(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, I do agree, living conditions and treatments will have to be on case by case basis, no 1 situation is alike

Hazel, baby monitor just helps with monitoring, can't run away from checking up on baby, that's for sure, I think it's not commonly used here but quite common in western countries. You are right, definitely does not take the responsibilities off the caregiver (just like having a maid in the house) but at least will know in another room if baby is almost falling off the mattress (if sleeping on the floor) or face covered by blanket etc. Say if mummy is in the shower, will be able to see that baby is ok and can relax a bit in the shower. Baby monitor will not certainly not replace constant face to face monitoring and touching, carrying
Shouldn't give a sense of false security that's for sure.

Baby journey, if it was for myself, I would see GP and if it's truly hemorrhoid or a slight tear, I won't take any meds cos tear is self healing and for hemorrhoid, can push the little growth back into the rectal.

If meds were to be prescribed, best to run it by the gynae. If your gynae is dr Loh, he'll reply email very promptly
Hi all, been absent for a while, finally the school hols so can breathe a little but still have meetings non stop.

Sashamama, Got FB secret group ah? I just added you in as friend for FB.
Dear Hazel,
Silly me didn't know Philips sale twice a year!!! Still go rush and buy stuff, lol.

Dear Angelxuan,
I still have night duty to pee till now in 3rd trimester! Ya, my maid is wonderful. Today she did some sewing for me and mended some clthes nicely. Hehe... Baby now has moved so I lie left or right also will have movements! Silly me, must have mistaken Prof Tee for Dr loh! oops.

Dear BBjourney,
Ya loh, dr loh good mood last Friday and appt didnt feel rushed at all. I wanted to go back to work today but my principal told me to stay at home and rest. Really supportive superiors. You take care wor! Update us!!!

Dear mc_007,
I think nanny plus maid charges would hit $1200-$1500?

Dear Baby,
Ya, I'm planning for c-sect. Dr loh says mine is c-sect already. I don't mind anything so long as baby is delivered healthily! Anyone go calculate the date for c-sect huh? Anyone knows where to go and how much it'd cost?

Dear Joanne,
So far she has been able to find work to do daily. Even if it is one shirt that needs to be ironed, she will iron, she cannot tahan clothes not ironed, lol. She likes to pack things neatly too. Last week settled kitchen, this week she gonna do my room with me. My mum teaching her how to cook so more housework to do with the cooking and cleaning. YOu are so lucky to have no stretch marks. Mine are horrid. I have watermelon tummy now. Really cannot be lazy. I didnt apply anything till the marks came out, then too late liao. Gals in first trimester cannot be lazy!!! lol. Though I wonder hoe much effect do all the creams have? Mine is the Elancyl one.

Dear JT,
Congrats that your spotting stopped and you are having twins!!! Wow!!! Continue to rest well!
I would like to know anyone have white hair probs and have to do regular hair colouring before pregnancy?

Now pregnant, after my 1st trimester, can I color my white hair, which salon is the safest to recommend? Is it best to use organic or henna hair dye? Which salon uses that?

Any recommendation pls...
Hi throll. Finally someone in the same boat. I am in my 8th week & hubby started to tease me abt my white hair. The last time I coloured was in Feb & now they are getting very obvious. I read somewhere that it is safe to do it only after the 1st trimester. However the dye must have no bleach & no peroxide. I don't know of any salons here that offers that option. Perhaps other experienced sisters can enlightened us. (hmmm very vain ya, LOL)
Hi Lynn, I am in my 8th week too... The last time I did was in Mar and yes quite obvious now... really hard to wait till another month to be able to do some colouring! I even thought of just buying a wig for use throughout the pregnancy...
In this weather?? LOL you are so funny. In the name of beauty!! Btw do you feel very lethargic? I nap a few times a day & the body feels crampy on & off. Wondering if its normal.
Wow Sashamama, your maid can sew well too, truly a gem

