(2012/12) Dec 2012

Hello morning dec 2012 mtb! I tested positive last Wednesday but I got fresh blood bleeding before I tested and I thought my menses come!! Gynae advise me to bed rest and I was given 1 week mc. Envy you girls no need to visit the Gynae so regularly my next appt is this Thursday. I'm week 4 plus.

Have Anyone here Alrdy announce to ppl you are pregnant? I wish to keep it a secret first but becos of the 1 week mc I have no idea how to not let ppl know! Haiz.

kong kong - i think i should be only 4weeks plus.

I just slimmed down from my first pregnancy and also just recovered from the dreading post partum hair loss. can't believe i will be going thru everything again so soon.

jellow - i dun intend to announce until seen a gynae and certified that bb is growing well with heartbeat. Then will only announce to family members and affected colleagues.
Morning Ladies ^^

@Pommes : I had all tat as well. Sometime appetite super gd sometime totally cant eat. Tats y i choose to eat in small meals.

Constipation - my gynea gv me pills saying tat will worsen. Yes it did worsen. But i ate fruits / drink fruit juices to help.
Kong kong,
My last visit (last monday), i was at 6 weeks+ and can hear heartbeat le. For #1, our first scan also at 6 weeks+ also can hear heartbeat. Now i should be at 7 weeks+ gg onto 8 weeks. No Ms so far. I didnt have MS for #1 too.

Pommes, water retention for preggies are normally at the feet area. It will swell up and when u press on it, the fresh will dent in and will take a while before it "comes up" again.

Jellow, welcome! Guess cos of your bleeding thats y u need to visit your gynae soon. Rest well k. Try not to walk ard too much. Bed rest, bed rest and more bed rest for you! I told my colleagues le and boss too. Actually i am gg thru a rough patch at work. I just tendered my resignation..in fact, i was being asked to leave. My probation was due this month, but my boss uses all sort of reason to make me leave. I was pretty upset by it at first. But hubby consoled me saying no pt staying with such a company. Also no pt gg to MOM to complain cos MOM laws only protect preggies who are over 3mths preggy (ie, employer cannot dismiss a pregnant woman who is within 6 months of her due date). Have also written to MOM for advises and they say unless we have very STRONG VALID reason to counter, if not, we would still be at the loosing end. Anyway i am not happy working in this company and was also under alot of stress, so its sort of a blessing too. Gg try to look for contract jobs..less stress and at least no need to work OT. Now my priority is the health of my bb. My relationship with my boss got so bad that we are totally ignoring each other at work. Now i m just counting down to my last day and cant wait to leave this Co!
jellow: i'm in week 8 now and i told my boss and colleagues 2 weeks ago after my gynae check-up. Hope they will be more understanding for my tiredness.

pommes: im having everything that u have except cramps. sometimes i feel super bloated after a meal so i am now cutting down on meal portions and have more meals instead.
Morning ladies...

Good news: Went for gynae appointment on Saturday, did my scan and heard BB's heartbeat! (Can you believe it, the first thing my husband said to me when we came out of gynae's office was "Your gynae really handsome lei") ._."

Bad news: Into my 7th week, and MS has turned worse. Puked every single bit of my evenings' dinners for the past few days, so Dr. gave me anti-vomiting pills.
Sun Tan: Oh dear!I hope your boss did not ask u to leave cause you are preggie? or some other work conflicts?

You are making me worried too.. I am due for my probation confirmation 1st June lor..
sun_tan, I'm so sorry to hear that. My ex-coy was not pro-pregnancy too. When my ex-boss heard I'm planning to have kids, he tried all means to dissuade me, then eventually I got a bad rating for appraisal and I left on my own accord. Good riddance!

Almost 8months into my employment at the new coy, and I'm preggie! Colleagues are super supportive too. I'm sure you'll find a better place soon
sun_tan - oh dear! really sounds terrible to be working with such people. Good that your hb is supportive too.

Can't seem to eat. Empty stomach feel nausea. Full stomach also feel nausea. And I feel so tired all the times.
Good morning all! So much to catch up over the weekend! Welcome to all MTB who just tested positive and joined us!

sasayeo, how's Madam Ida's massage? Her skill must be good! My an tai yao is start with "U" one, not "d".

Last night my right lower abdonminal cramp, I think must be expanding uterus.

