(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Chris, I oso craved for durian during trimester 2 n can eat quite a few seeds at one go. Until during 1 of e routine checks wif Dr Loh, he said to mi "aiyo... Cho to ma teh...bb slightly big ah... Better cut dwn ah..."

Listened to his advice, I kinda paid attention to my diet coz during 1st n early of 2nd trimster, I literally eat alot lot. Extra noodles, extra rice... (if only eating 3 meals a day) if nt den is eating 4 meals a day... Honestly, My appetite was huge throughout e whole preggy period but becoz of health n bb weight sake, tone dwn aft heeding dr loh advice. Hehe...

Bliss.. Hahaha.. I know Wat u mean. I also dun think I will try that. But then given that scenario when nothing works n bb is suffering, I guessed there is not much options..
Hi Chris, for Zapp Xtra why do we need to carry the pram and bone structure separately on public transport? Can push stroller into mrt right? For taxi, can leave the 2 separate pieces in the boot right? Yah, the shopping basket size is pathetic

I personally love the Zapp control, can simply use 1 hand to swivel the stroller left and right with ease. I've tried doing this to other brands, can be quite hard like lotsa resistance on the wheels.

Hi Joanne, the Desitin cream sold in Kiddy Palace is $12, the gmarket link you provided is $11.50, like not much diff....or am I looking at wrong comparison....

Anyone using California baby? Any feedbacks? thanks!!
Just checked out Kiddy Palace after brunch. The Babyone foam mattress is $89, latex mattress is $199, both on sale. I suspect the upcoming Baby fairs at expo and GSS may see more discounts.

No cot warranties from kiddy palace too. It carries the entire range, same as baby hypermart's, and same pricings too. I believe greater discounts during upcoming baby fairs/ GSS.

Also if you are planning to get the standard 30 inch cots from Kiddy Palace, just fyi BabySafe mattress doesn't fit. These cots fit 27 inch mattresses (eg Babyone) but BabySafe is 28 inch, have to add $30 if wishes to adjust the size, original price $235.

Gosh, I think my brain is going gaga with all these info...it's like furnishing a new home...man... Can see hubby starting to get more interested in the shopping too heee....
Chris, take mrt! V pram friendly! I m planning for an exclusion to Robinson sale next wk with belle n helper! I can't wear any non maternity bra! My body all expanded side ways even after I hv lost weight! So sad...

Tromso, we are using the zapp n maxi cosi car seat!
Hi Chris, cannot take to much soy milk if have fibroids is it? How about cysts? Do you know why so?

I've been eating more rubbish in 2nd trimester cos really can't stand bland healthy food all the time. But dunno why curry will always give me tummy upset, still, I couldn't resist roti plata for brunch on weekends
I also really love eggs benedicts for brunch, no choice, have to refrain all the way, hubby cannot order too hee....actually scramble eggs also not permitted I think arghhhh.....

These days I question the cooking methods at restaurants a lot, just to be on the safe side.

For Ladies in first trimester, you don't have to be overly concerned about not putting on weight in first trimester as the baby takes nutrients from our pre pregnancy state. Whilst in 2nd trimester, baby will start to receive nutrients from our daily food intakes/ supplements, so it's good idea to pump it up then
Many of us also lose weight in first trimester but it managed to catch up in the 2nd trimester starts, so no worries
It's amazing how the body reacts and changes during pregnancy
Hi Joanne,
Thanks for the info on the blue liner. Will go down to pharmacy and take a look. But why must buy few pieces? Is it non washable? Made of cloth?
Oh no...I better stop on the coke...weather so hot...sometimes really can't resist.
Hi Mummies,
Do you wash face during your stay in hospital after delivery? Using facial soap or just water? Or just wet wipe? Do you clean your body using wet towel if unable to take shower during that stay?
Baby, I only touched boiled cooled water fr the kettle. I use it to wash the wound area n to brush teethn wash hands. Other than that I dun wash up.
Hi tromso
Oh... Chris buy the latax one only cost $89 and now cost $199?? Double the price neh...
Hmm.... Not sure neh... As here is what one of the gal r saying..
"i bought my destin cream from gmarket. 4 oz (tube type) for $11.50. cheap & gd plus deliver to my mailbox. Usually pharmacy selling 2 oz for $12 lor." but fr the web, i really cant see it got stated is 4oz...hmm...

