(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi baby
Do u engage nadia to do massage too? Me too already start since yesterday.. Me try relax but we keep chitchat so cant rest..;(

Hi sasha n miracle
How r u gals? Me too busy everyday tt when bbies sleep, i got to sleep too else lack of rest so no time to wish u gals.. Think by nOw, u gals may hv delivered.. And enjoying looking at ur bbies..;)

Hi hazel n catherine
Any idea of the charges of the 6 in 1 jab at kkh n doc Ong clinic? Wonder is it big difference??
Btw, how do we know at wht wk bbies shd drink how much ml per each wk and at what week bbies shd gain how much weight each wk?

Hi gals
So many pop recently.. Congrat ya.. No need worry much abt jaundice.. Just try do sun tan n will help.. Both my bbies go under phototherapy at 3rd day when is slight high so hb tell doc ong tt we want phototheraphy since i still in hospital.. N glad tt is under control on 4th day so they discharge together with me.. If we wait n see, think they cant discharge which will be worst for us...

For my first 3wks confinement, the weather is fantastic n cooling but negative part is always no sun.. Glad they already recover well fr jaundice.. Tt time we still so worry why oways no sun.. But these 2 days weather super hot.. Glad confinement finish soon n can bath as per normal.. Two days ago i sneak to taka fair.. Nothing much to buy.. Zzzzz. Nadia n kkh doc say my wound stiches looks nice but long.. Omg, no wonder take sometime to heal.. Now i can walk around but internal still slight pain.. Hope recover fully soon..;)
Btw, i dun like pump as nipple very sore n pain after tt.. Maybe medala not so suitable for me.. Sadz.. Is there such logic?

Congrat to babypenguin.. Well done..;)

Hi Sunbelle
Me worry too as i need take care two n CL leaving soon too.;(

J03, I can't remember the charges now. Someone compared before in this link. U nv note in down? Think is Tromso who did a detailed analysis.

Your baby needs to drink between 150ml and 200ml of milk per kilogram of his body weight per day. So, if your baby weighs 3kg, he'll need, on average, between 450ml and 600ml of formula over a 24-hour period to satisfy his hunger. So, assuming feed every 3 hourly, divide 450 ml by 8 feeds a day to arrive how much milk per feed. Minimum, bb shld drink this amt per feed.

Bb put on abt 250g per wk after the first wk of birth. So 1 month is abt 1kg. Plus/minus, abt 800g a mth is considered good weight gain.
Now I am feeding my gal every 3 hrs as advice by dr ang poon thiat. But she dnt seem to wake up. We try all ways. Use damp clothe to wipe her face, change her diaper, make her go bake for awhile.... Use ice cube on her sole. She ONI wake up awhile then drink abt 20ml then fall asleep, hw to make her drink 90ml?
Tromso, thanks for sharing your thoughts on prenatal yoga. It is indeed quite a long trip from SK to Orchard. I would like to try 1 prenatal yoga session at least. To me, it's an experience and one activity that I always wanted to include in my pregnancy journey.

Heartbeats, yup I got the convertible one. Want to maximize the use of the carseat. I don't like the idea of travel system - baby in infant carrier will be too heavy for me. Just received a mailer on Robinson Expo sale which advertises a convertible car seat at special price of $89 (original price more than $200) but I can't see what brand it is.
Hi Joanne, I haven pop yet. Nurse inserted 1st tablet to induce. I just strapped on ctg for 30 mins, still hve to strap for another 1.5hrs. The highest contraction no. is 148. It's gonna be a long wait till I see my bb..
How r u coping wif ur twins?? Ur csect wound still hurt?
Didnt manage to sleep at all...My contractions are 5min interval since 4am..& getting more cramp & intense. But not sure whether I hve dilated anot, need to wait for dr Loh to come in at 7:30am to check.
juvi, I have a Capella stroller. Has served us well for abt 3 years+. There are different models for Capella tho. Mine is collapsible in one plane, so it's still pretty bulky after collapsing and takes up much of the car boot. But it is sturdy and has a huge basket at the bottom which we liked. And it has a reversible handle, so we could push the stroller along with baby facing us if we want. Full shade coverage for baby too. May continue to use for #2 unless we decide to get a lighter stroller.

