(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Yes, agree with you that Government thing wakaka

Gals, woke up n saw the maid mopping the floor! Already told her Sunday is rest day for her... Now my utilities bill is going to go up as she mops the floor daily n other stuff.. She not used to too free ah? Or coz she feels bad we treat her well? I bought her some Bermuda yesterday coz she always wears long pants And got her $10 calling card for her to call home.. Hm....
Sunbelle, heartbeats

Great S'pore sale starting 25 may, got good buys on maternity clothes by mums en vogue ctrpoint opp mothercare. i bought mine there last yr. heehee

i dun have kiddy palace discount card, its promo price. On and off they have it, they might still have it on-going. If you free go take a look. Find tat is worth buying.

Dun eat too many maggi mee cos got preservatives. Tat time when i in my 3rd mth when ms stops hahaha i craving for instant noodles till siao ah.. keep drooling when see hbs eat ah...hbs refuse to let me eat..sob...sobs..There was one time, i smelt my neighbour cooking instant noodles wow nearly cry out ah!!! Then i head down to kopi tiam downstairs for my lunch...but in my head still taking of instant noodles. I started taking when in my 9th mth. heehee hbs relented and i was sooo happy but the craving not as strong as in 2nd tri.
Tronso, joanne

for me, dun query just dun take coz mayonnaise is made fr raw egg whites. So i avoid taking mayonnaise and even tar tar sauce when preggy!!
Tzac - when kkh supplement my son w fm, his jaundice went down even more though he was mild from the start. Do I continue supplementing fm since my bm not in yet and also reduced ginger intake

Tromso - I'm sure u will be able to get a gd maid. For me I guess cuz she also has 2 young ones at home so she don't mind helping me wash & sterilize for my son.

Bbliss - u can either wait for them to sneeze it out and then "catch" it with baby cotton bud or sterile cotton wool which u twist up (which was what I did last night) or use nasal thing f it's just mainly mucus

Chris baby - I watch that Korean show too cuz quite entertaining! Ahha every night when I pump or latch, I will Watch that show! Hehe.

Hazel - yea like u I also think we should treat maids properly like how it was highlight during the online course. So far we treat her decently and in return she does appreciate. Then again, got to continue monitoring.. Lol.
it could be tat in HK she was being told to mop floor daily heehe anyway with baby around its good to keep the place clean. Like my in-laws place the maid vacuum and mop 2x per day. i find it silly lor my mil says got dogs around so muz keep clean.

Me too!!! heehee i start pumping at close to 10pm then i watch tat korean show so cute rite? How much is your milk per pump now? I only pump like 3 times per day..lazy me...
come to think of it, i got 1yr+ never eat chicken briyani liao le..heeheee anw when i was a 8mths preggy i loved nasi padang 1 wk once i'll tabao for lunch..
Babyjourney, dim sum on fri? I am ON! Provided boss willing to release me, i go try take leave.

Ok Tromso, hehehe, you are right, must check before ordering. Ya lor, most cars after fit 2 car seats can only fetch 3 adults liao: hubby, wifey, maid and thats it. Quite cumbersome also, must everytime remove 1 car seat let maid sit in middle then fix back the other car seat? Haiz~

Thanks Chris for informing on the sale! I should be well enough by then to chiong, hahaha. Very cham hor? Pregnancy like make us yao gui, when want to eat something, die die have to get to eat it. Ok noted about the maggi mee. True. Last night i felt very very thirsty too, must be the MSG.
Chris, how's yr hubby? I m so tired ... Yesterday from 8-10pm, we went driving the supermarkets near my plAce to look for milk powder for my gal. Cant find enfalac 400g for my gal. Headache!! I already activated my aunt, my mum fren to help search. Elis juz woke up. We r bringing her for the hunt later at turf city, orchard area

Bbliss, the yu GUo sinseh told us to roll the cotton bulb to v thin then slowly touch their nostril. I dare not do it. My mum usually does it. Once elia blow out herself. Probably we loosen but dare not take out.

Hazel, I would prefer maid to mop the floor daily, belle still dun allow maid to carry?
Hi Hazel
Yes.. Our utility bill sure goes up.. Lol.. Just now she wants vaccum my floor again and i stop her as yesterday just do it and no dirty yet.. Next time bbies out then do daily...
Ahhhh... Really cant get use having a maid neh.. Feel so awkward to serve by pp n now am still so free.. Diaoz..

Hi tromso
Why cant put two carseat behind the car? Shd be ok ba else can put one infront and one behind.. Mine more big head.. Dun want to think so far yet...

Hi chris
I eat burger sometime like fish burger or mcchicken, isnt tt mayonnise inside?? So cant eat also??

Thks gals
I will try record it next time at Doc Loh clinic...
Kimmy, Catherine, the pi Sai for my gal is e thick type. Quite a big pcs. I tried to use cotton bud to take out but e pi Sai quite stubborn.

So CL ask my hb to go kiddy palace or metro to get those gadget to remove nose mucus or pi Sai one. Dunnoe can find nt.....