My next appointment is 1 mth later, 19 May, after detecting heartbeat last week. Is it once detect heart beat will become monthly check up?
Sun_tan, cheer up and hope you can leave that lousy coy and find a nice contract job soon! Meantime you can take a rest while looking for another job. Jia you!

Hope no more such bosses for our thread mummies.
Hi all. I'm 7 weeks pregnant and contemplating to resign from work. I have been in the job for 4 months and the work is stressful. If not of trying for baby, I would have left within 3 months as I find the job too stressful. Now that I am pregnant and starting to feel tired, I wonder if I can even last to enjoy the 4 months maternity leave. I doubt I can cope with the work demands... Any advise? Tks
Xta, Catherine, Pommes, JAJ, thanks for all the encouragement! I was nearly going into depression then..was crying almost everyday. My boss isnt a very "human" person to begin with. She also made some comments when i went on compassionate leave in feb. Yes, Catherine, well said! I really felt good riddance when i tendered my resignation! So now i am happy very day..taking the time to rest and to look for another job. And yes, hopefully not such bosses for the other mommies! Btw, my boss is a single 40 yrs old woman...maybe that explains why.. :p
@sun_tan - stay happy ^^ and take gd care of urself

i oso kind of worried cos i havent tell my bosses yet, dunno how they will react too.

I just feel alot of companies in sg are not encouraging at all. no wonder sg lesser n lesser babies.
JAJ - during #1's times, my prenatal check was always monthly. Only entered in 3rd trimester was every 2 weeks. From 36 weeks onwards, it became weekly.

This time round, not sure what's going to happen. I still haven't found a gynae.

suntan - aha... single old lady. I think it explained all.
Sun tan: yes find another job and have a good rest before proceeding to next job! Happy countdown to your last day!! ^ ^ don't be affected by bad or evil colleagues or bosses! Believe in karma yeah.
Sun_tan, hi. Read ur posts. Think we r of similar stage of pregnancy
Qns, now that pregnant can still find jobs meh? I hang on and on in my current stressful job cos I wan to try to manage and cope w the demands. I succeed each month but more things will come I realized until now I think of my work I have phobia! Today I m on leave as I really needed a break from work to rest.
nikko, yes, I think that is the case. My next appointment is also 19 May!

Dr. says will start off with monthly check from about 7 - 8 weeks onwards. Then in 3rd trimester, it'll be bi-weekly. About 34 - 36 weeks onwards, it'll be weekly.
Yes, my everyday SOP now is to log into jobstreet, JobsDB to look for job.

Mel, I think it would depends on which sector/nature of job you are in bah. Cos I am in the finance line, so i guess and hopefully would be ok to look for other jobs. Also, cannot be too picky and willing to go for lower position jobs. Definitely pay cut but i think at least wont be so stressful. Then wait till after giving birth, then look for the "ideal" job to stay on. Actually I regretted leaving my ex-job..sob sob..i used to be working in KPMG..bosses, colleagues are all very good and they are very pro-families. Even have a nursing room for us to pump, with fridge (to store bm) and an Avent steriliser...but me itchy backside..wanted to try working for commerical companies..ended up like this..sssssoooo regrett!!!! sob sob...
sun_tan, your ex coy really sound nice! Nvm, you can always find another good company in time to come.

sasayeo, I also feel very tired, always sleepy. Like in car/bus always fall asleep very fast.

Very bored at work, nothing to do...
JAJ - me like u very bored at work nth much to do . things can be completed easily , which is why i guess i keep falling asleep . LOLS
Btw, those 2nd time mommies, how do you feel when you look at your #1 now? Sometimes i feel really guilty, cos nowadays i get tired very easily and thus did not carry him as often as i used to. Also, the thot that he will no longer have my 100% attention in the near future also makes me feel very guilty. And when i asked him if he wants a didi or meimei, he will say no. Also worried that next time its gg to be difficult for him to accept a younger sibling.
JLJ, when nothing to do very hard to pass time right? Especially when I see other colleagues so busy I feel more sian, coz really nothing to do and dunno how to act busy. lol...

sun_tan, maybe your #1 is old enough to understand? My #1 only 13 mths+, so he doesn't really understand what is didi n meimei. When we asked "u want bb?" he just nods his head. But I doubt he understands what is a bb lah. hahaha... I don't feel the guilty leh coz I still carry him though I know I not supposed to but no choice, weekend is my responsibilty even though hb will help abit. When tummy grows bigger n not able to move freely then ask hb for more help ba.