Hi baby
Is paper material so if dirtied, got to throw n cant wash... No need buy alot.. Think few pieces r enough... U can drink other cold drink like sprite... ;)

Hi chris n tromso
I oways wipe away the mayonnise in my burgers n my collegue say look so disgusting... Hee...

Hi bbliss
Jiayou... Only one and a half week more... I scare of confinement food too as makes me perspire alot n yet cant be under the fan... Zzzzz... Be gd gal k...at least weather nowadays still got rain, i cant imagine during my time on coming July.. Sure hot like oven....
Hi baby
In hospital air con environment, is ok u didnt bath as u dun perspire at all....i start wipe my body only after discharge with the da feng chao in the water...
Hazel, good thing you mummies like Quinny too
Baby, you are planning to scrap the Quinny idea off and get something else? Actually without using the modular system usage, indeed it's more pricey than other brands. Cheapest I've seen selling in forum for 2012 model is $590 with accessories but front bar separate at $50 and the baby body support cushion about $80. I'm hoping price will go down further as many of the major shopping outlets will be bringing in the 2012 models in Jun.

Joanne, the one I've seen in KP must be 2oz then
Hope can get it cheaper at baby fair.

During confinement, can stay in air con room mostly? I'm also quite worried about the Jul/ Aug weather
Baby, I'm planning to get a few of those baby changing mats (may get foc from baby seminars and hospital too I was told) and use 1 or 2 for post delivery period. Also afraid the flow will be a lot.....

Another baby purchase dilemma I have. May I know what do you look out for in diaper bags? Any good brands to recommend? I only know Lesportac and Kate Spade. There are also a variety of them around the $100+ range, but all appears the same to me.....confused totally..... Thanks!!
Hi Hazel and Joanne
Thanks for the info...got to tahan for a while hehe

Hi Tromso
I also eating lot of rubbish during this 2nd tri. The only thing I don't eat is raw seafood, durian, pineapple n briyani hehe. Also no tea n coffee at all.
Hi Tromso, not really scrap the idea off. But will need to do research and comparison again...which I always hate most hehe. Will try to compare the price n function again.

For diaper bag, I just buy the diaper bag organiser which can insert it into any big bag. I'm not sure if good enough or not, but will just give it a try.

Yeah, mine also during July, hopefully not so hot....rain rain rain heeheee
Dear Tromso,
yes mine is the 2011 model. was $498 or something, bought at taka fair at $420 (not $300 plus, sorry, just found the receipt to double check). i guess maxi cosi is a good brand too, but the safety standard for this is higher. and for the cheaper brands, they all have the basic safety requirements i think. the difference is the impact where the car seat can withstand. like the basic ones can only withstand up to 40-50km/h kind of impact and the better ones can withstand higher impacts at 70km/h, etc. my limited knowledge after doing some research asking various sales people at various places
$420 is at a slightly higher end but considered cheaper than buying one from 0-6 months and another from 6mths to 4 years. So i got it lo.

Dear faithfully,
i dunno how to ease that. Wld pre-natal massage help?

Dear Baby_me,
Mine is inglesina's Marco Polo: http://www.inglesina.com/en/collection/car-safety/marco-polo-2011

As for stroller, we decided to buy peg perego as it is made in italy, is more sturdy than most, has even better suspension than quinny and easy to handle (one-step open & close). the seat is also bigger (my baby also on the bigger side) and more comfy than other strollers we saw. it costs us $590 at taka fair, originally $600 plus, can be used from 0 to 4 years. Only problem is it is heavier than most but only xinku when carrying it in and out of car boot which is a matter of seconds lo. most of the time, baby is in stroller & we pushing it around so ease of control and sturdiness are more impt for us. http://global.pegperego.com/babyproducts-catalog/2012/Pliko+P3+Compact

For strollers, u need to prioritise lo. sturdiness? ease of control? looks? comfort? price? 4-wheel drive? suspension? easy to open & close (with one hand)? costs? made in which country? can face-in & face-out? etc etc. Need to go shop shop look look. Most strollers can use from 0 - 4yrs, just need to put in an extra cushion if baby is infant stage.

my first choice was quinny la, mainly cos of looks la, lol. but after sourcing around, realise that it is not so easy to use, when keeping or setting up, some models become two-piece and takes up a lot of space. the seat is not comfortable also. and if u wanna use maxi cosi car seat to put on the quinny stroller, only the 0-6mth car seats can fit the quinny stroller. so end up will need 2 car seats and 1 stroller, very space-consuming. so i gave up on quinny lo *sobs*

Dear heartbeats,
Ya, i also made stroller and car seat hubby's project to research etc, so he went for practicality instead of looks, there goes my quinny!!!

