(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Kimmy, u took the photos from ps I love u photography?? He is So skinny.... How heavy is yr prince now??

Chris and hazel, r yr gals using m size diapers? we r gg to upgrade Elis diapers in 2 weeks time. Headache now cos we have 2 packets of unopen mamy poko, half packet of drypers and huggies. Though can still use but we realise drypers is too tight for elis... She keep kicking her legs when we put drypers on her sigh...

Hi m new to tis thread.. My scanning is on 15/5.. May I know wat shld I do during tis period of waiting?? Juz tested positive yday..
Heartbeat.. Nice seeing u here.. I heard my DH said if u dream ghost wan catch ur bb when ur bb born ur bb will bring lots of fortune to u.. Good luck.. coz one of his fren oso dreamt tt shes single mum n wan to abort den dreamt tt n she decided to give birth n her child bring lots of good fortune to her. Success biz woman now..
BlurXuan *wave wave* hehehe happy to see you here! Congrats again!

15 May will come very fast! You just relax now, rest alot, going back to work soon? Eat your pregnancy supports, have balanced diet and think happy thots ok?! Treat it like another 2ww but be more careful and take things easy now. Jia you!!
Chris, size S is up to 8kg! Belle only 5 kg plus. I bought diapers fr giant in JB. Cheap! Checked out the Enfalac too, cheaper by S$13 per tin! Got refill pack somemore, even cheaper! Well, the catch is, made in Thailand n the content slightly different. So, we nv buy milk powder. Belle was smiliar to kimmy's boy at 1 mth old. Where got skinny? Hehehe

Kimmy, your boy so cooperative during the photo shoot? V well done!
blurxuan - congrats!! relax and just eat well if u can until the scan.

cockcock - the (silly) website only works on IE (or something like that). You don't have to be at 20weeks to book, i booked online at week 12 after passed Oscar, but you can only register for a class that has start date on or after your 20th week (based on EDD you enter the website).
Catherine - took w Dphotofolio as had maternity & newborn package. Haha yea he got skinny legs! Now still can wear nb/s size
now should be about 3.5kg + I think
thanks Ron8129.. Everyday eat fish.. I oso not sure wat to eat n wat not to eat..
ya heartbeats, duphastone u tking how many pills per day.. M tking 2 per day since first BT..
Hazel - haha he wasn't that cooperative. Initially he slept for 2 hrs which was great and then he woke up & was too alert we had to wait for another 2 hrs for him to sleep. And he poo on photographers blanket twice and pee once! So paisay! In the end I said just take w eyes open! Lol
Kimmy, omg u spent at least 4hrs there?? I m thinking of taking family portrait. Néed to wait for Elis to b at least 4 mths old, nicer hair, neck more stable then I will consider.

Chris I went to Waterloo that bb clothes shop. Got pj but dun like the design. They dun have shorts. Now at Bhg later gg suntec.
Cockcock, Hugz. Long time no see. Pls do come here often, we miss you.

Hope, I am okay to go for TMC tour in May, but seems like abit early. hehehehe :p

Heartbeats, you, Angel, cool cool and my EDD will be around the same period so I think we can attend WBB's class after our 20 weeks scan together in July. Not sure if Cockcock can wait for us? :p

Welcome Blur Xuan and Shainie. Dr Loh also prescribed me duphaston, i took 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Per tablet is 10mg. Just take as per what your doc has prescribed to you. As for food wise, just remember to avoid Liang/Cooling drinks/food, food with Herbs, Raw/Semi-Cook food, Cold drinks/food and Caffeine drinks. You may also want to start drinking Anmum and try to rest as much as you can.
BlurXuan, Shainie, i am taking 2 tablets twice a day up till 12 weeks, total 4 tablets daily. Then slowly wean off after 12 weeks so now is 1 tablet twice a day till 14 weeks.

If i am wrong, KKH prescribed you 1 tablet twice a day? If you feel thats low, you can ask your Dr whether ok to double up. I think no harm since Dr Loh also gave me and Babyjourney the double dose but your Dr has to 'ok' it else cant prescribe enough for you.
Thks coolcool n Ron for the info.. The website q lousy.. This morning got server problem can't access n I got to report this n they said try 1 hr later.. (oh yes, only work on IE). After that finally can.. When I finish keying n thot will submit first, at the pt hit problem my entry gone..

Tks bbjourney! I read abt ur scary story n cold sweat for u.. Told my hubby abt it.. Am sure I will cry all the way to hospital too., u ok now? Cont to drink more water n rest well ok.. Envious so many of u can join same class tog.. I think jul wld be a bit late for me.. Not sure if I will be v tired easily then (now already can't sleep n v tired)..

Thot of signing up for some yoga class for preggy women to
ease my ache n pain.. Anyone got recommendation? Sashamama, u tried some massage right? Any good recommendation? My back n shoulders v pain leh.. Thks!
heartbeats i only prescribe 2tablet per day. How to ask Dr to up the dosage? I only meet him on the 9th. I pm u. Im really worry of my progrestrone level eventhough my hcg is high.
Heartbeats, i thnk most of us prefer weekend class as not so rush and easier for hubby to attend with us.

