(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


heehee elis sooo cute.

i've now waiting for my romper to arrive and see if they fit the pics.

oh u might wanna see this thread instead, i "placed" my orders for carter and osh gosh :-


They having sale now.

Always dreamt of buying a osh gosh denim overall whenever if i ever have a baby gal, now dream fulfilled.

heehee go see.

tks chris n catherine..

my boy is 3 mths plus.. but he was 3 weeks early.. so, technically, he still havent reach 3 mths yet la based on correctd age..

he got bronchiolitis.. its an infection on his bronchioles.. he was not hospitalised bcos doctor ruled out pneumonia.. belle had infection on her bronchus since its bronchitis.. i had to nurse my boy bck to health at home with little medicine.. just salbutamol to open up airway to alleviate the symptoms.. he dint hav fever n so doctor was nt too worried abt the severity of his infection.. but having to tke care of a sick bb is extremely difficult.. at one pt, im tired as hell.. but at another point, i feel so depressed looking at my son suffering..

*coping coping coping*
Chris, my mum juz fed her and elis is talking again. Faint. Ya ya I also want to buy the denim overall. K I c tomolo. Hard to c on iPad.
Sillsilly, belle has RSV too! No fever, n other stuff. Just neubaliser to widen her airways. Dr at KKH 24 hrs warded her coz she will vomit out her milk when she coughed. Dr was worried that she will be dehydrated n she was abt 2 mths old then (corrected age not yet coz born at 36wks). She had a lung x ray done too n was cleared. During her stay at KKH, she was given neubaliser every 4 hrs then become every 6 hours once. N some nose drops to unblock her nose.

If ur boy was not hospitalized, how to administer neubaliser? Keeping going to the clinic or u rent?
catherine, hazel,

Good Morning!!!

clariss siao siao last nite woke up at 4am, stamping h kicking her mattress with her little feet and hands...faintz... give her pacifier to coax her to sleep just didn't work she wanna "talk" and as i'm a light sleeper i couldn't sleep hiaz...until 7am then she feel asleep. Thought i could from there catch a quick wink, then my mum called and wake her up and she cried for milk...hiaz....now after feeding she refused to sleep and i left her on her bouncer and she playing with her toy. soooo tired............

catherine, how's your hb's flu? Mine getting better but last nite i too sleepy and neck and shoulders aching after sitting there pumping so asked hbs to wear mask and take over feeding at 11pm....


my wrist, ankles all the way down to my feet is aching and fingers numb and aching..that time u mentioned your fingers numb rite? so u went for massage??? does it help??
hi ladies,

did you all order the special herb bath hair shampoo and also ginger cream from the online spree or the littie dreamers during confinement huh?

oh yes, another question is which brand of baby lotion is suitable to apply for new born huh?
trying to firm up all the small details now heheehe

Hi Meryl : how is everything now huh?

Hi Kimmy : planning your full month party soon huh?

Hi Bbliss : i agar agar remember when your littie bundle of joy is born hehee so roughly know when is your full month hehee

Jus a question, after we give birth, do our gynae come and visit us every day huh? what is the normal huh? cos no experience at all.......

hey chris baby i love all your chirpy cartoons hehee

hi shashammama : thank you very much for the inform on dr loh leave ...
looking forward to the baby fair this weekend hehee
cos can round up all the small tins hehee

any advertisment on this baby fair huh? cos i only see the information but no special buys anywhere leh...
Hi sunbelle,

My sil ordered for me a special herb bath shampoo(lemon grass smell) and also ginger cream but i didn't use the cream....cost me total $38.
catherine, hazel

hahahah lunchtime coming, very tempted to bring clariss to nearby compass pt for lunch as to shop but having 2nd thoughts..hahaha cos gonna plan my route. hmmmm... got to take lrt to punngol mrt then take to sengkang..from there got to find places to eat tat is pram friendly. Also tough to eat at foodcourt cos got to order food and have to be away from pram.. hmmm.....having really venture out alone with clariss.


how was your trip to robinson? did u go alone? Cos with clariss i can't try clothes le...sianz
Catherine, the exact address n more info of e legoland can be found at http://www.legoland.com.my/. They will be open end of this yr n nw they starting to sell Preopening passes Liao.... Haha.....

