(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Coolangel, I'm like you but worse when I was having ms. Mine only in the evening and build up all the way to night. I can't eat much for dinner and afer that, everything will come out and also with those whitish parts plus food. sorry to sound so gross.

Then the whole night, my tummy will be feeling so bloated and uncomfortable. Nothing I smell is good. even my toothpaste!

Other than that, daytime Im fine, eat ok , of course dependin on what i eat. No fish, fried stuff etc. So i try to eat more vegs etc in the day for lunch.
Try eating crackers for tea break like what the rest mentioned. i esp like the meiji crackers. something salty to rest ur stomach first.

catherine, wah ur Mil place really sounds out of the way and so different. no wonder u dun want to bring Elis there. So instead get ur mil to come down to visit once in a while??

Elis is very very smart, can still hit the mattress to tell u that she wants milk.

Hope, mummies milk is exta, can try other types of milk. I don't take it either coz it's too sweet for me. I drink normal low fat milk instead. now 2 glasses a day as per Dr Loh. Plus mummies milk is higher in calories. and with other supplements, u dun really need them.

Hi babyjourney, angelxaun, heartbeats,

How are you all doing? I have done my oscar scan yesterday. The measurement from scan is good. But still waiting for the blood test result. Will know today or tomorrow. Can see bb's hands and legs moving and 55 mm now. And Prof asked me to stop all the injection and medication and I was given two vitamins. One is Iberet Folic-500 and Caltrate 600 with vitamin D. I have no more MS and eating well.

Babyjourney, how are you now? I read your post and worry for you. Take care ya.
Mummies, I also find that kids nowadays are getting smarter and they learn to imitate adults very fast. My nephew for e.g can actually crack his dad's iPad password and download apps to play at 2+ yrs old! We suspect he remembers the pattern/numbers that his dad pressed on the keypad and followed suit.

Catherine, i can't imagine a place like your mil's exists..I also won't want to expose my baby to such environment.

Chris, haha..my mum & your mil same pattern! I would prefer if my mum can take care of my baby as we are closer but my mil also not bad, pretty reasonable and fine lady.
Coolcool, wow! Congrats that your baby is growing well & healthy! I can't wait for my Oscar scan to see baby again, it's this Thur.
Chris, i am 12weeks now.

Coolcool, Hello!!! Long time no see, was thinking abt u today.. Must be excited to see your baby moving. I am feeling better now. I hv just started e multi vit and fish oil that Dr Loh has prescribed n will be going for oscar this week too.
catherine, hazel

hi hi catherine, if u are considering buying the korean mat, think they might have it at the expo fair this coming friday..me still considering heeheee
Bbjourney, when do you intend to start looking for CL? Btw, will your mum or mil help to look after your baby when you go back to work after maternity leave or would you send your baby to IFC?
Angel, hmmm i was thinking to start calling after e oscar results. My mil will not be able to help us. Most probably will have to rely on my mother. Moreover, my mum n i are staying in the same estate. If really no one to help, either will look for nanny or IFC.

long time never heard from you? how are you coping

Hi nell,

wow so nice, envy u can go japan heeheee
how's everything over your side? when are u coming bk to s'pore?
Re: CL
I booked mine at 12-13 weeks thereabouts, together with massage lady. Was pretty kiasu but luckily i did that cos these people if they are good and popular, they'd be snapped up super fast. Especially CL who can only take 1 at a time.

For my case, i read through hundreds of posts on forum, shortlisted 3, the first 1 & 2 already taken, luckily my 3rd one was still available tho she received enquiries. I hurriedly paid deposit $300 through funds transfer the next day to book her. As for my massage lady ML, i also read good reviews, booked her, shared her contact on the August MTBs, and within a few days, she is fully booked. Moreover Aug-Sep is Hari Raya period so they either don't take or take less.

You gals due in Sep-Oct? That thread's mummies started booking? Then u need to start too. Cos many many are silent readers and many will be prompted to book :p

wow jap ones as well??? okie u mentioned spree? oops where to buy and would u know roughly once the price? heehee belle at your mum's place ?
Angelxuan, Babyjourney & Pierced
Thanks. Will give it a try to eat some biscuits and apply later
heehee.. Yesterday ate grapes around 5pm+, then vomit grapes at 7pm

Some people say that have MS means a healthier pregnancy. So I try to think of it when going through those horrible moments. :p
Babyjourney, glad your urine getting better, drink loads water. Did you managed to get cranberry juice today? My appetite still bad, i lost 5kg already. Now dinner cannot eat, if eat, whole night cannot sleep, will want to puke. Even apples which used to ease my MS dont work anymore.

