(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thks pierced n luvnhope for ur advise.. Apparently, i using pisa and did not use my avent sterilizer as feel tt is too hot for it so only use hot water boil.. Hope it wun spoilt any of the part..

Catherine, thanks for the number.

Tromso, my massage lady said better to start as early as possible. Day 2 or 3 can start already.
Thanks Pierced and Baby Me. Mine said she is only available 10 days after my delivery
I'm looking for other options now, was also hoping earlier, so can get better earlier.

Catherine, Dr Loh did write Dr Ong as PD in my form, dunno why I'm assigned to Dr Ang. My baby's card also wrote Dr Ang, so weird, anyways TMC system not surprising. Bygones.

Hazel, wow u dilate fast. I was in agony fr the contraction pains fr 1-3 cm dilation. I guess dr Loh can do VE anywhere. Mine was done by nurses, so had to go labour ward. I think my condition does not warrant dr Loh's much attention, dr Marianne stood in for him once too. Good thing you had dr Loh's full attention, it's def worth the while. Even my review with dr Loh is in mid Sep, not next week...hmm...he says very smooth, so no need to review that early, ok then.

Hi Luv, I'm not sure if my labour is considered 5hrs (fr start of epi to delivery) since I was admitted early morning day 1 and only delivered next morning. Should be more like 24 hrs bah...
Hey, gd to read that your bleeding is caused by empty sac, not something else. You rest well there.

Pierced, I'm still quite apprehensive about jaundice cos usually will appear on 3rd day, which is tmr, so I'll still sun my baby tomorrow morning. We've named her Heather

Again, thanks for all the well wishes, I'm sure everyone will cross the finishing line well too, jia you!!
Just tried bf baby again, like 45 mins both breasts, she drank then stops etc. but hv learnt how to stop her fr rejecting the nipples luckily, so just hv to start her engine again and again.

But 45mins still not enough, she then kept waking up every 15 mins and whine, mouth opening closing, sign of hunger I was told. So we decided use fm, and surprisingly she finished 30ml in less than 2 mins on the so-called tough Avant teats...geez...Think I'm really starving her
LC had reassured me that colostrum is sufficient, but doesn't look like it, plus I think I've latched on correctly, cos can't see nipple and aerola when she suckles. Man, total bf is tough...hv to bf again 1.5hr after she's done, plus with lotsa uncertainty if she's drinking enof each time. Anyways, will perservere on and supplement with minimal fm if possible. Ok, time to zzz...I've handled heather on my own mostly today cos hubby had to go back to work, darn...!! Now my back is starting to hurt

Cheers to a better tomorrow!!
Tromso, u can find someone to massage for u for these few days while waiting for yr massage lady .... I really miss those massage ..... When r u gg to bring bb to let dr ong check? Remember to cover up yrself and bb. Dr ong clinic is really COLD! Remember to cover bb eyes when u sun her later.

Baby me, u gg dr ong too?? If u dun get an appt the trick is juz go b4 9am or if u r gg on mon or weds evening go after 7.30 or b4 6.30pm... The wait is shorter but yr bb is juz born u will get priority .
Catherine, yes, thinking to change to Dr Ong. Usually how long is the waiting time? My baby next appt with Dr Ang is actually on 22nd. But thinking to make appt with Dr Ong earlier, is it very kiasu? I just want to know if baby put on weight or not. 22nd seems too long leh.
When supposed to do all the injections?
Catherine, hahah... that's a cunning idea! ;p Btw, did Dr Chua do ur IVF for you? Where did u do ur ET and ER then? At TMC or at CARE? Does CARE still handle the labwork then? Was she good? Maybe I can consider asking her to do my FET in future if I'm game for #3, LOL.

Tromso, thanks. Hope the empty sac doesn't cause any more probs. It's a dilemma as I said... is it better to let it clear actually? But how to ensure that letting it clear won't affect baby? Hmm...
You're doing a great job with Heather, dun worry!
Are u discharged already or still in hospital? Actually the nursery can help take care of Heather if u're still in hosp and just bring her to u for feeds. So u can rest more while u can!
How come ur review with Dr Loh is so far away? Usually it's like one week after delivery, isn't it?
MC, so nice to be able to see your babies so frequently and they are both doing well. My detailed scan schedule on 14th Aug, can't wait to see baby again and re-confirm that it's a girl...

