(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


ya better let your helper carry her also during sale is a bit cramp to push a pram. Btw which branch u going? i normally prefer centerpt branch as more baby stuff. Btw u might wanna consider not bringing her along as private sale normally very crowded and if you are going then go early in the morning as lunch time those people who are working will be flocking in and long queues too.


yup tats why i've being avoiding all those food esp spicy ones during breastfeeding and try to avoid heaty food. Bought clariss to baby spa and she loved the swimming but when she's out of the pool she started to fuss and wanted to be dress up but the massage lady just went ahead to massage her and she cried like mad till whole body red. We got a shock is red like lobster!!! And they very unprofessional didn't even let us calm bb down and just continue with their massage with clariss howling away. After is down, hbs quickly carry her and took a while to calm her down. if at yu guo the massage lady will ask us to calm bb down 1st before proceeding with the massage. Then the china sales lady keep selling us their package tho we politely told her we wanna consider etc..Felt like telling her that "wow u no eyes ah, see baby cry like mad still wanna sell us package!!" Here we are trying to calm clariss there she busy selling to us, so unthoughtful rite? Fed up!!!

Anyway we had the swimming float and inflatable tub at home which my fren gave me for bb to swim. She bought it a few yrs ago too at baby spa. So we have decided to let her swim at home instead, as more economical, hygiene and she hates the massage there so no pt pay tat amount to take up the package.
Hi Catherine, thanks for the 'food that causes wind' tips, didn't know that soy milk does too.

Just curious, for mummies who takes confinement food, do you specifically avoid the herbal soups until mensus is cleared or is it ok to take them? Some people says it's ok to take herbal soups immed post delivery as it's only light herbs. Quite confusing....

For those who catered for confinement food, which is your preferred brand/s? Thank you.
Hi Chris, my friend also loves bringing her son to baby spa cos it allows baby to sleep better throughout the day, so mummy is happier too
Hope Elis does so too.

Would it be possible to let baby float in bath tub or would it be too shallow? Is the baby spa tub expensive?
Tromso, u need to get a neck float for bb at bb spa. Re herbs, some types I took inmediately. Eg dangui to replenish the blood loss.. Herbs like cordecypts will be after menses Is over. If not all will be wasted awry thru the bleeding. Who is your CL? She will know wat can take when still bleeding n wat to take after bleeding
morning ladies.
chris, i dun really like the baby spa too, brought my gal there in the past to cut hair and it was quite ugly. ended up looking like a boy. and they are so pushy to sell the spa package.

bbjourney and the rest, so nice to meet up for dimsum! I've been wanting to eat too, but too bad, I cant take leave from work.
Hi chris, do u pump out bm or direct latch on for clariss when u do the feeding? Tis is my 1st bf as #1 on fm so totalky no experiemce. Me currently pump out n bottlefeed but wondering after confinement n i bring her out, will b latch on or??? Pardon if tis qn r silly but am wondering how to pump when out as need to sterilise n store bm... Is it using the sterilezation tablet?

Aiyo, the bb spa person so stone har, cantchear clariss crying. U n hb cant go n pacify clariss??

For me in hospital, i use the wipe for whole body as i m csection n bed bounded on op day so its the nurse who clean for me. I find need ti clean la else like so unhygience n dirty .
Kimmy, like wat chris said, dun peel. My gal osso hv skin peelung n doc advise use bb lotion or bb oil. I apply bb lotion, johnson n johnson

Catherine, thx for info on shichida. Me so so bz n hv yet to call GuG

Not too sure who ask abt earing spicy food during preggy days. I take spicy food during my pregnancy too n i think in moderarion shd b ok as My appetite osso not v gd so when i can eat, i will eat

Bbliss, haha me osso counting down to end of my confinement. Foodwise, bathwise .......
Thanks Hazel, my CL is my mum and she's not too familiar with confinement food, hence I'm going to cater for my meals then. For confinement herbs advice, I can also trust the Chinese shops like Hock Hwa right?

