(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbjourney, I want too but cannot. Coz teaching cannot take leave unless sch hols. Hee... U ladies go ahead and eat more ya. will meet up with u ladies next time if poss.

Cock cock,
Same same here, my senses have become stronger, mango from far away i aslo can smell wor... But i have no appetite.... Dont whether this is MS or not LOL....
Coolangel, don't worry as could be too early. Now you must try to rest more & stay positive!

Pierced, so sweet to have a 2nd baby girl! Your first girl will have a baby sister to play with.

Sashamama, yah..this year is a really hot year for child birth. I can't even get an appt for Oscar, can't imagine if I can't get a room after delivery!

Cock cock, why emo? Be positive! I have great confidence with your twins, they are certainly growing v well & healthy! I thought my ms is subsiding but it's my wishful thinking! Today I almost vomit when preparing a small fish fillet to steam for lunch. The fish is supposed to be v fresh but the smell so fishy! After afternoon nap, felt worse, nothing can go into my stomach until 7pm+ had an apple, then 9pm+ had a bit of fried rice. Luckily my DH bought hot sweet potato longan dessert. After having the sweet potato I feel more comfortable.

Poor appetite could be related to ms or 胃气. MS can also be triggered by certain smell esp now that your scent of smell is becoming more acute. Try eating an apple or some carbo/starchy food such as potato, crackers, wholemeal/softmeal bread, biscuits etc to ease the discomfort. Or take smaller & more frequent meals instead of three big meals per day. Don't forget to keep yourself hydrated. Sip water constantly if you can't drink too much at a time.
Angelxuan, maybe u r craving for sweet stuff like me when I was preggy .

Cock cock, dun think. I shared yr situation with my mum and hb on sat. They think like me, dun think dun care juz pray for miracle.

Hazel, tomorrow pm u. Though elis is younger she s naughty n faking pathetic. I carried her when my mum and hubby came home she was crying v loud. Once my mum took over she smiled. My mum said her acting skills v gd haha

Chris, yr fil can help look after ma, not like me sole caretaker. I think most of my leave will b consume by elis. Must plan carefully.
Hi Hope
Dun worry.. All will be fine ya.. Maybe due to late implabtation... Positive thots..

Hi bbliss
Why r u looking for 2nd time mummy?

Hi cock
Me till date has oso put on 4kg..;)

Hi bbjourney n angel n hope n cock
Enjoy ur dimsum!! I love n miss dim sum too...
CockcocK, Yeah! Happy that you can join us.
What happened? Why emo? Want to share w us? Like Angel, i have great confidence with ur twins. You must Jiayou okie. Hugs hugs!

Joanne, come join us for dim sum. The more the merrier.
Chris, if clariss sleep at 8pm and her next feed is supposed to b at 12 midnight, does u or yr hubby wake her up for the feed or let her sleep thru? For the past 2 consecutive nights, elis ko by 9. Then wake up around 3. So tiring to feed her.

I juz fed her and she start fighting with me pulling my hair, beat me. My mum heard her whines and took over. Immediately she slept. My mum said she knows who she can bully N I m in for trouble!
Catherine, I m training belle to sleep thru the night till 5/6 am. Her last feed is abt 10-11plus. I m feeding her now since that feed. Yesterday, she slept thru till 6 plus am. During the night she will fuss a little. I give her Pacificer, carry her n pat her to sleep again. Usu takes abt 5 mins. I believe after a wk or so, she wun wake up n fuss anymore n will just sleep thru.

U may wan to try out. Give Elis a feeding at abt 11pm. Regardless wat time her earlier feed before 11pm is. Let her drink as much as she wan at 11pm feeding. If she is sleeping, dream feed her.

This mtd was taught by my friend!
Hi Bbliss, I'm in 2nd trimester too
There's also Baby, Faithfully, Tanny, Sashamama, Pierced plus Joanne n Tzac that you mentioned earlier. Not sure if I've miss out anyone else, pregger brain... Sunbelle should be in 3rd trimester now right? For the newer joiners to this forum, I'm actually quite confused what stage everyone is Hee...

Hi Ron, how are you?? Hope to hear good news fr you soon

Whoa, taste paradise has great dim sum, I had it once at paradise pavilion (marina bay link mall) I think it tops the chart
hmm...feeling hungry now...

