(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

blur xuan...does it tell u the size of the bb? so they will tell u how many weeks u r now?

can i request dr tan to giv me a note on my EDD? wanna suspend my gym membership but they request a note from the dr...zzz

hi Tromso and Hazel,

thank you very muchie for sharing the lcoation of labour ward hehehe
yeah really din miss muchie on the hosiptal tour hehehe

oh yes, Hazel, Kimmy, Cat, Chris baby, Bbliss, which brand of formulae milk do you all feed your newborn few months back huh? so many brands like similac, enfalac, nan pro, nan HA etc....

what is the difference between nan pro and nan HA? hahhaa when i read the labels, not muchie difference leh heheee .....not many brands got small tins for baby to try i realise.....
thinking of buying a small tin to standby in case breastmilk not enuff lor hehee

we can eat all kinds of vegetables during confinemenmt except kangkong and cabbage rite huh?
Sunbelle, I only eat spinach. My mum said many veg r cooling, including cai Xin. Belle drinks Enfalac which has the highest dha among all brands. Also it is the most ex FM also.
Hi sunbelle
My boy has been drinking enfa milk till now.. Enfaschool!! He loves it so we still give him drink.. Last time, my cousin doc told her the best milk in the market is similac and enfa brand.. S26 is too fatty n oily..

Hi tromso
I dun know any neighbour yet as still new here so i got to install the camera..;) just incase of emergency or funny action like if she forget to off the gas or sit on sofa watch tv etc.. Of couse, i will lock my rooms too..;)

Hi blurXuan
Congrat on seeing ur bbies hb..;)

Hi throll
All the best to ur scan tomorow..
Blur Xuan, congrats on ur twins! Twins normally will be much earlier than the EDD.... Mine is 1st Jan. it would be nice to have e same birthday as the daddy......
Throll n mc, I was exactly like u the past few weeks....if u can't stomach much solids, u can try oats or those oats cereal drinks... I know what u mean when food tt u like before r just totally appalling now...imagine a foodie like me, it's 10x worse
Never in my life I hv problem with food n appetite....but now even the smell of e food can get me puking. But this will be over soon k...... If u crave for whatever, just eat, as long as its safe food lah. The other time, I just finish a big bowl of beef laksa all by myself...n I dun take spicy food, imagine tt. Now I'm thinking of durian heehee.
Thanks babyjourney.
Wah Hazel pei fu u lei.. can eat n drink as u like.. i always wan eat tis n tt my dh will say No no no.. hear le oso sian..
MC yes. e report will write u can read b4 u pass to ur doc... it says e size n how many weeks. mine one is 6.8w n 6.6w..
Thanks Joanne.. really amazing to c e hb.. pop pop pop..haha..
Juvi thanks.. yap mine is 2/1 but doc say will early.. hopefully can haf a big xmas present.. hehe.. u ren till ur dh birthday lo.. haha.. mine n dh birthday v far cannot.. haha.. it will b nice if same as daddy or mummy..
Troll, you can try taking dry biscute if you feel nausea.. I practically feel nausea the whole day and my colleague taught me to take a piece of dry biscute, it helps to make the nausea goes away.. read from the web that this works too..
Hi mc_007
Maybe different number of week but when give birth, will give birth together..;) so both gap in terms of weight is better not too far..
Back from my scan, carrying 1 baby, saw my precious' heartbeat... DH so happy when he saw it too, his expression was priceless.

Geez I forgot to ask on my EDD, will rem to ask in 2 weeks time. I have switch to see Dr Tan @ The Private Suite but next appmt on 2nd June will still be @ Clinic D as this is the day he will be back from his leave.

Was only given a copy of the scan, too early can't even see that it is a baby. I only know baby is 6.8w, can't rem the size. If only we were given a copy of the report...
throll can change to private suite alrdy ah? I gg bk in 3weeks time.. y urs so early.. ya i oso wan a copy of e report.. its like we got no record for ourselves...
Hi Juvi, you carrying 1 baby too?

Really hope to get back my appetite soon, not being able to eat a full meal is really a torture. Can totally understand now how you feel when you earlier mention you had lost of appetite too... I love spicy food but now totally cut it out as I have gastric probs.

