(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Chris, elis cry after her 10pm feed put her on rocker also no use she juz kick and punch me. Cos I m not the one who usually pat her to bed. My hubby went to airport to pick my dad up... When he came back elis fell asleep on my chest. I finally ate my Mac breakfast. It's like mths I have not eaten.

For those who is gg to cheong the toy r us sales, dun go!! It's super crowded we were shocked!!!!!


no lah i do it before she wakes up but muz fast fast lor...


huh u went to the toy r us sales liao??? got stuff to buy meh? i went to the one at tampines mall cannot make it ah...
yup i missed the days where i preggy and have nice and relax bfast at mc donald and swenson's...nw its buy back lor and always in a rush..last time can even read sat straits times during bfast n decide where to cheong shopping ah...now we got to work our time around clariss.
Tough to find places at sengkang sports hall mc donalds cos always very crowded esp if bring clariss along lagi worse cos we need slightly bigger place for us to put the pram unlike last time can just grab 2 seater place. i missed having bfast at east coast mc donalds too bad now is closed. Did u go to the mums n babes sale at toh guan since its at the west area? Gd?

catherine, joanne, hazel, bbliss, kimmy, nell

i missed those hawker food at the east ah...like chai chee bak choy mee at bedok, fried prawn noodles..yummy wan ton noodles etc etc...oooh drooling away ah...... long time no go eat liao eversince confinement till now....

still remember the times when i gonna do ivf the 1st few days i'll treat hbs very well cos need his soldiers hahahaha very bad of me rite? heehee and also during the time doing frozen cycle cos need he go do blood test etc....whahahhaaa then after preggy is my turn to be queen whahaa i love the time when preggy cos can eat alot of stuff jus tat hate the ms period which lasts the whole 1st trimester till i can't even consume water...
Gals, toys R us has clearance sale today at unites square. For toys R us card member n HSBC platinum card. I m going later!
Cool, congrats on the good news of your scan.

Wow, so many teochews here. Me not teochew but hb is so my gal has to follow.but no one to speak to her in teochew since my ILs are not very close to her.
I'm already having difficulty teaching her mandarin as my mum and I speaks to her in English.headache! but must let her be exposed.

Hazel, let us know later if it's good.
Tot of popping by with my colleagues later.
I ever went there for the clearance sales but i find it bit disappointing coz nt many toys and since want to clear should have better discounts but end up i remember like still quite expensive.
Yea me teochew too! hahaha but my teochew half past 6, sometimes talk halfway to my mum, kenna stuck .. "ahh ahh ahh ..." then continue in chinese :s

Joanne wow, never heard the long version!

Bliss, now that you mention, ya 'ong ah ong' sounds familiar! haha but my parents' version is 'oh la la la' no wonder it didnt sound like teochew to me!

Babyjourney, nope, i seeing Dr Loh next week.

Today, Angel having oscar scan? All the best!
Heartbeat, u went already ah? Good ah? Later I go dunno still got good toys or not...

Hub n I are both hokkien. Buy hubs follows his mum n speak teochew! How belle will know hokkien n teochew next time?

i am here i am here

just came back from my 8 weeks scan. bb now is 1.7cm.

i'm officially graduated from TFC
heartbeats, wah u went toysrus already?

hazel, quick quick cheong there now if not left those older packaged toys.

HOPE, congrats on graduating. hee....
Hazel, no lah i din go. My state no luxury of shopping yet. Hokkien and teochew very close and similar leh, if Belle picks both up then will be so talented.

Hope, thats great!
JY! Your last visit or next visit will be at O&G?