Cockcock, yes v scary. My urine was clear on wed n thursday, but it happened again ytd. I dont know why it happened again thou i dranks at least 3 litres of water per day. This mrng i went to O&G and saw Dr M instead as Dr Loh is still at TFC. Dr M gave me more antibiotics to take. So now have to take antibiotic, drink more water and cranberry juice and to monitor futher.
heartbeats i send u pm.

Blurxian will reply to u in ivf threads. Sorry just now i cannot post to this forum. It's hang.

Hi everyone. Just joining this thread. Can recognize many familiar names here.
Finally got time to settle dwn n rest. The bb shower celebration finally over n hb is nw clearing e hse while I look aft my gal. Hoo.... To do e celebration at hm is no joke man, very taxing coz gotta tidy e hse n clear n clean e mess aft guests left...

Hazel- yup, e GP did give us some colic med. I got burp her in bet e feed n tat y each feeding time sometimes can b quite long as gotta make her burp. My gal oso has e habit of zzz... while drinking so when she zzz... More difficult to burp.

Btw, do u wake yr bb up to drink milk when reach her feeding time ie. 3 hrs is up ? Mine now switch to 2 hrs interval but at times she sleeping, we dun dare to wake her up as she will be angry if wake her fr her sleep den feeding will b diff.
Oh ya.. During evening/ nite, When yr bb r sleeping, do u wake them up to wipe body n changed or juz let them contd zzz.... ?
Welcome shainie & blurxian.

I have 10mg duphaston one in the morning and one in the evening ( as prescribed by Dr Loh)

Bbjourney, so worry about you. Is dr going to perform more scans and tests to check why the red urine is back? Please take good care.

Dr Loh said i have 20 weeks womb, so tummy has become very obvious in 8 weeks. I asked him why like that, he said genetic, truth enough i checked with my mum, apparently she had the same pattern too. Dr Loh said my fetus has alot of space to swim now... ZzzZzzz
hazel, catherine

clariss is already wearing M for huggies ultra. its getting abit tight around her thighs area. Dunnoe is it huggies cutting smaller le????

went to bb fair just now, quite rush..nothing much but they selling alot of stuff like those pjs, socks, tights etc from wat we see in Gmkt but slightly cheaper. Those look better in the gmkt posting, real thing not so nice. Heng ah i never buy. Saw the training pants (2 for $12) super cute but dunnoe for wat purpose think is to wean them from diapers? anyone here knows wat's it for????

Too bad like wat hazel says they don't sell diapers there except pureen brand diapers...
Hope, i have actually given my urine sample for testing/culturing when i saw Dr Loh on thursday for my review. This morning Dr M told me the result is not ready yet. This morning i asked Dr M to scan baby again, she tease me for being kiasu, i told her i worried. I feel so much better after seeing baby. :p

i wanted to go waterloo too but couldn't make it cos by the time hbs come bk and we brought clariss over to fil's place already 4pm...how to go.... so went expo instead. Very sad day today, went bk saw my old doggy very very sick, don't take he can make it this few days. Dog has not being eating since yesterday, and he teared when hbs talk and sayang him cos he very close to hbs. We dun really know and sort of gave up cos fil has being telling us not to spend so much on medical bills as its long term costs and the medicine is just delaying his condition and he'll not recover from it. If he dun take medication will die. But its too ex a sum for us to upkeep as every mth got to bring him see vet and run tests plus medicine plus his special meal can easily cost me close to $700per mth and bil refuse to share bill with us. So fil told us just let him be lor....hbs teared just now while driving bk home. Now me alone with clariss as hbs went to meet fren to discuss on some biz venture.

hahaha good qn, today clariss doze off before i can wipe her and if i wake her i dunnoe how to coax her bk cos i alone and hbs meeting friends now. faintz...heehee u can try to wake her up but muz be fast fast wipe lor and change PJ which i intend to do later.. but dun catch her at the time when is very close to her feeding cos a hungry and sleepy baby is a super angry baby hahahaaaa.. Oh normally just let bb sleep dun wake them up, once they hungry they'll wake up and wants milk.

is your condition better? to keep hydrated and remember to drink more water and visit toilet more often. Good urine culture will tell dr wat kind of bacteria and they will use the right antibiotics to kill it faster and also no what causes it whether is it hygiene or other reasons...
I feel ok today except some stomach discomfort yesterday. Today I still have pinkish urine but the color seems to be getting lighter after the antibiotics. I have been drinking alot of water and visiting the toilet every 30mins or 1hour. I also hope can find the cause soon so can "get rid" of the UTI once and for all.
Bbliss, if u have been burping bb in between the feed, if the last part she didn't burp is ok. But when u put her down, make sure she lies on the side, with her back supported by a pillow to prevent her from turning to lie on her back. If u see milk following out of her mouth, carry her up and burp. If not, let her sleep on her side.
Chris, hazel, thx for e pointers. Will wait for her cue to feed