Oh mine... Aft reading some of e posts here, I realized I been eating non correct leh.... Haha,,,, I started taking nasi Padang, spicy noodles when during 2nd trimester upon checking wif Dr Loh. He said can eat spicy food. As for instant noodle, I started taking in 3rd trimester. During my whole period of pregnancy, I really can't resist my fav spicy food. So sincebdr said can eat, I jus whack.... Haha.....

Fast food I oso take in 1st tri when I have crave for tat..... Hehe.....

For mi, during preggy, I totally din touch cold stuffs, no sour stuffs, no liang food.
Hi Joanne, yes can put 2 carseats behind our car but if plus 1 maid in the future, not too optimistic can fit
So can put 1 carseat in front and 1 behind, great idea
then can fit 1 spouse and maid behind, wow headache resolved. Means your boy may have to squeeze into your car right?

Actually my hubby puts his road bike inside the car now, hatchback, so we fold down all the back seats to accommodate his bike and sometimes I would wait at cafe/ eatery for him to finish his ride. With the carseat, think will have to fix bicycle rack onto the car now, so in the future baby can come along with me. So many lifestyle changes to think of geee.... It's all getting more real now, lotsa anticipations and trepidations heh....
wow, the car seats issues getting very real to me now. I told hubby he has to research and comment on our choices. Everything related to car and wheels (strollers, walkers ...) i am making it his project haha.
Hi Baby, yes I was considering maxi cosi cabriofix originally, I thought can accommodate up to 1 year old....wow only 6 mths, very lugi

The Zapp xtra has 3 reclining positions, the lowest is quite flat but not 100%. Whilst Zapp only has 1 position, so its not suitable for NB, i think 6 mths onwards. According to the Strollers forum, the Zapp Xtra was deemed suitable for NBs previously but the Quinny official website has recently updated that it not suitable due to it's slight inclination.

With the Quinny baby cushioning body support (dunno what its called), I believe the Zapp Xtra can be used for NBs. For the inclination, I may just fold a clothe into triangular shape and place it underneath the cushioning body support to make the position flat. Realistically I feel that if carseats are not flat and still suits NBs, the Zapp Xtra will be ok too. Plus will not be bringing baby out a lot during initial months. You may like to see it in person and assess yourself
sigh...I'm to lazy to start researching for strollers all over again, I'll stick to this since we like the collapsed size too
Haaa...Heartbeats good for you
My hubby has half gaven up on these details already lol....mind boggling God's little gift
Tromso, mine started his first stroller window shopping yesterday! He so excited when saw a twin stroller. I say not practical lah, hard to fit lifts and escalators. Waaa, the choices really alot leh. I felt lazy already just looking at the so many brands and models at Spring maternity.

I see you all mention this baby hypermart, can i ask where ah? Ubi area?
Hi Bliss,
I also keep taking spicy foods, Nasi Padang or chillies. Gosh... Without this I have no appetite. My part time maid told me if eat too much spicy food during pregnancy, the baby will have lots of rashes problem after born. Is that true? But I still hack care n just eat. Only sometimes, after finish the food then will feel a bit guilty. How ah...not spicy no appetite. I also drink cold cokes sometimes, like one in a week or two weeks.
Hi Tromso
I went to baby hypermart few times, taka fair n baby fairs, but always end up looking at Xtra Zapp n Maxi Cosi, then always end up decided to buy this two. So lazy to see n search for other models or brands. But come to think of it, maxi Cosi might be a bit of wasted. Then now headache, dunno which model to buy.

From your explanation, Xtra Zapp sounds like can be used or converted for infant. Yes, it's slightly declining, but can add all those stuffs you mentioned. Will check on this again. Hehe

Hi heartbeats, it's at kaki bukit ave 1, Shun Li Ind Park
Hi Mummies,
Do you have any bleeding leakage on your mattress after delivery? Do we need to buy moisture proof mattresses cover?

Hi Chris,
I will definitely eat the briyani after give birth. I'm drooling every time saw my colleagues eating it. Haha....dun care if it's so fattening.
Baby me, bryani fattening? Gosh i still thinking about it now, gotta knock it hard out of my greedy head!

Feel like eating chicken bake rice too. Haha, all my nonsense cravings starting to brew in my head!

Thanks for the address!
Bbliss, catherine,

ya use cotton bud or use tissue roll till very fine and slowly dig out the mucus from the nose. normally my hbs n maid do it. Muz be very gentle and skillful so don't end up pushing it in further.

yup i have the one from pigeon hbs got it from metro sengkang, alot of places such as kiddy palace have it as well. cos clariss has flu and blocked nose when she was 1 week old, we used tat to extract out the wet mucus.

he stayed away from my gal lor.. hahahaa i super shag ah...got to do alot of things myself cos normally wkend is hbs duty...

ya try to avoid food with mayonnaise.. tats why tat time i took mainly beef such as mushroom swiss from BK are my favourites heehee

