(2012/12) Dec 2012

Wow, haven't been here for just a while and I have so much reading to catch up!

Good to see so many new mummies joining this thread.

sun_tan, have you considered getting a govt job? At least there can be better work-life balance since govt agencies are supposed to support the govt's pro-family initiative?

I am also wondering whether to get a helper when my #2 comes along. #1 is in childcare now. My mum is too tired to take care of #2 and don't like the presence of a helper to help with #2. So either I send #2 to a nanny, or I leave #2 at home with helper which is not advisable. If I don't hire a helper, quality of life suffers. But if I get one, I really do not know how to settle her during the day. What a dilemma. I am sure many people are in the same shoes.
mama ling, i am open to choices. Cos beggars cant be choosy

Looked what i have bought during lunch! :p
Seems like so many of you all having problems at work. I have been in my job for more than 3 years. My boss (male, 40+ yo) was so happy when I told him the news 2 weeks ago. I just came back from a business trip and he came over and commented that I look happy. But like you all, I cannot help worrying as I am in a sales role, so with monthly targets to meet, I am also feeling so stressed on that. While my immediate boss is a pro-family person but I cannot help worrying about our new CEO. In any case, I have not told my team members yet so fingers crossed for now...
mama ling, you can try giving your mom some time to think abt it. Older generations are generally not very open to having a helper ard. My mom also feel that way at first. But now she is ok with it, cos she also get to enjoy the helper's help when the helper does the household chorus at my mom's place. So my mom is the one taking care of my kid, not the helper. and when its weekends, at least there is someone to help me with the household chorus, so that i can concentrate to take care of my own kids.
sun_tan, how did your mum get used to the idea? My mum is very very resistant. She said that she does not feel comfortable about letting the helper cook or take care of the baby. But with her current state of health, she will not be able to manage a baby. When she was taking care of my #1, her health deteriorated so much and it was only after I sent #1 to childcare that her condition started to improve. Because if she cannot let go, she wants to do everything herself and tire herself out. Yes I agree that having help on weekends is so important so that we can get to enjoy time with the kids. In fact, it is only recently that we find life getting easier since #1 is 28 months now. Before that, we are always struggling to find time on weekends and end up feeling so burnt out.
Oh-oh, you have a really good boss! Don't worry so much about what is to come, remember to stay happy for your baby!

Sun_tan, I also had craving for the chips some time back! But I had to remind myself to cut back on salt level because I know I am very prone to water retention.
Mama Ling, maybe you can start off by getting those part time maid to help ur mom clean her house? Like once a week. Let her get used to having a stranger around. Cos I told my mom i cant take it le. Cos my hubby work during weekends and I would be alone with my kid. I still need to do housework which is ok at first. But now with #2 coming along, i dun think i would be able to handle 2 kids together alone and at the same time still find time to do housework and not to mention rest. She understands my situation and slowly she opens up to the idea. Then she realised its not so bad after all. Cos if your mom dun like the helper to take care of the bb, then let the helper do the housework and your mom take care of your bb? Cooking wise your mom still can be the main cook, but let the helper help with washing the dishes, cutting up the meat, vege etc. By doing so also will help ur mom alot de. Cos must let your mom understand that by getting a helper, it also helps you in your situation.
She also doesn't want part time helper to help.

I think she has heard so many stories about helpers giving problems etc that she is really wary about them. You've already hired a helper? How is she so far?

I think it is really a matter of luck whether we find a good or not good helper. I have seen cases of friends who have hired really good helpers and some not so good cases. Sometimes I really wonder, how on earth can I find a good helper?
Yes, at first i got the helper to take care of my grandma, but granny passed away already, so i took the helper over. So far so good. Quite auto. Hopefully stays that way. But she very ethu is taking care of my #1 which is something that i dun like. I wanted her to do the housework and leave the taking care of my kid to myself, but she always like to go and carry him. Always need to remind her not to carry him too much. Ya i think its a matter of luck too for good helpers.
I am also planning to get a maid in time to come. The plan is to hire a maid which we would ferry to my mum's place every morning. My mum is not in very good health so she would not be able to look after my baby for me, so she would use "eye-power" to oversee the maid. I am thinking if I should hire the maid in September so that she is familiar and settled down by the time in December. I am also thinking if there is a need to hire a Confinement lady since I will be hiring a maid... So many things to think about!
Kong kong, yes, my MS is quite bad. I've lost 2kg in less than 2 weeks. Hopefully the anti-vomiting pills help.

Btw, anyone taking chewable calcium supplements? I have problems with my calcium pills (coz they're so big). I'm like a problem child
Oh-oh, I have the same set of considerations as you!

Catherine, I think it must be a pain trying to swallow the calcium pills? Are these prescribed by your gynae? I intend to take goat's milk tablets to build up my calcium at a later stage. Bought them for my son but he hardly takes any, so I will help him finish those tablets. Actually they taste quite nice, it's like eating sweets. You take care, take H20 or juices to replenish the lost fluids. 2kg in less than 2 weeks is quite bad.
Omg... I really can't tolerate this aching feeling... really making me so moody n temperanmental....