My boss/colleague told me I am carrying a boy instead bec of the shape/size of my tummy... smaller tummy with tummy expansion starting from bottom to top means boy meh, told them I want a girl!

Actually boy or girl is fine, most impt is bb healthy.
Tromso, Heather is a lovely name.

You back at home already? you are handling Heather well. Im sure milk supply will pick up in time, at least don't stress yourself out in the mean time. Then you can get some rest with your mum helping u out.

Luv, think previously mine wasnt that soon either to meet up with Dr Loh.

Throll, haha, that's what people always guess, otherwise, they will say pointed or round tummy etc. Im also expecting gal but they keep saying its boy coz of the shape of the tummy. Not really true.
Ladies, can check with u again when u stopped taking ur baby aspirin? TIA!

pierced, looks like diff docs have diff practices then. My gynae checked my episiotomy stitches and uterus size during that one-week review.
Tromoso, I saw dr Loh only 2 mths after delivery! Haha
U poor thing, I nv felt contraction pains at all.. Only pain inflicted by dr Loh! He was really rough!!
Hazel, agree with you. Dr Loh is really very rough when doing VE. I think the nurses also know. Before he put his fingers in, the nurse quickly stand beside me and hold my hand haha. I think I squeezed her hand very hard that time haha. Lucky I only felt once, the rest of the time numb already.
Luv, mine was natural conceive. I was on Kk q with dr tan to do ivf until I quarrel with Kk. B4 that I already was buay song with dr tan. Dr Chua was referred to me by my gp. She is his aunty. U r heroine if u want to try no 3. I m happy with what I have now. Dr Chua stiching is gd recover v fast... Well I heard a lot about dr p too ... I did same trick and got a '2nd opinion'. But dr p predicted wrongly on my delivery date.

Baby me, my view is do what u need as a mum. If u dun feel comfy send bb in. I can't advise on waiting time cos I always choose the earlier slot. Last min go in must wait like 1-1.5hrs.... Unless u go as what I told u then v fast. U can shop there so dun worry
Hi Luvnhope,

I also experienced the same. First scan we can see 2 sac but 1 was smaller then the other. However, the next scan, the sac could not be seen again. I also had bleeding early in my pregnancy. Luckily it stopped after taking the jab and increasing my progesterone support. I was also taking TCM throughout.

For baby aspirin, I stopped during the bleeding episode then after it stopped, continue to take till about 2 weeks before my due date.

Hang in there. if bleeding is caused by the óther sac', it will stop soon but do rest more. I was told to try to lie down more.
Catherine, I see. So you didn't go thru any IVF cycle at all? Hahah... there's always a chance u can conceive again naturally!

What did u hear abt Dr P? Pray tell!

But wld u know where Dr Chua does her IVF then and whether she works with CARE? Thks!
Jude, thanks for sharing ur experience! When did ur 2nd sac disappear if u dun mind sharing?

I'm almost 12 weeks now and the empty sac is still there and doesn't seem to be shrinking.

Guess like u said, all i can do is keep up my support meds and rest.

How far along are u now? Or have u delivered?
Baby, I soaked until the sting feeling was gone. That wld means wound is getting much better. My down there swell for quite long....
Kk always cancel my appt always last min cancel. Did a lot of stupid test and not relevant at all waste my $ eg I got alpha thelemessia they test beta on my hubby when they should do full blood count. Dr tan was not nice to me when I say I want to do ivf straight instead of doing ici. A lot more la.....

I know dr Chua does at care. Din ask her too much too. U can ask Sharon or jasmine. I love them ....

I went to c dr Paul n he say I m 1.5 to 2cm dilated and will deliver that night or next day but I din.... Haha end up I induce day 2 after seeing him.
Catherine, I see. Well, all that unhappiness with KK in the past now. And you have your beautiful little girl in your arms.