Miracle, jia you!! Relax if u can. That'll help speed dilation. Epi might help?
Faithfully, 90ml sounds like a lot for a week-old baby!

See this guide from BabyCenter:

How much formula your baby needs depends not only on his weight, but also on his age. Here’s a rough month-by-month guide to help you work out how much to give your baby:
•During the first week, try giving your baby between 30ml and 60ml at each feed. He won’t be able to manage much more than this in one go.

•By the time your baby is one month old, he will probably want between 90ml and 120ml at each feed. He’ll consume anywhere from 400ml to 800ml in one day. You'll soon sense if your baby needs more, as he'll finish his feed quickly and then look around for second helpings!

•When your baby’s between two and six months, he may want between 120ml and 180ml at a feed. He'll have anything from 700ml to over a litre a day.

•Once your baby reaches six months, he may want between 180ml and 220ml at a feed. His total formula intake may be about 900ml a day.
Faithfully, what's wrong with yr gal? Elis is like a hungry bb... Keep wanting lots of milk.... Better check with pd. I remember one sister her bb is also not drinking a lot then saw dr ong who referred bb to kk

Bbliss, how's yr gal?

Tanny, I m in worst situation as u. My mil DIN ask about my 39 weeks pregnancy , after elis was born she only called ONCE ask when full mth. I din feel anything cos too tired until some frens ask how come like that. Hubby juz called his mum 2 weeks back and his mum then ask how's bb? Thats all! She has not seen elis still expect us to send her to Msia or pick her up from Msia. No way!!! Neither did she nor my hubby siblings gave Any full mth gift to her. So cheer up k.....
Luv, Elis was around 60ml. Then she was readmitted into tmc for photo light she drank 100-110ml per feed. Tmc juz kept feeding her. Brought her see sinseh for colic sinseh said we gave too much. 90ml is fine....
Catherine, wah, why TMC feed so much? Maybe they kiasu want to flush the bilirubins out.

I guess we also have to adjust according to the baby's needs and growth. I can only hope I'll be able to tell my bb's needs accurately when the time comes!
Hi Joanne,


Posted on Monday, June 25, 2012 - 12:08 pm:       
Just for the benefits of comparison for those interested, vaccination costs:

Dr Ong (abt $40 ea consult) -
6 in 1 : $138 per jab, 3 in total (hep B can claim fr medisave)
Pneum : $180 per jab, 4 jabs if starts on 2nd mth (can claim fr medisave)
Rotavirus : $107 per jab, 2 jabs

KKH (abt $64 ea consult) -
(format same as above)

Polyclinic -
6-in-1 : $87.40 each, was told there are 4 jabs, then plus another $102 for can't rmbr what jab (not sure if I got this correct)
Pneum : $150 by 4 jabs
Rotavirus : not available

For other jabs like chicken pox, hep A, MMR, these are cheaper, about $50+ each, so I shan't list them. Note, MMR jab is foc at polyclinic.
actually i am aiming a combi 4.3kg stoller but a fren gave me a combi 6kg one...not ideal but i think i will live with it first.

my biggest stroller mistake previously is to get a heavy stroller with big wheels. was buy in by the sales speech of stable, got car no problem etc...which turn out to be not practical at all especially if u go out alone with the baBy.

imagine carry more than 12kg up the steps...try to bal big wheels on escalator...ended up..buy another lighter stroller. so now my criteria for stroller is weight and can keep by one hand.

and stroller price is so high now...i completely lost touch after so many years. am thinking jus hv one stroller instead of 2 for the time being..gd idea?
mc, you can consider using one stroller and one carrier. Might be more manageable if u're taking babies out alone. But if both babies fall asleep at same time, then u might need two strollers? Unless ur baby can fall asleep comfortably still even in the carrier.