LOL @ Sasayeo
suntan - my #1 is only 8 MO (tomo to be exact). I try not to carry him for too long cos my tummy will pain. But I'm still carrying and patting him to sleep. Only a few times, he can doze off by himself. I would also want to bathe him as long as I could. I'm a FTWM, bathing is the only time we could bond.

have you all thought what you will be having for lunch?
JAJ- u shd 'cherish' ur 'nothing to do...'. As u r preg, gd to have a relaxed work. I never had a day of boredom at work even in my first month! Then I wonder what a co (MNC) or boss I got! Even when I was on mc I was working from home. Not that my boss asked me to but the work demands that. My boss didnt even offer when I had 2 meetings clashed in timing to attend while on mc. So I went back to work and rescheduled one meeting to lunch time while asking others to eat before the meeting as I attend the other one. That's the kind of work life I have.
Sun_tan: oh u r in finance. Ever on demand. I worked for FMCG co in branding, super fast paced co. Hard to get another job in my current state. I am willing to take a lower job to have less stress but I don't think it's easy. I tried finding temp admin type jobs prior to my current perm role but I think I was over qualified. I don't even hear from them! Or maybe they are put off when I stated I was planning for a family.
JAJ - Yes totally agree, its so hard to pass time. so in the end i've brought dramas to watch to pass time and will act busy when bosses walk over.
Cos my #1 is turning 21 months this month and now he weighs 11.6kg. Thus i cant carry him for long. Even playing with him also "yong xin wu li".

JAJ, me too also nothing much to do, cos my boss is totally ignoring me..thus nv really give me work to do. come in here and chit chat lah. then we can keep each other company. lol..

Pommes, me gg to have herbal soup for lunch! yummy! waiting for 12noon.
Mel, I have nothing to do but have lots of stress. I'll be more glad if I have things to do coz that means I am trying to bring in more revenue for company. I am working in a shipping company, and nature of job is like sales. My duty is to bring in more reveue for company. So I am in a very stressful job.

JLJ, you must have partition at work station right? so nice to have that. I miss partitions.. haha. My current co. is open concept, thus no partition and colleagues are just sitting right next to me, infront of me, and behind me. All surrounded by ppl without partition. So cannot watch drama. Surf net also must aga aga, although I don't really care. haha...

sun_tan, my #1 is 10.3 kg now but I'm still carrying him coz he haven't walk yet.

I am craving for prawn mee soup for lunch. Stomach growling already. always hungry early now.
JAJ - ya u r rite, i'm surrounded by partitions but there is an empty table behind whr my lady boss filed her finance things thr.

Haiz ~ Long story, my boss n big boss got some disagreement and my boss left. Ever since, i've wanted to change job cos i stayed at this company bcos of my boss despite the low low pay i'm getting. When I realized i was preggy, guess i will stick to this company till next year T_T
Hi gals!

I just tested positive!! I am sooo happy! Welcoming my #2 ard 25 Dec! Now all of 4 of us belong to the beautiful month of December!

Sun_tan, I am also from the Big 4. Am still with them. But it is very stressful!

Liquideyes, I dont have much family support cos both parents are working so we pretty much take care of my #1 ourselves. She is off to IFC at 3 months already. Now that I have #2 coming, I do am a lil contemplating if I shld get a maid. But I agree with you that we do not like a stranger in the house. I have met other moms from #1's school that they can handle 2 on their own, with no family support nor maid. So I am just gonna try out on my own now. (Finger-crossed, I hope I can survive!)
I went for buffet ytd..

I found that my tastebuds more or less gone. A lot of things tastes tasteless to me now!

Luckily desserts still tastes good!
sun_tan: i used to be from Big 4 too.. given the working hours, i wouldnt say that its very pro-family. im glad that im out of there now as i can finally find work-life balance!

xta: im feeling the same too... im losing my tastebuds too
Xta: Ya I agree...now seems like all the food seems very bland...even my fav Awfully Chocolate also doesn't taste the same... quite sad leh...
Wow JLJ, can watch drama! I dont even think of surfing net... If not of me on leave today. So envious of u! Preg best in such jobs. Can hang on till maternity leave.
JAJ- I c. So ur boredom is not good. No sales is stressful, I can understand. But if mgmt not pressurizing u too much on sales revenue, u may still be able to catch up. Try calling ur clients / contacts...