Hahah... guess even the best doctors also have their misjudgements.
Tromso, how to stop bb from rejecting nipple?? My boy show preference for right side coz left nipple is shorter.
Now I give bb fm full time coz of his jaundice..after he clear his jaundice, I will go back to feed him ebm. Not sure whether he will wan to breastfeed anot. Just hope tht he can gain weight & also clear jaundice ASAP. Even if he really dun wan me to breastfeed, I also bo bian.
Luv, I actually went to a sinseh to adjust my body he told me my womb was cold. He adjusted my diet completely and gave me medicine. I follow strictly and faithfully. He told me I need 1 yr to strike but i got it in 3 mths
Congrats Tromso for the smooth delivery
Well done. now take the chance to rest. thank you very much for your contact on the fotography
we are still considering hehee

mummies, jus wondering do you all let your babies take rotavirus together with 5 in 1 vacine huh? or separately take it on two separate days huh?
any advice huh?

any tip to coax baby to sleep huh? been so tired since morning....
Sunbelle, belle took rotavirus together with the rest of the jabs. 2nd dose of rotavirus which was the last dose, in addition to the 6 in 1 jabs, belle took Penuoncial jab too! Ie, 1 jab each on her thigh n rotavirus oral vaccine. Outcome, v mild fever which went away after 1 dose of panadol. :p
Thank God, bm came just now, what a relief... Was getting quite upset heather not feeling full (can see her frustrations) and my mum fed fm 3 times since last night, so she started not wanting to suckle even more earlier this afternoon, I was so sad. Had a pep talk fr a friend who bf all the way after Hosp discharge and still total bf now, boy 2 plus now, so I persevered on - I turned on the music, made the room brighter, use pillows to help support, plus ate like a pig for lunch and drank lotsa fluid, trying to feel positive.

Just now saw the white liquid flowing out when I squeeze right nipple (left nipple still wip), very overjoyed
Plus heather also suckling well now, not dropping out or refusing, can see her swallowing fr her throat actions, very satisfying. Best part, she slept well after the bm, not like before will wake up every 20 mins and whine.

Heather no yellow today still, I hv avoided ginger all the way, took very peppery soup to expell wind instead.

Miracles, I will write more later. I'm gg to clean up now, hv visitor later.
Sunbelle, at 6 months old yesterday, belle had 1 jab each on her thigh! 6 in 1 plus Penunoccal vaccine. Next vaccine is when she is 1 yr old - MMR (mumps, measles n rubella), chicken pox (optional) vaccine n 3rd n final dose of Penunoccal Vacinne!
Catherine, i see. Good that TCM helped you conceive so quickly!!

Tromso, great news abt ur BM coming in! It sure is satisfying to BF ur baby right?
Keep up the good work!
Wow Belle is strong leh. I m thinking whether to join or separate cos I not sure whether can our baby handle so many injections at one go
hehee belle is great!

Tromso : jia you on Breastfeeding ! Anyway I oso dun have a flask of red date tea. I was told each floor only got one flask for all to share. So mum cooks for me
rest well

Pierced: how is your IUGR condition huh? Everything okie now huh? Dun worry baby grow so much faster after they are born. Which week are you at now huh? Preparations all done?
Hi Miracles, my left nipple is shorter too and also fuller unfortunately, so harder to fit into bb's tiny mouth
What LC did was, she squeezed my areola down flat (super painful) then when bb's mouth opened big, pushed it forcefully into the mouth, then use right hand to hold the head down, against, quite forcefully. If bb tries to pull mouth out, continue to exert pressure on the back of head, so mouth stays covering areola. Then when bb finally gives up and suckle, will use 1 hand to squeeze more bm into bb's mouth, aim is to make bb like that nipple. But it's impt to make sure there is pressure/ hold on back of bb head, so bb can't withdraw mouth.

So far, this method has worked for me but since she suckles longer on right breast, my right side already has white bm but left breast still not too white-ish, hv to coax her to take left side longer. I just try to unwrap her, burp her, wrap again, etc. In doing this, she can stay awake, otherw keeps sleeping on the job left side.

