(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Joanne, I understand that babies coming out earlier than expected is an on-going concern for you especially with twins. Actually this issue has also been constantly at the back of my mind, cos have friends around me delivering early too.

Hope you'll manage to get ample rest, take your TCM dr info as a guide (may not be that accurate) and most importantly, laugh often
I've seen in my friend, her first pregnancy was very stressful for her, worries a lot and works very very hard at same time, baby was 2 weeks preterm. Her second delivery, she took time out to rest, rejected many work assignments and baby came out full term
Sometimes it's amazing how our mood can affect our body system right

So I hope you can start your 'vacation' early, put your legs up and relax over funny cartoons or nice music at home

Haaa...Heartbeats, your comment about Elis, Belle, Clariss babbling to one another reminds me of the YouTube showing the 2 caucasian young toddlers 'chatting' incessantly with each other, very drama those baby kids

Btw I was speed reading through the previous posts and saw an advice that you may like to try avoiding yogurt if it gives you discomfort. For me, I've recently noticed that I can't take Vitagen, especially at night, will give me a funny tummy feeling, like wanna LS, very mild though, so I stopped drinking it. That funny feeling no more since. I'm thinking perhaps it's because our digestive system is very sensitive now, quite upset why others can take Vitagen but I can't....haaa....unfair!!
Heartbeat, I was told bb who can't speak yet cannot meet each other. My fren bb came over and both bb cannot stare or look at each other. I was told if they c each other they will rob each other ability to talk. No logic that's y i dun bother

Chris, Elis got up at 10.10am. Now playing with her till she bathe. Lucky she got no fever.

Hazel no choice need to get up early to do housework. Belle and clariss so gd can sleep early and wake up late. My earthquake dun do that

Tromso I reply u later when earth quake sleeps
Noted Tromso, thanks. I stopped already. No more yogurt and curry. No milk even, for yesterday and today. Gotta let the stomach recover. Scared liao.
Bbjourney, it's at Tiong Bahru but time not confirmed yet. It's all my 自做自受, wanted to see this see that and made myself so tired. I can't pull myself out of bed this morning, just woke up and had my breakfast. :p

Hope, it's really more convenient for you to see dr Loh during weekdays since your office is so close to TMC.

Heartbeats, ytd I also had slight stomach discomfort, suspect it is due to a small amt of condense milk that I took. I love condense milk but think really have to avoid now.

good for you. heehe i just finished bathing clariss as usually she enjoyed her bath and "swimming session" in her bathtub but once she's out of the bath she started to fuss and cry. As usual i ignored her (cos used to her fussing) just quickly dress her up she know KO liao...oooh i'm hungry..got to go buy lunch later. Hiaz weather so warm, later bring clariss along she sure sweat like hell again...but no choice le very tempted to leave her at home but hbs warned me not to...

have u make payment for your purchases to kitty? hiaz the socks which i wanted all OSS liao..sianz ah.....what did u buy so far? heehe

At first i wanted to leave clariss at fil's place today so can go expo baby sale which is just 5-10mins away from fil's pl but bil still coughing and my sil left her bb with him in the morning and left for work. Think she has meeting today at the office. Can't go over on saturday either as fil has to go to sil's place to babysit her bb as got gathering at her place. So tomorrow will be a super busy day for me and hbs cos got to rush to pay roadtax (tmr last day) and hbs work 1/2 day so only left afternoon to run errands, go bb fair, buy pjs (buttons infront) for clariss as her pjs tight liao...Those tat my sil passed over needs to wear over her head down, clariss dun like and keep crying and screaming soo no choice might see if they have at bb fair or buy from bugis quanyin temple shop. They have those front buttons pjs.