I know what u mean abt heavy and bulky strollers. I won't bring the stroller out on my own and certainly won't go on public transport with it. Too heavy lah!
wat abt one stroller and one sarong carrier? i jv not used sarong before, not sure if baby can sleep well in it or not.

was thinking of sarong carrier becos it seems easier to bf in public with it.
mc, yeah, that's an alternative to carrier too. I bought such a sling previously but end up I donno how to use, LOL. End up let my girl's caregiver use, and it was very useful for coaxing baby to sleep. Think it'll be more comfy for baby than a carrier.
don't feel sad about your FIL. my own dad also like that... when i was doing confinement at my parents' place... my dad didn't come into the room i was staying in... he would just peek in at the door at baby but if we carry baby out into the living room, he'll play with baby, so it's not directed at you or your baby ya.
Tanny, hope u feel better soon. Dun take the pantang thing too personally. Your CL can help you out for now, so rely on her to take care of baby and you. Just focus on recuperating now.

mc, think you can try to carry in an almost horizontal position for newborns? If u can, try to get one and try out first to see if u're comfortable using it. Mine wld have become white elephant had my helper not been able to use it too.
Hi luvnhope, my bb nv drink 90ml, we try but always drink between 40-60ml the most. And each time she drink she will fall asleep in between her feeding. Due to her been under the light nw, I hv stop bf her and I feed her every 3 hr with 50/60ml of fm. I dnt wa her to feel dyhadrate becos she is nw under the light ever day till tomo. Btw my bb poop only once but alot and it like soft stool in greenish color... Is it normal? But she pee everytime and nned to change her at least 5/6 diapers with Pee only.
Faithfully, 40 to 60ml sounds all right for her age according to the guide I posted earlier. So long as she's peeing enough, shldn't worry too much. A PD has ever told me that even if baby doesn't poo every day, as long as when baby does poo, the stool is not watery or too hard, it's fine. But can double check with ur PD to be sure.

If u still intend to BF, then do keep pumping to keep up the supply even tho u're feeding her FM now. Jiayou!
Juvi, you are considering car upgrade? Looks like really hv to do it before yr end otherwise the huge coe quota cut will really eat into our wallet nxt yr. Ours is 7 yrs+ now, can't imagine wat the coe world will be like in 2 yrs+ time...

Ferry the family around in those electricity driven bicycles in the future heh...
I finished my painkillers and now still feel pain - now i dunno the pain is whether from the uterus contracting or from the wound. It comes n goes... Sometimes dun dont, sometimes last for a few mins. My apptm with dr loh is trmw..

Anyone got lumps under their arm pits? Lymphatic choke/ lumps? How huh?
Tanny, my cousin in law had blocked milk ducts under her armpit previously, could your be the same? She didn't notice it and had fever for several days, perhaps you'll like to have it checked out? Can also call the tmc breastfeeding helpline.

Luv, the link above, my sis is passing on to me the exact same sarong sling
She demo once and looks easy to use
Faithfully : wow yr bb drinks a lot 90ml? Mine a week old drinks only 40 - 50ml max. Anything more than 40ml she will reject. I hv the same problem - she always fall asleep and can't wake up. We aren't supposedto let her sleep past feeding time right?

But PD says my bbneeds to drink more as she is still the same weight as she was discharged 2 days back..
Ask my CL to wake me up for bf but when I dozed off for nap, she will feed the bb wih my ebm though I told her she can wake me up in the day anytime.
Tromso, heheh... it looked easy enough for me too when I saw the demo, but clumsy me lah, I just couldn't coordinate the sling and baby and never could get a good secure fit. Think if I want a carrier, I'll buy those that are ready to wear type. I'm sure u'll be more successful than I was at using the sling!

Tanny, can be firm with the CL and tell her must call u when BF time comes even if u're sleeping.
Luv, very true...my sis was saying have to pull this and that piece of clothe to adjust the fit once baby is inside. We've also considered those ready shaped canvas carrier but I think for older babies right? I think many has these white elephants at home, I'll just borrow someone's and see if baby likes it, if not, then don't have to purchase.
Tromso, not sure leh abt carrying newborns in carrier cos I haven't used one b4. Maybe after a month old shld be okay? I've seen mummies carrying very young babies in those carriers. Smart to borrow first and buy later!
Hi luvnhope , I am pumping every 3 hrs but I discard it cos I eat ginger and I dnt wa her to drink my bf nw. I still pump becos I dnt wa to get breast engorgement n kena fever. It like a wasted cos nw I can pump around 20-30 ml. Better then starting. But each time I finish pumping my breast get harden after 2-3 hrs. Normal?
Faithfully, yeah, cos in 2-3h, ur body produces more milk again and u need to empty ur breasts again. Keep up the good work!
Hi Faithfully & mummies, just thinking...if freeze ebm (instead of throwing away) and let baby drinks after fully recovered from jaundice, is it ok? Throw away very wasteful......
Angel, that's a good idea too!! I also find it a bit sayang to throw away BM.