You may like to visit LC if u get a chance. I find the demo to be extremely helpful and will also correct any errors

Hope this works for you too. LC was saying if doesn't work, can just express left side and bf right side.

To be honest, I think there is nothing bad/ wrong with expressing bm and feeding bb, as can always bond with bb in other ways too
Catherine, thanks for the massaging tip, I think I'll see if tmc massaging service can help earlier. I've engaged Nadia but I guess being dragon year, everything is scarce. My appointment with Dr Ong is next Monday. Sunning was tough this morning cos she's not used to being naked and quite windy. I let her suckle my breast and she was soothed then I continued with sunning but hubby said I shouldn't be standing in the wind....sigh...so many rules but so much to do too.

Hi Sunbelle, no worries, just providing you with another option. I hv booked my bb photoshoot early nxt week before hubby goes back to work but really hope no hiccups with photoshoot. Haaa...I feel so smelly n dirty n oily, totally no mood for photoshoot. Your bb is 2-3 mths old now?

Sunbelle, for soothing bb to sleep, I've employed Dr Karp's method, making shoo-ing sound. Helps with my girl so far. You can view the video in YouTube. I previously borrowed the 2hr DVD fr library, it features the 5s of soothing baby, felt it was quite interesting. Otherwise, we hv also tried the white noise, my bb will quiet down immed when it's turned on. But I use shoo-ing sound more cos I can use it anywhere.
Hi Hazel, your review with dr Loh was 2 mths after, so during the waiting period, no one inspects if the wounds below is ok and no infection?

Baby Me?

Was told need to check for infection, just in case

Pierced, I discharged yesterday, should have stayed 1 more day instead, was bad decision made cos I was alone and only given 30 mins (by tmc) to decide. Dr Loh's fault...lol...he only came to see me at 2pm plus then said I could discharge. Nurse said usu after 2pm discharge will get charged but make exception for me, give me 30 mins. I seriously dunno why Dr Loh doesn't visit patients earlier, was told that's his pattern. Then nursery nurse got upset with me for discharging baby after 1 nite's stay cos felt for 1st bb, beta to stay 2 nites, firstly to observe jaundice, secondly there's a lot for me to learn still in Hosp. But I've already done discharge payment by then. Nurse complained dr Loh is kkh standard, in and out fast fast, sigh...as hubby wasn't with me almost entire day, I had a hard time running about doing discharge procedures plus hv to bf, quite nightmare. Bad decision on my part, didn't think well before saying yes to their 'quick, do you want or not, 30 mins' question. All in the past, though quite unhappy with the way things unfolded.

Sorry abt complaining...quite pissed off with the tmc discrepancies still...beta forget abt it ASAP
Tromso, no itch, no discharge, so wun hv infection, one side of the skin was obviously lumpy.. But it went away after a few wks.. Anyhow, my hubby inspected the wound to make sure it appeared nice nice... Keke

These days Dr loh visits patients so late ah? Must really scold him! Patients waiting to be discarged by him leh.. During my stay, 3d, 2n, he visited me daily at abt 8am+. He Came by at night too when I told Sandra i wan to talk to him... :p
Tromso! Congrats on ur birth of ur lil Princess Heather. Sorry only log in now n found out from all e post. Been so busy n hectic w work..... U can try e TMC tcm post natal massage, e lady is Maya. She's good but ex lah. She will also help to massage ur breast in helping w e flow of e bf. jia you on ur breast feeding!
Been feeling my baby's movements n it's indeed very reassuring. Looking forward to my detail scan next wed, by then should b able to tell e gender right?
Luv n pierced, teaching e lower Pri is no joke, ESP w e PERI assessment...... Smtimes I wish I can just take HL n rest. Wats more depressing is when my supervisor hinted tt I may not be doing enuff for my grade.....urge, can't stand the ranking system cos the intention is good but it's e execution part tt flawed at times. I told her frankly tt my priority now is my baby n if I'm deemed to b under performing, then it's unfair cos I'm doing all e jobs n duties given to me. On one hand say must look after me, then on e other hand becos of this 'protection' I'm not doing enuff or being penalized, it's not my fault but e school leaders fault. I will not take it lying down!
Sorry tt I'm venting but just really get my feathers ruffled...... Urgh!
Dear all, if i already hv some ebm in fridge, can i add on the next ebm to the same container? (previous pump at 11pm and next pump at 3am) As i just start pumping.. Last month always latch on.. Hope someone can advise me.. Thk u so much..
Tromso, glad that Heather can latch well. Keep it up

