(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi tromso, my bb wear S size pamper also gt rubber band mark on her tight.. But the S size fit her. I like pamper gt indication. Other diapers dnt hv.

Faithfully, what indication is that? Previously my bb used Drypers M size before, now she is using Pampers M size. I'm thinking to switch back to Drypers, I like the Drypers Velcro part, not so sharp. But I want to see what indication is that first on Pampers.
Faithfully, I like the Pampers indicator too

oic...Pampers for heather, no rubber band marks, just finished NB size.

Baby Me, there is a yellow line that runs along the Pamper diaper, fr back to front. When diaper is wet, the yellow line will change to blue color. The wetter it is, the more the line will change to blue, all the way to the front.

Yah, Drypers S is getting kinda snug fit for my girl now, still hv 2 packs to use up.
How's Vera's cold Faithfully?

Heather has phlegm now too
Have to suck the mucus out daily, very poor thing, will cry hard when putting in the nose drops and sucking mucus out...but luckily can drink and sleep well still. The cold bugs appears to be very strong now, heather is on full bm but still didn't escape fr it. My entire family down with cold n cough, fever....even my niece
Hi mummies, I'm into my 3rd tri now, 28 weeks...all is well except I'm plagued with PUPPP.
well the good thing is tt it's still considered a mild case...... The itch sometimes is really unbearable plus e heat n all..... Just pray tt it will get better over time
hihi...i will be chionging expo tml to grab diapers. ..will keep everyone posted...hopefully Pampers hv gd deals like the motherhood fair. .
Hi tromso, she recovering slowly. Still gt cough with phlegm her flu is better. Nw I am dw with common cold just went to see doc. I so stress over her cold. My mum & sis also dw with cold. Then I alone handle Vera cos mum is coughing and I dnt wa her to come my Hse in case spread. I hv to wear mask when I carry Vera. Hope she get well soon cos I am going bk to wk in 3 wks...so fast...

Every nw & then when she sneeze I will go suck her mucus out. She also will cry when suck. But apparently she like the saline spray. When I spray into her nose she smile.

I also realized she change in her feeding & poo after her 6in1 jab. She dnt finish her milk and play with it. I get frustrated feeding her.
Mummies who have went thru c-section, may i know does the hospital provide the tummy binder or do we have to buy our own?
Hi Faithfully,

My baby the same.. After the rotavirus and 6in1 jab.. Her stool became very watery.. and she always cannot finish her milk.. It has being 1 week plus already.. Really need to be patient with her..

Any ladies going back to work soon? I taking 3 months only. Going back on the 15 Oct..
Faithfully, Vera is so cute, smiles with the saline drop
Heather just doesn't enjoy any of it. Quite poor thing, I was saying to my mum, first, hv to force saline down the nose, next, hv to suck the mucus out...in and out lidat
She absolutely cries through the roof when I drip the medicated nose drop in, final step, cos its cold fr the fridge.

But she's still very playful daytime and alert. We don't sleep in air con now otherwise will worsen her phlegm condition...very tough without air con

Supposed to take 6-in-1 tomorrow, hv to postpone now. Didn't know the jab will cause feeding change, ok I'll take note, thanks mummies.
mc, you are due soon-ish right? Do be extra careful
at the baby fair ok

I was told the unbelivable Pampers deal is once a year, I bought NB, S then. What else are you aiming? Purchases almost settled?
Juvi what's PUPPP? I had itchiness after birth, I think due to the heat plus hormonal changes. If your dr's cream is gd, can request for more in case needing it later too.
Hi baby penguin, I'm going back to work next wed..I'm taking 3mths too. I took 2 weeks ML b4 delivery to rest.

Tromso & faithfully, initially my son will cry the house down when I spray the saline solution into his nose. After a few times, he got used to it already.

Did any ladies have problem storing their ebm?? My freezer is full already... How?
Hi Girls,

am here after a long time. Been to my home town for delivery and came back here last month. I delivered baby girl and now she is already 5 months. Any suggestions for good pediatricians here?
hi all, stressed old cock cock is here to seek advice... (sorry i didnt have time to reply to the concerns shown by many sisters to my last posting).. pls forgive me...

my boy kept making strange noises at night when he room in with us.. it sounded like he is having difficulties breathing due to blocked nose.. daytime he seems ok.. the cond seems to worsen at night and when in aircon room.. i didnt see any mucus but was quite sure he has blocked nose.. wanted to try using the pigeon thing to suck out but scare will hurt him.. will be bringing him to see PD tonight when hubby is back.. read abt some of your cases.. so is this q common? can the spray u all mentioned be bought from outside at any pharmacy?