yup if u still have ms episodes then eat stuff tat won't irritate your stomach like avoid spicy and oily stuff, fried stuff and hard to digest food...Cos during preggy our stomach very sensitive due to the increase in progesterone and hormones we tend to lao sai, tummy upset etc...Once your ms is over than u slowly try out the food and see which kind of food u can take. Some mummies can take tom yam all the way, while others can't take spicy stuff. For me during ms, i can't take milk or dairy prdts at all, will vomit big time. Tats why my gynae gave me double dosage of calcium pills, but once i reach 5mths i tried to take abit of milk and see if my stomach okie then funny i recovered and i took alot of dairy products and milk and no tummy upset or ms anymore. And i dun have constipation at all thro out my preggy.

can i ask which peg perego model u gotten at the bb fair? Mine is the P3 compact. The lining is pretty thin le and can feel the hard carcass so thought of where to buy a extra layer on top of it. Do u have this problem? what did u do?

think metro got expo fair as well. so nice envy u can go shopping. how i wish i can go.. but tough even if i take taxi fr punggol also difficult cos got to carry bb and handle pram as well. u going alone?
Chris, thinking of bringing belle n helper. Not using bb pram. Too troublesome. I like to use bb carrier.

When u going bk to work?
Chris, ask yr hubby to pay road tax via axs tonight. Y u guys do last min. I always ask my agent to do for me at least 2 weeks ahead. I also need to go guan yin temple there to buy shorts for elis. Like I say too bad we dun stay near if not I help u look after. Yup I tsf $. Bought her 12m clothes. Now elis wearing 6-12 mths clothes. Clariss knows it's hand me down clothes?? Smart gal

Tromso, my fren help to recruit teachers for my first skool. Though she din say but I know the quality of teachers they get r not the goody type. Besides they have so many branches, quality of teachers and curculim r not standardize.
Pardon me if I may say this. They belong to ntuc so things r simple there. For cherrie hearts I visit the one at raffles place. It's v messy. Toys not well organized, kids are all learning at the same big space. Imagine u r in k2 i m in n2, yr teacher talk what I also can hear. I visited on a sat so I expect hygiene and toys r well organized but it was not. These r my personal comments dun mean to hurt anyone who jhas chosen cherrie heart or my first skool

Hazel update on bb fair.
Chris, call for delivery. Pizza or Mac la.... My pt helper coming at 12 noon tomorrow n tomorrow morning I need to go pick up my car. If elis is ok after helper leaves, we will head to expo. if not we go orchard. I need to open bank account for her, go h&m buy clothes and taka to use the vouchers given to her. She has like $700. How to spend?

Tromso, learning vision... I heard they keep increasing price every yr. Always the excuse of operating cost. The one I visited v dusty. So no no for me.
Heartbeat, I can't drink fresh milk until mid of my 2nd trimester. Sometimes all these ms scare me.

sobs..sobs.. 14 may 2012. think i'll miss my little tsunami when i bk to work. heehee
So nice, how i wish i can go, i got a baby carrier from my fren, but have not try it on clariss. think i'll wash it and sun it 1st since today weather good. Dunnoe whether she'll take to it cos she hates sarong and anything tat wraps her except her papa's n grandpas hugs n cuddles.hahahaaa

hahahaha for carter clothes, clariss is now wearing 9m bodysuits think their sizes are smaller, like bb fox she wearing those 6-12mths liao....faintz cos she has long body n legs and need to provide allowance for her diapers hahahaaaa..

Any good buys fr kitty? i only ordered denim shorts, jumper and a top tat she can wear now as a dress heehee

I used to stay tiong bahru pre-was 4 storeys houses when i was born all the way when i was 26yrs old we shifted to bkt purmei. i missed the food at tiong bahru mkt but alot of hawkers have already retired...

wow $700 taka vouchers!! Shiok le heehee any expiry dates? i spend mine $300 taka vouchers during the last fair on the pram liao...
Chris, no expiry date. I dun need pram or big items leh.. Told my mum i go buy Gucci she stares at me. Haha.... Like clariss, Elis loves her daddy hug. More meat haha.. We tried the sling on her she cries. Mayb now will not cry? K try tomorrow.
hahaha if i were u, i say the same to hbs go buy gucci whahahahhahaaa...u hold on to the vouchers n wait for upcoming s'pore sale la think starts 25 May might have better stuff to buy then.

i now soaking the baby carrier fr infantino. Think my fren used only a few times, her gal also dun like. hbs dun like use carrier say rather push using pram cos later backache ah...