Angel, i havent debate with my parents on caregiving and most likely i have to quit my job and forego the comfortable income. Cant help it, dont think mum can cope even if i have a maid to help her. Ideally i feel should be 1 adult to 1 baby excluding the maid. I wont be having CL, find them too stressful to manage or live with. Maybe see if hb can take longer leave during confinement.

CoolCool, yay! Was thinking of you and wondering where you went! Great that baby is growing well!

Cool, your scan will be good tom, jiayou, hang in there with the MS. Mine also quite bad now, sigh~ just when i thought it should taper off, it did not.

I went for my appt with KKH today. Finally get to see Dr Tan HH lor. Imagine since tested positive till now. His scan machine not good, i cant see what he can see. He tell me babies moved but i cant see. Hb say he only managed to see for 1. But the good thing about KKH is they very structured, i am scheduled for ADC scan (though i dont know whats that, maybe something extra for multiples) and also already booked for week 20 detail scan. Dr Tan also told me he will be arranging cervical test in 4 weeks.
Hazel, no need to apologize.
the budget hotel is better than my mil house but the aircon motor is so loud u can't sleep. Toilet also not v clean

Chris, I juz went to daiso bought a lot like training chopsticks, door edges protector, ...heehee so happy. Tomorrow cannot go out... Sad but it's on thurs I can go toy r us after or b4 elis jab. Praying v hard elis dun have fever after her jab cos I dun have car to send her to my gp.

Angelxuan, sure yr mil dun mind. I can't afford my mum salary. But I told her I will change a job soon and demand for that pay hike. If I get it then yes I can afford to let her quit. But I m v sure our parents will not take the full sum. I gave my parents $5.5k for my confinement. They only took $150. Ask me to keep the $ for elis. They also gave elis a big 1st mth ang pow. That's the love of a parent
Heartbeats, so good to hear from u everytime!
I am always very happy to hear of your progress and babies progress. Take care and jiayou ya!

Yeay, I am hanging on! :D
Chris, 3 rooms apartment, how much work will there be? I even find work for her to do everyday. Yeaterday, take out all the stuff in kitchen cupboards n wash n clean. Today clean all the rusty handles n some walls which hv mould.. Even the fans also cleaned already.. All clothes of 3 adults, washes n ironed already.. Just down I even ask her to iron some of belle dresses and sweaters! Keke. Wat else?
Chris, she even has time to read newspapers daily n read books! Btw, she is IT savy too! Got Facebook account n can do online chat! I password protected all my 3 laptops n PC in the study room she stays in! Unless she knows how to break the password?
Heartbeats, i was not feeling good today (abit moody + emo) and the weather is so hot. So home-bound for me today. I hv asked my hubby to buy cranberry juice for me on his way home.

For the past few days, I started to wake up at ard 2.30am for supper again and after that cannot sleep until 4or5am. Luckily i am on medical leave, otherwise i dont know how to go to work at 7am. Last night i had milk before i sleep and I managed to sleep til 5am+ before feeling hungry again.

So you are now seeing Dr Tan @ KKH? Not seeing Dr Loh anymore?
Chris, pierced and angelxuan, yes my mil place is A kampung and a nightmare. She is juz lazy. Instead of keeping house clean she stay out to listen to gossips, collect 4d, garang kuni dun know what else she do. Some Things she collect as garang kuni is kept at home like mineral water bottles. Clothes, shoes she keep it for her daughter. in fact even if we go back she jus open door for us then go out. I hardly c her too unless it's meal time. I told my hubby to tell her not to cook when we r Back cos her cooking sucks and her fridge is not working well. Imagine next time ask her to cook fish porridge for elis, end up I think its juz porridge only. She dun spend on gd food like fish, scallops etc. Hers is juz meat meat and rice. Her rice is those kind super cheap type. Not nice one....

