(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Ya Luv, sometimes doc also cant be sure why bleed, nerve wrecking right? But as long as no clots and lessening in qty its good sign, keep loads of rest. You are near end of 1st tri already, going to cross to safe zone soon, hang in there!

Thanks heartbeats! It's definitely scary to see red! Only had brown spotting in my prev preg and i was already scared liao. Imagine this time red and so much more, really can freak out.

Okie, out with negative tots! Will try to think happy tots!

Oh, btw, why dun u try signing up for other prenatal classes even if not conducted by WBB? I'm sure u still can learn from other classes! KK also has prenatal classes. Believe other hospitals will have too.

Btw, in case any of u ladies are interested, there's a BFg seminar coming up:
luv..i am taking the multi vit called Ganilia softgel..folic acid wise, dr tan say take until finish can le...no need to continue.

i did ask dr tan previously that can take conceive well with folic and he said its ok de..

also, maybe u can try to take yr an tai med now since yr ms are better...its meant to prevent spotting.
is fish oil for dha? dr tan didn't prescribed fish oil for me but the multi vit do hv dha..

heartbeat..i think if the baby position is horizontal across the tummy, u can feel the side kick.
Thanks mc! Haven't been back to my TCM. Maybe i shld.

Yeah, fish oil shld be for DHA. Good that your vit already has then u dun need to pop so many pills!

Btw, it just occured to me... if cervix is closed, how can bleeding still occur leh? So fluid can still leak out from the closed cervix?
Heartbeats, i am good too. Still taking things easy n try not to let my mind wonder. So far, DrLoh has been happy w my progress. Now we are counting down to cross over the 28weeks. Hehehe.

My bb kicks everywhere. Could be yours are twins thus each kick one side?

Agree with Luv that you can go for other classes not conducted by WBB. The class can help to prep first time mum like us on what to expect.
Luv, Babyjourney, cos the rest of Parent Craft classes are evenings clash with my hb commitments, only WBB's ones are PM and fit our schedule. Ya, i think my next best option will be to check out KKH's.

MC, wow transverse position can go all the way to the sides? Wow~

Hi Coolcool!
coolcool, thanks! Looks like really a lota brands out there!

heartbeats, when u go into 3rd tri, i'm sure u'll feel their movements even more! Even for singleton, what more twins!
luv, at least u went down and check again. Really scary to see red. rest more now... U sure u going back to work next wk? I think about going back I feel tired already... But was telling myself never mind, next week short wk, can rest. Then work one more week, and can go on leave. My colleague still telling me aka no need go back work and just take leave all the way.

What a journey we all take! Imagine last time ttc, always dread to see red too every month, then preggy also fear see red. Sigh...

Heartbeat, ya, can try Kk parent craft. I went for that last time. Might not be as famous as WBB class but at least can gain some insights too.
Maybe yours twins so can kick more to the sides since they have no space. My bb is down but her leg also can kick all the way on my right side waist. And funny thing is always on the right.
Oh ya, luv for vitamins, I remember I used to get Obimin for multi vits and Neurogain for DHA from KK. It's also available off the shelves in many pharmacies. Think ObImin is quite an established old brand.
pierced, feeling anxious abt going back to work too. Luckily short week next week.
Thanks for the brand of vits. I got Prenaforte today but wondering whether Obimin or Prenaforte's better. Think Prenaforte's smaller n easier to swallow tho. Haven't bought my DHA yet.
Luv, yup if really can't be helped, just extend your leave again. No choice. Like u said, baby is no 1 priority now.

I'm also not sure, but I guess as long we are taking some form of supplements, doesn't really matter which brand or how much it has? Im realy bad at comparing.
Coz we get other forms of vits and minerals, and DHA too in the food we eat, just that these are additional on top of what we have in food intake. Just in case some mummies are not eating well etc.
Thanks Hazel! Good to know that Prenaforte is better.
I think I recall Obimin having a yucky smell too, hee...

pierced, agree. Just covering my bases, hahah...
i was on obimin and neurogain too. i'm back at work this week. it's been tiring but it also helped to take my mind off ms sometimes and i've been eating too much in the morning and afternoon but dinner still totally no appetite... i was constantly hungry, even in class. i don't know how long i can tahan this but i tell myself i'll just try, if really cannot then go on hl again but time does pass faster while working so hopefully, first tri can pass faster too.

hope you are feeling much better today
eskimo, thanks! Salute u for surviving bad MS and work!

My bleeding's stopped thankfully. Hope I dun ever see red again until (full-term) delivery!
Eskimobaby...gd that u still feel hungry and eating breakfast and lunch...i agreed time passed faster at work, but cam be tiring esp with ms...

i am able to finish most of my meals now but jus the normal 3 meals..not eating snack really..dr zou say i ate too little for twins...but i really can't stomach more food...only craving is ice cream or ice kachang..lol..

luv...did ur gynae giv u clearance back to work?
eskimobaby, yup true that work will take your mind off other things and time passes faster. Dont tire yourself out though at work. I know how demanding things are in school esp this term is 3rd term!

Im glad luckily when i go back next week, mine is P1 so at least there's no CA for me to quickly revise with them.
I just hope my school has managed to decide who to relieve me of my class for the next few months. Otherwise very difficult for me to hand over things.

Luv, glad that your bleeding has stopped. Perhaps it's really the empty sac getting rid of itself. Do rest more these few days before heading back to work.

