last night (night out with all his pals), slept by the bowl then woke up at 6am today then can't sleep. Then went for tennis. Then when he ask me what time doc appt he said huh? Why so rushed (its at 11.30, and his tennis finish at 11) then after that need to rush pick up my grandmama go attend a relative's kid birthday party and then send grandmama home..Okay lah, I can see why its so troublesome but my dr appt was fixed like 6-7 weeks ago can! And that's the latest slot liao!!! alamak.
I shall keep calm and just look forward to seeing bb instead then. Men! ahah and I thought we women were the only ones that go through mood swings & temperaments. I told him no need to follow me to dr later, I can go on my own or my mother would be more than glad to follow..then he also say "dun want". See! He also wanna see boy or girl mah! Grrrrrrrrr.

Okay, feeling better after a little rant.
Dew - you last saw doc on Tues? If still worried, why dun go in to 24h clinic for a check if still bleedibg/spotting. Even if cannot see dr loh, if your case serious, I guess the group docs will at least refer/inform dr loh if he's in today. Also get some peace of mind for weekend.

Outing - I want to join gathering!! But can't make 2 nov, same like tzac got appmt to see bb
I work at clarke quay so suntec area no problem. Can I join next session?

Vann - is the angelsounds good? I bought the luvion one from motherworks, quite ok but I find the hb counter display like not accurate so I manually count.

Hopeful - can hear from week 12+
the doppler is keeping me sane btwn the wk 12 and next scan (wk16).

Kimmy - chill! Chill! At least he excited to be at scan. Have a good scan and tell us if the babygender test was accurate!!

Tickles - thx for sharing. Was thinking if I shld join dh to HK next week since quite near but you r right, if anything happens, I want to be back here w my family and doctors.

Amelia - glad you saw HB, v touching moment, ya!

Have great weekend ladies!
angelsounds is good...could find heartbeat from week 12 onwards..but i am still tempted to scan and see baby...it's been 3 weeks plus and wonder how much it has grown
Vann, how much is the angelsounds? Now i'm tempted too;) so anxious waiting in between scans! Maybe you can do side business lor, go around kkow gender already!! Agree guys are like that lah, sometimes more indecisive than us ;) don't get too tired today with so many appointments!

Dew, yes agree with ron maybe you can go 24hrs clinic to have a peace of mind..

Ron, sure next time join us! Yes you'd better tahan temptation to travel, rather than go half-heartedly!

Am going to my close friend's baby full month celebration.. I know some girls pantang to do this, but maybe i just won't touch the baby and eat the cake lor since already promised to come..

Enjoy your weekend sisters!
Thx for the feedback it seem now only brown or dry blood, will continue to bed rest. I been to 24 hr clinic like 3 times since confirmed a bit paiseh . Feeling not so good today morning sickness seem to be coming again. I guess ivf mothers are always the can chong type at least for me we waited for so many yrs.
Hope all goes well.
Haiyo my message to vann and kimmy was mixed together!

Ok let me write again..

Vann, how much is the angelsounds? Now i'm tempted too
so anxious waiting in between scans! Maybe you can do side business lor, go around to kan cheong mums and charge them to use your angelsounds, haha..

Kimmy, enjoy your scan! So exciting, can know gender already!! Agree guys are like that lah, sometimes more indecisive than us;) don't get too tired today with so many appointments! I'm gonna check the bra sale at taka, thanks for info! Actually more of looking for new undies lah, i'm getting fat and feel some undies very tight!
Im keen in the angesounds too! Which website dd u buy from ah? At least if we have one ourselves, can keep us "sane" before our nxt visit to our gynae haha.. :p
I bought it at www.babyinspiration.com. I bought the one with the speaker as it is quite easy to distinguish the hearbeat, it is much faster than your own heartbeat...u can buy the one with the lcd monitor if you think you would have difficulties distinguishing the heartbeat....
Even after hearing the heartbeat i still wanna go for a scan in between to see how much the baby has grown...paranoid i guess.
Hi gals
When i see all the familar names here.. Am so touch to see u gals hv graduate.. How i wish i can be here soon too...
Hugz to bnb and very sad to know tt.. Do take care n do a mini confinement ya.. May i check with u for medical fet, will we still ovaluate? Still can do bd to increase chance or no use? Take care gals and hope all of us can hv a smooth 9mths pregnancy ahead n carry our bundle of joy soon by next year..
Silsilly, u start preparing bb stuff? Isentan Parkway Parasde having quite good discounts for japan brands bb stuff, i just gotten pigeon clothes from about $4 plus to $6 plus, n pigeon bb wipes, diaper liners, breastpads for quite good discounts of near to $6 for some items. Not sure whether other isentan have the offer, but good buy.
btw im gaining about 1 kg per week, faint
hi ritzc,
been buying some stuff here and there but not alot la.. still waiting for end of nov and december to buy more things.. btw, my SIL just gave birth to a baby girl just now.. i am now an auntie! anyways, i will look into the needs of my SIL after her birth and also the things that are necessary for her newborn.. from there, i can see how many bottles i need and what nots.. hopefully i wont be over or under prepared..

but tks for the tip! yup, i heard robinsons got sale.. will see see look look when hubby not working..
Hallo ron & ashley!
hehe in the end dh was okay lah. After some food and his tennis game his mood so chirpy. hahah left his game early to come get me to go see gynae.

alamak. this bb of mine is either cheeky or shy (dh says stubborn becuz I 'talked' to bb today to cooperate) and still didn't. Legs were bent and crossed. Then gynae waited and scan again and this time legs were crossed the other way. Win liao! Looks like got to wait till my 16 nov detailed scan. Mwahahahahaha. gynae still joked maybe bb want me to wait till xmas sale then slowly get clothes for camp pink or blue!
Anyone craving for cold, fizzy drinks these days? I've been staying off them till 2 nights ago when we ordered cheeseburger meal from Macs and I took few sips from DH's coke light. Wahhh it was sooo shiok I couldn't help it. Maybe its the weather. But I really want a cold fizzy drink like now.
Kimmy, I had craving for fuzzy drink a couple of weeks ago but I realize after a while my tummy hurts. Like churning badly.... Guess princess dun like. Now I can only sip. Hubby drink 98% I drink the 2%. I dun know what's wrong with me even Milo or mamil I will have stomach churning too

I guess my hubby is happy that I have no craving. Will not call him to bring me out to eat haha... I juz need to go with my 3 meals per day then I m fine. Only on weekends i have afternoon tea.

Has anyone had the chance to go to the Philip warehouse sale? I m gg tomorrow b4 my parentcraft class. Hope no rain.

Ha, kimmy. Mine oso shy when trying to chk his or her gender. Hw's big ur bb nw?

For sisters who plan to buy maternity clothes, modern maternity at harbourfront having 30-40% sale nw. Design of clothes belong to tendy types. Can oso wear aft giving birth. No harm checking up