Hi Pierced, I was just thinking about you these couple of days, not heard from you for a bit now, how's everything? Any plans for school hols, bringing your son anywhere?
bbjourney, I too have bad constipation & my RE recommended forlax or lactus which can be bought at pharmacy. But since you're checking with your doc, maybe he can recommend something better.
Sashamama thanks for the tip. I was thinking it's still early to start putting creams but I supposed it is never too late.
lynn and throll...hi-five...i also cannot stand my white hair...will ask dr on my visit next wk abt this and also can do facial or not...lol....lagi vain..

sashamama...i added u as fren in fb..pls check..

if ifc for 2 is gg to cost abt the same price dunno which one to choose..can bring maid to babysistet house right?
Hi Sashamama, I've been applying stretch mark creams to tummy since about end first trimester. Tummy no stretch marks yet. But my upper back arm (near shoulder) started showing some light stretch marks in mid 2nd trimester and I've since applied cream, surprisingly they are not there anymore!!

Then 2-3 weeks ago, I found deeper stretch marks on my breasts (hv not applied cream before) so started applying. Stretch marks still there

But I guess overall, the cream works for me. I'm guessing the deeper stretch marks on breasts may stay. You may like to preserve with the cream, maybe will prevent worsening...??
Tanny, WBB class does have notes. It was given out during 2nd and 3rd sessions, only 1 stack of notes. If you have missed them, perhaps can check with Parentcraft?

WBB was saying our fees may include the swaddle clothes, she prompted us to check with Parentcraft too...hmm...
Dear Throll,
Invited you to be my FB friend! Pls accept and I can add you into the group!

Dear Tromso,
Ya, just now I asked her to help me change bedsheets and passed her the clean ones. She requested to iron the bedsheet and pillow cases before changing and wants to sew one elastic band that came off from my mattress protector too. lol. Honestly, I can't be bothered but she seems concerned! What cream you apply huh?

Dear Tanny,
WBB gave us notes during 2nd lesson. You might wanna buy her books for more details! Given free if you sign up for TMC's FBI card though!

Dear Lynn,
Yes, better be safe than be sorry about the cream!!!

Dear mc,
First trimester best to avoid facials too, some massages and machine treatments are unsuitable. Unless your therapist knows what to do and what not to do. I requested to be your friend, need your consent!

Re: WBB classes - last session Doctor's talk
Anyone knows what does the talk cover? My session tmr. Heard from a friend it was a waste of time, lol.
Lynn and Tromso, i have seen my GP. She has checked and no tear seen except there are abrasion noted. She has given me Lactulose for constipation and Gentamicin to apply. .

Dr loh has also reply my email ard 7pm but i was already at my GP. I hv email dr loh to check if i can take the meds.

Lynn, Throll n Mc, i also hv white hair n frizzy hair now. But i dare not dye or rebond now leh... Can meh?
I nv touch any hair colour dyes through out pregnancy. Vain versus bb which more impt? We nv know wats the real effect on the dye to bb. Most I know avoid.
Hi Lynn, you are among è mummies to be that is restg @ hm... i do feel lethargic at times & tired during è day but as i m workg so takg nap in è aftn is not possible, just hv to bear with it!

Anyway we do need more rest, just nap whenever u feel tired... durg weekends i would normally take ard 2hrs nap when tired. but i do feel heavy head when wake up.

Do u hv morn sickness? you carrying 1 or 2 baby?
Hi bbjourney/Hazel,

How to live with white hair especially when they appear @ my fringe & i am workg, stressful! I know bb more impt but how... what can i do...desperate now to find soln!
I m also working. Unsightly white hair that sticks out I pluck them out. Not a good way of removing it also. But wat to do?
As I read the post I m thinking how I endure my hair and face throughout my pregnancy
I agree with hazel. My beautician told me some of her customers din tell her over the phone they r preggy and some want to do spa. She reject them once those customer came and tell her they r preggy. Waste her booking slot. All I remembered is i went for regular hair cut (6-8 weeks) to look neat, clip and tie my hair. I used to watch what I wear. Now with my darling, both my hubby and I juz grab and wear. It's too tiring to dress up now. My princess dun like the dad to carry her if he wears polo tee. Guess its the fabric she dun like... so poor hubby can only wear his limited t shirt. Haha
hazel, catherine,