Mc, Hee funny how we always crave for the cold stuff when preggy. I dont normally take a lot of ice cold drinks or cold stuff when not preggy but somehow i keep wanting to drink ice cold drinks these weeks. MAybe the weather too makes me feel that way, with it being so humid and hot!
it's a good start that you have your 3 normal meals. i'm not eating healthily. i can't stomach veggies and rice... only been taking carbos and meat. i know what you mean... i've been craving cold drinks! and sometimes i can't eat if i don't have cold drinks. i'm not even taking any milk now cos can't stomach it even ammum which was my comfort drink in my 1st pregnancy.

good to hear that
i'm just taking one day at a time.
ohh P1 can be quite energy sapping too... they constantly require your attention. i'm also looking forward to next week which is a short week and thereafter there's the PSLE oral and thereafter hari raya puasa haha! :p
Hi ladies, I just delivered at tmc
Baby is abt 3.3kg, 50cm, natural birth.

Feeling very tired now cos came in early yesterday but only dilated 3cm by midnight. Then started epidural this morning 2am and dilated to 9cm by 6am plus, epi is indeed god sent. Contractions were very painful, I endured entire yesterday cos if no dilation not wise to administer epi. The VE is terrible, I grunt quite badly each time, had mine checked 4 times somemore, silly me
Breaking waterbag for me, very unbearable too but at least I know I'm on the homestretch, whenever I see dr Loh's appearance, my stomach will get butterflies lol...

Delivery was fast, only about 10 mins pushing and baby quite coorporative, oso didn't cry a lot, good thing

btw there is NO red dates tea, I asked nurse to double confirm, they say no no. Ginger tea only by cup, not flask

I stayed in the 2 bedder for 1 hr, the bed is very short FYI. I had to bend my knees, I think bed size more for those under 165cm. I manage to get the standard single room.

ok, I'll update more later. Threw up just now, cos feeling quite awful, I think epi effects, gave me very high dosage I think, almost couldn't feel hip down. No pain at all when dr loh did his stitching lol... Baby latched on ok earlier, will try again later
Tromso, Congrats on the smooth delivery and the arrival of your baby girl!
So happy for you! Guess what, I woke up this morning with a feeling that you have popped!
Tromso, Congrats on the fast and smooth delivery. I was wondering if you have delivered and going to ask today since I did not see you on the forum for a while. Then I saw your post. Take care and rest well.
Tromso! Wow, congrats!! What was ur first sign of active labour?

Good to hear that everything went quite smoothly for u and that baby's latching on well. Jiayou and welcome to motherhood!!
Mummies, may I is hw long u wear the tummy binder? Do u wear to cover the wound? I hv been wearing for 2 wks. If I dnt wear I feel tummy abit heavy. Even I cough/laugh/sneeze I will feel the cramp. Tummy also feel itchy but nt the wound area. Do u feel the wound area abit numb too? Help!!
Catherine, yeah, i went back to see Dr P for my bleeding. Tot it might be safer to go to him since he's more aware of the medication i'm taking etc.

Mind sharing more about what u mean by "dun b like me"? What did u do (or not do) when preggie?

I'll monitor for the rest of this week and if no more bleeding, will go back to work next week but try to take it easy.
eskimobaby, yup P1 indeed need a lot of energy too. Super hyper

Tromso, Congrats! finally you see your princess!

I sort of had this feeling too that you delivered already coz didnt hear from you in the forum.

Hazel/baby, huh...how come TMC got so many different answers to the patients. some serve red date tea, some don't. so weird!
Pierced, got to insist. At first the nurse told me they don't serve too. I insist them to double n triple check before telling me 'no'. After awhile they came back with a flask of it.
The next day, another nurse gave me same answer again, saying they don't serve, I told them I'm served yesterday. They ended up served me again with the tea.
congrats mummy on the smooth delivery! most likely the epi hasn't left your system, some ppl will get side effects from the anaesthesia so will vomit but after vomiting should feel much better

continue to wear if you feel it helps. it can cause some rashes or itchiness around the tummy area especially on hot days. can slowly wean it off by not wearing throughout the day... maybe wear when you are more active. actually the binder also helps to tone the tummy a bit like those malay massage as we can't do post-natal massage as yet.
mc, i'm on HL this week. Was intending to go back to work next week but looks like may not be possible. Stopped my an tai med for a while cos of MS. Also donno if TCM can help if it's really the empty sac causing the bleeding.
Hi ladies... I need to let out my anger here abit.
It's the mil problem. What do u all think if mil carrying my bb & say" 等我长大,我拔你的毛'" to my dog. Saying it once or twice is ok... But every time she carry him & my dog gets excited over the bb crying , she will say tht.
She also got a habit of giving pacifier to bb! Hubby already told her not to use pacifier. I got no choice but to hide tht stupid thing.
This morning, Mil was feeding bb wif EBM while hubby & I had breakfast. Hubby had to go back to work, so I try to take a nap; trusting tht mil will bring bb back to my room. But no, 1hr later I saw her sitting right in front of the fan with bb!!

Miracle, yr mil is too much!!!!!!!!! I protest for u!!! How can let bb blow fan? Argh.... What is she thinking? Ya we too din let my gal eat pacifier and my mum supported but we did give for a short period bcos she was drinking too much.

Luv, I m v siao at work... I stress my body and work like dog. My gal was v impatient until I send her to IFC to recondition herself. When i was preggy, I often vomit after 7pm if I m still in office..... If I control I will have ms until I reach my car. I know bb is important But work and $ r v important too (even now)... Dr Chua knows too but she told me to cling on to job for ml and she will issue mc whenever I need. That the beauty of gynae... They understand and issue us mc freely . Well one pregnancy is enough for me no thx anymore