Think my bb due date should be in Jan too...
hi cool and bbjourney, sorry for not responding earlier.
i am ok.. tired lately.. bbjourney, u on long mc right? must rest well at home ok... glad that u have done the procedure and doing well

thanks catherine for your concern in much earlier post.. i switched to clarin stretch mark cream and skin ok now.. i just realised that i am sensitive to the gel which doc usu put on our tummy when doing scanning... notice that after each scan, i have rashes appearing...

i havent started researching or buying any bb stuff, but glad i have confirmed the CL liao... v costly for twins..

being a worrier (and also since i am considered high risk), i an still worrying and hoping the twins are growing well, and that my uterus and body can support a smooth pregnancy leading to successful delivery... last nite cant sleep coz weather v hot and i kept having all sorts of disturbing dreams...

must congrats meryl on her delivery! so fast! the last time i read she was concerned abt bb wt.. then suddenly pop liao! so happy for you, and envious! must be v busy coping with the littel one at home now

congrats to blurxuan and throll on seeing your bbs' heartbeats... exciting right? must eat and rest well ok! hope yr MS goes away soon
Xuan, yup can change when you arrange the next appmt. I will stick with him till I deliver. Pte Suite is $10 more expensive than Clinic D. Even weekend and evening appmt is extra $10 more.
Hi cock cock, think I am consider high risk too... doc said my baby is not stable and increase my Dydrogesterone dosage to 3xs per day, gdness every 8 hrs interval! I too will have to go soon for oscar test and whatever other test needed. Maybe that is why my next scan is 2 weeks away...

Btw when do we stop taking the Dydrogesterone medi or we have to take it till we delivery?

Don't worry you will carry your twins to full term and have a smooth delivery...
throll...gratz on seeing the heartbeat...what is dr tan's operating hr at TPS? I wanna switch over too.

also, he offer u more support and oscar scan or u asked for it?
oh ya..throll..actually dr zou can calculate yr EDD for u..she said mine will be on 12/1..will cross check with dr tan on fri..haha
Hi Tanny, thanks for the headsup for Philips warehouse sale. I think the employee sale (usually 40% off baby items) is from early to mid June each year. But if I get impatient, I may just make my purchase during the public sale

Hi Sunbelle, other food that will cause wind is broccoli, cauliflowers, oatmeal, onion, beans like soy milk. It's good to avoid these as may pass on the wind to baby.

As for formula milk, Nan Ha is closest to mummy's breast milk if I'm not wrong, hence some mummies will start with this then slowly try other brands. There has been some recent reports and chatters linking kids fast development (also hyper activeness) to the formula milks that they drink. As a result, so mummies have chosen to stick to normal DHA ones (as opposed to Enfa) so that their kids can grow and develop more gradually. I guess this is a perception thing too. A girlfriend of mine feeds her kids Enfa 50% of the time and other brand another 50% of the time.
Mc, think above 35 it is a must to test for down syndrome and other test. So far have not arrange any yet till baby is stable. Think all test will start on the 4th month.

I never ask yet for the operating hours @ TPS. Dr Tan mention he has lesser patients there as compared to Clinic D and waiting time is shorter.

Maybe you can ask more this Friday & let me know...

Dr Zou did say my EDD is 8/1. The calculation is via start of 1st day mens take away 3 months before, add 7 days.

Eg, Mens 1st April, so take away 3 months back from April so it is Jan, + 7 days is 8th Jan EDD ...
Talking about a child's development, recently I hooked up with a gf and she says her girl of age 2 still can't speak, e.g. speaks very very few single syllabus words, as a result, it was determined that her speech was delayed by about 1 yr. But strangely her girl started taking her first step at 9mths and can walk much sooner than most kids. If I'm not wrong most kids start walking from 12 mths onwards.

Subsequently, I read in a parenting book that it's good to let babies spend more time crawling, like no hurry to start them walking, because the longer they enjoy crawling, the better they will learn to speak and write in the future. It's like crawling expands and stimulates their brains more. Then coincidentally, I read the same thing from another source.