Sun_tan- Act ur boss considered not bad as he doesn't give u work Some bosses they if they dislike u all the more they load u work even if u r serving notice. Then it's better to have no communication w ur boss. Just chit chat, surf net since u already serving notice and nothing to do liao mah Enjoy while u can while being still paid
alluring, wow, you are good! need to work late right? then how you take care of your #1? I always worked late when i was still with them, thus always cant pick my boy on time. Thats y decided to leave. Recently i just got a helper. Wanted to get used to having her ard and also to train her up first before #2 arrives. As my hubby needa work during the weekends, i dun think i can handle 2 kids alone. On weekdays, i will ferry my #1 to and fro my mom's place. So during the day, my kids wont be alone with the helper.

chubbyfingers, work late is no choice due to the nature of the job. But at least my colleagues and bosses are very understanding. After i gave birth, i was given inhouse jobs so that i can stay in office and do not need to run ard. I was pumping in office 3 times per day, each abt half hr ..i was a bit paisei, but they are ok with it.
Mel, cos she scare i will sabo her. Thats what the last person in my position did. Nv finish the work and deleted most of the files before she left. Now i understand why she did that. But i am not gg to do so...scare got Karma lol...somemore now preggy, cannot be so bad and do such things.
Mel - My big boss do stress me on sales revenue (i'm working in electronics sales line) but i simply dun care cos he keep talk n talk only yet he himself oso doing nothing to increase sales revenue.
JLJ, I am in the same boat as u!! I also feel like hecking my manager who just asked me to call up new customer, he himself like nv produce any result to increase sales revenue. Only know how to instruct ppl to do things for him. Sigh... I am so stress now. Hope Dec faster come... Can't wait to go on ML again.
I'm back from lunch! Had fish soup and rice. Realised that lunch is the only time I have appetite. But now, can feel the nauseous feeling again.

JAJ -how old is your #1 now?

Alluring - welcome! how nice to have a whole family born in Dec

sasayeo - hope u r feeling better. my previous gynae mentioned that MS peaks at week 8-10.
sun_tan, need to work late of course. My partners know I have to leave office by 7pm to pick my #1 up. I go home, play with her and she sleeps ard 8pm when she was younger. Now ard 9-10pm. After that I have my dinner and back to work (at home, that is). Conf call, I arrange to have earlier, so still can leave office by 7pm. The sian part is need to continue at night lor. So far still ok for me. Just don't know how bad it will be when #2 comes along.
Sun_tan- u r right not doing that cos it's really not worth it to commit such 'offence''. Somemore big co hv legal dept to pursue the matter if they deem it serious. Yah, oso to hv gd karma. We r all going to be gracious and forgiving for our bb sake

JLJ- if ur boss only nag but no strategies for u to act on or asked to think of ways then I think still not yet 'burnt to eyebrow'.

I had 红烧牛肉面. Feels really relax without having to go to work. At least can switch off for today tomorrow then get buried by work... Won't be long le...
Alluring- I always find people like u amazing; can work, look after one kid and now expecting another. Really not easy. How do u all survive with little rest, job demands, family demands and personal time? I need to learn.
Pommes (pommes) , i havent receover from my hair loss and gg through it again
me too, cant finish all my food, no appetite..

sun tan: hopefully i can hear during next week scan too. the world is so big, im sure u can get a better job, take care

Mel_melJ (mel_melj) : i quitted my previous job cos boss no understanding of my morning sickness lo,,, if u r stressfull n have to deal with pregnancy, y not consider quitting?? me too, feel guilty looking at no 1 now, no energy to carry him and play with him. worse is, im latching him, i have to quit now else bb cant drink anything,,, sob sob, hw to quit? hes 30 months old.. hard to start...

Catherine (cathng) : your mornign sickness so bad to take anti vomit pill? ppl say its gd to have morning sickness, although not sure how acccurate

Mrs Heng (nkhorsiah) : ya, me too, food too bland,, cant complete a meal nowadays

alluring (alluring_dec) : welcome xmas babies..

JLJ (jljtan) : me too, die die bear with it lo, mc mc lo

hope all hv a nice day...
Pommes (pommes) : my gynae is dr CH koh from toa payoh central...

He doesnt talk much oso. but i went to him cos of 1st bb,,n also mainly its the nearest to my home