sigh... i am faced with daunting task of taking care of 2 bbies.. hardly have any lull period. my c-sect wound got complication i need to go kkh every alternate day to change dressing.. will take a long time for wound to heal.. my upper back hurting so badly... my bm is so pathetic i honestly think no pt stressing and pumping liao coz i need to accumulate a few yields just to feed both bbies.. (and that is only one feed each).. and many times when halfway through pumping, one or both bbies will cry.. it was so frus and actually, non-productive.. when i read of mummies with insufficient space to store ebm, i feel so envious, and at the same time, feel so lousy.. i hv no helper at home and CL leaving this sat.. think i will go mad! looking for maid but that takes time.. poor planning on our side.. if i hv enuff BM i will be at cloud 9 at least.. i love latching and calming the bbies down.. the gal is very "xiao jie" and want to be pampered.. she has grown q chubby.. the boy has also put on some wt but he is v violent and turn and shake his head v abruptly and violently i am really scare he hurt himslf...

this is my precious quiet time of a few mins.. gal waking up soon for her feed.. she urinated on me when i tried bathing her today.. luckily didnt wet my wound area (it is a 2cm open wound.. i cant shower now coz afraid water gets in and kena infection.. i already spent so much time n efforts on the wound).. wanted to learn bathing her earlier but CL advised against coz of my wound.. i cant bend too low too...

the task on hand looks unmanagable.. i feel so depressed at times.. i feel v trapped too.. now want to cry again... i have lost patience and scolded my twins and even slapped the gal on her backside (not v hard lah) when she refused to sleep and want to be carried and rocked throughout.. i have to remind myself how much i wanted them initially, and how fortunate i am to have them when there are many others trying so hard... the thot of their high chances of DS in the initial period still haunting me.. suddenly, by thinking of that, i am actually v grateful of them again... they are my darlings.. i need strong mental and physical strength!
Cockcock, its not easy taking care of one baby not to mention twins.twice the stress. I think you are doing great. if you can get a maid before your CL leaves will be better. Or can yourparents help you after your CL leave while you source for a maid? At least the maid can help to take care of the household chores.
Hi cock cock, dun worry abt the blocked nose. My son hve blocked nose since week 3. PD will prescribe baby nasal spray for it, actually the spray can be bought from gp clinic too.

As for bm, everyone is different. If I hve twins, my bm will be insufficient too. Taking care of 1 bb already quite stressed especially during the 1st mth. As long as ur bbies r growing well, then it's good enough.After 8 weeks,bb feed interval will be longer.
Getting a maid would a good idea.. At least someone to help u in the household chores. For me, my in law taking care of my bb.. Sounds good but some things I can't directly correct her.. U noe lah.. Older generation thinking can be really irritating
Hi cock cock, I totally understand how u feel. Ab ur bb making noise at nite in aircon rm, maybe u try nt to on aircon cos aircon is dry. I kw it hard with the weather nw like this. Bring bb to see PD so u can be at ease. My bb is dw with cold & she cough. Just 2mth+ only hv to get sick & on medication. I feel so helpless & useless. I blame myself I didn't take care of her well. I cry & breakdown. But after each cry I tell myself it life, it hormones, I hv to make myself to stay strong if nt who take care of bb, she need me. I so desperate that I use my mouth to help her suck the mucus out. Then I fall sick. I hv to wear mask when I carry her. I see her cough I cny help to think will it affect her lung. I went to see 2 doc but they say her lung is clear. Then I also worry that she can breathe well dnd kena choke to death. Every nite I will wait up just to see her she breathing.

I stop my bf cos she gt jaundice during her 1st mth I so worry & tired during tha time. I stop for the time bring to bf her until her jaundice went dw. But becos in the 1st place my supply nt alot. So when I stop afew wks my bm more low, in the end I give up to bf cos I am so stress & tired. Nw tha she sick, I blame myself bt giving her bf if nt she wnt fall sick Liao.