But if clariss takes to carrier then go life for me i can put her in and then walk further to buy lunch ah better and faster than pushing a pram around.
dear mommies,

That's another Robinson cardmember preview 1-3 May!!!!

Hazel, catherine

heng ah hope i can go for this sale cos missed the one last round heehee got to go bk workclothes..... Just received their mailer via email.
Chris, y u all got all these Robinson notification of sales? Me dun get it. 1may is public holiday. Can cheong too.leave elis with hubby lol... If I buy potty and high chair from bb fair then dun know can buy what...toys? I have to spend the voucher as much as I can on elis Cos hubby will ask me to buy things for his nieces and nephews. Not say I dun want to get for them but they dun cherish things we buy. They spoil it within the day we give them - snatch and throw it hard on the floor. Sometimes I see already v heartache. Wah u only have about 16 days more to rest. Better do what u want now.
Hope, you mean the hospital tour? I was just mentioning about it to Bbjourney ytd.. I like to join the tour but don't know when is more appropriate. How about you?
Hi Catherine, indeed the Raff Plc Cherie Hearts sound inappropriate, when I visit, I'll look out for close sharing of lesson space, if any. Yep, I'm half hearted about My First Skool too but seems to have more ccc in Punggol. The only other ccc betw cheaper My First Skool and expensive Montessori that I know is, Cherie Hearts...haaa...very poor knowledge hor, think I'll hv to ask around more.

I've called up 1 or 2 unknown brand ccc, the people I spoke with are really not very responsive, a lot of I'm-not-sures and not too eloquent or enthusiastic. I'm imagining if these are the English teachers, really cannot make it. I should have asked if they are English teachers or just mere kids helpers.
Chris, my in laws also live about 5 mins drive away from expo. Before we got married, hv tried going on foot to expo, about grueling 25 mins, lol.... it's nice living near expo with all the sale going on
Hi all, there's got Baby Fair from spring maternity at Spring showroom.
16 Jalan Kilang, Hoi Hup Building, Level 1.
Tel: 68846148
(28 April-7 May)
You can find the ad on Today newspaper (today).
Angel, i think there is hospital tour on every sat, right? We join together? I also wanna find out how the room charges work whether the rate or room choice go together w the doctor?

Today my MS is bad. Taking half day n resting at home.....
Catherine you are right!! Learning Vision is increasing it's fee by $100 starting Jun (I called up the Novena branch, near my place). I feel that $100 price hike is quite a lot....unbelivable....thanks for the heads up earlier

wat happened nothing to buy at bb fair ah??? do they have the korean mat there??? Normally i don't go metro sale cos can't find anything, prefer robinson sale. tha't's another motherhood fair at expo come may.
Sigh... My gal like nt feeling well. These 2 days no appetite n dun wan to zzz.... Keep crying. Massage oil to tummy Liao but still like tat. This morning, her poo poo wet wet again n vomit once again....

Argh..... Dunnoe y like tat. When CL still here, she ok. Aft VL gone, she like tat. Could it becoz I dunnoe hw to take care her... Sigh...

Gotta bring her c dr later... I scare dunnoe wrong wif her....

how's the weather at your side? Mine here very hot ah...did a lot of laundry these 3 days..

Think can wait for labour day, normally they have more sales.
Hope, sure let's join together! I heard if want to join Sat tour, have to register in advance. Which Sat are you looking at?

I don't know why I puked all of a sudden in the early afternoon. Still figuring out what's the trigger.. Just mamanged to eat my lunch..
Chris, super hot here. Luckily, got taxi! Belle slept in the taxi all the way there till bk home now still sleeping!