Dear chris,
great minds think alike!!! what colour did u buy? i bought the jave colour one, with some brown leather parts. didnt know which design to go for until a couple actually strolled by the booth using a pliko p3 in java colour!!! it is a sign!!! lol, so we bought that colour.
Thanks Sashamama, your carseat info is useful
Will look around and compare as per your descriptions.

Looks like Peg Perego Pliko P3 Compact is very popular too
Thanks for your detailed spill, so it's better suspension than Quinny. Ok, It'll try it next time I see it
In terms of comfort, is Quinny less comfy cos its less cushiony? I think there is only 1 canvas for entire thing. I thot it'll be cooler than those heavily padded ones, my sis complains her 1 yr old refuses to sit in the stroller cos the padding is too hot
Another sad thing is that many of my friends end buying another lightweight stroller after some time.

For Combi, I've heard few complains about the opening/ closing mechanism already, Baby you may like to take note.
Oh another downside with Quinny Zapp Xtra is, will have to take lift in the shopping centers if not confident of going down the escalator with baby, as no way can collapse and carry baby at the same time if alone.

I've helped my friend to carry her shopping bags and normal collapsed stroller down the escalator many times (she carries her baby and bag), it's really no mean feat!!
Oh Gosh... Need to take lift only? Sounds difficult if only one person handling..hmmm

Thanks Sashamama n Tromso for the tips!

Will consider all those points when I do research again...Oh tot that can sit down n shake legs already hehe...got to go hunting again.
heee...Baby some people are very skillful taking going-down escalator with baby inside stroller, but if not confident, better to not attempt or trial without baby in it first. I suspect this act may be easier for lighter strollers. So much to consider hor...

Theoritically, I'm also not confident I can carry baby in 1 hand, carry collapse stroller in another hand, going down the escalator. May take practice
But if Quinny, I'll just take the lift.
Hazel, when is the sales? I want to buy clothes too. Like u I m back at my pre preggy weight and found that i cant wear some of my weekend shorts. Bra I have not tried. I m gg to swim and do sit up soon. Also a non carbo diet

Chris, yeah my aunt found for me at cold storage. I bought 3 cans haha kiasu!!!! Still thinking whether to go og. I can imagine how u feel now. Next week is my d week! Hubby and mum r only back after 8pm!!
Catherine, my bone structure all expanded sideways! Even blouses n tops, shoulder m bust can't fit! Even if exercise bone structure wun shrink
Joanne, urs in July ? Oh.. Din noe July is a hot mth. My CL was telling mi I quite Heng Liao... This mth suppose to be very hot but kept raining some of d days so still my tat bad...

Agree tat aft every meals, Really sweat meh... Nighttime would be my fav part of e day as can on A/C n zzz.....

Btw, mummies here... When ur bb r awake, do u play wif them or u let them play on own ?
Bbjourney, i am definitely free for dim sum this Friday!
Already thinking of where to go...Bosses-black society? Lei Garden Chijmes? Tung Lok? Crystal Jade? Where else serves good dim sum?

me too, i'm now wearing a bigger cup then before i was preggy. Now wearing wireless nursing bra cos the strap are thicker and got more support. i can still fit in my zara jeans shorts hahaha heng ah and my denin short skirt cos they are all low waist. Haven't tried my working skirts tho, dun think can fit in ah..siao liao starting wk next mth. hmmmm......
joanne and tronso,

think mine is the foam mattress babyone not the latex. it has a washable cover, anti-dustmite, anti-fungus and breathable holes.

yup with cyst and fibroids better to avoid soya bean products as will stimulate them to grow bigger. my gynae warned me cos one of her patient's fibriod became pretty huge cos during preggy she drank alot of soya bean milk.
Shashamama : oh my hubby also thinking of getting Peg Perego Pilko P3 after seeing the demo plus the carrier. Cost abt $500 right? Did u get their infant car seat?

same as you, we wanted quinny which is our 1st choice all the way until we saw p3 compact and did comparisons. oh think mine is pois brown. heehee
hazel, catherine,

Same my bones expanded sideways especially my buttocks and pelvic area ah...sobs..sobs...but my mil says i look better cos now more curvier,应侅大的地方大。。。she meant by boobs and hips ba....i ever told my gynae and she said normally our bones will expand especially pelvic area and they dun slim bk, we become curvier and hourglass which is better.
Hello ladies!
Does your newborn have dry peeling skin? If so do u apply anything? There's one particular dry skin on my son's eyelids which is annoying me big time & I'm so tempted to peel! Haha
Dear Chris,
Wa, super qiao!!! My Java colour is also brown, with some leather parts. Hehe... You also wanted quinny eh? lol. The sales person who sells both quinny & peg perego at the same booth, honestly told us that quinny is more for looks. Peg perego is better in terms of practicality, comfort, stability. Moreover it is cheaper. The salesman being abt 60kg or so, stood on the stroller (at the back has some extension thing for your bigger child to stand on) and showed us how good the suspension is, lol.