U can cry as much as u wa but u must tell urself to stay strong. Both bb need u. Ask for family help if u can't handle. There was a time she cry none stop no matter he I pay her to sleep. I will slap her in her tigh & shout at her, then she got shock and cry even louder. I cry together with her. I feel do guilty to make her shock & faster carry her up and try my best to control myself. I dnt wa to breakdown & do stupid thing. I tell myself she dnt cm easy (2 ivf to get her) and a lot of money spend so I must nt take her for advantage. That life. I choose to hv bb I must accept wa happen in future.
Hi cock cock, first calm down, try to be peaceful (i know its not going to be easy) but try it.

when my baby had breathg difficulty, dr advised me to fold a turkey towel into four folds and put it under baby's head until her shoulder. It should be around 1 inch thickness. And it worked. You might want to try it? And see that your baby is not directly under the aircon. adjust the temperature so that its not too cold. And if you are b.feedg her, try to avoid things which will increase her cold.
Juvi, I had slight puppp too. Did yr gynae refer u to skin doc? Mine did and control the outbreak.

Cock cock, relax, I know how u feel. Take care of yr wound first
cock cock, it's normal to feel stressed and emotional during the initial period, esp when u're tired, hormones are raging and u're still recovering from ur c-sect wound. The fact that you can recognise that u sometimes react in a manner that u do not wish to shows that u're still in control and u have the ability to tide thru this difficult stage.

Dun blame urself over the BM supply. I also didn't have enuf for my 1 singleton baby previously. And you have 2 mouths to feed! If pumping is too stressful, just latch them on. At least u won't have to worry abt washing and sterilising then. Saves u time and effort. If really have to, supplement with FM for the time being if that wld ease your stress n worry.

It'd be good if u can have some extra help after your CL leaves. Wld u be getting a maid? If not, perhaps engage a part-time helper at least so that u don't have to worry abt housework, and order tingkat so that ur lunch n dinner are taken care of. Whatever helps to ease the load!!

Jiayou!!! Remember that you are a terrific mum who went thru so much to have ur darlings. You'll get thru this rough patch!!
Miracles, I think Tanny was sourcing for a small fridge a while back, to store the bm. Perhaps that's a gd idea?

Tanny, have you found?

I have to keep my ebm in both my home freezer and parents'. Starting to build up again cos bb not drinking a lot now due to her cold...and dunno why my supply increased too, so have to freeze 1 day a pack, feeling bit stressed again....
Cock Cock....we are here for you, just come to the forum if you feel you need someone to talk to...

Share with you what the PD says about air con and phlegm. As the humidity level is only 30% in air con room, the mucus in bb's nose and throat gets 'dried up' and hence becomes thicker. That explains the loud breathing phlegm noise. Then when bb is taken outta the a/c room, the mucus will get moist again, hence can hear lotsa phlegm when they cough.

I've done a little 'experiment' last night. We slept with no a/c until 3am, bb breathing was ok, normal. Then I decided to turn on the a/c so I can express bm without the sweat. During the whole time, bb was making the loud breathing sound
I turned off the a/c after my pump and her breathing went back to normal. Then, I said to myself, no a/c until she recovers. Actually hv mossies in the house, agony...

I went to KK Children's Emergency cos it was a Sunday then. They sucked her mucus out. I'm not sure if PD/ GP will do that. We were also given priority, no need to queue, and the dr was surprisingly very good and detailed

Lastly, re spraying saline/ salt water and sucking mucus. The saline goes in first, this will moist the mucus, wait 1 min, then suck using mouth (I heard the hand pump is not strong enough), then add medicated nose drop. But pls pls consult a dr before you administer anything since yours still not 1 month yet. Above is FYI in case your dr/ recep forgotten to explain the steps to you.

Also, you can let your bb sleep with head a bit higher, will help with the breathing, mucus also can flow down not block the nose. Can't see mucus in my bb's nose too but will see quite some sticky ones after suction. I let my bb sleep in the stroller at 30 degrees angle when she starts coughing, a bit like chocking cough, will usually help instantly. Then after a while, will put her back to sleep on flat surface.
Cock cock, I was just thinking, you can also check if your air con filter is clean enough, excess mucus can oso be triggered by allergens. Can also bring up the humidity of the a/c room by using an air humidifier. For me, air humidifier didn't help, even though it was placed within half meter to my bb, but worth a try definitely.

For bm...I was told by a friend, after bf/ expressing, to drink 3 times water vs bm. My supply went down quite drastically after confinement, so I took fenugreek, only 2 a day and supply restored and increased. Something you'll like to consider too, amongst other methods we hv shared in the forum like hot drinks b4 bf, etc.