As for e hello kitty city, it is at this puteri harbour internation desination resort. Part of Iskandar Malaysia development. The International Destination Resort is easily accessible from Singapore, being approximately 40 km or just a half hour drive from downtown Singapore and 25 km from Johor Bahru city centre. Target to be open this yr.
Sun belle, tat time when I attended boi boi class, she said bb lotion nt necessary unless bb got dry skin. I noe some sis recommended using olive oil as lotion to apply for dry skin.

Hehe... Ya, bb shower this sat n that also mean my confinement is ending soon !!! Hooray..... As confinement ganna home bound, stuff to buy for e bb shower all done online requesting delivery services (waste extra $$$ for such services) if nt den seek my cousin for help to buy those items I need. Hmm.... But today, I need to get some stuff which they dun provide delivery services n cousin nt free, gg to seek my mum permission whether she allow mi go out for awhile.....
Chris, e jumper is nice. But I dunnoe wat age to buy for my gal. Some of e newborn clothes I brought for her still bit loose.... Sigh... Eventho she weight over 3kg when born, she kinda of petite.
Chris, e jumper is nice. But I dunnoe wat age to buy for my gal. Some of e newborn clothes I brought for her still bit loose.... Sigh... Eventho she weight over 3kg when born, she kinda of petite.
Chris I want to shop too!!! Hb back at work today so cant go out. He is still coughing likely tomorrow must c doc again to get antiboditics. I m waiting for princess elis to sleep b4 I can shop the link sent by u....

Bbliss thx for certain reason I will not go until next yr heehee ... ESP Msia election coming lagi cannot make passport for elis
Sun belle I use Gaia moisturizer. Yup my gynae visit me daily.

Bbliss, wah yrs so strict. My mum allow me to go out.

Chris my knee is so weak I néed support b4 I get up from the floor or chair. I book an appt to see my specialist but it's in June cos no one can look after Elis. I dare not bring her to sgh too. So need to wait till she goes into IFC then I can let my specialist see what Happen. Elis vomit the 60fm I gave her at 9am. Sigh.... Now she is half asleep. Hope she quickly sleep then I can do online shopping heehee
Chris, went Robinson alone! Bought new under garments, clothes n shoes n blew a 4 digit figure.

Sunbelle, dr Loh will visit every morning at 8 plus unless he has delivery then later. 1-2x i wanted to see him on top of the daily visit. Once i walked to his clinic the other time he came at 9pm after he finished night clinic. Even when I was in delivery suite, not ready to deliver yet, he also pop by to check on me to see how much i hv dilated.. Though the mid wife was monitoring. Pte leh, he has to give better service!

I use avent magic cream! It is v good though a bit pricey! It prevent heat rashes on bb (ESP in first mth), acts as a moisturing lotion (since we sleep in aircon room) and keeps mosquitoes away too! I apply on belle's face, hands, legs n body twice a day. A no of pp commented that belle has gd skin n always asked if I took a lot of bird nest. So, I must be more hardworking to maintain it! :p
Chris, the root of the prob is the back n neck/shoulder. Massage does help but it does not cure overnight. It will slowly improve over time with regular back n shoulder n neck massage.
Wow... Catherine, u mean yr mum allow u to go out during confinement ? Mi ONI can go out if it is to bring my gal to jaundice chks prev.

Nw as my confinement cmg to end soon, hope she can pang chance n let mi go out awhile... Hehe....
bbliss, she has to allow wat... elis was admitted back to TMC, bring elis for jaundice check, gynae visit, buy things for full mth, what i need like breast pad, breast milk storage things. my mum is those modern type she dun believe in what cannot bathe and must indulge in dom etc. my dad on the other hand is the traditional type dun let me take the front seat in my car cos aircon blow, must drink dom etc. mayb mum work in hospital so she takes a different view.