wow u all super mum, i've got to admit i'm not as capable as taking of clariss as both of u are. Hbs is better than me in coaxing her if she was to fuss, i don't have the patience. So whenever we go for family dinners at restaurant or with frenz hbs normally let me eat 1st while he tends to clariss. Then we take turns and he eats later.

But at times, i'm also very pissed with him cos he loves to watch late nite hk serials which he downloaded espeacially on fridays and sat nites he can watch till 2am +++ and he KO the next morning but i still have to wake up and pump milk early and feed clariss and even wkend i dun have time to rest or sleep late. So at times i also very fed up.....

But i tell myself give and take lor...

these 2 days, clariss finally managed to touch and hold on to her toes hahahaa she loves doing tat and keep show off to her dad throughout the journey in the carseat and keep smiling when her dad praises her...faintz

wow my sil's bb 2wks before she reaches 6mths already sitting on walker and gliding around liao ..she learnt very fast...

my fren passed me the headfloat and rubber inflatable "bathtub" for swimming but we still haven't set up for her to play. anyway she swims daily in her little bathtub hahahaa
Hi throll, yes I am fortunate to be able to stay at home while going thru this pregnancy but unfortunately I am alone; apart from my mum's visit every now & then. My hubby comes back every 3mths & I do admit it's not easy going thru this alone since stimulation. Thankfully a friend of mine introduce me to this forum & I have been seeking support, advise & comfort from the sisters here. I am expecting singleton & this is my first pregnancy. Very long journey to get here. How about you?
With regard to the stretch mark cream, any recommendations? Do we need different cream for the breast? Cos I heard that some brands of cream is too harsh for the breast area & can cause cancer.
Chris u got space to set up meh heehee.... Ai ya we r same same la I can't handle elis well which is y I have not venture to bring her out alone. At least u brought her to compass point. Same lor my hubby watch hk show until 4am on fri and sat. We r juz responsible mummies... What to do?? What show is yr hubby watching? My hubby dun let me watch anymore say I starting work dun b glued to it. He Can and I cannot? Juz zip my mouth.

I do daily exercises with my gal like teach her high 5, raise hand, kick her legs, clap her hands and touch her toes. Once my hubby left her on her swing chair he told me elis was trying to reach for her toes. Obviously my hubby dun know I do exercise with her.

Oh ya hazel, my hubby only read story book once to Elis and he gave up cos she was not paying attention. Now it's my duty lor...
Mc my face is so oily like can use for cooking.. Haf to wash my face every now n then.. I noe massage we cant go now.. Wat abt facial??
sashamama...added u :-D

throll ..same here..working and at time feel so tired also cannot sleep..but during wkend, i sleep like a pig..

my tummy quite obvious liao...got ppl giv up their seats for me at mrt...but i hv not told my company yet..still trying to hide but seems obvious if stranger also can notice...dunno how, when to announce?
Sashamama, I'm using Clarins cream but I think many Clarins users use the oil version. Im actually still using my first tube and has about 50% left. I know some people apply all over the body haaa...too sticky for me hence I initially only apply on tummy and hip. Your brand should help too

I'm also going to the dr's talk tomorrow, boring is it? Hope hubby doesn't zzzz...heee....