Pierced, nope, din go, i responding to Catherine only cos read that she say very crowded.
wow so happening ah!!! Toy R Us sale!!!!
i just had lunch, cooked instant ikan bili soup with udon eggs n mushroom... so warm at home...

hazel, so envy u can go shopping !!! i would love to go tooo...but this whole week grounded as no one take care of clariss for me....
heartbeats, haha, i thought so fast u go there to shop liao.

heartbeats, me cantonese but my mum hokkien. So i understand both but not very fluent.
Then my hb pure teochew but he doesnt speak to my gal.
oh my! how to teach so many dialects?? will be good to expose them but quite difficult now in these days. very good if they can pick up one dialect already tog with mandarin.
anyone here baby starts dropping hair?

clariss dropping big time.hahaaa more at the centre hahaha look like those old ah peh now hahaaa
Pierced, nowadays kids learn so fast, maybe you dont even have to teach, they listen to adults conversations, they will pick up! My parents babysit this little gal, waa, she learn 'dont want' in teochew is 'mai'. One day we feed her cereal, she shake her head and say 'mai' ... we were shocked!

Chris, me also just had lunch, these 2 days crave curry vege, siao one, end up eat for 2 days liao.
hahaha piereced,

me hokkein, mum n mil cantonese, hbs family hakka...i dunnoe how to speak hakka but know how to listen abit especially those words tat are scolding people whahaa cos find tat hokka sounds abit like cantonese...my hbs know alot of dialects, such as hokkein, hakka, cantonese, abit of teow chew..me half past 6 tooo.. know how to listen cantonese but speak not tat fluent, hokkein fail hahahhaaa but understand abit........
hee heartbeats, ya problem is she not exposed coz she being looked after by my mum and listen to Eng whole day. i've been getting my mum to try speaking to her in mandarin first. My ILs hardly see her so no teochew for her. hopefully she will pick up a little though.

Chris, me all half past six kind too, listen can understand but not fluent. hee
Mustering mandarin above dialects is good, should be that as priority. Dont know where i read, spore going to have so many PRCs next time, if dont know mandarin will be quite troublesome. Now my company also promoting 'jiang hua yu' and my boss ever tried making us do presentions in mandarin, luckily she gave up before it got to my turn, haha

Dun worry once your ms has passed you won't hate dinner anymore, you'll love every meal and all the food u can eat !!! Like me, i used to have gastric and GERD so very bad during ms time. But funny thing is once i reached 3mth, appetite super good and all the way no matter how i eat won't have indigestion or gastric problem ..so i eat and eat and eat... hahhaha even hbs finds it funny tat i can eat in peace cos he knows tat i got very bad GERD.
Especially durian, when i 4th mth wow super craving and crazy over durians such tat hbs control me dun let me take too much cos my family got history of diabetes...
Wah.. So many posts..
there is another bb fair at ntuc starts today but no more pampers brand..;(

Btw, can we attend wedding dinner? Any pantang?
this morning i visit TFC; and the next appointment is going to be at TMC.

Dr Loh so funny, he asked my permission on whether he can deliver the baby for me...zzZZZZ i said he must deliver for me and i asked him cannot go on leave during December...
Omg....today is my CL last day n she went off aft lunch. Since lunch till nw, I m wif my gal alone. She had milk at 12 n till nw, dun wan to sleep yet !!!! I coax her till I myself oso wanna zzz le n worse still haven pump milk. She have been crying since juz nw. Until nw manage to diam but very awake....

Oh no... E start of 1st day challenge....
Hazel, u went to united square? I left around 1.15pm. So crowded and toys were in a mess there.

Chris, i was eyeing on the walker at toy r us. But can't carry. My car boot v small. Elis pram is there and we bought stationary from popular no way to stuff the walker at all. Hey husband agree to go bb fair either sat evening or sun morning. He wants to get bouncer and potty for elis after seeing the ad on the papers.

Pierced if u r gg to toy r us make sure u go empty handed must snatch things from ppl. The toys r not for infant more for age 3 and above
Chris my pd bill is $337! Consultation was only $30. Later we r gg to my gp to take fever med for elis. The blood test elis took at tmc could not confirm if she is thelemessia need to check later this yr. my pd say Elis v active and talk a lot lol....

Wow about language. Bbliss, since yesterday I try to talk to elis in mandarin.