Pierced, my mil will not cone out herself. Journey too far and she can't read. She came once for my wedding, bil and sil complain. Sit a while in car ask them to pull over for her to pee. Bil usually can reach in 4.5 hrs but the frequent stopping took them 10 hrs. I also dun want her here. Her hygiene standard is v poor. And she wakes up at 4am! Imagine I m being disturb at 4am? No thx!
Babyjourney, just eat whenever you feel like it, nevermind what time lor. I think its good you can eat, can pass nutrients to baby.

No lah, default still see Dr Loh. He will be my main gynae. For Dr Tan, i am only seeing ocassionally and will follow KKH's structured tests/scans etc. Reason for me two-timing Dr Loh and Dr Tan is in case of complications (which is higher risk for me), i can always fall back on KKH since my case is opened with them. If no complications, i would like to stay thru out with Dr Loh.

did u tell dr tan about your ms??? Did he prescribe you anything? u can actually ask him to prescribe u vitamin B6, i had it and it helps...

better to go out before elis's jab..cos fever may or may not come and if there's fever it will come within 48hrs. Get the panadol drops from your GP to standby cos if fever straight away give elis and the fever goes off very fast. Like clariss her fever came the next day after the jab, ie around 20hrs.
Chris, he was the one who asked aint i having loads of MS with all the supplements i was on. I say it got worse as pregnancy progresses so i thot must be the pregnancy and not so much the supplements. Didnt think to ask him for the vit B6, maybe next visit to Dr Loh, i ask him.

On my supports, luckily for me, he also didnt think should stop abruptly at week 12 as i have quite alot. He allows me to cut down and slowly wean off. So i should feel better in the next 2 weeks? Hopefully so! And yeah! At least i can stop the patches and injections after this week! Thats such a relief cos the patches are causing very very bad inflammation of my skin liao.
Hazel/Chris, I got the korean playmat and playyard for my gal previously too. My gal love it and easy to take note of her since she spends most of her day inside there.
But I gave the playyard away. only left with 3 playmats.

Chris, hee, i ordered from the carters spree too for the NB tops. But another spree organiser.
I find their tops very good for the side snaps. Too bad my previous ones are yellowed or gone liao.

Catherine, I see, so in a way easy for u that u dun need to bring Elis in without a passport and she doesn't come out too.

Hazel, wow, ur maid is so IT savvy!

Babyjourney, good that u have the leave to rest well. Hee, at least u can eat supper without worrying about work. Just go ahead and eat.

heartbeats, yup KKH very structured, haha i just left my timeslots there and forgot about it so they just recently sms me about the 20 wks scan and dr appt too. I just left it open as that.
Chris, noted. Hope Elis cooperate then can reach united sq by 10am. If she really has fever I have to call my aunty to drive me there but not v nice cos it's her bday on fri. C how things r ba... See la Eliz start her yanking at 4.30am today ko now we can't go Rochester mall....
Heartbeats, oh dear losing 5kg is a lot...try vit B6 as what Chris advised. Do you know what is the cervical test for?

If your hubby and you are financially confident, I think being SAHM is best for your babies. Actually my hubby also prefers me to be SAHM but I think that if I continue working, we can provide a more comfortable life for our kid in the future. I still have some time to think about it carefully before reporting back to my office.

I think getting a good confinement lady really depends on luck. My fear is getting a bad one that might hurt baby & upset me. But no choice as both my mum & mil are unable to help me with confinement. My mum said what she can do is to drop by my house to monitor the CL. Since I can't publicly ask around yet, I have started checking out reviews on CL in forums..feel confused reading them..don't know if the comments are genuine or not.
Here i go again, feeling nauseous every few minutes liao. Have to purposely take over 2 hours just to finish my croisont sandwich for dinner so that there is always nibbles of food in my mouth. Sigh~ think i decided liao, no more dinner for me. I will take teabreaks in late PM and biscuits at night instead.

Angel, cervical length test. Its to see whether cervix shortens or show signs of incompetent cervix. Not sure is it KKH does for all preggies but i think it make sense so we can have 1 less threat to premature delivery ruled out.
Heartbeats, I did read about incompetent cervix and v scared it might happen to me as I had a D&C less than a year ago. Thanks for letting me know that there's such a test. Will dr hh tan do the test for you or it'll be done by another doctor?
Dont know leh, he just say he will arrange. By arrange i guess he wont be the one doing, maybe another specialised dept somewhere in ADC. I dont even know how its going to be done, hope not painful.