Chris, my hubby also loves to stay up late on Fri/ Sat nights too and I'll have to impatiently wait for him to wake up nxt morning. Many times, lunch were delay by 1hr+ and I ended up with gastric. Was telling him just the other day that he needs to try adapt his lifestyle to suit the baby nxt time. But I think he'll be able to cope with baby well, so like you said, give and take I guess
I've been constantly told by my SIL there is no 50-50, more like 80-20 hmm...I guess I can accept 80-20 if 20 is good job
BabyJourney, abrasion, it's good news then
Remember to take more fluid and fibers going forward. If you are taking oatmeals in the morning, can add brans into the mix too, very good source of fiber. Brans work for me better than prune juice I find
Hazel, I have not succeeded in taking passport photo for elis!!! She always move her head! Argh!!!! Her ifc need 2 photo.... Any tip how to take the photo?

Chris u gg to bb fair on thurs??

Tromso, when I was in my first trimester I will kick my hubby up. I said bb wants to eat he will jump out of bed. I will arrange gynae appt v v early in the morning. As weeks go by I manage to stop my ms and have more energy I would eat my breakfast myself but if hubby know if it's gynae appt he will jump out immediately. Man will change ... When Elis first came hOme big small noise made by her he jump out now he bo chap. I m like Chris we r the ones getting up.
Dear Hazel,
What were covered when u were there? I only know cordlife gonna talk too is it?

Dear bbjourney,
Glad your condition not too bad! You take yakult? Prune juice? Would any food or juices help you?

Dear throll & mc_007,
You gals are in the secret FB group!

Dear JT,
I think prawns can take? Just raw food and certain cheese cannot.

Dear blur_xuan,
I created a secret group on FB for us gals from this thread. So far 10 sisters are in that group. You wanna join? PM me your email address? I add you as friend then invite you?

Re: Facial, Hair treatments, Mani Pedi
All I avoided during pregnancy. Graduating to this thread means we went thru so much to get preggie. I won't wanna do anything that has even a 1% risk and if anything happens, I don't wanna wonder if it is because I did this or that. Previously I go massage 1-2 times weekly. During first trimester, i felt terrible without it. Can't sleep at night, surfed net for massage places, none will do first trimester massage and I just tahan. Even 2nd trimester some will say can only massage from week 20 - 32 only. I only did 3 sessions so far from week 20 - 28. Just try to tahan till baby delivers successfully. Even my toenails I can't quite reach now, I just get hubby to cut and he does a bad job, but I'll just makedo! :p
Tromso, thanks. I hv been drinking alot of water since my UTI. Maybe not enough fibre. my gp told me to eat papaya, banana, oranges and pessimon. I told her i ate guava n apple, she said guava will cause constipation. Faints
Tromso, hee, my #1 gal not son. No where to go during this holidays. We wanted to fly for a short trip but didn't manage to book plus didn't want to take risk too. probably will just drive up to Malaysia for a short trip instead.

Lynn, stretch mark cream can try clarins oil.

Actually, I am not very diligent in applying stretch mark oil, but so far blessed with no stretch marks for #1 and for this preg.

Heard from some mummies in another thread that we are not supposed to rub in a round manner and instead up and down. As this might cause contractns.
Catherine n Tromso, actually I'm not really into fs. See or no see I'm ok, but MIL side insist to ask fs to see in whatever we do, wherever we live. So just follow.
But I will let baby to sleep in our room first till her room nicely done. Maybe after 6 mths old then will let her sleep alone.
Dear Sashamama, i have ask hubby to buy yakult n prune juice for me tomorrow. GP said dont take fruit juice as there is no fibre in the juice.
hahahaha tronso,

sama sama so u can imagine when i preggy and hungry and he wakes up sooo late??? but he asked me to wake him up if i hungry and he'll die die pull himself up from bed and bring me go makan...now wait long long lor, is i who wakes up and buy bk for him lor....

Tromso, thanks for the info on the pre-admission form, will check it out.

Gals, I also have lots of white hair. But didn't do anything at all. I only went to organic salon for hair cut n treatment but very seldom. Even my that hairstylist told me to not die hair n rebond hair first for time being till bb born.
No facial n mani-pedi too. Lucky my skin is much better than before preggie, guess bcos all the soups n fruits that I eat. So all these natural thing also can help to improve skin texture beside facial.