Hi Joanne, 4kg!! I recall you were trying to graduate from 2kg, that's gd to know
I'm 6kg now and been stuck on this number for weeks, sigh...appetite still so-so, have to try eat more. Yourself?

Hi Cool, hang in there, should be 2 more weeks to your next scan right? Time will pass by very fast, stay positive and hopeful ok
Hazel, same she can sleep thru the night if the last feed is around 10.30-11. Problem is these 2 days she sleep early and we dun dare to wake her up! Will try to dream feed her tonight if she dozed off early

This gal is getting smarter and naughtier. This morning she got up at 6.40am and I told my hubby to look after her while I heat up her bm. Then she fuss and guess what's next? She scream like an adult. My mum, hubby (who was carrying her) and I were shocked. My mum thought it was me who scream. I guess she did that to catch attention cos she slept early last night, husband din play with her. I should take out my cane now

yes, clariss normally KO by 8-9pm after her feed around 6.30-7.00pm. Then around 7.30-8pm we will wipe her then put her to sleep cos if now she super cranky. Then normally 4-5hrs (ie 10.30pm-12) we will wake her up for her last feed FM. Then she'll KO all the way till 6.30am. At times if she's very tired she'll KO to 7.30am but very rare occasion. Heehee we ever tried like you not waking her up for her last feed and she woke up around 3am-4am ah!!! Faintz......
Hi babyjourney
I wish to but abit heavy to move around alone now.. My hb is oways beside me to fetch me or go anywhere..as i scare walk too much will result in preterm so try to rest more or sit more.. Hee... U gals enjoy k..

Hi tromso
Hmm... Think bbliss not asking abt we r in wht trimester?? Hee... Oh, i think my weight gain goes to my bbies like when i preggy with my boy as my collegues say i no put on much weight on my face n shoulder.. Hope dun gain too much weight too.. As long bbies growing well, i am contented..;)
I cant eat too much due to indigestion too especially at night.. Morning only one bread, lunch then teabreak drink milk n eat some biscult follow by light dinner... No supper..
Hi catherine
Ur gal soo cute n smart..;) think she will be a smart gal in future...
Hi Catherine, thanks for informing us that Johnsons & Johnson is mineral oil, any idea which brands are natural extracts?

Ladies who recently joined the forum, if it's your first pregnancy and would to know more about baby items, just FYI you may register with Mothercare and be invited to a 2 hr session with their nursery advisor
Plus freebies given. I received 7 MC items eg breast pads, baby oil, milk bottle, pacifier, baby soap, bib, maternity pads, total about $70+ I counted.

is okie to wake elis up, just tap her lightly and tell her is milk milk time..tats wat we did to clariss at times she'll just close her eyes and finish her feed. Cos clariss always doze off as early as 8am ah!!! headache so we gotta wake her up around 10-11pm at times if not we die ah imagine waking up at 3am....faintz we have being doing so for the past 2mths so far so good.
Hi catherine,

huh johnsons & johason is mineral oil? how about pigeon and kodomo? Omg tat day at baby spa the massage lady applied very thick johnson bb lotion on clariss till she became very oily hahahaa hbs didn't like it.

catherine, hazel,

btw if you found out tat someone u knew stole from you again, tho u have no concrete proof how ah?
Oops Bbliss not asking about who's in 2nd trimester, sorry, I was reading in bed, half awake, must have misread...

Joanne, same here, the indigestion is getting worse. I had a toilet run last weekend after a roti prata meal, then another toilet run yesterday after mee siam. Think I'll have to stay away from spicy food from now on. Also getting quite sick of bland soupy meals and biscuits, bread rolls.
Angelxuan, Hope, Heartbeats, CoolCool, Coolangel and I are in our first trimester now.

Joanne, in this case you better take care. We shall meet on another time.