I think
Joolz is like Lamborghini.
Quinny like Porsche.
Peg Perego like BMW.
Capella like Mazda.
Combi like Toyota.
The below $100 ones like Proton.
The below $50 ones like Cheri.

Actually Combi is also acceptable. My friend's baby used the Combi for abt 1 year plus then passed to my other friend who has used for 1 yr plus and still can use. So quite lasting! Like Toyota

Dear Tanny,
My P3 is $590 at the taka bb fair at the baby hyperstore's booth. The infant car seat i get Inglesina's Marco Polo one, info at the top, one of my posts above with the link.
Angel, i hv no idea where hv good dim sum. Can you help to shortlist where to makan? Tomorrow i go apply leave and contact the rest of the sisters.

Cockcock, Heartbeats, Hope, Coolcool and Coolangel, DimSum this friday afternoon? Did i miss out anyone? Or who else want to join? :p
Hi Chris, your mil is so sweet....indeed 'curvier' sounds great and motivating

Re foam versus latex mattress, since both have similar anti-bacteria, anti-dustmides, breathable etc properties, I google a bit to see what's the real diff in the material itself. Appears normal foam and synthetic latex are treated with chemical heavily, whilst 100% Natural latex isn't.

So question is, is Babyone latex mattress 100% natural latex? I couldn't find the relevant info in the homepage, so my conclusion is that, it isn't. means no point paying $199 for it, might as well get the $89 foam one

For Babysafe latex mattress, the homepage emphasized that it is 100% natural latex and since it retails at $235, should end up in the high $100+ range during baby fairs. I'll go to Kiddy Palace and try to fit the 28 inch mattress into the purported 27 inch inner cot space, see if it fits. If it does, then can decide between Babyone foam sale $89 versus Babysafe 100% natural latex about $200.

Haaa...perhaps I'm the only one here pulling hairs about a mattress...lol...
Hazel, thx I din receive any mailers. I dare not bring my gal alone.

Chris, I think we better go wear our pre preggy clothes to c if we need to buy any,,,
Wahahaha....Sashamama, great comparisons!!! You forgot to mention Maclaren and Aprica

Ok, I'll check out P3 too....hope can case close bulk items research asap....ommmm...... Hope I don't dream about strollers and mattresses tonight lol....

Thanks for your analysis, very helpful indeed
Dear Tromso,

Oops, I meant Aprica as Mazda, not Capella, lol. Blur already, so many. I think Maclaren is like Hyundai??? lol.

As for baby cots, i didn't do any research cos my friend done a lot of research and bought one at 300plus from babytown. So when i need to buy I'd just ask her for details. But seeing all of you discussing, I'm asking her for details now so that I can do some comparisons too. Will share here when I know :p
Catherine, just realized tt if I wan to bring belle out, need to carry her with a bb carrier.. Then she will sleep thru out.. Stroller cannot, now she will cry! But wear carrier means I can't try clothings! Got to ask helper to wear the carrier instead.

I always receive Robinson mailer but not hubby! Guess co's I spend more a year...
Bbjourney, ok I go short list dim sum places. As for the vitamins, Dr Loh said I can start one week later, i.e. from start of 13th week. How about you? I would have finished the duphaston tablets by then. Also no need to take separate folic acid anymore in trimester 2.

Sashamama, how I wish you can join us for makan, have an enjoyable time during the event! actually I feel that Peg Perego is like Merz. I have seen a BMW crashed into a Merz before. The front of the BMW was severely dented while the Merz backside remained fine!
Chris, elis din poo on sat and I din know cos weekend my hubby is the one in charge of her. Her first poo was on sun afternoon. Then I recall what the lactation consultant told me.. Hmmm I ate fish head curry on fri. Probably too heaty.

For mum who r breastfeeding, Betty the lactation consultant told me I should not b eating cabbage, soya milk, broccoli or food that can cause wind.