I just wish I can stay at home and dont need to come to work....

Please bear with me complaining... hee hee
sun_tan, actually it is a good thing that your helper likes your #1 so much. But of course as parents, we want to be the ones who spend more time with our kids, but it is still better to have a helper who likes the kids than to have one who can't stand them
Yes, Mama Ling, the pills were prescribed by my gynae. Taking them daily is a pain, and my husband has to watch me because I tend to regurgitate everything with my food. Sometimes, I choke on my own vomit (Sorry, what a gross post-lunch topic).

What is the brand of the pills you mentioned? I saw some fruity flavored ones at Unity, but that's the only type I saw.
Catherine, y not try drinking milk instead? I didnt take any calcium tablets, not even for #1. I just went on fresh milk all the way.

Mama Ling, yes agree, so i am not complaining. Also i think i am not those very strict employer. No need to be super clean. Reasonable standards would do.

Oh-oh, i would still be getting a CL, cos wanna train my helper to handle new born too since she has no experience in new born. I didnt managed to latch my #1, so is scare for #2 would also have the same problem and i need my helper to know how to handle #2 when i am pumping. Was super stress with #1 when i had no help and i was pumping halfway and he was crying away.
oh dear, poor catherine... i guess drinking milk makes u wanna puke more? i wanted to make a pt to drink a glass of milk everyday but its putting me off.. have u tried small meals like 6-8 meals a day instead of 3 full meals? im finding it better for me. i dont feel so bloated and nausea now
mama ling: never try so dont know whether it helps or not...now my mood is haywire...its just so uncomfortable... haiz...hate this feeling...keep making me so drain out...
Guess i'm lucky no nid worry abt who to take care of the bb but we still havent manage to find a hse. Currently staying wif my parents but the hse is kind of small.

Is it true pregnant women cant shift house ?
Mrs Heng, its normal that we have mood swings now due to our hormones level. Bear with it, will be over soon
Catherine, my doc did warned me not to drink milk if I feel nausea cos of the pills he gv. But I only feel nausea when I am hungry or going to be hungry which is why i eat small meals and it helps.
sun tan: ya I know but didnt expected to be this bad... I really got no mood to work... and you can't just go mc as often as u like... its very torturing...but its gd that I can let go in here....
JLJ, i think its old wives' tale but the idea is not to over-exert urself during your pregnancy..

my MIL is against hiring a confinement lady...

sigh mood swings! and its only monday! sorry to remind you all ladies...
chubbyfingers - i guess so too. Anyway dun think i got much energy to shift things so if really shift oso all leave it to the moving company.
Catherine, I also find the Calcium pill big and hard to swallow, but I managed to endure it during my first pregnancy. Sian loh, gonna take that pill again. I also hate it, but no choice, I don't drink milk, I am not a diary product person.

sun_tan, we can chat here during week hrs during our confinement days liao.. coz most of us sure will be pumping at night. I hope this time round I can latch 24/7 and doesn't need to pump at night. Shall see how. I am pro in latching my son on bed le, so I plan to do the same for my #2.

and i got tons of work to do, but can't concentrate!

And my mouth always feeling very dry.. makes me feel like drinking ice cold soft drinks but still thirsty and i need to control...
Xta: ya ya... i also crave for icy cold drink everyday... ytd took plain cold water behind my hubby back... haaa haa
word of advise, get yourself a CL...saves all the troubles. conflicts whatsoever. confinement is not ideal with MIL, not even own's mom. I have seen cases whereby my frens and their MIL/MOM relationship got very strained during confinement times due to diff belief and practice. By getting a CL, it solve all problems. I dun like, i dun follow, thats my rule. But of cos i try my best to follow. And CL, you can comment or "say her" freely. If is MIL or own mom, must keep comments to yourself.

JAJ, ya i hope i can latch this time round. Even when gg out is so much easier! All i would need is a nursing shawl. No need to lug all the bottles, pumps, etc out! But latching also more xin ku? Always will have the problem that dunno if bb have enough? How long does your #1 latch for each feed? Also, if latch on 1 side then enough, end up the other side need to pump, so its more time consuming as i need to latch and after that pump? But i know that latching mom's bm ss normally is much more than pumping moms.
hehe, i am drinking cold water almost everyday :p i even eat watermelon...dun care. Moderation is the word.
sun_tan, I also thought of just taking dairy products, but my gynae says it's probably not sufficient that's why I should continue with the pills.

JLJ, I'm a sucker for dairy products, but I haven't really took milk for the past 2 months. Whenever I smell cream / eggs I feel like >.< already. Haha.
I was a total failure when it comes to BF #1. Cos he tends to fall asleep when I BF him, and each feed always takes more than an hour and he is not full at the end of the feed. Then before I know it I have to feed him again, and the same problem happens. CL will say that I don't have enough milk and give him formula. Really very demoralising.