Btw, as wat I have prev mentioned, for past 2 days, my gal poo poo is e wet type n aft seeing dr ydae, she did not poo today leh... Aiyo.... Wet poo worry, did not poo oso worry... Sigh..,, wonder izit e med so she din poo today.
Babyjourney, heartbeats angelxuan, cool cool, Hope, I think I wouldn't be able to join u guys at WBB for July class.
I am still too early for that. And I would prefer a weekday class.
Weekends are usually busier for me in church

By the way, is WBB's classes open to all? Or only those from TMC?
Babyjourney, take care. Nowadays, I change my underwear more often. Doc says must keep private part clean n make sure we wash away the soap clean clean when we shower.
Seems like pregnant ladies are more susceptible to infectionS

HOPE, wow, so u wearing maternity clothes already
Bbliss, after first month, bb may not poo daily anymore. As long as bb poo every 2-3 days is ok. Bbs on BM can take up to a wk to poo once.. But is no gd coz that means bb will be bloated. Belle's dr gave us med to insert into her rectrum if she dun poo for more than 3 days. But so far, belle does not need that.
CoolAngel, I think you shd be able to register for the class too. Go in and try.

Thanks, I also change my panties and wash myself more often. :p
Bbliss, If u r bf, watch tr diet too. I took fish head curry once and elis dun poo for 2 days. On thurs I ate yong tau hu laksa and elis din poo until this afternoon despite I took lots of fruits to counteract

Chris, sorry to hear about yr dog. Did u buy the korean mat? We bought a lot today from og. If elis was better I could have shop more at bhg too. Today the focus was on her. Can't even c own clothes. I have to shop for a chair that she could sit on when she can. Saw at og cost $66.9 but I was not pleased with the colour.

Today in the og nursing room a mother asked my mum How old is elis. My mum said that bb is of same size as elis and that bb is 6 months old! Hmmm seems my elis is of a bigger size.
Hi Blurxuan and Shainie, welcome!

Kimmy, I love the photos of your little chungkin! He's a handsome boy! Can PM me your photographer's contact? Thanks! :p
Hi all
Finally finish all post.. Phew.. So many..

Hi tromso
Thk u.. Me oways worry but try to relax too...;) how r u? Hv send u a pm few days ago..;) wah.. U r checking on cc le.. Tts fast..hope u get a gd one soon..

Congrat to Shaine and Blurxuan
Welcome here...;)

Hi cock n heartbeat
For WBB class, i attend at wk 19 even though before my detail scan n the class is full n i explain to them my situation.. Many of my cycle buddy just start attend first lesson at 25-26 except me and sunbelle and baby.. Somehow glad tt i attend early as having twins hv to rest more at around 3rd trimester... Tired n feel leg suan easily.. If ur bbies r on the bigger side, will be more tedious.. Am glad i didnt eat durian this time as bbies already big, if gets bigger further, it may cause preterm.. Dun forget tt there r two bbies in us so they may hv limited space to swim..;) since i will be doing csect, i didnt do any exercise nor yoga as i think resting well is the best. Also doc Loh say i must be gd gal as wk22-30 is most critical n we must rest well to avoid preterm..just some thots to share with u..;)

Hi bbliss n kimmy n .... (cant recall names)
Congrat to ur bb full mth n confinement over.. Hurray...

Hi kimmy
I like what u write in ur poem n ur bb boy is so cute..;) nice photo taken..;)
Bbjourney, glad u are better
hope the color in yr urine will clear completely soon.. Must must take care! I think u hv been v diligent liao, everything will be fine., just that it's q annoying n can be unsettling at times.

Joanne, thks for the sharing! I'm already low energy n tired now.. Still having some ms.. I thot 2nd trimester energy level will go up? Still hasn't happened to me.. Btw, I m puzzled. U only gained 4kg but babies growing too big? U must eat more to give yrself more energy.. Or will the extra energy goes to babies?

Kimmy, wow! Those photos of yr baby so so cute! U really can write poem v well too! Admire!

Tonight again woke up to eat coz hungry, then LS again.. I kept having LS throughout my pregnancy.. Sometimes abt 4 times a day.. No good.. My tcm doc said my digestive system not good..
Cockcock, recently I started to wake up for "supper" again but its at 5am. My hubby said my panda eyes are getting bad, think not enough quality sleep.

Cock cock, I also ls around mid 2nd trimester. Asked gynae she says I could b v stressed and caused irritable bowel. Must eat slowly and avoid spicy food. Watch what u eat/do b4 and after. For me I eat and walk v fast during pregnancy. Stress was my problem and gynae told me to drink Yakult or ear yoghurt.

Chris. My mum told me training pants is to train them to go toilet on their own. Diapers also got pant type right? We can only buy when they can walk, communicate with us to tell us they want to pee or poo. My mum told me pant diaper is v thin can only use for 1time

I dun know If it was right to bring Elis out yesterday . She din sleep after her 3pm feed and was v alert. Brought her out I guess only sleep for 30 mins. She keep looking around And dun want to sleep on stroller. In car if its red Light she cry. Came home worse once u sit or put her on bed she cry and cry. I néed to bar her from gg out today to let her sleep sigh y is she so active now??

Oh ya Chris, Lao ban niang said my skin look better after child birth. I show her my tummy she said v small. (it's not small lor) kinda of like sales talk to ask me buy more bird nest haha