So relating this interesting fact to my gf's 2 yr old girl, looks like her early start on walking may have hampered her speech development. Or it could be a pure coincidence, heaven knows....

Bottomline, I guess we shouldn't have to worry too much about pushing them to achieve growth milestones earlier than the norm. Looks like nature has it's own way of making things work too

Right now, I'm really enjoying reading about parenting, it's such a discovery at the turn of every page
haaa...but I'm sure the real action is different, probably excruciating even
Tromso, actually is no gd to keep changjng FM brand unless bb is not suitable to a particular brand. The taste n content of each brand varies n bb needs time to adapt. TMC will ask wat FM u prefer if bb is to supplement with FM in hospital.

Throll, the support is taken until 12-13 wks pregnant unless there is reason to continue. If having multiples, late 2nd tri, dr will start other support to delay onset of early labour
Throll, there is No Tests that r a must for ladies above 35. I delivered belle this yr at 39. Even oscars tests dr Loh leave it to me to decide if I wan to test.
Hazel, oh I thought it was a must to do the Oscar test. Anyway I guess I will be doing it to confirm that my bb is ok. Thanks for the info.
Oscars test will not confirm bb is well. Is not a confirmative test but is a test based on statistics. If the results r good, mummies feel relieved but it does not mean bb is well until the detailed test at 19-20 wks then will know if the pregnancy is viable. If Oscar test results r no gd, it does not mean there is defintely an issue with bb. But may give false alarm to mommies. A few mommies can attest that.. Bad oscar results but proceed to deliver healthy bb.
Only amniocentesis is a confirmation test (99% accurate) for DS bbs. But that carry a risk of miscarriage

19-20wks scan can check for more major issues, if any. ie spinal and heart issues. I personally hv friends who passes Oscar test with flying colours but not the 19-20 wks. One bb has serious spinal issues n another bb has serious congenital heart defects.. Detected only at 19-20 wks detailed scans.

So, Oscar tests, watever the results, good or bad does not confirm bb is ok. Coz is just a test based on statistics.
Hazel what kind of detailed test is done after the Oscars test @ 19-20 wks? If bad Oscar test result, any other test to do done to re-confirm results?
Hazel, I didn't know have to wait till detailed scan to confirm whether pregnancy is viable or not. I am just so happy to cross 1st trimester..but seems like can't relax yet..

Bbjourney, how are you? Is it very boring to do CRIB?

Cockcock, *wave* *wave*
rest more and don't work too hard!

Heatbeats, you too don't work too late!

Hope, missing you lots..how's everything?

Blurxuan and Throll, congrats on seeing your babies heartbeats!
You are right Hazel, if child is adaptable to certain formula brand, good to keep to it. But unfortunately some kids are not suitable for certain brand/s so many mummies have no choice but to keep changing until can locate a suitable one.

I think heaty is 1 common issue, and loose stools. 1 of my gf's son has excema, so she really went though numerous channels to find the suitable brand, very poor thing
Angelxuan, that's why TMC antenatal class can only attend after we clear 19-20 wks scan though we will book way in advance. ESP WBB class
Throll, sisters here who has unsatisfactory Oscar test results will go look for prof ananda at Camden to do detailed organ n genetic scan at 14plus weeks. The test is smiliar to 19-20 wks detailed scan but done at an earlier stage in pregnancy. It basically checked bb organs one by one in detail, checking for DS markers. go read the link posted by angelxuan on Oscar tests. It basically comprises of blood test (which is inaccurate for mummies with multiples) and neck fold thickness. DS bb have a few visble markers, not just thick neck flow.