Bbliss, wet poo or watery poo? The poo of bb on BM is usually v soft n abut wet. Watery poo is like fluid- that's diahorea.

Colic or wind peaks at 6 wks old.
I went expo bb fair and yes nothing much. I did buy a few nursing bra and met belle little so precious! Oh so cuteeee and adorable
hugs!!! Im also on my way back before the crowd gets worse. Hazel : Yr maid wears specs?

What brand of bb carrier u use? Belle sleep so soundly comfortably inside.. Good? Do u feel any strain?
Cool cool u know the opening hours of spring? It's near my place.....

Hazel, as expected. Gd that belle ko... Did u see the high chair or potty??

Chris u still eying on Korean mat? I guess I was v tired ... V hot too so I put elis in aircon room .. She was making lots of noise I juz sleep. I dreamt that she could walk down the stairs and crawl at yu GUo.

Bbliss, u feed yr gal on bm or fm ?? Which doc r u gg?? Pd or gp?

Tromso, learning vision has been raising price every yr and I heard the rise is quite steep. Teachers also has high turnover.
Tanny, your bb will be cute too! All bbs r adorable!
. Yes, maid wears specs when she goes out! At home, she dun.

I using manduca baby carrier. It is only sold At this shop in square 2. http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/
It is a big pricey n I told a few friends to share n get me as gift after belle was born. It is a gd investment n can start using even when bb is an infant. Only criteria is must be 3.5kg minimum. It can be used to bb is a few yrs old n can be used as a piggy back carrier too. Is v comfortable for bb n mommy. The part where bb's groin sit on is soft unlike some brands like babybjon. Personally, if we are alone, that's more handy than using a stroller which is bulky. Take taxi or public transport also more convenient. Our hands r free and can carry a bag on bb things too!

Take a look at the website, it ha a video to show u to carry bb in it.
The baby fair really disappointing ..only help my fren to buy newborn bottles..nuttin muchie...if i had known is this scale, wun go down liao....only tink i got are some baby clothes..not worth going i feel....

chrisbaby which PD u seeing now huh?

Manduca is a recommended baby carrier. i think square 2 allows people to try with their baby for comfort accorfing to some threads.
I nv try the carrier. I just saw my forum gf wears it n fr there I compared to babybjon carriers which most mummies buy. Hehe!

For mommies to be who are planning to buy a rocker. Just to share that pls get one which is made of netting material! Ie, with small tiny holes like fish net. No need to spend on fisher & price brand (which I did unfortunately) which is full cloth n is v warm when bb sits on it! Belle's back is wet whenever she sits on it. After talking to other mommies then I realized that the net materials r the coolest! Cheap & good!
Catherine, Chris

I passed belle over to my parents n told her bye bye... She frowned n started crying! I took over fr my mum n carried her n she stopped. I passed bk to her m left m as started to cry again!!

My goodness! She is only 3 mths old!
Geeez...all your babies feeling the heat now, i wonder what will happen to us mummies EDD July/ Aug....amen...

Chris, my in-laws at tanah merah. But PIL are old, so can't help look after grandchild, not sure if deposit for few hours can or not (actually more like they may be unwilling, lol...grandparents these days ahh...). My SIL lives in the same estate, so maybe next time can deposit baby there if going expo...

Catherine, I spoke with a friend, she says Learning Vision also requests to pay for many extra things/ activites, so ended up pulling 2 kids outta LV cos became unaffordable
ok, LV strikes outta my list.

Tanny, it'll be very helpful if you can bring your baby to the Manduca at Sq 2 for a 'fitting' session. When I was there other week, I saw the other mummy trying out the different models with her baby, so cute, like koala
The sales people are ultra helpful and knowledgeable too. Since I've no baby in my hand, sales person demo using dummy baby
Like what Hazel did, I may ask my friend/s to get their vouchers instead of shopping vouchers.
