(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Heartbeats, congratulatons on the arrival of your prince n princess. I m so happy for you. Both of them are 1.9kg? Dont worry,as they will put on weight soon and can go home with you soon.

From what i know, during confinement better not to touch unboiled water and avoid drinking water. You can drink LRD tea, milo, milk thru out the confinement. As for the rest of your queries, need the other expert mummies to advise you.

Yes, next will be Coolcool, Angel n my turn.excited!!!

Heartbeats!!! Congrat!
What a happy news from you
Congrats, heartbeats. Do not worry about your babies wt. I am sure they will grow healthy. Congrats!

Cockcock, jiayou, u have done well so far. It's never easy to take care of baby. Some more you have 2! Ask your family or friends for support. Things will work out some how. Stay positive and smile.
It's such a wonderful news in the morning to hear that you've popped!
Praise the Lord for bringing your babies safely to this world.
In His timing He makes all things beautiful!
Enjoy parenthood and jiayou!! \(",)//
heartbeat. ...gratz...how many wks are u actually? what cause the emergency c sec? 1.9kg almost hit the 2kg mark so dun worry abt baby weight.

rest well and jiayou...
Congrats heartbeat, dnt worry abt bb wgt. With u bf the bb I am sure ur both bb will gain wgt very fast. Just stay relax & take care of urself. Jia you!
Heartbeats... congrats! Your bb weights are not bad especially you have twins. Same as my bb's weight now. The most important thing is they were safely and healthily delivered. Take care.
Heartbeats, congratulations! When did you pop? Don't be upset about your babies' weight. You have done very well already! Most importantly, they are safely delivered, healthy and feeding well. As for the rest of the baby essentials, can always ask your family and friends to help you buy or give as presents :p

Yup, Coolcool, Bbjourney and my turn soon! I was listing out all the outstanding things to do/prepare, going through with my hubby and assigning tasks to him. Today my baby cot is arriving..so excited! Actually, just a few mins ago, I felt my tummy suddenly got very very hard and have some stomachache (but no output), now okay already. Hoping that my baby stays inside until he's all mature enough to be born and my desired D day.
Angel, my bb cot was just delivered this morning too! hehe. Which one you bought? I bought Rocio 4 in 1 and seems like it's quite big in my room.
Coolcool, wah our preparation schedule very close yah..hehe.. my baby cot just arrived and I am waiting downstairs at the lobby while it's being assembled right now. I bought the Vanille cot from Spring during the motherhood fair. Can't wait to see how it looks in the baby room!
Heartbeats : congratulations!! Don't be too stressed about baby weight- like what dr Loh tell me - can feed fat fat when come out. No worries they grow v fast outside.

I'm from Tmc and the lactation nurse do come by and teach me how to bf and will show me the way by massaging my breasts. Yes its painful! My advice is to be diligent in waking up to massage, pump and latch when at home too. Massage pump and latch! i remembered the 4-5 day was so scary that my boobs become hard rock right up to armpit and collar bone. No choice - i bite the bullet and massaged massaged massaged until they are soft. When hard, massage massage again then try to pump out/ latch. The quantity will be very small like 5ml/ 10ml only... Slowly will increase. I took 1 mth so to reach 150- 200ml combined. After the initial weeks, you will find bf/ expressing bm a breeze
By second month or so, I feel that the supply would have established and I don't feel so tiring anymore. No need to keep pumping every 2-3 hours. First month, I set an alarm clock to wake up every 3 hour to pump... Especially for Cesrean it's so painful just to wake up that I almost cried when crawling up from the bed. But it gets better with time and recovery. Now I pump as n when I feel heavy.

BTW do u have Yao Lan? It really helped me and I wished I had gotten it earlier. It was chaos initially as my gal needs to be rocked and carried before sleep and sometimes while sleeping. Now it's become much easier to look after her. She hardly cries now except when hungry for milk. Much easier and she sleeps longer.

Jia you!
Thanks sisters for your well wishes and advices!!

I was 35 weeks. Becos i have previa, when bb need to come out has to be csection only, hence the emergency csect.

Yea, Cool, PTL!! Everything wonderfully made and planned in his time!

Babysmurf, no need gate crash, you belong here already, congrats to you too!