In fact, many mummies, if not most will supplement with fm, so don't be too self reproaching about it. Its true that stress will reduce the bm supply, has happened to me few times, so try to take it easy ok

Things can only get better, look at our strong twins mummy Joanne, she's made it through and came out even tougher
You Jia you too!!
Tromso, dr ong did suck my gal mucus out. I did not see him doing cos it was my hubby that brought her there. I heard it was a simple job but my gal kick out a big fuss. U r right in letting yr bb sleep on tilted mattress. Dr ong always advised us to do so. Now my gal sleep on my pillow.

My gp advise if the air is bad ie haze too thick, it's gd that bb sleep in aircon. If air is ok sleep in. Non aircon. We tried on my gal it works well.

Cock cock , cheer up. It will b over soon and next u know... Crawl and climb all over like my gal
Puppp, is short for Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. It's skin rashes n usually happen fr 3rd trimester onwards. My doc said its consider a mild case so just give me a steroid cream to apply n anti-histamine to take when needed. He did not refer me to a skin doc Leh. I'm seeing my tcm physician tomorrow for meds cos I didn't want to depend on e steroid cream n anti-histamine meds all e time. I also applying aloe Vera cream on e affected area during the day n shower more frequently just to keep cool...... Just hope the condition will improve soon...
faithfully...will keep u posted on Pampers price. .i am aiming Pampers too...haha

tromso...me only wk 26 nia..still a long way but i really looks like gg to due soon...will walk slowly

cock cock...relax and stay cool 船到桥头自然直...u can start look for a maid now..some maids can come in almost immediately.
mc, if you chance upon Dryers, possible to help note the price too? TIA!! week 26, so you are nxt batch to delivery after bbjourney, angel, etc

Hazel, possible to check with you what vapor rubs you use for Belle? I read that for baby above 3 mths usage, cannot contain camphor and menthol, so wondering which brand is suitable. Thanks

Juvi, gosh....itch must be quite unbearable with the heat these days, doesn't seem to get cooler don't know why. Hang in there ok, gd thing your edd is year end coolest months, there's def a bright light at the end of the tunnel
Tromso, baby balsam. Suitable for bb fr 3 mths. Guardian carries. It's not hot at all. Now she is bigger, I continue with Ruyi oil. I rub on my palm n place it on her back!
Thanks Hazel, noted
Also just wondering you previously mentioned Medela FS couldn't empty your breasts, hence still have to manually express after pump, right?

I'm having the same problem now, will pump 15 mins but after that, still need to hand express another 10 mins before breast is emptied of bm (can get another 50ml thereabouts). I've tried using higher level suction, not possible cos nipples felt painful. Is it b'cos I need to change the spare parts?

The tubes are dry, no water in them....
Tromso, FS is not as powerful as PIS. Change parts also like this. Hand express loh.. But v time consuming.. I know..
Hazel, did you up the pump level to max previously and still can't empty breast? Sigh...very tiring hand expressing like that, I just hand express about 100 ml, breasts now very sore...

Think I'll change parts and try trouble shoot fr there.

PIS is more powerful, does that mean will pull nipples harder and cause more pain? I'm using L4 on FS now and already that's my max tolerance....
It does not matter which level of power u use. Is the suction that is not powerful. My gfs use FS & PIA. FS put in office. They nv complain PIA is painful. PIA has many parts to assemble n disassemble n sterilise. Not like FS hor. Yes, I get more fr hand express... I know is v tiring n make breast sore... See if u can get a 2nd hand PIS. Just change out the used spare parts. Is a know fact. Remember I shared with u much much earlier n advice u not to get FS... Well.. U r just like me.. My gfs told me.. But I didn't take them seriously.

Dun waste any more money on FS, the weaker suction cannot change one.
Hi tromso
Hee.. I can feel u mention my name so pop in here again.. Me not so strong nah..;) just keep jiayou lo.. Always tell myself they dun come easy and is a gift fr heaven..;)

U go guardian buy the baby balsam.. Is pink on the cover.. Very nice smell n can feel it is not so hot and more gentle smell..