That's why for this period before the check up (another 5wks), nobody do the inspection for below there. I'm not sure is my wounds is recovering or not. I thought no pain means ok? I don't dare to look at the wound myself. I also don't want my hubby to look at it, scared it's a turn off next time hehe.

Hazel, what do u mean by no discharge? I still have red discharge on and off, not this one right?
Tromso, surprised that Dr Loh visited you so late..maybe he's not aware of the usual time for discharge before incurring charges or something important held him back from his morning visit..? Can understand it is hard for you to manage the discharge process by yourself plus having to take care of baby and all the barang barang that you bought to hospital.

Juvi, wah so fast your detailed scan is approaching..yes should be able to tell gender by then. It feels very real to be able to feel baby's movement right?
My baby seems to move & kick at pretty regular times. In the day it's fine but he always wakes up, moves & kicks my tummy around 3+ am! My sleeping & awaken hours now follows his routine.. preparing me for motherhood I guess.

Pierced, I went to the Metro member preview sale too. Made an effort to go to Paragon, thought bigger and will have more baby things to look at but disappointed. Think the baby dept in Metro compasspoint is better. Nonetheless managed to buy comfy shoes, undies (hips expanded..haiz..) including disposable cotton ones to wear after delivery. Btw, are you still looking for breast shells? Saw that Medela carries that too and is cheaper than Avent (oos) at Taka fair.
Juvi, can understand ur frustration. Well, guess if we know clearly that baby's our priority now, gotta close one eye to our grading liao. If possible, try to talk to your RO abt ur concerns? Take care!! Oh, exciting to find out your bb's gender soon.

Tromso, hats off to you again for handling discharge on ur own!! You rest well now at home okie?

Jo3, as per what Hazel mentioned b4, so long as the EBM is within 48h period, can mix and feed.
juvi...can feel baby movement is definitely exciting.. i can't really seems to feel yet but having some small fluffy feeling recently..only one time a huge punch that gave me and my colleague a shock becos i sort of scream out...lol...

i am gg next tue so won't be seeing u at tps liao...haha..gd luckfor yr detailed scan...u wanna a boy or a gal?

tromso...wow...u solo discharge...shld hv stayed and wait for help to come...salute..
Throll u gg on 14?? Mi too.. My detail scan is on 14 too.. hehe.. mine is afternoon 3:30... urs??
Congrate Tromso!!
Juvi cool down... All education systems r like tt.. Not only u facing these prob.. Tts Y i tk NPL till I give birth.. so no extra stress...
Morning ladies and mummies! It's a happy Sat for me coz I juz received good news which I would like to share...

Last 2 weeks has been dreadful as my detailed scan showed tt one bb is suspected of DS..hence amnio was recommended...it was such tramautising news to us as Oscar scan was ok altho the ratio wasn't fantastic...went for another opinion with detailed scan at RH and findings also showed that there were some DS markers...after much consideration and taking some calculated risks..I went for amnio at RH...so happy that it turned out all fine..it was such a scary nightmare...

I'm now beginning to appreciate more "Every stage of parenthood is really a challenge"..

Have a happy weekend everyone!!!
Baby, I mean puss those type. One reason why dr Loh dun wan to see us so soon after delivery coz hormones may go haywire n cld stain for wks. See him he can't do pap smear also. He knows my cAse well n knows my hormones confirmed haywire.. I bled for v long. When I saw him 8 wks after delivery, I was still staining.. He checked my cervix n said no bleeding inside n he went ahead with pap smear
Biggly, congrats on the good news!

I just did my Oscar today. Baby wasn't cooperative at first, haha... Had to take a break n try again. scan seems ok but gotta wait for BT results. Btw, did any of u get scan printout for Oscar at TMC?