My mum says during my sis's confinement, sis MIL passed to my mum dangsheng, red dates, black dates to brew for my sis daily. Then my sis only takes herbal soups at her MIL's, so i realised there is a lot of gaps in my mum's knowledge, sigh...

i dun latch on, i express then feed thro bottle. When go out then i bring formula milk powder. If short journey then i'll bring the EBM in a cooler bag with ice pack which will last for 4hrs. If got in-law place i bring the cooler bag along and leave it in their fridge.
Bbjourney & gals joining dim sum:

Hi, i googled for recommended dim sum places and realised we are actually quite spoiled for choices here. I tried to narrow down based on convenient locations/shopping areas :p

Vivo City: Bosses-black society, Tung Lok Signature, Crystal Jade Dining, Dragon Gate (Harbour Front)

Orchard (central area): Crystal Jade Palace (Takashimaya), Crystal Jade Golden Palace, Imperial Treasure (Paragon), Taste Paradise (Ion)

City Hall: Lei Garden (Chijmes), Wah Lok (Carlton Hotel), Royal China (Raffles Hotel), Asia Grand Restaurant (Odeon Towers)

Any preference? I think the safest choice is probably Crystal Jade Palace @ Taka. If we are going for dim sum buffet, I read from reviews that Dragon Gate and Asia Grand are pretty good value for money.

Btw, if applying for leave on Friday is challenging, I am personally fine meeting up on weekends too. Just keeping options open yah.
Angelxuan, dragon gate close shop 2 yrs ago. now is another operator.

tzac, i also bring fm when we bring elis out.

Chris, i wanted to bring elis for spa too. lucky din go, ok will never bring her there

oh yes the lactation consultant, betty told me not to use johnson johnson to massage on bb cos its mineral oil.
Hi Catherine, thanks for the update on Dragon Gate closure. Didn't see this info on the net.

Bbjourney & gals, I might not be able to confirm now if I can make it for dim sum this Fri. Just got a call from nurse that Oscar @ TMC is fully booked for next few weeks and she can't slot me in via apptmt. So I & my DH might have to walk in this Fri to queue.

shag just brought clariss down for lunch in pram. weather super hot ah!!! it was her nap time but no choice..so left her in the pram..she was okie at 1st then after i finished my food she started fussing abit. so i quickly push her home. once home she started crying loud cos she was very warm in the pram and was perspiring all the way. it was becos we added the quinny seat reducer to her existing pram if we are in air-con still okie if not super warm for her. so just now i quickly carried her to my room use wet towel to wipe her face and neck to cool her down then tuck her to bed on my bed.
Chris, my mum told me her colleague 5 mth old baby fell from the queen size bed. better b v careful when u put her on your bed. though i must admit elis is on my bed now. no choice i am doing laundry the washing machine v loud so she can hear from her rocker in the living room. your FIL din bring u lunch today? i only had my breakfast at 12 noon though i prepared at 9.30am. had to shower and wash elis clothes earlier. i m thinkign of buying the inflatable bath tub from gmarket to let elis try. but a bit waste water right?
Angel, my boss has approved my leave for this friday afternoon. So I confirm on liao. So far, only you and me. :p

As for the Oscar, I most probably will go on next thursday as I hv trainings and meetings from Mon-Wed (pending confirmation from my boss).
Cockcock, Heartbeats, Coolcool, Hope, Coolangel and sisters who want to join us for dim sum, please let me know or send me a PM okie.

Sashamama, sorry that you cant join us this round. Hope that we can meet on the next gathering.
Sashamama, I have just called TMC for more info about the first born incentive. Just to let you know that the referral promotion has ended on 31st March. I'll be applying but no NTUC vouchers to share.

i surrounded clariss with pillows on my bed. heeehee
no lor i got to buy my own lunch now cos v tiring for them to keep travel to my place. Oh the water can be used to flush toilet, washing her laundry etc coz very clean.

wow yummy dim sum!!! too bad me stuck at home if not can join u all heehee. You all should go for buffet coz sure can eat alot. heehee tat time my fren brought me to buffet after my ms stopped heehee i ate alot until she got a shock.

ur mum didn't bring you lunch ??? so u taken lunch?

i had bread from breadtalk with milk and apple for bfast then buy 11++ hungry liao. this week clariss siao siao..she used to drink 120ml, then cry like not enough..we have since increased to 130ml for the past 4 days. Just now, she cried so loud cos not enough again so i add additional 30ml BM and she drink till dry dry ah...faint.
Chris, thats what my mum colleague did yet the bb still fell. same i also surround elis with pillows. i hear already i also scare. ok i will shop for the inflatable bath tub now. my mum is staying with me till 25th. so morning she cook lunch for us, help me to look after her while i do laundry, shower etc. Clariss is growing up! yeah!!!! u should be happy that she is drinking more. the LC told me not to overfeed. must control. if not they keep demanding and we dun have enough BM to supply. Now i pump less so elis has to either take FM or my stored bm.