I need do hand express after pump too though using pisa.. Always spend another 10min too to empty breast but u can produce another 100ml by using hand express really wah.. But agree pisa stronger as i only turn abit of power n very strong ler.. Seldom turn too much else nipple sure sore.. Power strong but it doesnt empty my breast too..;(

Hi cock
Dun be too stress.. Things will sure get better k..i oso very stress initially n after use yao lan.. Things get better n my maid dun touch bbies at all so only me n my mum take care both.. My new maid coming in another few wks so pray hard she is gd with bbies before i go back to work..u mean only u alone with 2 bbies? After few mths, bbies will be more settle n they hv a biologic clock in them too.. Both of mine sleep at 7pm n is my rest time these few hrs so i can accompany my elder one..my boy still need feeding every 3 hr so still xiong for me but am sure things will get better as time goes.. So u just hang on.. As for bf.. I almost want give up first 2 mths too as is too tiring and shag to pump and still need take care bbies.. My supply almost stop actually.. Then now bbies at 3rd mth plus is more stabalise n my gal can sleep by just give her the auto swing so my mum only need help me care for my boy n i can pump 3 hrly.. I try to continue pump though need alot of motivation.. But happy tt now my bbies can hv a bottle to drink alternate day.. So am still trying n hope supply can increase more so tt they can hv a bottle daily at least.. When my gal got flu, doc ong say no medicine except bm.. So i hv to work hard n wakeup midnight to pump again.. My daily sleep only 4 hr at least.. Even if dun hv bm oso ok de.. Most impt is u must be a happy mum then can hv happy kids.. The spray for nose is just to help bbies take out mucus easier.. Is not a medicine ya.. No medicine for them at this stage..

Hi mc
The crowd was scary today.. I abit regret go as nit much offer and i spend 2 hr just to queue up buy pampers..at one plus already out of stock for most sizes but lucky manage to get 2 pkt of L size and drypers too.. So if want pamper better go in the morning.. As i bought my boy there so my hand aching fr all the carrying to make him sleep while my hb queue.. Xiong ah.. N we dun hv time to walk around see too due to the scary crowd..
Hi cock cock.. It's tough even looking aft 1 bb n it is surely tougher looking aft 2.. Changing hormones will make u cry easier.. Just let it out. Dun hold back.. If ur finance can allow it, why dun u check wif ur CL if she can help out for another mth pending ur maid? At least it will release some stress on urself. Remember.. U need to take care of urself b4 u can take care of ur babies... Jia you! U can do it!!

N my girl also has blocked nose when she is in air con room. The osim humidifier works v well for her. Can give it a shot since its not too ex.

Hi Tromso, yes.. Try changing the connector. It was much better for me. Level 4?!?!? Hahahah... I ve been using level 9 the moment I started pumping...

Some of the mummies I know uses Avent manual pump to clear boobs ( cux they ve too much supply) or they ve switched to Ameda..
Hello all, just to update, i popped already. Very shocking right? Ya shocking to us also, it was like "WO DE TIAN AH!". Its emergency csection and too early so i had it done at KKH plus Dr Loh also not around this week. Bb weight around 1.9 plus kg, very small so i am very sad, feel very lousy and very sorry, everyday crying everytime i go nursery. Now in special care nursery, must feed well and gain more weight then can discharge.

I am doing fine myself but very unprepared since this is so sudden. All the things WBB taught thrown out of the window. Have to retrace my steps now, things at home also not prepared, alot of bb necessities also not bought. Headache~

Now my greatest project is ebm. The lactation nurses at KKH came to massage my breasts on day 2 and its very very painful! Mummies delivered at TMC, do they massage your breasts? Also painful? Is it supposed to be like that?

I am pumping every 3 hourly now, can get about 40-50 ml each time, is this the norm for a start? But must pump diligently else engorgement then the nurses will come again, i see them equal see pain, very stressed~ so i am trying all costs not to get engorgement! Mummies delivered at TMC, if you have engorgement, just call the LC, they also do massages for you? Painful?

Also for confinement, really cannot touch tap water? I have no choice leh, in KKH, cant find boiled water, go toilet etc all have to wash with tap water. Also, cannot drink cool water but only red dates drink?

Sorry i many qns cos so thrown off guard! If any sisters can help me, thanks very much in advance! I try to come back soon, these days very hectic, rushing in between pumping, resting and nursery, sigh~ confinement also have to run about liao, hope my old bones can tahan!

Hihi babyjourney, angel! Sorry i couldnt reply to your posts earlier. You gals are next! JY!


You went into labour spontaneously? How many weeks were you when you delivered?

I'm sure your babies will feed well and put on weight very soon. You take care of yourself so that you'll have energy to take care of your little ones yeah?

If you can, pump every 2hrly to try and increase supply. You're off to a good start!!

How about bringing your own electric boiler and boiling ur own water? Then store some cooled boiled water for washing hands etc. But don't worry if you haven't been sticking to it. I also touched tap water during my stay in hospital after delivery previously.