Chris, i am shopping now!!!! lol....
Chris, online shopping la... somehow i dun like the osh gosh overall. i like the overall of the child model but cant find. i only have 30 more mins to shop online b4 my earth quake wakes up.
Haha.... Catherine, yr dad n my dad majiang same pattern... When take his car, he will ask mi sit behind, he oso durIng my confinement brought Dom, VSOP, Brandy n ask CL to tun jiu n let mi drink.

Bring my gal out to pd, my mum is ok. Hehe... Mi nw on way out as my mum said ok but gotta wear properly. Long pants, sweater. Haha. Ok la, parents r always like tat. As I m their only child, n my gal is their 1st grandchild so they very kan cheong n very concern

So to mi, own parents r always e best as compared to in laws....
Btw, sisters, have yr tummy resume bk to pre preggy stages? Mi today look at mirror, sigh... Tummy still look likr 3 mths preggy.... Even CL oso said my tummy still look big.

Hw ah.... ? Been eating less le but tummy still there.
hi catherine and Hazel,

thank you very muchie for sharing.. mi oso bought few tubes of the avent magic creams and bottom balm leh ehee so can use in on my baby next time hehee

Bbliss : have you done your massage huh? i have frens whom have extended their package too cos they jus wan to enjoy the relax moments and also hope to slim down further......

yeah anyone taking herbal life to help slim down huh? i hrd one of my fren's fren took it and help her to slim down even before her pre-preggy figure..but my only concern is whether if we will to breastfeed, can we can jus tke herbal life alone cos not sure whether will translate to enuff nutrients for the baby huh?
Just saw dr Loh. He said my staining is due to breast feeding. He said hormones v low but not low enough until no menses.

He asked me to drop him an email one wk later do that he will email me a soft copy of my pap smear report. Good service! Also, m surprised that his receptionist called me by hazel when dr Loh always calls my dialect name! Must be dr Loh caught my english name fr my email previously n updated into his computer system! Impressive!

Gals under dr Mariame. Not sure if u know she is pregnant..
I told dr Loh belle is v hard to take care.. Guess what he said? "u ask for it one wat!!". And asked me "dare to hv a 2nd one?". Kekeke
Wow.. Hazel, yr tummy went dwn in 1st mth. Tat very fast leh. Hw u manage to do it ? Execise or dieting ?

Sunbelle- I ONI complete e 7 sessions of massage n tat it.

So pissed off. Purposely travel all way dwn fr west side to compass pt to get those party stuff n end up empty handed cmg bk hm. Those stuff I wan either dun haf , if nt look diff fr online. Arghh...
Bbliss, didn't do anything. Maybe is stress! Belle was warded in NICU for 1 wk after birth, I was rushing to & fr hospital n pumping milk. Stress over low BM, stress over her, no appeditie to eat more though breast feeding.

yup my PD recommended applying thin layer of olive oil on clariss ears and tip of her eyebrow cos her skin that area very dry and got dry flakes. After applying olive oil she can be a cream to apply. Cos her ears are dry and red too... clariss has sensitive skin and prone to rashes especially if weather is hot. So these few days i diligently give her a thorough wipe in the afternoon around 2-3pm.

yup my back, neck, shoulder all hurts alot. i used to have shoulder n neck ache n went to see a dr near eunos who's famous and his clinic got people queue from 6am onwards before he opens cos per day he only see limited patients. Many years i've not gone there. now the pain is back...hiaz.....

so nice, how i envy u got shopping...i think i need to stock up on my office wear liao just dun have the time to go shopping cos no one to look after clariss while i shop. sobs...sobs.. And i'm starting work very soon....sigh......

u got go for malay jamu massage and wrap or not? Will help to slim down esp after tat get an abodminal binder and faithfully bind when u sleep or anytime when u free... it helps to hold back the losen muscles and helps to shrink tummy. But muz hardworking faithfully wear. me lazy only wear during confinement after tat can't as tough to climb up fr bed to do nite feeds.

u also went compass pt??? i just returned from there with my little Tsunami hahahahaaa heng ah she didn't cry just make the "agor agor" sound lor...
hi catherine,

your earthquake wake up already? my little tsunami just KO heehee online shopping time now heehee...
wat u mean u not able to access?

u just click on the link to the thread forumm:


Then look for my posting under chris_baby. Then click on the links to the items i wan and it will bring u straight to carter/osh gosh website. From there just copy the link of the item u wan and reply it in the mail to kittybride and she'l lreply u back to confirm on stock availability n cost breakdown.
Chris, earthquake overshot by 1.5 hrs she juz scream and ko. I saw yr post but I can't postbanything in that forum.

