(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

No problem Hazel.. Will get the medi fr GP, hopefully they have.. thks so much for ur info.. ;)

Hi coolangel
Thk u.. I just woke up fr power nap.. Has been long long ago tt i take a nap in the afternoon.. Really shiok.. Hope my flu will recover soon n hope i can sleep tonight else tomorow sure panda..;p

Hi bbjourney
Glad tt ur procedure goes well..;) oh if u do c sect then does it affect if u want to try conceive via natural next time or also need to unstich first? Rest well ya...

Joanne, thanks. the cerclage is to hold my cervic closed for my current pregnancy. Before the birth of my baby, Dr Loh will remove the stitch for me. For the next pregnancy, i think may have to stitch again ard 12-16 weeks.
i just got a call from TMC regarding my Gestational Diabetes. I ask the nurse what my report result and she told me my fasting sugar level is ok, it the after taking the sweet syrup (after 2 hrs) which is nt ok... she say mine is 9.5... wa does this mean? Is it serious? What is the normal range that is consider normal.
Hi Chris
Hows ur first day at work?? Miss bb alot hor.. Tts how i feel when i go back to work last time after hv my boy too..
Blurxuan, awaiting ur update on your scan today.
bbjourney, at times I do feel like eating KFC chicken, then think maybe too oily not gd for baby... and was wondering whether can I just eat the mash potatoes...

Lunch time is coming, really stressful on thinking what to eat... Maybe my stomach can take Malay mee rebus...
Throll same same.. Craving fr fried food.. haha.
Juz did e scan.. See e heartbeat of e twins.. hehe.. small pop pop pop pop.. They only scan e tummy didnt get to hear e heartbeat lei..
Throll, i think it is ok to eat kfc and whipped potato. i eat kfc occasionally During my first trimester. I think for early pregnancy, baby has not start absorbing nutrients from us.

Blurxuan, congrats on seeing your twins heartbeats. I thnk ur gynea will let you hear the heartbeat on your next scAn.
Hi Ron, Hazel and Meryl,

thank you very much for sharing on the arrival of LC. yeah what sort of tinics can we take during confinement huh? do we need to take bird nests huh? cos i tot bird nests like a bit waste of money esp when is only prevent aging and nourish our lungs hahahaa

been having insomia these few days and cannot sleep when wake up at 4plus am lor..tink have to go sleep early first hehee
Throll, if transfer 2, n both heart beat can be detected via tummy scan then no need V scan. Sinographer needs to confirm how many embyro implanted. So, if see only 1, need to do V scan coz at times, tummy scan cannot see all.
hey Hazel, not sure whether did i remember wrongly or not leh from WBB's class. she say sometin like if mummy taking ginseng, the ginseng translate into breastmilk and baby will not sleep well after drinking breastmilk with ginseng...

yeah Tromso did you hear it during WBB's class? J03 huh?
Thanks Hazel, this is very informative...

Xuan, last Fri I did a quick V scan, saw 1 bb only. Can't wait to see my precious' heartbeat tomorrow...
Sunbelle, I dun take ginseng. Confinement, most impt is to 补 our health.. As we lost alot of blood. So, herbs used are usually dang GUI, Dan Seng this kind. cordycepts too but after our menses finished. Yes, watever we take go to bb if we r nursing. So if I wan to take stuff which r no good for bb, eg coffee, I nurse/express first before I drink.
Throll. Den mayb tml urs oso V scan ba.. I so surprise mine nt V scan.. Wana hear e heartbeat oso cannot.. But really can see their heart beating lo.. So amazing..
blur xuan...so exciting to see the hb..i hv not told my mum abt it yet, planning only to reveal,after the scan..at least i will hv more details..

throll, i felt nausea too after eating..but i still try to eat the 3 meals..hv been throwing up too since yst..try to eat things that u like, at least you will get something in, rather than ntg..
haha mc, it seems like what I use to like is no longer an option for me now... I use to drink milo, now just the thought of drinking that makes me sick... then I use to like eating McDonald cheeseburger, now no more...