Oh Tanny, thanks for your sharing! Its god sent especially when i also exactly same scenario as you - csect! How long was your cut? Mine very long leh, but they say no choice cos 2 placentas lying side by side. Yes, its such a pain now to get up and pump but like you say, if dont pump later engorge even worse pain to let the LCs help massage. Can cry tears when they do that lor, hb see already also shock! No yaolan leh, actually still in a mess at home, gotta try to get the balance stuffs soon already, was told bb may come home next week but secretly i wish can be later cos i dont have confidence! Infants already so difficult for 1st timer like me, whatmore premmies! Cham liao~
heartbeat...wk35 is considered ok for twins although my aim is wk36...my placenta also side by side...omg, mean the cut will be long too...can imagine the pain...
Congrats heartbeats!! It's good that u lasted till 35 weeks...so long as the bbs r healthy..dun be sad...but I can understand u perfectly when it's so sudden...I m also counting down by weeks now...hopefully my bbs work like a systematic Q system here..coolcool..angelxuan..bbjourney..then me...
But pre mature labour seems so real now and everything seems unsettled..
My placentas are side by side..in 6-9 position now...sigh...
Nevertheless happy for u!!!
Hi, for those who bought Medela, so far ok? I haven decide between medela and ameda. Is the tubing hard to wash n dry? I do not have a dishwasher. Thanks.
I want my bb to stay a lil longer to cross to 2013 Leh. But nevertheless, it's God's timing lah. Mc, how's ur maid hunting?
Congrate Heartbeat.. OMG.. Its like so fast... MC u r after mi?? I tot u will pop first?? Lol.. Mi now only 28+ weeks.. Heartbeat week 35 is consider good.. My doc said week 32 can consider alrdy for twins.. kaoz.. Like so fast... M so nervous.. I havent even get e tinks ready.. Gan chiong now..
Usagi, i haven't used Ameda or Medela b4, but from what I've read, you don't need to wash the tubes for Ameda since the milk doesn't flow into the tubes. But think need to wash the tubes for Medela. Sisters, pls correct me if I'm wrong.
Usagi, I was told that for Medela, cannot sterilize and cannot wash the tubings at all. Nothing is supposed to go into the tubings except air.
Angel, but i hear that because Medela is not a closed system, some milk might back into the tubings. Ameda and Avent have closed systems.
Medela tubings cannot be washed!! The droplets will flow back to the motor n spoil it Coz no way to dry the droplets inside completely. No, milk will not flow back into the tubings if u use the pump correctly
All these will get contact with milk. Do u wash n sterilise milk bottle after it gets contact with milk n after feed? If so same logic applies. I wash n sterilise all every pump
blurxuan...u bfp before me lah...i only coming 27wk this fri..

juvi...i went hougang green to maid hunt last wk..not many satisfied bio data. so far, one of the agency looks ok to me.
i am still thinking if i wanna continue hunting or jus settled with the existing bio data... this mth is exam mth so busy too... sian sia..how abt yr maid hunt?

i am telling my bbs to target xmas cos my fren say hospital give more freebies during these special days...haha..but i think almost impossible la..i will be wk 38 by then...
For sterilizing the pump parts (not tubings), I was told to do so at the start before 1st use. After each pump, wash with warm soapy water, rinse well, then pour hot boiling water over them. Should avoid over sterilizing else the shape of the parts won't last long.

Hi all, got a question: my hubby's colleagues told him that for c-sec done on a Sunday, the cost is more expensive compared to weekdays as less medical staffs are available. Checking if any of you know whether this is true at TMC? Thanks..
Congrats heartbeats...

Juvi, I also hope my bb will pop in 2013 but Dr Tan say will be in Dec... he mention if want her to be come in 2013 then have to keep talking to her.
MC.. I always tot u r before.. haha.. opps.. STM.. I oso wan Xmas bbies.. Like got Feeling.. Happy mood.. Luv Xmas.. But its IMPOSSIBLE... Sad... U all can try bukit timah shopping centre.. many maid agency there...
Bbjourney, big congratulations again!!! Feel so happy for you!
We will catch up again, rest as much as you can while still possible.

Now, I feel super gan cheong already..better step up my preparations and have my hospital bag ready.
Thanks for e well wishes. Here are my birth story. I had backaches ard 11pm last night. I tot is was my usual discomfort n proceed to sleep. Woke up at ard 1am+ n still hv e backaches + stomach cramp + hard tummy. Baby is stil actively moving ard. So i got out of bed to hv a drink, walk abit n watch some tv progs. The pains n hard tummy still persist ubtil 4am. So i decided to lie down n see if e discomforts will go away. No matter how i toss n turn, e pains do not go away. So i woke my hubby up n told him we need to make a trip down to TMC.

we went to labour ward to do CTG to check for any contraction n it shows i m having regular small contractions at 3 mins intervals. So they called Dr Loh n the only option he gave me was to e-csect today bcos if i m to wait long n if e big contractions set in, my cervic might tear due to e cervlage i had earlier. So we decided to go ahead n everything is like whirwind n happened so fast. I was wheeled into e OT, had my epi, csect n baby in my arms.
It is e most wonderful moment n the sweetest sound when i heard my precious baby cry. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I carried my baby for abt 10mins n gave him a kiss when the nurse n hubby bring him out for further checkups.

As my son is consider a premature baby (born on 36wks5days) he breathing is abit irregular.
. So he is now in NICU for further observations. Hope that my baby's breathing can improve soon n i can see n carry him v soon.
Bbjourney, ur son's almost 37 weeks so he shld b able to be out of NICU soon hopefully. You take care of urself n rest well so that u'd be ready for baby's return home. Enjoy motherhood!! So happy for u...

When i first saw the bb photo in FB, i m asking myself whose baby is there? As i don't remember anyone of us is popping that soon! HUH! Bbjourney's baby? Haha... Was super surprised n super happy.
Big congrats again, bbjourney