Heartbeats, woohoo, where r u? Can join us for Dim Sum this friday?

i so sad, boss wont let me off on friday cos got important meeting in late pm. Nevermind, when you all settled on the place, let me know, i try to see whether can take a longer lunch and join you all before the meeting.
Babyjourney, never mind, i dont want to limit your options since i am the ma fan one. Go ahead choose the venue you all like, i take cabs anyway, no problem de lah.
Cool, maybe abit too early, maybe your baby implanted later than we thought. What intestine? Is it something very small inside? Could be fetal pole which at this stage would be very small, about 1~2mm. At my first scan, also cant see heartbeats, only sac and yolk sac and a small 2mm mass each. Continue to eat well and talk to baby to grow well, fast and strong!

yup me too..but the sizes i wanted like 6-12 mths for certain design they dun have le, i sent a pm to check with the seller. Actually quite good buy if you buying 4 items or more cos elsewhere if u buy pj from kiddy palace easily i got one around 29.00 le.

for new born just buy 1-3 Pj for from 0-3mths they easily outgrown when they are 2mths old. Like me, i should have buy around 3pcs or more from 0-3mths pjs but i didn't i went to buy 3-6mths old instead and only got 2pcs from 0-3mths end up my bb got no pj to wear , got to keep wash and dry cos that time i confinement can't go out ah,, then let her wear those big ones tooo loose for her. she started to wear 3-6mths when she was 6 wks old. so good to buy some 0-3mths but dun buy too many. if you have hand me downs for tat period lagi good cos they outgrow very fast.
Catherine, think you are right, I realized I have been stealing mouthfuls of sweet drinks from hubby whenever we go out to eat. Eg. Sugar cane juice, chrysanthemum tea, soft drinks..hehe. Have recently been craving for walnut paste. :p

Heartbeats, please let us know which area is nearer to your office. Definitely like you to join us but don't want you to rush to dim sum & rush back office.
Hi chris baby,

i think i am like you leh now..bought 3-6months more.. hehe yeah havent checked whether got the newborn sleeping suites hahhaa

was quite angry today cos jus now the HDB officers after receiving the water leekage from my downstair neighbour. I spoke to my downstair neighbour that whatever hacking or racking should be done only after i give birth lor....yeah one contractor plus one HDB person cmae. the contractor talked more reasonably cos they need to do checking but not now...

then the HDB old uncle started using his screwdriver to go show me the hole to the aircon duct and tins like that. the chinese contractor asked him to get out from the toilet cos he is not focusing on the rite issue. yeah in summary, they need to do a lot of checking but not conclusive whether which is the side that led to my neighbour's water seepage in his top kitchen cabinet......sign...this hdb uncle really gets on my nerves......worse case the cost of repair of hacking away shelves to go to the pipes got to be bear by us....the shelving costs 4K and toilet shelves cost 2K...who is goin to pay? i jus hate their way of pushing tins..anyway before they left, i alreadly told him intensive checking can only be done in Aug.

Pissed off cos i oso went to my neighbour flat to take a look ...is jus few water droplets ontop we tot is leaking of water..never mind see how....jus felt this hdb uncle too muchie ..the chinese contractor more reasonable to say dont do this and dont do that now..........how can HDB employ this kinda of staff? Terribele ...our house oso seepage, st away the HDB push to Town council and ask us to go Town council..really pissed off lor..........sorrie need to let out some steam here really...

Hi Tromso,wow you got everyone schedule rite leh..amazing hehehe
Haha... Joanne, m asking for 2nd time mummies is becoz juz wanna tO noe if both yr pregnancies are via ivf or natural den ivf.

I'm actually a PCOS so dunnoe hw possible wld that be if I wish to haf a 2nd kid.

Haha... M I tinking too far ?

Those mummies to be, no doubt u may be feeling xin ku due to yr ms n e need to undergo every anxiety n worries when gg for scans etc, believe mi, when u finally get to c n hold yrs precious in yr arm, u will melt. All yr world will be surrounding this little bundle
Angel, my mum said if we craving for sweet stuff, we are likely ended up with girl; and if craving for salting stuff, will ended up with ah boy LOL.
this theory applied to my mum and my younger sister ( who craving for salting food / stuff then ended up with a boy) LOL
Hope, I was craving for salty food before the sweet craving kicked in few days ago. Eg. Lays classic potato chips. And still snacking on Lays too. So still uncertain? I think my DH and IL side prefer girl as their family all boys. My mum guessed that it's boy cos she watched the video of my Sat scan and saw that baby's legs are apart..hehe. So exciting guessing gender at this stage.
Sashamama, haha, yup MAD, I also become Mad already facing the kids evryday.

Bbliss, me! Im 2nd time too.

Angelxuan, ya! my gal was hoping for one too and I asked her to guess whether didi or meimei. she so accurate say meimei and the reason coz she want a meimei to play doll with her.