Hazel, dr Loh so cute..., guess u din answer him on his question,
Hazel, I think I also grew sideway. Juz now can barely fit into my jeans which was loose b4 I got preegy,

Chris, ask yr sil to look after then u can shop. U r lucky got fil to help, my dad dun even touch elis. Little earthquake overshot by 2 hrs. I m like standby can't sleep at all.
catherine, Hazel

my little tsunami also cranky and keep fussing cos she's very tired and can't sleep..hiaz... just now thought she ko liao but 10mins later she keep crying...and got to put her pacifier back and every 5mins she keep fussing ...me tired and sleepy now...
me too can't fit in my tight jeans at all, can't even pull up not to say button hiaz....bones all expanded......
Bbliss I still got a tummy. Now doing sit up everyday. Sianz I still got 2kg on me!

Chris, I still can pull up zip later try scare earthquake can't find me keep crying. Btw metro got sales at expo. I m thinking whether to go my gp there to standby medicine for elis, go gp take med no need to pay (husband co pay). Pd give med I must pay. Stingy a bit can buy her more clothes. I still can't post!! Fed up.
hazel, catherine

hahahaha dr loh very naughty heehee missed his jokes tho. have ur hbs ask u all try for 2nd one??
my sil's hbs wanted 3 kids, she wanted only 2. both of them came from family of 4 kids unlike me single child hahaha. wow but to have 1 kid is already very taxing and ex liao.

hahaha saw the news tat govt said that s'poreans are producing less n less but do they know why..they dun understand tat inflation n costs of livings esp childcare n education are high nowadays and need both parents to work to support the whole family..they still don't see the picture just keep saying need to have foreigners to come in to fill the gap...
Hi Catherine, I see that you are using GAIA cream for Elis, just wondering if you have compared this with California Baby since they are both organic. I'm undecided which to choose....

Hi Chris, you are living in Punggol right, my parents live there too and I'm planning to put my child into childcare at Punggol after 18 mths. Do you know any good childcare centers?

Punggol mummies, any suggestions for Punggol childcare centers? I'm really not good with the brands and franchises, only heard of PCF, My First School, Cherie Hearts....not sure about their standards too. Thanks a lot!!!
Chris I can read the post but can't post. Oh ya this morning my mum commented that elis knowledge of mandarin is v poor. My mum ask her to smile in mandarin she gave a blur look. Then my mum said smile she smiled. Me lor I always use english with her. Told my husband he said can't b. so when Elis showering he called her Chinese name and spoke in mandarin no reaction

Tromso, I din compare or choose Gaia. I was so busy b4 I gave birth I let my mum make all decision. She worked in pharmacy b4 and claim her customers told her Gaia is gd. Btw I can't stand the mess at Cherie heart. Somehow I feel they have franchise and lost the focus. My first skool cant meet my hygiene and teacher standard.


if u wanna place your child at punggol then u got to start one by one go and take a look and register and be put on queue cos punggol childcare centres are normally full. tat's why i trying to put mine at simei where my in-laws are staying. My buddy went to register her gal when she was 18mths old and all the childcare at punggol fully booked and all on waiting list up to a yr!!! can u believe it? End up my fren put hers elsewhere near her wkplace and till now her gal is 3yrs++ liao and the waiting list still dun have her turn. I knew all these cos i went with her to a few childcare centres to register 2yrs ago and guess wat the childcare admin people tell us alot of parents register even before their child is born. So to be kiasu, u better just register 1st and put your names in to chop place then when u free then go down and have a look at the environment.Anyway chop place don't pay deposit.
Coz don't forget, yours is DRAGON BABY!!!!!!! And i even heard from one of the childcare at simei personnel told me tat they also heard tat punggol childcares always full house as they got parents asking around and came to register at simei too.