Do you gals think I should invest in a better PIS or freestyle Medela pump this time round? I used the mini electric pump last time and each pump always yields so little. Don't know whether it is because my milk supply low or the pump not so good. I am inclined to think the former but I really want to BF #2 more this time. Actually I enjoyed latching #1 if not for
ohhhh cannot drink cold water ?
i've been drinking daily cold fruit juices, cold HL milk, cold ribena and I even got cravings for ice creams ><
sun_tan, I also take cold 100plus or H20 daily but in small amounts. My husband also disapproved me from eating instant noodles but I think he got quite worried at the rate I'm puking. Now, he says got eat better than never eat. Heng ah!
Mama Ling, yes i think you should! My CL always tell me, there is no mom with no bm ss, there is only lazy mom. My CL is very pro bfing. Always encourages me. During my first few days when ss is miserably low, she keeps on encouraging me and cook alot of papapya fish soup for me to drink. To bf, you cannnot be stress. The more stress you are, the lesser ss you will have. Yes and you are right, a breast pump do makes a different.

JLJ, me too! daily dose of cold drinks and ribbena. And udders also wahahha..

Catherine, hahah ya, but try not to eat too much. Not good..

I am eyeing on my chips...should i eat???? hmmm....
sun_tan, i guess sg weather is too hot and my whole body is oso very hot so i really dunno how not to drink cold water.

Eat ur chips if u crave for it haha.
Sun_tan, I also had problems with my first CL leh. Plus I find so not worth to spend the money hiring a lousy one. Gave me more anger and headaches. This time round hope I can get a good one.

Latching really make my life so much easier. Yes, go out I just need a nursing shawl, no need to feed water for the early days until they start solid food as well coz our bm has lots of water content which is sufficient to keep them hydrate. Water is not necessary. So I didn't really give my son water b4 he started his solid food at 6 months old. I was fully bf him, but he got taste a few times of FM all due to my CL!!! Kept demoralizing me saying my bb cried because didn't have enough milk, my bb reflux, she suspected my bm got problem and fed my son fm without my consent. Was so furious that time and sacked her. So, back to latching, is not xin ku, but more convenient to me. As long as bb is with me, he is my pump. My previous thread mummy taught me how to lie on bed to latch, this is really a very lazy and superb position to latch, I can even latch my son and sleep at the same time. He will auto unlatch when he had enough.

sun_tan, your qustions are all what I had when I learn bf. Now I am telling you what I have been taught. You control your mind and body, not otherwise. Demand is ALWAYS equal to Supply. You must have this mentality and you can suceeed easily. You know bb have enough if he looks satisfied after latching, sleep well, have normal no. of output. Read more on bf books, and you will know all the answers to your question marks. I also asked the same qns if latch one breast, need to pump out another one. My mummy friend nv have this problem and she managed to train her breast to produce milk every 4 hrly each side. She latches only one side each time, 2-3 hrly in the beginning, and next breast for the next feed. I also find this amazing, but I suceed with her method too. Your breast will get the message you want and work for you the way you want it. At the beginning maybe you will feel abit full but just continue latching alternate breast and your breasts will work that way for u. Maybe in the beginning we must give two breast if milk is not enough. But for #2 mummy who bf b4 I think milk should kick in very fast ba.

Mamaling, there's way to wake a sleepy baby n latching them. If I remember correctly, must undress them, and tickle them or what. For me, I latch my bb immediately after delivered him, in the delivery ward, coz that is the best time to make them latch as they are alert. Once they fall asleep later will be more difficult.
guess i got alot of things to learn cos i dunno wat is latching, wat's PIS/freestyle and totally noe nothing abt breastfeeding
JAJ, thanks for the advices! Will try it out. I didnt managed to latch the first time round was becos i have inverted nipples. But this condition has been corrected after all the pumping. Thus hopefully this time round its ok.
Did you let your gynae know that you want to latch on immediately after giving birth? They are all in the delivery ward too? Cos the gown that we wear is tied from behind right. So it if you want to latch have to undress fully?

Yup, i m using freestyle too. My sis uses PISA and she says the suction is better for PISA. But PISA is too bulky for me to be lugging to work everyday, thus gotten myself a freestyle.
Latching means to breastfeeding your bb directly. Ie mouth to breast. Do need to express out the breastmilk (bm) into bottles and feed.

PISA is Pump is Style Advance. Its a model of Medela breat pump. Freestyle is another model of breastpump from Medeal.
No worries, just ask if you dont understand. Thats what the forum is for. For us to share and learn from each other. I also had a lot of help from 2nd time mommies when i was preggy with #1. Totally understand the feeling of "lost".

Sun_tan- wow, u really have a gd time snacking

Oh_oh- yah ur boss is really nice... This is the kind of boss staffs will respect and work hard for.

Kong_Kong- Ur MS from 2-4 mth?! Oh poor thing...

I am in my 7 weeks going 8 but I only recently started to have headaches and feeling tired. Prior to that I can eat v well and no symptoms.

Talking abt calcium tabs being big. I used to take this Kordel's (not promoting the brand hor) Organic Veg Cap calcium. It is not small in size but it dissolves easily. It's from some organic dunno what and its not the typical hard hard tablet. Can be broken by hand easily. Can check it out.