Do you take beef? if yes, beef is good for baby. Last time i used to be more of a vege person, but after i preggy i take lotsa of fish, beef (1-2x a week), milk, soya bean milk (sparingly cos i got fibriods) n spinach, brocolli and fruits.
heartbeats, tronso

hahaha i leave all the matters and researches on strollers, car seats etc to hbs. Guess guys are more of gadget and technicle person. hahaha i look at bb clothes, cot, comforter set instead hahahahaaa

i find tat briyani rice should be fine cos u are not like eating it weekly. if got appetite jus eat la. i didn't eat cos dun have craving heehee..

i sama sama as u too, keep looking at zap extra but it has its cons... hbs point out to me, like small storage basket, u can't hang "heavy" diaper bag cos it might tilt backward, the seat and the pram is separate and if u need to keep the pram when u take public transport it will be very inconvenient cos how are u going to hold on to both. etc.. but the wheels are good very easy to move around. And max weight is 18kg. So end up we got the pikko P3 compact which bb can sit up to 25kg.
Hi Chris, thanks again for dchicken essence tip. Will definitely try it again nx round.

Hi bliss, ya. The mucus thingy is sold at a lot of places. I bought mine at isetan parkway( in case u stay in the east) Alternatively, I ever saw my sil maid did this to my niece b4. Suck out using her mouth. Which we r all shocked. But it really worked cux her mucus was very thick n nothing works..

Hi Jo03, personal thots. Nappy creams I think r relatively cheaper than d rest of d bb stuff. So if u r not sure of source, just buy from d shops. In fact, cheng choon in Chinatown sells a lot of bb stuff. So u can pick it up from thr if u wan to go thr to buy bb stuff.. N I think their prices r reasonable. 1 stop shop.. Gd if u dun wan to go to so many places..
heartbeats, joanne, baby

hahahaha i had cravings for ice-cream during the last 2nd week till i ate like 4 times in a week. Just cannot stop ah..till hbs nag at me lor for eating so many times, somemore cold stuff. cos old folks say eat cold stuff bb will have phelgm etc.
Chris, Thx for e info. Shown e link on e pigeon model to hb n ask him go find. Haha....

Baby, hehe... As wat I have mentioned, I been whacking nasi Padang, spicy food starting fr trimester 2 till e day giving birth. Rashes all these having nothing to do wif spicy food la. I rem during my early Days when I asked Dr loh if can eat spicy food, guess wat is his reply ? I can still rem his jovial but logical reply. His reply was "of coz la. If cannot eat spicy food during pregnant, den hw e Muslim, Indian n china Sichuan women survive ?? Haha...."

His reply damn cute right
really missed him... Haha...

Btw, regarding stroller, I brought e qunniy zapp extra plus maxi cosi carbio fix infant seat. But till nw, haven used them yet as bb seldom goes out during this confinement period expect visits to PD when she is normally hand carry by my mum, CL or mi

yup i heard before from nadia tat her hbs suck out the mucus from their daughter's nostril. Very brave. And this is the safest method as won't hurt their nostril. My mil's sis also did it for her granddaughter. Hbs says he dunnoe how to do it. haha

wow during preggy i crave for durians, cos i didn't gain weight and tummy v small during 4-5 mth as earlier stage keep puking so in-laws went and buy durians!! Asked me to eat.. to help bb gain weight. heehee yummmmy. But they also told me not to eat so many esp during last tri cos heaty and bb will have rashes. Very true cos, my bro-in-law has it as a bb and a few of my colleagues bb also kena rashes and they warned me not to eat too many esp approaching last tri.
Omg... Hopeful, yr SIL maid sucked yr niece mucus out using her mouth?? Well.... Mi wouldn't dare to try tat... Haha..... Hygiene sake to e bb....
Me too have been eating curry, chicken briyani, mayo, tar tar & liang food..the only food I nvr take since bfp are sashimi & pineapple. Coz my hubby is a microbiologist, so he noes which food outlet is safe.
Catherine n Chris, I think belle knows i m the mummy n sayang her so she bullies me at times!

Yesterday night n this morning, she can sit in car seat when helper takes care of her!! On the way bk she was awake for a while before she dozed off in car seat!

Bbs these days r so smart!

Hi baby
No need mattress cover.. During my boy time, i use the blue color liner to put around the buttock area at my bed.. This liner is the same as wht hospital use n can bought in alot of pharmacy.. Just buy few piece will do as if no stain, can still use back.. Also, my advise is dun drink too much coke.. Got caffine n other substance in it which we not sure, tts why they say can use coke to clean toilet till very clean.. So i drink sprite instead if i hv craving for gassy drink..

Hi heartbeat
Me too wun get twin stroller, too bulky hor.. I buy the baby carrier n use back my boy stroller which can recline till flat for new born.. Then if both want sleep, my hb will use carrier to carry one and the other in stroller.. As i notice when my son know how to walk at 1yr plus, he dun want sit stroller n prefer run around to venture so no point to buy a stroller tt can last till 4yrs old..by the time he can run around, we rather dun push the stroller out as not so bulky when go shopping.. Unless is whole day event like goto the zoo..;)
Lucky i still keep my boy stroller n cot so only need to buy infant seat cum car seat (1 big item)...