I havent ask Dr Loh whether he does that as well. I thot will be good to do and do frequently esp towards the end as we will be heavier then, even more important for cervix not to give way.
Angel your mum so nice can help you keep watch on CL. I think mine and CL will end up fighting then i have to bear the brunt. Hahaha, thats why i wont get CL liao, 1 mum is enough to drive me nuts. Hb still say ask my mum come stay with us 1st month, i say i sure will get PND hahaha.

Lucky MIL cant help else lagi PND! 1 mountain really cannot have 2 tigress!

im still here.. tryna cope with a fussy n sick little man.. he caught bronchiolitis.. was coughing really badly and refused his feeds bcos of phlegm.. went to kk hospital n they put him on nebulizer..

he contracted throat ulcer virus some time ago after a yu guo session n now, caught the RSV.. its very common among children.. best to avoid plces with many sick children as far as possible.. u gotta weigh the pros n cons lor.. just b careful rite now.. many pple are sick..
Angel and Heartbeats, i did not mention this before, but my previous gynea suspected that one of the factors i miscarried during my 1st pregnancy could be due to cervical incompetency. Thus, Dr Loh said to play safe, i better hv a cerclage (meaning to stitch my cervic to prevent from opening). I may be doing the cerclage this sunday. Really woried abt this.
Angel, yes better to check. But i think dr loh may observe ur cervical length instead of doing the cerclage for you as you dont hv prior case. I was told it is better to do the cerclage between 12-14 weeks before baby gets bigger.
Chris, yup, i do all the finger shopping now that it's so difficult to go shopping with a kid.
but cons is the long wait for goods though, and sometimes the sizes are hard to guage so normally I order size up to store. haha! the discounts are good and so much cheaper with more varieties!
Hi Angel, heartbeats and babyjourney,

Talking about cervical cerclage, I was also reading about it today.. so conincident. I found a blog when searching information about my future gynae (I was transferred to another gynae since Prof Wong no longer do deliveries). Where she detailed about her experiences during pregnancy. I can't stop reading. It's very good info for me about the gynae and about NUH. If you are interested you can read her blog here. http://enough-angels.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2011-08-23T15:28:00%2B08:00&max-results=50&reverse-paginate=true&start=33&by-date=false

By the way, I got a call from NUH today. I was told I got bacteria in my urine. So need to do another test. Hopefully, not serious case.
Heartbeats, i miscarried at 20weeks.

Coolcool, thanks for sharing the link. Will go read later. Hope ur 2nd urine test will be ok.

Hang in there, yup its tough to deal with a crying and sick bb, my gal was down with flu on her 7th day caught it during her appt at mt alvernia PD. It took her nearly 2wks+ to recover just in time for her full mth celebration. cos she's a baby alot of medicines cannot take and finally no choice doc have her antibiotics and some medicine to open her airway cos she can't breathe and mucus backflow and her chest congested.

heehee me too, now ordered from motherhood forum cos felt safer rather than gmarket after tat awful incident..heehee just placed orders for a romper, pj and bloomer heehee hope to receive it by this week.
very tempted to order from the osh gosh n carter website link as that's someone from motherhood consolidating the orders. But got to wait very long like 6wks ..
Chris, where is the link u got the pj, romper? Elis is still talking! Faint. Let's hope she does not have fever and pending yr updates b4 deciding whether Sunday can go expo to buy the mat. It's a 40 min car journey leh if she cry all the way I m gg mad!

Silsilly, hope yr son has recovered. Elis also got a lot of phlegm today. Came out together with her milk. But she is not sneezing or coughing.

Ladies, juz received a email from toy r us. They r having clearance sales at the united sq outlet. HSBC platinum member and toy r us card holder have priority on 26 apr. heehee I m cheonging there. My pd is juz next to toy r us!!! Yuppie!

Chris, my mum said elis is v talkative. She put the piegon wet wipes beside Elis and taught her the colours. Now elis is sayanging the box and making noise on her own. Lol