My dad is Hakka mum Cantonese hubby hokkein. I understand Hakka but can't speak. I only know eat dinner. Lol.... My late grandma had to learn mandarin to communicate with us. Cantonese is easy. Watch more hk drama lor heehee

Chris I miss the food at bedok north and east coast park. Dun make me drool leh...I got no dinner today too. Will b sending car for repair soon. Have to eat simple or cook tonight.
Catherine, it packed coz u went during lunch hrs! I reached here, lunch crowds all gone! V easy to browse n buy. Bought my 6 yrs old niece. 8 yrs old nephew got to go sch! I bought 2 toys for belle, age 3 mths n up. Saw the walker.. But dun think belle can play so soon.
Joanne, the ad is on life section. Same ad as last yr.

Hazel I was there since 10.30am saw the q as I was having breakfast at Mac. At 11 when the 'gate' was open so many ppl grab it's like mango or Zara sales those kind.

Chris, og got 20% discount sales till tues. Now I know how to put Elis in car seat. So it's easier for me!! My pd say Elis has a bloated stomach. Told him she ko when drinking milk so din burp. He keep asking us to try harder.

Bbliss, B careful of yr engorged breast. U must trick yr gal to sleep. My breast was engorged on the 4th day after looking after elis alone. Relax ok u sure can manage. Juz rant yr frustration at yr hubby if u feel tired and stress. That's what I did. My hubby also rant his frustration after i did it on him. He will say what u expect me to do? Quit and stay at home? Standard words from him
Catherine, we burp belle even when she KO. Burping is a must for belle. If not she feels v unconfortable. At times will vomit out the milk also.

Dun worry u can make it!!! Jia you!!!! Is your mum or mil able to be at your place to help u these few days. Dun worry, after tomorrow will be wkend and your hbs will be home, more hands to help out.

hahaha very tough for me to burp clariss too...cos she'll ko after her feeding especially the 11pm feeding.. And afternoon if she dun burp she'll have hiccups. today weather very good i did a lot of laundry and now washing the seat reducer from quinny. aiyoyo now having headache need to buy a padding which for my pram cos the lining very thin can feel the frame so hbs bought the quinny seat reducer but think its tooo thick tats why clariss sweat like hell in there. unless we go shopping then got strong aircon if not jia lak..how ah????any gd suggestion? the ones i saw at the mkt all very thin even those fr mc claren.

it can take me 20mins to burp clariss when she ko.. and at times she still dun burp at all... tat's how my shoulders and neck get sooo suan after tat lor...if she didn't Ko she can burp easily once we let her sit upright.

i missed nadia!!!
Chris, yes, KO difficult to burp. But no choice, if not put down, she will puke milk or keep turning around coz she is v uncomfortable. If need be, I will wake her up.

even we wake her up and burp her she doesn't burp..no choice we try to carry her upright for 10-20mins before putting her down to bed...faintz rite??? oh my shoulders are aching again...
Chris, waa i cant wait! Hope for MS to be over soon, i want to pig out! And i love durians, cant wait to eat!

Hope, then he will have to plan his leave around your EDD liao, hehe. But he very onz one, if on leave still think about work. I think he will probably prepare himself to be very busy towards end of year cos Dr Marianne also pregnant and will go on maternity then Dr Loh will have to cover.

Bliss mummy, jia you!!

Waa why everywhere sale when i cannot go out! Hope i still got chance chiong GSS!

may i ask more about this Amniocentesis test? is this better to test it if we age 35+? or subject to our oscar scan?
Hope, I went for my Oscar today and the Sonographer said if the Oscar results show one to be on the high risk side, then they will do further test and amniocentesis. She said best is to avoid Aminocentesis as this is an invasive procedure and has a risk of miscarriage.

i'm also above 35yrs, i went for my oscar last yr and my results show one to be low risk hence my gynae advised me to avoid aminocentesis as it carries risk of miscarriage.

me missed durians but think the season not here yet cos the durian tat my mil bought last mth so so only leh, The Mao Shan Wang also below standard. haha my fil very bad even commented tt it looks like my gal gal's poo the next day whahahaaa... mil beitahan fil.....