Dim sum....
i have not had it for ages! Yesterday went to eat tze char at my place here and its famous for crab. saw every table ordering yet i cant eat. my mum told me to REN. same for the vinegar pig trotters and sashimi. REN!!!!!
BBjourney, how to go? elis refuse to sit in car seat. *shy* i cannot open and close my bb pram smoothly. u cant possibly ask me to carry her and drive right?? Also u gals are preggy. better not let u carry elis. nothing to do with pantang or dun trust u ladies. just scare she is too heavy and i dun want anything to happen to u ladies.

Chris, i agree with hazel.. Elis is drinking the same amount as Belle. one day she can drink like 6-7 feeds. Hazel how heavy is Belle?? Yesterday we weigh Elis, she is about 5kg. Clariss is like my friend's bb. he does not drink a lot but is v chubby.

BTW i found the inflatable bath tub. will discuss with my hubby tonight before buying cos he needs to agree to inflate the bath tub if not i cannot manage too.
Catherine, take public transport n use bb carrier! I dunno how to open n close the pram either n best part, belle now dun wan to sit in pram! Last Monday, she was 4.9kg. Now, maybe 5kg if not slightly more. Elis is younger than belle leh.. She will be 3 mths Old next wk! Hey, u got face book account? Pm me leh, we can add each other!
Sistas, today went for my 1st scan. 6 weeks scan. However, can only see a sac and nothing much inside, maybe some intestine?. Doctor said the growth is at about 5weeks, slower than normal. Will have to go back and scan next week to see if the growth catch up. If not, it is not a good sign.
Any sister has experience such situation before?

I can't join you gals on friday. Wow you all so happy, can take leave and go Dim sum >.< envy envy. Enjoy the gathering!
Can detect the heartbeat?
Anyway, dun worry too much, u will get to see your bb growth next week
your doctor is Dr Yu?
Hi gals,

clariss is going for her jab this thurs, after that got to monitor her..heehee don't think can join u gals liao. Maybe next time heehee . Me long time no take dim sum liao yummy..
Enjoy yourselves and eat more okie!!

yup tats wat fil says asked us to increase her feed. My sil's bb already drinking 160ml when she was just 3mths. We are slowly increasing her feed cos just now after finishing a total of 160ml her tummy quite rounded hahaaa.

She's now drinking 130ml, might slowly increase to 140ml.
Hi all, back from my detailed scan n appt with dr Loh. Today TMc is packed! Waited so long for scan at fetal unit and at dr Loh, also waited for a long while.
Anyway, I'm expecting another princess! Haha so my gal's clothes dun go to waste!

And here goes to spending $$ on pretty gal things again!

Bbjourney n the rest, so nice! I will be slurping on fri thinking of dim sum. I love Taste Paradise dimsum esp their 流沙包.

Cool, dun worry and wait for the next scan. Maybe it's still early.
Hazel and Chris, come join us lah.

Coolangel, it could be too early to see baby heartbeats. My first pregnancy only see baby's heartbeat at 7wks. If u can, join us for dim sum.

Pierced, congrats on your 2nd baby girl. Can u join us for dim sum this friday?
Hi bbjourney and angel, count me in for dim sum this Friday.. Actually I no appetite n still having bad morning sickness.. Goodness I put on 4 kg Liao. Btw, me worried n emo again today

Dear angelxuan,
Also wish i can join u gals but impt event so bo bian, gotta go to work. Peg perego like merc eh? Hmmm... ya, almost same range as BMW, lol.
Wa, no more referral discount? I think they don't need to make it attractive this year cos a lot of sign-ups, lol.

Dear cool,
I couldn't even see the sac clearly during my first scan. Eventually just stay calm, 2 weeks later saw sac, baby and heartbeat
I think you went too early lo. I also went at 6 weeks, only saw at 8 weeks
No worries!!!

Dear pierced,
Congrats on having a princess! What's ur first princess' name? Can start thinking of 2nd princess' name!!! :p