I hv seen prof before in my first pregnancy coz I dun wan to do amnoicentisis test coz of risk of miscarriage. Actually, 19-20 wks scan also can confirm but most mommies wun wan to wait till so late to know.
Chris, saw belle turn from Tummy today! I capture this moment on iphone video! Also, she knows how to remove her pacifier using her hand too instead of spitting it out.
Dear Chris,
I think I'd keep my Sasha's ashes with me when her time comes. Really very attached to her. During WBB's class, she taught us breathing techniques and one part when we're supposed to relax, she said think of seaside. But I didn't relax. I did when I thought of my Sasha though. I'm sure your dogs are at a happier place reunited. Take care dear

Dear Tromso,
Yes I try to lie on my left more. And I'm staying in Tampines

Dear throll,
You feeling better now? Pls don't feel guilty! Your pregnancy is very early now. Most of what u take wont go to baby yet. and though we should eat more nutritious food, I think giving in to some fried food cravings now n then r fine! Better than when your nausea n vomiting set in n u can't stomach anything! Of cos I hope u don't hv to go thru that lo. But many do lose appetite due to vomiting. Can eat just eat, so long as not raw or too cooling

Dear bbjourney,
Glad ur surgery went well! Rest loads now! Watch tv n sleep more!

Dear cool,
Thx for ur well wishes

Dear blur xuan,
Congrats on ur twins' heartbeats! Must hv been an amazing experience!!!

Dear Tanny,
I also wanna go to the Philips fair! What u wanna buy? I thinking airfryer. Heh. 

Dear gals,
My maid reached Singapore Liao! Gonna plan out her timetable n rules & regulations. Picking her next wed. Hehe. Hope she won't give me too many probs!
I've checked the other time re Dr Tan's schedule for e pte suite cos I wanted to switch but he only see patients on Tuesday afternoons at e pte suite. He also normally limits the patients he see on a Saturday so the Q on sats r shorter.

Gone back to work this week n boy I hv never been so exhausted in my whole entire life.....after work, all I can do is to just get home, hv dinner, shower n then zonk out on e sofa. Dun even hv e energy to talk to DH......Thank goodness one more week n it's the school holidays....Tahan tahan!

Oh ya, am gonna register for e antenatal prog in KKH this Friday when I go back for my doc appmt. Heard very popular so better sign up early. am planning to take up some pre natal aqua aerobics or some excercise aft my 1st trimester...anyone keen?

Throll, u may want to take e Julie's wheat biscuits. Tt's what I've been eating, helps to absorb e gastric juice....or nuts too.

Bought tickets for e Healthy eating for mummy n baby this Sunday, anyone going?
Cockcock, Angel and Sashamama, i hv been lying down as much as i can. Today watched 10 episodes of Rooftop Prince, now wait for the new episodes to be available. Only sitting up to eat, drink or when my back aches. Standing n walking only when getting food, bathe and going to washroom. CRIB is boring if i hv nothing to do. Think i may re-watch my favourite korean dramas again when i finish the new ones. Any suggestion on what else i can do to survive long term CRIB?

Thou i hv no more cramps but when i wipe, there is still abit of pinkish discharge. Hope it will stop soon.

Spoke to my boss yesterday about the possibility of me having to CRIB til i deliver. Felt better after discussing with her on the distribution of my work and she will ask another colleague to cover part of my job so that my boss will not be overloaded. Now i dont hv to worry abt my work but i will still check my email.

Cockcock, happy to see your updates. Dont work too hard okie. Take good care of yourself and baby girls.

Blurxuan n Throll, congrats on seeing baby heartbeats. Rest well and eat when u can.
Hi, new ard here ^^

Been reading at some of the past postings and realize that I don't have much symptoms like nausea. Instead, I'm eating more than usual
I'm also experiencing aches ard right hip bone. Is it normal?

wow u muz be sooo happy!!! yup when belle flip u just help to guide her along and cheer and praise her, she'll be very happy and encouraged to learn more. hahaha
hi sasha,

thanks, every day i go my in-law's house and when i look at the poor mummy dog all alone on her bed i'll want to tear, but will control cos normally when i go bk 2 dogs will jump and welcome me..but now just left with one. And left only mummy dog alone at her bed as usually she'll share and sleep together with her son. sometimes i look at her sad eyes i pity her.

Super shag as daily send bb and fetch bb from in-law's place..... how are you doing? Only have time to quickly browse thro the forum when i back..hope i dun miss any one's posts cos i scan thro quickly..heeheee

Chris, wat time u leave house in the morning for mil's Plc? Who shower Clarris? Who wipe her n change her into pjs? Is she still awake when u reached home?