According to BabyCentre:
You can store your breastmilk to keep it fresh for your baby in a number of ways:
•At room temperature (no more than 25 degrees C) for up to six hours.

•In a cold box with ice packs for up to 24 hours.

•In a fridge (at four degrees C or colder) for up to five days.

•In a fridge’s freezer compartment for two weeks.
LuvNhope, Where I get that fr? In the fridge (non freezer) compartment, is no more than 48hrs ok! Not 5 days!
Freezer compartment got different kind also. Chest freezer or 2 door fridge we used at home. Chest freezer can keep longer. 2 door fridge freezer can keep more than 2 wks leh... I can't remember how long now.. I think is 3 months. TMC NICU gave me a slip of paper on all these
Hazel, that's from BabyCenter website. I'd think their guideline is if u really keep it under such conditions at all times, meaning we also can't keep opening the fridge door for instance. If we do that, then best to consume earlier. And since in S'pore, our room temp can be more than 25 deg, better not leave it outside. Better just keep in fridge if wanna keep.

Mind sharing the info that TMC NICU gave u?
LuvNhope, I dunno where I put the PC of paper now. Based on memory, fridge - 48 hrs; freezer of the fridge we hv at home is 3 mths. Chest freezer is 6 months. Always use warm water to heat up chilled milk coz the nutrients r destroyed with hot water. Frozen milk shld be brought down to the chiller compartment to thaw first.

Belle is a v light n fussy sleeper but she can sleep comfortablely in the bb carrier. I hv the baby sling too (my is fixed size, no ring to adjust) cannot use once bb is more than 3 months old. V crampy. Sling has less support than a carrier. My baby carrier can use after bb is 1 month old as long as bb is min 3.5kg. The thing abt sling n carrier is, is v hot to most mummy n bb! I wun use them if no car n have to take public transport (unless is taxi). Bb is all wet fr sweat n so is mummy.

Feeding new born, wake the bb up if she fell asleep! Keep waking her up If necessary. CL and I took an hr if not more to feed belle in the first 2 months. V Time consuming, but bb has to gain weight. N I am v strict, I calculate the Amt of milk she needs to take by her weight. We will coax until she finishes. There is no reason why she can't finish unless she is sick. There's a routine too, every 3 hrs. After 1st mth, we r not so strict on 3 hourly timing. Prior to that, we wake bb to feed.
Thanks Hazel!

Oh, I didn't think it'd be hot for baby and mummy using the carrier. Good to know that, to be mentally prepared. Prob good for shopping in air-con malls.
LuvNhope, I am training belle to sit n sleep in stroller. So, to make her really comfortable, I hv bought a cooler mat to put inside the stroller so that it can keep her cool and a blackout cum sunblock shield to block out the light n heat! All purchased online.... Hehe
Cooler mat? First time i've heard of it. Can share the link where u buy?

Some kids are more okay with sitting and sleeping in stroller. My gal was mostly okay. My fren's kids refused to and preferred to run abt, hahah...
Btw if I eat ginger ( assume ppl say ginger will cos bb jaduice to get higher) how long after each ginger intake can I start pumping so that Vera can drink my bm without getti g the hi get thing in the bm. I also find throwing away wasteful but I dnt wa to risk her getting higher jaundice... I am trial & error nw
Faithfully, u shldnt throw away ur ebm coz now it is rich in colostrum. If u r concerned just freeze it until Vera recovers. Anyhow, many mummy continues to give BM even when bb has jaundice.
Ur red date drink got ginger? Or is it just your meal! If the latter, eat ur meals before u express. After that eat your meal. Next pump will be 2-3 hrs later. Shld be fine by then. FYI, my food has liqour in it somemore, belle also nv go drunk with ebm!

Thank hazel, so which mean I eat my meal then 2-3 hr later I pump and freeze it? If I keep under normal fridge dept nt the freezer part hw long can bm keep?