Imagine, TMC super packed, hopefully got delivery room when the time comes like what u said.
Bbliss, for my case, I also PCOS, I strike my gal once when I was on Clomid. but after that, we tried so hard, so many times also cannot strike. So tried IUI, m/c the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tries dun have, so move on to IVF and strike with FET.
Hi, m new here. Hope to get some advise from u all.. I had 2 embroyo "planted" in on 13/4/12 fri.. But i hafing this constipation problem after tking e eggs out on 11/4 wed.. Till now whenever I try to do big biz I cant n it actually painful.. Shld I go down n see my doc or is it normal? M inserting e Progesterone thru vaginal 3 times a day now.. Pls help..
Hi bbliss
For my case is natural bfp for my boy so cant believe i hv diffculty in having a 2nd kid n keep trying for few yrs till i give up n go for iui follow by ivf and fet..
Chris, someone u know stole fr u? Plant a trap to catch her! Eg, wrote down the serial no of all the notes!

Belle is still wearing 0-3 mths clothings though she is 5kg plus n turning 3 mths next wk. so not every bb is the same n will outgrow the clothes soon. Those 3 mths old bb dresses that I bought r still rather big for her!

I m going to do my hair this whole afternoon! Rebond, cut, wash m colour! Hair is a mess n lots of white hair.

Chris, hv u done your hair since delivery? I remembered Catherine did already...
Hi Joanne n pierced, thx for sharing on yr case.

Anyone heard of tat if u r pcos, cannot take soy products? I been drinking soya milk n eating tofu during preggy. Hw ah ?

Btw, aft natural delivery, hw long it take for u mummies to clear yr menses huh ? Mine finished few days ago (abt 2wks) but nw got abit reddish brown cmg bk. Izit normal ?
Bbliss, belle is coming to 3 mths next wk, my menses still comes n goes! Sometimes staining only some times heavier n needs a pad!

My appt with dr loh is next wk. hope all cleared by then n I can do paps smear...
So many posts. I m still a teddy bear. Close to 2 hrs already!!!!

Hazel, I only cut. Rebond, colour wait till early June. Will look pretty to go Back to work. Enjoy yr relaxation time.

Chris, I would b like hazel, plan a trap. Btw elis outgrow her 0-3 mths clothes too. Now on 6-12 mths. Looser is better than wrap bak Chang.

Sun belle, hdb sucks. Even if u stay in gd estate same hor... They always give gd excuse but no action. I already complain to their CEO thru mp. Nothing is done to the noise made by my upstairs neighbors. Upstairs is tenanted say will ask land lord to terminate their lease if no improvement. All full of crap. Juz keep asking me to go mediation siao.
Catherine, pls do your hair before Elis turn 4 mths old. That's the time where our hair will start to drop big time.. Thus, no chemcials. Bb hair will start to drop alot then too.

Though new born pamprs are u to bb is 5 kg, I just changed to S size just now! Kekek

Oh corrections, I mean belle's 3 mths clothings. Not 0-3 mths. Hehehe
Dear mummies,

If you are interested about personally doing baby massage for your baby, I like to recommend this book, "Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents" by Vimala McClure. Not only are the massage strokes clearly illustrated, the book also contains advice on the oil safe to be used, how to create a conducive environment for baby massage, things to note etc.

The book might be on the wordy side but lotsa good information in there and worth a read if you can afford some time. Alternatively, seek a certified infant massage instructor to teach you. I know Betty is one.
Hazel, I use drypers and mamy poko. Drypers is too small for elis.

I got a shock of my life! Elis cover herself with the pillow!!!!! I juz went to kitchen to wash her bottle and eat my lunch. Not even 20mins!!! Joanne, smart gal, more like villain
Catherine, did u consider Aviva h&s policy back then when u bought for elis? It said covers pre existing conditions n can buy 2 riders to cover excess n 10% co paymnt fully. My gf just told me yesterday.

Meryl, u thnk is easier for me to get the Aviva h&s policy for belle then? Income I still need to wait till she is a few more mths older.. Care to share your professional views? Thanks.

Catherine's I arrived at the salon at 215pm. Discuss abit n started at abt 230pm. I m now at hair coloring stage! Very fast.. 30mins for colour to set, wash n a 20mins hair treatment, wash n cut n blow I will be out f here! Sod be home by 7pm!