Everyday is like a trial and error for me to see what I can eat without feeling nausea... so far I just find something to eat then stop eating when I start to get sick.
throll..i am a coffee addict but these few days i drink a few sips will feel like throwing up...maybe same as you..what we used to like no longer applys..haha

gd luck to yr scan tml
throll..i am a coffee addict but these few days i drink a few sips will feel like throwing up...maybe same as you..what we used to like no longer applys..haha

gd luck to yr scan tml
Hi Hazel and Chris, thanks for the dang sheng tip.

Sunbelle, I recall WBB mentioned something about taking what will keep baby awake, but I can't remember if it's ginseng. I guess, like Hazel says, if we take tonics after breastfeeding, maybe lesser chance will pass on to baby. Hmm...have to remember to ask my TCM dr next time about this.
Just curious, at the TMC labour ward where mummies wait for full dilation, are the beds very near? As in if we say, watch DVD on iPad, next bed mummies will be disturbed...

Has anyone tried playing radio in the TMC labour ward? Is there reception? I don't really have many soothing mp3 songs....

Mc, Throll and Blurxuan, our taste buds are changing after BFP. What we used to like, we may not like it now. So if you have any craving, think can go ahead and eat as long as they are not the "forbidden food".
Tromso, I was watching hk drama on iPad thru out the whole waiting n delivery process in labour ward n birth room. Hub was using another iPad playing games thru out. I on the volume loud enough for me to hear Only though I brought along an ear PC too which I didn't use.
Sunbelle, so you see you didn't miss anything without the hospital tour
We were not shown the labour ward, I tried asking questions but the tmc guide wasn't very sure

Thanks Hazel, so the beds were not too close for comfort right? Is there drinks provided too? The tmc guide says there is hi-fi set in the labour ward, so we can bring own CDs, is this true?
Sunbelle, the delivery room is on L2, my guess is the labour ward is L2 too.

During the tour, tmc guide mentioned that if we were to come after midnight (emergencies or for delivery), we are to use the Delifrance entrance. Then take the lift near the pharmacy and go straight to the delivery room at L2.
Tromso, labour ward, the bed is side by side. The surrounding is not quiet so u dub hv to worry abt disturbing your neighbour unless u on the volume until v loud. Bring an ear PC along If u r concerned. You will transferred to birth room once u r ready. I was there for a few hrs n birth own only one patient. Yes, got tv n sound system. But we nv use.
Hi Joanne, no aunties/ elderlies neighbours? Then I guess if I were in similar position, in order to gain a peace of mind, I may install camera/s too. I'll be quite curious if maid brings strangers into the house if left alone or tries out my clothes or does voodoo stuffs (have heard about these). But if she takes a break, I think it's fine as with a more alert mind, may potentially avoid accidents around the house
MC. I did e scan n see e report but haf to give to e doc. After tt we gt no report or anytink except e photo of e scan.. How i wish i can haf a report.. It state how many weeks n how big they r..
Blurxuan, the forbidden food will be those liang, cooling, raw and food w herbs lor, same as what we needed to avoid during 2ww. My mum also told me after pregnant best to avoid crabs, stingray, sotong, mutton. Also Try to avoid deli meat, tuna, sharkfin, big fishes, unsafe/unpasterized cheese.

Some of my preggy friends drink coffee n tea everyday during their pregnancy. I think to drink or not to drink is really up to yourself. To me, i love coffee but i stopped drinking coffee and tea for my pregnancy. I think everything in moderation should be ok.

The photo of your scan today should hv the size of your babies and EDD.
Bbjourney. I feel like eating Bak Kut Teh.. Sob sob.. No lei.. Only show bb shape.. no size n edd.. doc said its 2/1 but mostly will b earlier coz twin.. No appetite fr home cook food.. Haiz..
Blurxuan,some bak kutteh use herbs but some only use some spice n pepper. I thnk the spice n pepper one we can eat.

For twins, your EDD will be earlier.
